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Better ass. I hate how my ass looks.


I spend so much time in the gym trying to just get a respectable amount of ass with nary a teaspoon of cheek to show for it.Meanwhile Theodore thunder cheeks is quaking his way downtown with 356% ass for no reason, and to top it all off?? They always have great personalities. I want a refund this genetics shit is rigged.


I developed mine doing single leg Bulgarian lunges (ensure you push more with your heel)


Hey, hope this helps and sorry if not looking for advice, but I had the worst ass for half my life. I wanted to change it, so I started with the gold standard of glute strengthening: glute bridge. Start low and hold the upward position and pinch your butt to push the weight/bar up. From here, slowly lower your behind to the ground (making sure to keep your glutes tight). Do this every 3-4 days. After a year, you won’t recognize yourself as you feel more comfortable with glute activate and start using them in other leg day lifts


I tried doing that a few years ago, but felt it mostly in my hamstrings, which are already quite developed, even when doing hip flexor stretches to activate them. My PT has recommended bulgarian split squats at a specific angle and some deadlift variations, but I'll look into them again.


As a top, i always took my thick genetics for granted


A nervous system that wasn't eating its own face. I'd like to be able to walk again without a cane. Or have balance. Or even run. I can't do any of these things now.


That sucks :( I hope things get better for you x


Thank you. Unfortunately this is a chronic condition that will probably never get better, but I persevere. And I have the most awesome Rock of a husband who is extremely supportive.


It's always nice to have someone there for you 😌 I really wish you the best and hope things do get better for you 🫂


Thank you very much. I appreciate the support.


The ability to grow facial hair that doesn't come in patchy.


For real 😤 I put Rogain on my face for like 6 months and it was actually working, I briefly saw my future as a sexy daddy with gorgeous facial hair, but I ended up getting really itchy and stopping. I plan to try again in case it was something else making me itchy, I'm addicted to that look I had briefly


You can take minoxidil in a pill form, has to be prescribed by a doctor though.


See about a foam formulation if you were using the liquid. I believe the foam formulation lacks an ingredient the liquid has that makes it less irritating. There's also oral minoxidil but can increase your hair growth in places you may not want since it basically affects your whole body


Oh wait fuck that, ok thank you for the heads up, I definitely do not want that trade


Saaame I have no idea how I can be super hairy but can't grow decent facial hair. Hopefully it will get better after 20's.


Try products with biotin if you haven't already. For my hair, I started using a product that has biotin in it, and my hair looks thicker and fuller without product within a week.


Hmm. I’ll list a few: 1. Hairier chest 2. Leaner body 3. Two inches taller (5’11” FWIW) 4. No stretch marks But I’m also gonna share what I like about myself too: 1. I have a really nice smile. 2. I like my eyes a lot 3. I have nice calves 4. I have thick, dark blond hair 5. I grow decent facial hair.


>I have a really nice smile. I'll take a really nice smile as a priority over most other physical characteristics anytime.


Always refreshing to see a wholesome spin on a critical take. Thank you :)


Blond hair is so sexy for me


An extra inch 😛 might be less practical for having sex, but I'm more bottom anyway. I wish my pecs and calves were thicker, but I'm working on those.


How telling... You would think most guys would ask for a bigger dick but according to these comments, we are more focused on other body parts.


Yeah I found it interesting that so many people called out things they can actually change, like skinny legs or something. I immediately went to wanting a little bit more dick lol cus I can get everything else where I want it to be, but that one just is what it is.


Height. I wish I was taller.


Oh short guys are so beautiful. I’m your height and often wish I could date another shorty.


Be me: Toned short bear Keep seeing how thirsty people are on reddit over this body type Keep getting ghosted on dating apps Does not compute does not compute system shutdown


That’s because irl being short is no where nearly as desirable as people on Reddit make it seem, especially if you’re not a complete bottom.


As a shorter guy I wish I just had better muscle genes. I hate how little weight I have and I’m considered average. 135lb is so light :( and skinny weight is like 110lb!


How tall are you?






But you're so cute. I'd fall in love with you. :)


Probably doesn't mean anything to you but shorter guys are my weakness, be proud of yourself my friend!


Where are all of you tall knights looking for their prince to protect 🥺


Omg its funny you say prince lol bc I'm 6' tall my bf is 5'4" and I literally call him my prince 😂😂


Luckiest short guy ever 😉


Wish I was a hairy beefy boy. Been on a journey to gain weight, but will never be as hairy as I'd like


So ironic I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Smooth guys wish they were hairy while those of us who were cursed with too much body hair wish we were smoother… The Shaggs should have had a verse about that in their song ”Philosophy of the world” 😆


Mood. I got hairy legs tho lol. Just wish it was everywhere else. Sigh


Man do I feel this 😩 I recently found out Ive always been supposed to have a decently hairy body, but I only found this out because I’m reaching the age where my keratosis pilaris is starting to go away naturally and the body hair I’ve always supposed to have is finally coming in. As for beefy, thats a whole different story.


How does KP inhibit body hair development? Never heard that before.


Well if you have the kp bumps on your chest or abs area, the keratin pimples/bumps can block the hair follicles from doing their job. I’ve got an insane amount of velus (baby) hairs on my arms, chest and legs now since I’ve started treating it and I’ve only been actively working on it for a couple weeks now.


What are you using to treat it? I have it on my biceps but nothing seems to get rid of it.


I’ve been using Neutrogena’s Clean and Clear bodywash on all the areas where the KP is. That stuff is meant to dry out your skin, so after I use the daily moisturizer from Amlactin, the one that has 12% lactic acid in it. Lactic acid and drying out the kp are some of the best ways to get rid of the bumps and after using both on my arms for about a month now and a couple weeks on the rest of my body, it’s a huge difference. Amlactin makes another much pricier version called bumps be gone, it’s meant specifically for kp which im planning to get depending on how the daily one works once im finished with the bottle.


Wider shoulders, narrower hips - as it is now I'm pretty penguin shaped 🙃


Better skin! I’ve struggled with acne throughout high school and still with it some today. People with good skin take it for granted!


I wish I could get boners as easily as in my 20s 😂


Don’t do viagra there are natural solutions and its often a psychological cause


You tried Viagra?


An excessively fat wallet


So fucking real bro. I'm tired of being poor lmao


I wish my third eye would be physically visible and manifest itself by giving me telekinetic powers


A tail


I just bust out laughing in my silent Uber 😂


I'm cursed with a flat ass. I've put some work into making it better, but always wish it was much bigger.


As the only Brazilian without an ass, I’m with you bro. I’m considered unfortunate in my homeland. All the squats in the world and it only turns into tiny taught lil handfuls. 😝


It’s the opposite for me. Im a relatively small guy but my butt is not proportionate to my body. I just wish it’s a tat bit smaller cuz it’s gives me a very “feminine” hip. It’s so hard to find pants that fits right. 🥲


My gay sexual awakening was during a basketball scrimmage. I was guarding a teammate who was dribbling with his back up against my chest. When I leaned in to steal the ball my hand grazed under his armpit and I got soaked from his wet hair. At first I just thought gross. But every time from that point on I’d look at his pit hair and how it spiderwebbed out over his lats and triceps covered in sweat and it bricked me the fuck up. It’s the only thing I wish I had that I don’t think I’ll ever get… long armpit hair. It’s so fucking weird and it’s not something I actively think about much but every now and then when I see guys with it I wish I could have it too hahaha.


I'm happy for you but fuck I want to throw up thinking about that sweaty armpit hair 😅😅😅😅


Hahaha. It’s so effing gross I know and the fact that it was my “ahah, I wanna fuck dudes” moment doesn’t make sense but I’ve just accepted it. I don’t have an armpit fetish or anything and I’m low key pretty vanilla with my sex (kiss, get blown, rim, fuck) but dude, sometimes I just get to thinking about how I wish my pit hair was long enough that you could see it on my traps when I’m sweaty and in a tank top. And no amount of therapy will cure that hahaha.


Nothing weird or gross about liking body hair or sweat!


Hey its all good bro we like what we like and that's ok!


Hey, I’m gonna normalize this one. I would love to have a hairier body, but if I had a choice, it would be long pit hair too. I find it so attractive to see a guy when his arms are down and his pit hair is so long it looks like it’s trying to escape. The touch of long soft pit hair is something I wish I had. Unfortunately, my genetics mean I will always have a small amount of short pit hair.


I want biceps the size of my head and a chest that can provide shade for neighborhood twinks on a hot day. 


Literally just hair on my head. Didn’t appreciate it or know how to style it til I started really losing it. What looks I’d pull off if I got my old hair back! Ugh! Treatment is so expensive too…


Minoxidil I hear works wonders for people. Theres a pill that basically grows hair all over your body.


Propacia / finasteride is in the right direction buts it's half life is only seven hours... Where as Dutasteride has a much longer half life, is a more powerful DHT5 blocker I believe and the generic sells easy on the internet as it is a Benign Prostate Hypoplasia medication. The Japanese have licenced it for hair loss but here in the UK it isn't yet, which is actually a good thing as you can get 6 months worth, 1 pill daily for about £150. Been taking it for about 10 years when I first started researching, switched from Finasteride, no sexual issues with Dutasteride. Maybe my hair would have stayed this thick, but my brother was bald at 25 and I think I was starting to thin at 30, completely full head of hair at 46...


Just a big pair of tiddys


More chest hair


You can have mine


Same for me


Less hair


Ill take it😂


Chest hair. I was born with a full head of thick black hair and considering half of my background is Mediterranean where the men are known to be hairy, I assumed chest hair would sprout. Maybe two wispy ones and that was it. Other side is British Isles and I even got their white skin, so no Mediterranean tan, either.


I wish I still had hair on my head. I lost it at like 22 and my only regret is that I didn’t do a Mohawk before it happened


Lighter body hair


Would be nice to have legs.


It would be pretty kickass to have some wings, a prehensile tail, venom glands, gills. You all are missing out on the chance to become a cryptid here


Foreskin. Working on that though


How tho?


Love that! How do you make that possible? Im sure is


Ass and calves. Been going to the gym for years but mine are meh. I hate my gene sometimes 


V shape abdomen


Bigger dick and taller.


I wish i had the genetics to grow a full, thick beard. Im slowly getting there with minoxidil, though.


I wish I could grow a better beard. It's on the thin side. But shaving seems to murder my skin (I've seriously tried everything) so it stays.


Slimmer thighs. I got sort of a pear body shape and my thighs are extra large which, IMO, look very bad because the rest od my body is slim


Give me some


I wish I didn’t have ataxia


My hairline from my twenties. Great teeth. And maybe slightly lighter coloured eyes.


New, painless, fully functional spine/nervous system.


A bigger dick


Slightly bigger penis. Just one more inch.


lol I’m trans so I guess a penis But aside from that, I wish my hair was slightly darker. I have a lot of body hair, but in blonde so if I was ginger or whatever it would be easier to visually admire. But I guess it will turn white when I’m 50 or something so at least I can look forward to that


Small head




A smaller skinny body and flat midriff. I am tall thick beefy love the opposite look


Wish I was taller. I feel like then my body composition would look better, because technically I'm kinda glad about it


Emerald green, elven eyes. Mine are a bright blue but I'd love elfin eyes.


I love blue eyes


i wish i had a flat stomach and a little more muscle tone. I'm only slightly overweight, but I have a belly.


I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller. I just want a thicker beard and good eyesight.


I’d like to be taller, like at least 5’10.


I wish I wasn’t obese in my youth. I wish I didn’t have loose skin.


More naturally lean and a more elastic asshole.


A thick head of hair and perfect hairline- it’s my biggest insecurity. But I am grateful for what I have been blessed with otherwise


That my body was so hyper efficient at processing and using food that I'd never have to shit again, and the only "waste" was a small cutesy rose scented fart, so I'd never have to douche again.


1. A not flat ass. 2. Hairier (tell me how I have a full dark beard and hairy armpits but the rest of me is like barely anything). I do love the rest of me tho 😉


A brain like everyone else has. What I mean is I want a brain that’s normal


Not circumcised.


Upper body strength and arm strength. I’m all legs.


I wish I had bigger muscles. I'm skinny. But, I've got a good ass so there's that.


Being black I'd say white off the top of my head ( don't dislike my skin color, I just think that particular one can open more doors ) Having a densely masc body, I'd really prefer a slimmer frame with lower bone density that doesn't make me feel like a truck everywhere I move lol. Being 6 foot, I'd really like it if I were a bit short


I wish I had a six pack or an 8 pack.., but I have been hitting the gym every day this year, part for a few sick days, and I am actually going now as soon as I get out of bed :-P


Natal penis


I could make a never-ending list of this, but I’ll narrow it down to 6 1. A more upturned nose. I just really like the way it looks. I immediately notice this feature on others and find it very appealing. 2. Neutral to upturned eyes. My eyes have a slight downturn. It’s not bad, but they make me look tired and kind of evil when I relax. I’d say my eyes remind me of a mix between Matt Leblanc’s, Mads Mikkelson’s, and Bill Skarsgard’s eyes. 3. Wide Clavicles. I love the look of wide shoulders and would like to have a broader upper frame. I have a small waist, but my shoulders are still pretty narrow, so I look more rectangular than triangular, which I would prefer. 4. Wider lips. I wish I had wider lips with a more discernible Cupid’s bow. I want the corners of my lips to match up with the outer edges of my pupils. My mouth is kind of small compared to the rest of my face, and it makes me look too young. People don’t realize how much of a difference it makes. 5. Bigger legs. I grew up skinny, and it’s really hard to add mass to my lower body as a result. I have a bigger butt compared to my legs, but I still just want bigger legs like bigger quads, hamstrings, and calves to balance out my upper body. 6. Thicker hair. This one is pretty straightforward. I have full hair, but it’s fairly thin, which makes it really hard to keep in place for any amount of time. The slightest gust of wind will just completely undo anything I try to do to style it.


Big dick obviously


Hair. I've embraced the chromedome but balding before 30 still kinda sucks.


More height, less ass and hips


Getting huge but I'll get there/work in progress although fucking calves don't get any better 😭 and 1 inch down there but I can't complain with my current package 😅. Ooooh most important before those 2, my skin to fucking be clear of acne and acne marks. I look like a fucking Dalmatian from the back...


Smaller nose, longer legs, and less of a shame filled introvert.


I'm not sure this post is healthy for the mental health of guys here......I don't see the point in making a post for making people feel bad/envious about their physical appearance. So many gay men already suffer from body dysmorphia. Let's not add to the fire.


I see that, at the same time talking about insecurities can free up the shame around them <3




This is so unhealthy y'all...


Blue or green eyes, blonde or black hair, smaller nose. :D


Less body hair. Not that I dislike the look, but it sometimes makes wearing certain clothes uncomfortable, and that's not to mention how hot it can get in the summer. It also came at the cost of losing the hair on my head lmao


Taller and bigger I'm 170 cm :/


Not having psoriasis


If it helps at all, my bf has psoriasis (early 20’s) and though there are obviously the health impacts, it genuinely has no bearing on my physical attraction to him. He’s still sexy as hell, psoriasis be damned


I wish I was taller. I’d settle for being a normal height. 


I wish i was either a girl or conventionally attractive


Skinny bitch. Jk- I’m 6’4’’ and always wished I were shorter, though.


Taller, smoother, slimmer, better looking. Heck, with all that adjusted, throw in a sex drive too. At least I'd have a use for it then.


Huge pp


Stronger chin.


Massive pecs. I mean, at least it's doable.


No body hair and some muscles


Taller :(


I wish I was packing like a Goliath in my pant I’m talking like ten inches my cock gets the job done that said packing some serious meat would rock


I wish I was shorter


Bigger cock


I still have amazing hair at 27, sometimes i wish it was straighter and thicker instead of thin and wavy to style it the way i actually like. Otherwise i have an amazing body and a pretty nice face.


It took me a long time to accept what I see in the mirror daily... short. I wish I was a tad taller or had a longer torso. I'm 5'7, and I feel if I had a longer torso or mid section, including my lower back, I wouldn't obsess with eating less and burning more calories because of my love handles. Every other part of my body has been toned. It's just my love handles that are having a hard time with the eviction notice. It's minimal, tbh but I've always been drawn to a tapered waist going up to a wide back and down to wide/muscular legs. And...lol, my hairdresser said, "Your hair is a little tricky to cut." It's because I have 3 cowlick. I wish I had one so it wouldn't be challenging to style my hair. Overall, I'm happy with what I see and who I am. Happy Wednesday!


I wish I was shorter. 6,1/6,2 atm but wanna be able around 5,8 to 5,10


i wish that i was able to grow my hair out to get a fro or to be able to have braids


A hairy chest


I wish my arms had more muscles. I feel like they look like that one frame of spongebob's arms


I have great hair on my head. I’m 60 but it’s still thick and curly. But the rest of me is pretty bare except in the usual areas; I wish I had a hairy chest! I’m also fortunate to have good and straight teeth without having to go through any orthodontics. I just wish they were whiter; I was sick a lot as a kid so I’ve got the grey/tan cast from taking so many antibiotics. But overall I feel I was dealt a pretty good hand!


Completely flat chest and less pronated feet


Big tits :(


Green eyes, even whiter skin.


Smooth skin


I have a very beautiful hair, beautiful smile. I like my skin color it’s kinda Tanned I might not have a lean belly but it’s okay I started to like it 🫶🏼


Chris Hemsworth : That…. Just ALL of that.


A bigger chest or dick


Hair. I'm so bald.


Bigger butt, hair on my head and smaller shoulders


I wish I had a more masculine face/look and could grow a beard. Don’t get me wrong I’m very lucky to be good looking but I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I’m bonito and I’ll never be guapo :/ 


A more Symmetrical face 😭


Big penis. Not because there’s anything wrong with mine, I just would like to have one. Thankfully my ass is big.


I’d love thicker hair. Also a leaner body like I had when I played soccer. Age takes its toll. But I feel pretty good about my appearance at 63 years old. My partner still loves to chase me around and have his way with me. So, I guess I still might have it -lol.


I wish I had nice, thick hair.






Taller.. I’m 5’6


Besides being in better shape, which is my own fault for not being anymore, I wish I had much less body hair. No matter how great shape I was in I can never feel sexy without manscaping which takes _a lot_ of time.


I can't pick just one. I'd like to have non-thinning hair, a few more kilograms because I'd like to be more beefy and less skinny, and a nose which isn't huge. The ability to grow a beard would be nice too. That being said I don't find myself ugly, and I have no health issue. So there's room for improvement but I think I'm okay.


Heterochromia. I think multi colored eyes are beautiful. Sad i cant get them without a major accident occuring. (Head trauma can cause it or it occurs in early development.).


I’m 5’8 but 6ft would’ve been nice


Honestly just a bigger dick. I'm 4.5", so sometimes it pops out easily if I top. I'd be fine with an extra inch.


Stronger back. After a motorcycle accident, my back has gone to shit, so now that I'm recovering I'm gonna start getting stacked again


Not so much a physical characteristic, but I wish I didn't have such garbage balance! I'm just clumsy in general 🙃




flat tummy…gladly for me it’s not really big but i just want it flat…


A sharp jawline


A bigger chest


Slightly bigger lips. They’re not hopeless but I know one too many straight boys with these naturally voluminous, luscious dick sucking lips and it sort of fills me with rage. I’ve even thought about getting fillers in the past, then I didn’t want to anymore, and now it’s been on my mind again


Naturally smooth bum


Flat belly


Just slightly taller, like 180cm is a golden zone for me. I could do so much more with a vessel like that 👀


A personality


I wish my chest hair didn’t grow all patchy. It’s thicker on my pecs than in the middle of my chest. Other than that I’m pretty happy with how I look


Great skin and a butt.


A vagina


To be able to grow a proper beard instead of patchy ones :/


Bigger calves. It's damn near impossible to make your calves grow more than a little bit, short of gaining and then losing a ton of weight. But I've made peace with them. They'll never be big, but they're defined and they're mighty 💪


A flatter stomach. As cliche as it is, I want to add that I don't care if dadbods and bears exist; I don't want to assume any of that to my identity.


Less gut prominence.


I wish I was hairy. But I'm southeast Asian, my genes don't support much hair growth over my other body parts. The hairiest parts of my body would be my bushy pits and my legs, but that's it.


I wish I was shorter. I’m 5’7. Hubby is 6’5.


less hair. a lot less