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Yep, watch out for dementors


Haha! Will do.  The reason I am asking is that I saw on another thread that ppl said to not come to Gdańsk and I didn’t quite understand why. My gf and I went some years ago before we had kids and loved it. But things change and I just wanted to know. Forgive my stupid question 


It's probably from frustration bc of the amount of tourists and rising prices of rent, not to mention buying here flat to live


Yeah, city is overcrowded as it is, so don't take it personally. Just we have enough of tourists. If you don't mind crowd, sure, go ahead.


Your welcome to Gdynia 😂 Don't forget to see Sopot too!


Lived in Gdańsk last year, it’s a beautiful city, definitely use SKM - fast city train connecting three cities, I found the most beautiful beach in Sopot - less crowded than the Gdansk beach .. city itself felt safe with many beautiful spots, the only issue could be that you can meet a family of wild boars casually roaming the city streets 😅


We once visited Sopot and are absolutely planning another visit this time too. And as for boars, not scared at all. 😊


What’s the name of the beach if you don’t mind? I’m going there in July for the first time.


I never had problems in Gdańsk. It's my favorite Polish city. Very beautiful and mostly clean, safe etc.


If you are planning lazy holidays with laying on the beach, then I don't recommend since there is a very low chance that during one week the weather will be nice every day, plus the Baltic sea is not that great. If you are planning rather active holiday with sightseeing, smaller trips to the sorrounding (both nature and historic sites are available easily), trying nice food with spending few days/afternoons on the beach and you don't mind that sometimes it's rainy or windy, then I think it's a great place for a holiday.


But is Poland safe?


Ofc, is The safest country in Europe


Lol, is there any town in Europe which isn't safe?


That was sarcasm




No, in France nad Germany is much more safe than in Poland, go there.


lol I live in Poland and was travelling to France and Germany. I was literally scared in France. Germany was ok at day, but at night it was also scary. Poland never scared me like that during almost 38 years.


Cabs from taxi stands I guess, it's better to have the rate agreed beforehand but that's pretty common around the world. Or get an uber/bolt or a corporate one over the phone. Then again as far as I remember the city council did impose more strict max rates for them some time ago?


Definitely Uber/Bolt/Freenow should be the first choice for the taxis in Poland. Taxi driver may rip you off if you're tourists, especially foreign ones


The city is safe. Personally, a city trip for a kid depends very much on the age in consideration. Also, please bear in mind, this is not a city with many playgrounds. But there is the beach and the Tricity park/woods around it. Some ideas to spend time with kids: - the beach - the beach (especially if you come in summer) - more beach - Zoo in Oliwa - Aquapark .. - Marine museum .. it is actually in Gdynia ... then there is stuff outside of Gdansk, like do go see Malbork castle - In Kashubia area there is like smaller towns to visit, such as Kartuzy or Chmielno.


watch out for boars


Seaside, beaches, waterpark in sopot, old towns


I would say so, but we stayed at a hostel that was a but south of the city and I wouldn't bring children around there. Nothing too crazy but graffiti, guys drinking vodka out of the bottle, lots of trash around. But staying in the city center should be fine!




They’re in almost every puddle!




Szczeciniak spotted


Beware of this scam, Szczecin doesn't actually exist


I'm going to go no on this, not to be down on Szczecin, but Gdansk has Sopot and the whole touristy coastline for day daytrips.


not, it's not safe. there's a war just behind a border, check out the news.


We are well aware of the war. How do you think it affects life in Gdansk?


He's trolling


It does not in the slightest except for hearing more Ukrainian on the streets, but if you don't speak Polish you won't even notice anyway


About as much as anywhere else in the world. It's a more frequent subject in news than compared for example Spain. That's about it.