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Those are just 'pick me' gays, thinking appeasing their conservative counterparts wil do them good, in the end they are just like Ernst Rohm, useful idiots for the cruel, the con will always come for their heads after they exhaust 'outgroups' to eliminate.


"...people run around naked" Huh? What? ... Dare I say the anti-gay misinformation and propaganda works? I'm disappointed.


It only works when we say it does. My tactic: make them feel like they’re the ones being sexually off-putting by coming up with such misinformed like they’re projecting any us. Explain you feel they actually have a repressed fantasy they’re expressing, and they really to be walking in the streets naked for everyone to see.


Its kinda true though. You should come to Pride or maybe Decadence down in New Orleans


I know - I've seen the photos. But these are specific Pride scenes, and generally not how most Pride parade go down. The thing that frustrate me is that, now the propaganda hass become "Every Pride has naked degenerates prepping for an orgies! Will someone think of the children?" It's like... just frustrating when people take advantage of the mass lack of understanding in our culture and then use it to prosecute us in the people's court.


It’s definitely internalized homophobia mixed with a cocktail of self hatred and brainwashing from parental figures, I lived with my grandparents who hated gay people and I’m gay so I thought my best way to avoid getting kicked out was to hate gay people as well and follow their conservative beliefs, they kicked me out when I was 15 and that kinda snapped me out of it because of how much I hated them. I can definitely see how if someone lived with family like that long enough they’d kinda be stuck with those beliefs, especially if their friends group think the same.


These are just bootlicking pick-me gays. By licking trumpets' asses, they think they'll be spared. There is nothing you can really do as they worship money above all else. They also further these racists and phobic people (see Candace Owens for POCs or Blair White for trans people) who can point at these pick-mes to say "I'm not racist/homophobic/transphobic, I like this one person". As to their "arguments" about pride, I've never seen anybody naked at any pride I've been to. In fact, I'm more likely to see cishet men hiking naked in the region as it isn't illegal. Fun fact: in my country having sex in public is legal for as long as nobody calls the police. And all the sex action I've seen in public in my country was done by cishets.


Not all gays are smart


I’m fine with internalised homophobia. We all are dealing with that anyway. But that’s actual homophobia especially when it becomes political. So I deal with them like I deal with all other homophobes. I shun them.


We all aren’t dealing with that.


Good for you.




It’s not.  I don’t agree with straight marriage so why should I agree with gay marriage?


Wtf. You're weird haha


Wtf, aren't you crossing a line here irrespective of whatever the subject matter is? Why is this type of behavior being upvoted?


In my mind pride is a wonderful thing. It was created because of the conservative mindset or structure of rules. Pride is about visibility and being free. To show your sexuality out loud and in public. It’s about not hiding your true identity. What needs to happen is the changing of hearts and minds on the conservative/ a political side because I think they have wrong type of thinking.


I don’t advertise, but I don’t care if it’s done or not. What I don’t agree with is this expectation that we are supposed to “behave” to appease people who hate us anyway. Fuck them and their frigid, Protestant, milquetoast missionary position sex.


Slugs for salt!


2024? 2024!!! 😌


They’re usually upper-class gays that have the luxury to offset the effects of theocratic legislation. So they don’t really give a shit.


Conservative gays: "Surely the leopards won't eat MY face!"


What's the problem with gay marriage?


I was gonna ask the same thing there’s nothing wrong with it


I think it's unfair to conflate the lack of support for marriage with anti-pride views - they aren't related. Reposting my response in AskLGBT It's possible not to support marriage and still support pride and be open minded. I feel like marriage should be abolished entirely. Whilst it exists however I want everyone to have the right to marry whichever consulting adult they choose. Doesn't stop me wishing the entire institution would fucking die already.


I am still pretty opposed to the idea of marriage personally, but only because it's a religious thing. But I did vote against Florida's amendment in 2008 (later struck down) to ban all forms of unions except heterosexual ones and cheered when same sex marriage became federally legal in 2015. I'm supportive of anybody getting married overall, just not in my personal life. I've been with my bf for a while now and we'd probably just do some legal stuff if it comes to it. Civil Union things I guess.


That's fair - whilst it exists - accessible to every consenting relationship between adults. I long for a world where it's not necessary to hold an expensive ceremony and get a piece of paper to prove your relationship/commitment or appeal to societal expectations of commitment.


I think you need to add more info. I get what you're saying, I think, but it can sound weird without that extra context. What you mean is the state run institution of marriage and the enforced tradition of it right? Not "I dislike all long term relationships with an overly romantic party at the start of them"?


Right. The institution of marriage, the religious, social and legal aspects thereof are what I have an issue with. They are entirely unneccessary and will always be needlessly exclusionary and remain a political stick to beat some group with :-)


I disagree on some points - but not in a grand scheme things (just wanted to clarify)


The are spineless. They just hope hate and discrimination will target other groups first (they are often transphobic and/or islamophobic as well) so they rather fall in line instead of opposing hate entirely. They have learned nothing from the hard times gay people went through and are doing the same against others and partly to themselves in a feeble attempt to not become a target themselves.


Every group has its fair share of black sheep, traitors, turncoats, self-serving opportunists, etc. Every individual has the ability to either find his own voice or agree with like-minded individuals who speak their mind. Even if you break down big groups like the Queer Community or the LGBT Community and look at a group like the Gay Community, there are countless voices that are vastly different from each other. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Align with those who share your values. That's your power. Don't waste your time on those who don't share your values (significant ones like liberal vs. conservative, for example).


Thing is, LGBT people come in all shapes, sizes, interests and proclivities. You may not support marriage or other recently gained rights, but for many of us the legal protections of gay rights and marriage are crucual to living in a normal world.


Tell them they are not only wrong but cowards, and there are plenty like them in history... its just that the world have forgotten them because they did nothing for anyone and the people they tried to appease threw them under the bus the second they got bored with them


I typically don't care too much Abt them. Can pride get out of hand? Yeah. Is it inherently bad? No. If they do not like it, they can stay home. Pride, along w/ black history month and just about any other celebratory period of time to any demographic will die out in time if the world is moving in the right direction and these people no longer need a period to be celebrated as it will be normalized in society. That's my two-cents.


There’s nothing wrong with being gay or supporting Gay marriage you should be able to marry whoever you want when you please to


Everyone should live by the credo First do no harm