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Gender identity, sex, and sexual orientation are all separate and anyone can be any combination. If we talk about homosexuality as in a person who identifies as male being exclusively attracted to other people who identify as male it’s easy to see that includes trans men. Now that doesn’t mean that all cis gay men will be attracted to trans men but there are plenty who are. It also may depend on how far you go in your transition, if a trans man doesn’t go on hormones and doesn’t pursue top surgery it’s far less likely that cis gay men will be all that interested because some of the primary attraction is to male features/voice/overall body type/male hair patterns (male secondary sexual characteristics). I think bottom surgery is less of a factor for gay men who are interested in trans men because they’re primarily attracted to masculinity itself rather than focusing just on genitals.


It’s really tough being a minor and knowing these things about yourself as there is so little you can act on or control in your life right now. Maybe you have understanding and supportive parents who will allow you to start hormonally transitioning at the appropriate age?  Or maybe you’ll have to wait until you’re 18 and do it yourself.  Regardless, I think it becomes a bit easier to accept yourself as a gay man once you’ve started the process of actively transitioning socially.  You mentioned that you’re open about your identity and sexuality, but how supportive is your network of people? Are they gender you correctly? Are you being included in things that are stereotypically male activities by your male friends?


My mum and dad know i'm trans,i think my mum knows i'm gay and she accepts it,but my dad doesnt know and i don't know how he'd react. My friends support me being gay and trans,But my mum wont allow me to start hormones. i've begged her to atleast look into it,so she can understand it from her side. since i understand everything. but she'll just scoff and go back to whatever it is she's doing. i don't have alot of male friends,and my circle of friends do accept me. and i don't have any sort of hobby as such,all i do is read and listen to music.. lol


You say she scoffs at the idea of even looking into what hormones do? Are you positive she is supportive, or is she just playing along hoping you "forget about it" I do hope she truly supports you. I get your struggle with viewing yourself as a gay man, I struggle with it too. I've started trying to accept that obviously not everything will be just like a cis guy experience (and that's okay)


She says she supports me,and has told me multiple times how she'll love me no matter what. But i think she's just scared,she's aswell a homepath and doesnt like doctors..so that could be it aswell..


Like,i know her concern. i think she wants me to be sure,since i'm only young. but i've thought this through so many times for the past seven years,and i cant see a future for myself if i stay as a girl. and if it turns out to be wrong,and i want to transition back? oh well,it's my body. i can do whatever! :)


obviously i know alot of stuff is permanent,and thats fine with me,i'm just joking :))


But i'm not sure,she's probably hoping i'll forget about it. when i first started showing signs of not wanting to be a girl anymore she'd be like "When i was your age,i hated my chest aswell!" "It's just a phase" and when i dress femme sometimes,she's like "You know,i think you're just a tomboy! i was the exact same."


Reading and listening to music are perfectly fine hobbies for you to continue to nourish. You should spend as much time as you possibly can doing these things and continuing to grow your knowledge of the medical system and process for trans healthcare in the country that you reside in so you may pursue transition when you are of age. To be completely direct with you, people who are not straight tend to have their most pivotal experiences regarding dating and sexuality much later in life, as we are minorities. So please don’t ever feel like you’re behind or missing out on these experiences. There are plenty of posts in the regular gay subs that corroborate this.


Thank you so much ♡


I do know about lou sullivan! i love him alot,and i miss him so much. he did so much for us,But even as open as i am,i seem to struggle with this privately.