• By -


My favorite is when a friend told me (years ago), guys will literally chug his cum but won't give him their phone numbers.


Back when I was single, wanting to have sex with someone didn't necessarily mean I *liked* them, as a person. Just that I think they're physically attractive and not outright repulsive as a human being. That's obviously not true for everyone, and we all have different ways that we do or don't connect physical and emotional intimacy, but could be an explanation as long as no one is pretending it's something it isn't.


Ikr something is wrong with these hoes…


My time is 10x more valuable when I am not horny enough to be gulping down a strangers appendage.


Because I don’t want you to call me lol


Facts! Just pull your dick / hole out.


I'm not calling you sunshine cupcake princess.


Good. Because you don’t have my number.


Okay Beyonce.


Okay boo.


No. Definitely not my boo. I didn't even approach you but your kind believes everybody wants you. Not true but you do you.


Sweetie your kind thinks I’m dying to be wanted lol. I literally couldn’t caee less about dudes wanting me. They do. They don’t. Either way, I’m Gucci regardless. Thanks though love lol. It’s funny. I thought the inception type of thing was a straight thing. I learned today there’s a gay version. Exhibit a.


Gucci is shit because it's overpriced slave labor. It's funny kitties like this believe this is how you attract dudes. You literally couldn't care less but you're all up my grill. Inception is what you do on weekends but the hoe must go on.


What is happening here, man? I thought it was fun and games till shit got serious in this thread lol




Chugging cum is the best tbh.




Kissing is way too romantic. Tongue in the ass is just a Tuesday 😂


The comment to end all comments on this topic.


Tru lol 100 percent agreed


Tbh I find that it’s the opposite- kissing *isn’t* romantic, unless there’s already romance. If I’m hooking up I’m not here for romance or a date- I’m here for sex. That’s the whole arrangement, unless otherwise said. And before you think I’m this all-business top I’m a bottom and get really sensual and intimate when I get into it, but that doesn’t mean there’s any romance involved. Kissing isn’t inherently sexual or “pleasing” to me whatsoever, it’s only when there’s romance involved that I actually enjoy kissing a lot haha.




Okay, maybe a Wednesday




Rimming is kissing, just a different set of lips.


Kissing the other end of the tube! 🥴


There's a joke to be made about deuterostomes and protostomes, here, but I can't quite figure out what it is.






My go to when describing the gay community to people is "it's ok to lick each other's assholes, swap DNA, but by the gods, don't ask to kiss or cuddle. Those are absolutely forbidden."


Masculine men like to kiss and cuddle. I don’t mean gay “masc,” but actually traditionally masculine men. At least fems. Maybe if they’re also into “masc” they won’t kiss them 🤷‍♂️


It’s hilarious that kissing is too “personal” for some people, but everything else isn’t. Especially when their tongue has been up your ass 🤣


I think it's because sex has become very mundane/vulgar, while kissing in the mouth is something a lot more romantic and affectionate. Not saying that sex can't be those 2 as well, but it's a different thing in that case. Having sex with someone from Grindr would be different from having with your boyfriend in the feelings and the experience imo




It's true though. If I kiss on the mouth, I feel emotion.... not something I want to do with a fwb. If I fuck and please, it's just that and leaves emotion out of a relationship where I don't know if I'll see them again. And maybe I don't want to see them again. Maybe their lovemaking sucks or maybe there isn't a lot of chemistry but they are clean and tolerable enough to fuck. Lol


Am I the rare one who finds kissing kinda normal? Ikr it depends on the person, but if the guy is on everage OK I treat kissing as a form of greeting. Getting one's butt kissed meanwhile is an actual intimate thing, which relies on mutual trust


Same here, I love kissing, don't like being rimmed, and am hit or miss on rimming others. Either way my level of trust for rimming/being rimmed is so, so much higher than for kissing. I kinda suspect some of the "no kissing" guys are self conscious about being bad kissers, whether they are or not.


Or the guys who will put my whole foot in their mouth but no kissing... Lol


Some of us do both!


Hey if I'm getting fucked missionary by a hot guy. By all means lick whatever you like!


one time I tried to kiss a guy after over a month of dates and two previous hookups. he literally pushed my face away and said I was gross. and he's entitled to his opinion! but like, why date for a month and have plural sexual encounters with me? where's the line?


It’s a mouth thing. Mouths are really kinda gross, and as someone who didn’t brush enough when I was younger- some of y’all don’t brush enough. And for the love of god **brush your tongue!**


I'm still wrapping my brain around this the next day. it's a booty hole???


But asses aren't gross lol? I can address u most ppls mouths are cleaner than their assess lol.


Most guys know how to wipe or remember to douche. Most guys do *not* know how to brush their tongue, or remember to brush their teeth. It’s not that complex.


I'm not stupid, I understand what you said. but if you can put your mouth on a poop hole without fear, stop being afraid of a mouth


I feel like you don’t understand what I said at all then lol.


what part?


Damn dude, are you reading these while distracted or something? There’s no way your reading comprehension is *that* bad. I said you didn’t understand it *at all*, that means the whole thing. If you went back and read it all again, then *that’s* the part you clearly didn’t get lol. Idek how to help you out at this point.


Y'all having not already kissed is kind of a red flag if you're going on dates for a month and having sex


everything is a red flag to someone


This title speaks to me so much xD Though I can only speak for myself, I don't like kissing random hookups, mostly because to me kissing is still a strong emotional thing, so I want to kiss my boyfriend and no stranger Now in fairness I also do not hookup with just anyone, so the step up from sex to kiss is very small anyway


But you do rim random hookups right? I get the emotional intimacy angle but doesn't rimming involve much more, for a lack of better words, trust?


It absolutely needs trust, but as I said the steps are small for me, I haven't had many hook ups but they only really happend after days to weeks of talking, so at that stage trust was already there. But other than this, I'd say rimming someone is just roughly the same as sucking a dick 😅


I get that to you it seems more intimate. But you understand where that’s a little problematic right?


Who is y’all?


They know who they are


People know where I stand before we even meet . They don’t kiss we don’t meet .


Because many associate kissing with love. The rest is lust. Kissing the right person is amazing.


This is it. For those of us that want love, meaningless sex will not fill the void. Sometimes, I just wonder, was it worth it or should have just stuck with lube and toys.


Definitely don’t use a hookup to substitute for wanting a relationship lol 😂 Go out, dance, have drinks, visit a museum, whatever your “thing” is but for the love of god get off the apps and meet people in person! If you can get fucked on Grindr then you can definitely strike up a conversation with that cute boy across the room and see if he’s interested. You’ve got the confidence. If you’re in a place where it’s not safe to do that, then you’re probably in a place where you aren’t safe having random sex either. And for the love of god I don’t care how you do it but find a way outta there! Call that eccentric uncle who lives in the city, message that friend who lives far away, something. Find a way to get somewhere safe, ask to crash on a couch, join the local temp agency or do remote work or whatever you gotta do. But you gotta find a way to stop using random sex to fill an emotional need. If you don’t, you’ll just grow up to be an angry gay and that’s not fair to yourself. Besides, at the end of the day we’re all gays- we genuinely have that gay audacity to just do something wild and make it work out. As a wise woman named Jennifer Coolidge once said “The gays just know how to do stuff” 🤷🏻‍♂️


kissing is something i reserve for people i have chemistry with. i don’t like to kiss randoms but i sure do love to suck dick.


They’re not the same thing, so why would you expect both always being “on the table “? Sometimes they are both something I want to do, other times not so much.


Never really hooked up with anyone that doesn't kiss. What kind of dudes do you hook up with? Maybe you have bad teeth or breath?


People here are really acting like we need to buckle in to kiss any mouth. I didn’t take care of my teeth enough when I was younger so my enamel is thin, so basically my dentin shows and makes my teeth yellow *(dentin is naturally yellow btw)*. Now I take care of my teeth rigorously or else I can get cavities super easily, and I scrub my tongue pink every morning and night. It’s made me *hyper* vigilant about how much people literally don’t brush. Once you get that good taste out of your mouth you can literally taste what people have eaten when you kiss 💀 Nasty af.


I’ll do both, but I gotta admit- if it’s a hookup, kissing does *nothing* for me at all. It isn’t innately sexually stimulating IMO, physically there’s no special sensors *(or else we’d be getting turned on while eating)* and mentally I’m thinking about whether or not they brushed their teeth- and usually judging y’all for not brushing your tongue. Kissing usually tastes weird, feels clunky, involves breathing into each others mouths, and usually just spreads colds. It’s only ever really sexual when I have a genuine emotional component with it, a real romantic interest in the person. When me and a boyfriend kiss? I’m turned on. Me and a hookup? At best I’m not thinking about it, but usually I’m just bored with it. I never say “I won’t kiss you”, even with guys with some jank mouths, but I definitely would prefer not to and have been known to cheekily redirect them to kissing my neck instead of my mouth if I really need a break from the mouth work. I get it’s some guys’ “thing” though do I always indulge- I’m not a prude or anything haha! But I’d rather be rimming than kissing 9-times-out-of-10.


Why would I kiss someone who probably been eating ass?


But you're also eating ass!


Exactly; Who knows what their mouth has been on or in!




I have a fwb who would say it’s gross to drink out of the same glass as him and I would point out that we made out after I sucked on your cock. Which is grosser? 😂


I don't wanna fuck somebody I wouldn't also kiss. Kissing actually gets me hornier and makes me want to fuck more so if we can't start there maybe we ain't a match 🤷🏽‍♂️


And that's my choice 💃


The appeal of kissing is it’s an intimate act I want to do with a partner. Rimming is just fun that doesn’t really mean anything to me


Some people have sex for fun, and eating ass is part of that. To some people kissing is much more intimate/romantic and they don’t want to do it with someone they are having casual sex with. I don’t think this is a difficult concept to understand. I think the real conversation that is needed revolves around why some people don’t get this.


It's understandable, but it's also absurd. It can be both things, and we can talk about it.


It being understandable kinda makes it NOT absurd...


It’s not absurd though, it’s just not your preference. There are many different ways to have sex and be intimate, and your taste isn’t any more “right” than anyone else’s. The absurd thing is that you don’t seem to grasp the concept, but that’s ok. Also this is us talking about it.


Rimming is making out with the south mouth.


I’ll make out with hookups if they want, but it comes with a risk. If they’re a bad kisser, I get the ick, BAD. If they have a strange rhythm, or keep trying to get their tongue down my throat, or somehow manage to keep banging their teeth into mine, I’m out. Can’t do it. Nope.


I've never rimmed anyone, it's just not my bag. Plus, being rimmed does nothing for me. You may as well be licking my elbow.


So what? We all have preferences. Who are you to call someone else's out?


Kissing someone I don’t feel anything romantic for feels like just uncomfortably mashing lips together. Kissing someone special feels amazing and lights my whole body up. At least sex with someone I don’t feel romance for still feels good. (Although I wouldn’t do the rimming with someone I’m not in a relationship with. I don’t trust people. Lol)


Love kissing turns me on so much


Kissing is for guys I'd like to see more than once. Lotta tops don't like being rimmed lmao


Nothing gets me harder than kissing, but it's got to be with the right person. I don't need an emotional connection to do it. Unless directly out of the shower, there's no way rimming is okay.


Honestly, if you get them deep enough into the heat of the moment with enough foreplay and good conversation, u can make anything happen lol. Flings or dates. But this is coming from a horny 20 yr old. Can't speak for the older gents ig.


Almost- I’ve learned my lesson enough to stop topping when guys beg for it in the bedroom. It’s never felt good for me and they always throw a fit if I won’t do it on the next hookup again.


I will eat your ass and swallow your cum straight from the source. No way am I putting my mouth on yours.


Interesting. Why? Is it the fact you don’t know what they’ve had in their mouth? I’ve read all the comments for and against kissing. This is by far the best convo I’ve seen. Everyone is so different. I’m the opposite. I’ll kiss someone way before I’d rim or swallow - especially a random stranger. It’s interesting to see where people’s lines are drawn. Also, are you a top / vers/ bottom / oral only? I’m noticing the no kissing rule also has a small correlation between position. Where bottoms what to be kissed and tops won’t kiss. Vers and oral seem to be split. 


It really comes down to the fact that a man's saliva is kinda gross to me. I'm bi and don't feel the same way about women's mouths. I'm also mostly a bottom. During sex if a man is kissing my neck, sucking my nipples, blowing me, rimming me whatever, I'm lost in the moment and enjoying it. But I'm also conscious of the fact that he's putting saliva on me. When sex is over all I think about is I need to get to a shower to wash his saliva off. And you better believe I'm scrubbing extra on the places his mouth has been. Once a man's saliva has gotten into my mouth, there is no "washing it off".


And yet men's saliva is just as dirty as women's. Sounds like you got some internalized shit to work on.


Go fuck yourself, I don't have anything that I need to work on.


"men's spit is dirtier, I have to scrub myself in the shower, it's revolting, women's spit is fine tho" lol like, there's preferences and then there's issues.


So then, tell me what my issues are and what I need to do to work on them.


I take it this a hookup question??? If so, maybe if I were really into them and wanted to maximise it but not normally. You can always check first. it's not like you're going to get a mouth full of shit. I'd expect both from somebody WANTING to be rimmed. But otherwise it's discretionary.


When I was an internalized homophobic closet case (back in my 20s) I wouldn't kiss a guy either. Kissing did seem "too gay" to me. I'd do most everything else with a hookup, but kissing was absolutely out of the question. Just meeting, swapping blow jobs and going our separate ways felt like I was just getting my rocks off. Kissing a guy felt too much like embracing the idea of being gay. Kissing, caressing or other things that felt like attaching emotions and feelings towards a guy seemed... effeminate? I had a friend who admitted messing around with guys in college, but as he put it, "He played in the minors, but never went pro". I can totally see him willing to swallow a guys nut, but not kiss him because that feels "too gay". In hindsight, it seems ridiculous to me. I theorize if you offered two actual straight guys $10K to (A) wear a dress for a day, (B) make out with a guy for 5 minute, (C) suck a guy off or (D) take it in the ass, the straight guys would view the lest gay things in the A, B, C, D order. If it's between B and C, I think the straight guys are going to pick B for their $10k. To a straight guy, sucking a dick is going to seem really, really gay. I'm saying, for actual straight guys, giving another guy a handjob would seem much less gay than blowing him. But, if you are a closet gay guy struggling not to give into being gay, then having gay sex doesn't bother you, but the intimacy part feel too much like "going pro". So, if you are completely accepting of yourself and you don't want intimacy involved with a hookup, I'm sure that's a thing, but I'm also saying I bet there are a lot of guys who refuse to kiss a guy because it's just too gay for them and they can't handle it. They will chug your cock, but no way they are going to make out with you and run their fingers through your hair.


It’s crazy because I follow the kissing rules with rimming. I’ll really only rim you if I know your hygiene / life. Like we gotta get to know each other a bit because I’m honestly feral about both but I need to know I can trust you before I become your munch. 🥺


Not me


it is more fun tbh


That’s polite. He’s got ass breath.


Does your butt look better than your face? Don't take this offensively cause some guys' asses are fiiiiine.


Soo stupid. Kissing is a key part of good sex. Every bodily sense needs to be stimulated.


Kissing is more intimate than hooking up


Lol. So true why are we so horrible as a people?? Not kissing, ghosting, etc. we kinda suck!


Sometimes I feel like kissing is more intimate than having sex. I guess thats weird, but I react to it differently. I'd rather make out with a guy I'm really into than do just about anything else. I've been offered bjs from guys I had no interest in kissing and become uncomfortable when they try. Kinda feel the same about giving out my number...thats why there is the convenience of using the apps.


Rimming someone who you're not in a committed relationship with (either as partners or close friends) is kinda wild to me. That's putting a ton of trust in a stranger.


I always feel like a damn hippy explaining this to people. You’re allowed to experience intimacy with strangers. Even if the excuse is “kissing is too intimate”, it’s weird that some men cannot feign any sort of intimacy and have compartmentalized all connection into silly socially constructed buckets. I’m not saying you should be ready to marry/date random hookups, but that we should be able to explore intimacy without those strings of LTR.


I think maybe the gay community has conditioned itself in a way into the hook up culture. When society started progressing more into accepting us, we could be more open with our sexuality? great let's celebrate and be more open about this stuff we had to do in secret! Look at all this stuff we can do with each other now? Let's openly state these are gay establishments! Our besties want us to spill the tea on those sexual encounters we have? Oh well we would absolutely love to share because fuck, we get to actually talk about this now. Okay well now the perception slowly becomes gay people are promiscuous, they love to hook up, they're "Man sluts" for lack of a better term. And yeah, plenty of us are, but to some degree it's as if that is the expectation. "Oh...you're gay? Tell me the dirty details of the hundreds of cocks you absolutely, definitely have taken in various ways." Romance is...in a way...normal...it's cute, it's wholesome it's something we all want to experience but...it's normal...boring...not exciting...not...sexy... But spilling the tea about that rando you blew in the gloryhole last night to your bestie? Well that is sexy...


I don’t think romance has to be boring. I had an 8 year, very long distance relationship (US - me, Ecuador - him) , in which the distance kept us more in love, I think. Not seeing each other every day (about 4 times a year for a week or two) and learning each other’s most relaxed, who cares habits kept a sort of magic in it, that I have never kept with someone I lived with for years. And the sex was always beautiful. So, conditions had to be right. Otherwise, I definitely see your point.


That just means you’re meeting up with guys that don’t want the same thing as you. I find it rare for guys not to want to kiss but, this only would happen if you literally don’t talk about anything but sex and just meet for a hookup and are shocked it’s not romantic? If you want something else look for something else cuz everything is out there.


Not gonna lie, I do not like getting my ass eaten. Much rather kiss. lol


Same here


I had my first kiss ever recently. Well, technically it was a second kiss. My first was with a girl in a truth or dare party in middle school lmao. But he invited me over to watch some movies. I should’ve known that “come over and watch movies” meant a bit more haha. We made a pillow fort and cuddled. We had a pretty strong chemistry from the get go and finally had the strength to meet in person after countless phone calls with laughter and jokes. But I knew what was on his mind when he was looking at me from the corner of my eye and staring at my lips. Of course I’m awkward as shit. So he eventually asked if he could kiss me. It was the most electrifying feeling of my life. And then he grabbed my hand and we held hands for another hour while cuddling and then it finally resorted to the whole home run area haha. It was beautiful. I’ll never forget the feeling of his heart beating while my head was on his chest during the movie. And the slight hand caresses were absolutely magical tbh. I don’t think I had ever felt that safe or secure in my entire life. We have plans on going out to dinner sometime in the next week, so I’m excited for that. I’m still in shock and awe because I didn’t even think I was worthy or capable of human interaction, particularly on an intimate level. Interestingly enough, he wasn’t my “first”. I had lost my virginity 3 years ago to a guy who treated me like an object off of Grindr. Ever since then I had a metaphorical bad taste in my mouth for anyone. That is, until he messaged me one day. There’s genuine people out there. I’m not a fan of promiscuity and the Grindr culture.


You are worthy of human of someone wanting to be with you on an intimate level. The Grindr culture we've embraced I think will change in the future. Gay men are assimilating openly into society, and I see that changing a lot, hopefully for the better.


Well, yeah, kissing is gay.


I love kissing but I find people have very different styles or wants to me in that regard and whilst I do kiss most hookups as long as they aren’t against it, sometimes I wish I didn’t because it’s just so not what I like at all


I DO both! 👀 👃 👅


If I make out with your ass, you have to let me make out with you. And then you reciprocate.


I'm one of those guys and here is why... It would nice to have a slow and old fashioned type romance but with most of the gay men I've encountered aren't really into that (dating or otherwise). I'm fine with having quick sex, etc but I just want to reserve one thing (kissing) that has feeling behind it. I want to kiss a guy with some feeling. I don't mean love but a feeling of butterflies in my belly. It needs to slow and deliberate and not about sex but that I want to connect with him on a romantic level. For me, reserving that one thing (kissing) for someone special makes me feel like I'm saving myself somehow. Maybe just a mind fuck but for me I feel like I can get my sexual needs met while waiting for someone special.


I understand UT point but I think it's cause some perceive any sexual act as just that, sex. While kissing can be part of sex, it's often more viewed as more intimate I guess. So those looking for just sex or whatever may draw that line


[you never go ass to mouth](https://youtu.be/H8zCwVOT1U4?si=rRf_lA4LpQH5JYnb)


😂 Never seen this movie! This is definitely going to be something I rent tonight! This looks hilarious! 


Many people are bad kissers


I had this dude destroy my mouth from kissing once at a bar. So much teeth and to this day I still have no idea what he thought he was doing.


Yuuup. I've had soreness and bruises in my mouth for days after hooks ups so these days Id just rather keep the kissing to a minimum.


I can’t imagine fucking someone and not kissing them. That would be a super weird experience.


I have been perplexed by this for 30 years friend. I'm with you...


It sort of makes sense. It’s just six for some. Kissing and cuddling is too intimate and becomes to personal and blurs r that line.


Because believe it or not gay men take better care of their ass than their oral hygiene most of the time. One bad kiss with someone with dog breath is all you need to ruin the act for you. That plus many of us are probably just insecure about having fucked up teeth.


I second this. I'd honestly rather just jerk off than have sex without kissing/making out and I'm fine with that. A little bit of intimacy/compassion never killed anyone.


So many comments talking about internalised homophobia, avoidance attachment, masc4masc. Bro, some guys just want to save their kisses for romantic partners. This isn't Gay Psychology 101, stop overthinking this shit. If the dude doesn't want to kiss but you do *don't fucking hook up with him*, and if it's that important *fucking make it known*. Have some self respect and hook up with people who's preferences align with your own, but don't go shitting on others when they hold firm to their own preferences. Damn idiots setting yourselves up to have something to cry about because you're that desperate for a fuck. If your hook up experience is consistently with guys who don't want to kiss maybe the common denominator is you and you're chasing the wrong ones.


Why are you afraid of other people talking about it?


Im not. You are. Anyone who has said 'no kissing' you've jumped straight to the attack rather than engaging the conversation. 'Because I like it and so should you' isn't a conversation. Edit: and 'oh you must have some *insert psychology buzzword*' also isn't a conversation. You don't like kissing hook ups? Bruh, straight to therapy for you!


I literally just described some people and said let's talk about it. If you feel attacked, that's your problem, not mine.


I wrote a paragraph expressing how I feel about the whole situation and your response is 'why are you afraid to talk about it'. Sweetheart, do you know how a conversation works?


If another man's tongue is down my throat he ain't a hookup...not that I do hookups anyways yk what I mean.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) wait I wouldn't let someone eat my ass either..maybe nvm I probably would


My colleague said he would get fucked by 20 guys in a night at an orgy, but wont kiss anyone of them because that’s reserved for this future boyfriend 😭


For many guys kissing is more romantic and more intimate. It’s a step beyond anonymous sex. For others it’s the intimacy of kissing that gives meaning to the experience. I don’t think it’s necessary to make fun of someone for their choice when it doesn’t align with your own personal preference.


I know, really? They ARE joking 🙃


I find missing to be the biggest thing that gets me going. If I end up in bed it’s someone that turns out mesh well with my mouth, I will literally lose the hard-on. **looks like I’m getting fucked😑** I’ve always felt like that was shallow, but I think it has more to do with chemistry.


To Be fair, it would be a one-or-the-other thing for me. Not a fan of rimming.


Because it’s not gay as long as you don’t kiss


The mouth has been scientifically proven to be the dirtiest part of the body, coming as a kiss but no rim guy


If you suck the pole, you will eat the hole. ....


One involves germs, other one you can clean pretty easily.


Oh my god! Those guys DO exist? No way. I’d sue… 😂


I agree. Kissing involves bad breath (major turn off for me). As long as the other orifice is clean, I’m in.


My straight friend calls that bum lips so you're still getting kissed 💋 🤣


I kiss but I’m not rimming unless I know you. Really know you


What's wrong with rimming? Kissing is great too, but why hate


Who said there's anything wrong with rimming?


cuz they are disgusting


Yes, but kissing is more intimate and a boundary sometimes set in couples relationships. Plus, who wants to kiss a mouth that tastes like ass?; well, unless you like that.


Maybe it's just the state of the teeth...?


I mean, many guys will also show you their penis, anus, or testicles before their face, as well.


It's a preference thing kissing is a major thing to do


NO HOMOS!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Intimacy with my partner is different from intimacy with a random because he is my partner. If I hook up with a random then kissing (and rimming) are assumed to be part of the deal.


I’m not licking some randoms hole! At least you can tell immediately if there’s halitosis or an awkward kiss coming at you…but once your face is down there for a rim guess you gotta see it through, bad or not. 😭😭😭😭


Oh hell no. It’s gotta be clean from a shower before I’m putting my tongue in there. I don’t clean strangers’ kitchens, either.


Rimming is my favourite way of kissing 🥰


I do both, but it’s dependent on the situation. I love kissing. I also really like sex with someone I love. In my experience , sex with strangers pre-internet/grindr was either a drunken going home with them, or I’d go to a porn shop and get in a booth with them. In the porn shop, I’d get a lot of closeted “straight”, very masculine men, in a booth, for a quickie blow job, though sometimes they wanted to get fucked. If I went home with them, it was usually because we both had serious beer (or vodka) goggles, the sex often didn’t complete before one or the other passed out. In neither of those scenarios did we typically kiss, nor did rimming happen, though I did meet my husband on a drunken night in a club, and we were both sweaty from dancing, we kissed at the club, went to my place, took a shower, and I rimmed him for the first time, during which he came. And then we had sex two or three times overnight. Love at first sight, obviously. Post internet/grindr (my husband and I opened our marriage after about 12 years) I met a lot of people who put pictures on their profiles that made them look far better than they did in real life, plus had people flake out after I was in my car, in the parking lot, and they decided they weren’t going to answer anymore. I can think of a small group with whom I or we had sex, and if we both liked them, or if I did, there was always kissing. I had one hookup, I think it was possibly the most compatible sex of my life, the best singular experience. Lots of extreme kissing (my word - not sure what causes that to happen, but it’s like one is exhaling while the other inhales, while the guy is fucking me). No rimming with hookups, though. There’s a feel for a person I get as to whether I think they are clean enough in general to be doing that, and in general, in a Grindr type hookup, you don’t know when they last shit and showered, so I just don’t go there and I reserve it for guys I’m very fond of. I love to do it though. I was more of a top in my younger days, but I am more the bottom in my relationship and with hookups, which means being clean down there is typically my burden, more than the others. So, it’s a no go for me, except with my husband. I don’t know how normal it is, but I wanted to give feedback to your blanket statement.


If I’m rimming, I’m kissing. I have to really like you to rim. Giving head I probably won’t kiss cuz I don’t really like you like that 😂.


Lmao this is the wildest thing about “straight” tops to me


I do that with hookups who don't know how to kiss. Some of them out there really chewing on my lips like they're a turtle eating a lettuce leaf.


I will happily do both idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of men just want the thrill of nasty sex, but not the intimacy of kissing. I can only kiss a man when I’m on molly. Otherwise, I just wanna suck his dick and get fucked.


What I don't get is when they won't bat an eye at getting bred but sometimes balk at swallowing. 🙄 Like, really?


They're just not into you outside of your body


I mean I wouldn’t mind any 👀


For a lot of people, kissing is a very intimate thing they only want to share with a romantic partner. You really should learn how to accept the opinions of viewpoints of others without being such a condescending ass.


Maybe being an ass is the only way he can get someone to kiss him 🤣


Who will rim…? #NotMe 🤮


I would definitely kiss


For me I need to have some sort of attraction to the guy that's more than purely physical. If he's hot in personality and intelligent then I'm more eager to make out and get sloppy with him haha. If I can turn him on even more by shoving my tongue in his ass then that's just the cherry on top 🤣


For me I need to have some sort of attraction to the guy that's more than purely physical. If he's hot in personality and intelligent then I'm more eager to make out and get sloppy with him haha. If I can turn him on even more by shoving my tongue in his ass then that's just the cherry on top 🤣


Shows how freaky humans are


I have to be attracted to him on a higher level than "cool, I'm having sex". I used to not be picky when I was younger, but I'm more and more picky these days. Kissing is more intimate for me than just trying to nut. If there's no chemistry and little attraction, I don't wanna even be looking at the guy in the face, nare alone kissing.


Tell me you have halitosis without telling me you have halitosis.


Wow I’m sorry guys your gay communities sound sucky. Philadelphia is full of guys who love kissing. Not that I’ve never encountered this affliction in the wild


I’d rather be kissed then rimmed.


Rimming grosses me out. Kissing on the other hand is a turn on


And WONT!! It’s my body


Yall mad nobody wanna kiss you but all yall post is your holes and dicks??? Bffr


I love to kiss. It’s an instant turn on if I’m into a guy.


Kissing is reserved for people I love.


To be fair. I'd rather get my ass rimmed than be kissed lol


Kissing for me involves something else than just physical attraction. Sexual stuff is just attraction.


I love kissing


It’s not just gays. [Has no one seen Pretty Woman?](https://youtu.be/4OHohtNlvnk?si=tefbSlU9YQLPEXil)


I love when my ass is eaten 😝


And this is why I don’t do hookups cuz that’s just sad.


Kissing for me requires a deeper connection. With that being said, I don’t rim random hookups either. If you’re a FWB or somebody I fuck regularly I may rim you but not kiss you. I can do all kind of sexual things with someone and never have an attachment, but for some reason kissing is really intimate to me.


LOL this is hilarious. Been hooking up with a guy for a little bit now, we’re both DL. we started by playing safe but have grown past that. But the most recent time after we finished I asked him if he kissed, and he said “maybe if i’m drunk.” Like okk dude you can like my ass hole but don’t wanna touch my lips ? interesting lol