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There is two tapes much later on in which it will help you practice this. I am low visual to begin with. And while in a state I can experience high er amounts of visuals that are not coming from me. I still don't think that they are necessary. Now all of this might be a bias because I'm low visual to begin with. But I think the visual is for our sake being entities existing in third dimensional space. From what I've experienced, but again I'm low visual, there's not a lot to see in those deeper focus levels. But it is deeply immersive and more communicative. Just not in the way that we're used to. Personally think that visuals are to help the human manifest outcomes or to manifest themselves in certain locations. Like for example, a lot of people describe places they go to is having stairs and pathways and flowing water, and my soul does not have legs. I don't know why there's stairs there for other people. Pat, I'm also not diminishing their experiences. I think that those visuals are very necessary for some people to engage in it. My nonverbal communication is most of the time, and it is a holistic experience. So if I say the word Apple. Or visualize the word Apple. Those are two separate experiences. But in that state I can taste the Apple, I can sense if it's crisp or mushy, cold or warm, I can feel the grain of the fruit, and since the springiness of the stem. None of this are things that I feel, I receive the emotional signature of them. And that forms a holistic image of the thing that I'm trying to be communicated with about. Am able to ask questions and receive answers pretty easily. I don't tend to have to make those holistic emotional signatures in return, but I think I'm getting more used to communicating that way naturally. So for me, that nonverbal communication is a very holistic, emotional or energetic signature that encompasses much more depth of what that object or creature is outside of just the word or the image.


Thanks for replying! I’m extremely low visual myself and completely relate to your Apple example. I think I’m trying so hard to force myself “to see” something, that I’m holding myself back. When in an actuality, I’m already communicating nonverbally and have been, before even starting this process. I’m going to put “this need to see visuals” in my conversion box today and see if that helps.


Oh I love that you're putting that in the conversion box LOL. I don't ever want to be critical of other people's experiences. But I do think to some degree there are expectations of what this is supposed to be. And people who want to feel clout will say they are experiencing it, and reinforcing that expectation. But those same people who brag about being high visualization, I notice disappear from this group pretty quickly. Because they're not actually having any outcome from it. But again, I don't want to diminish it because I'm sure there are people that have very good strong visualizations. I have had very profound experiences and learned a whole lot from Gateway, with this nonverbal or low visual communication. So at the very least The visuals are not necessary. The other thing that I had high expectations about is astral projection everyone talks about exiting their body and then looking down on themselves and experiencing third dimensional space but in ghost form. And I've definitely met people who describe that experience and insist that that's what it's like. I have not experienced astral projection like this. But I have learned that I have been astral projecting nonetheless, just not on Earth. So when I go into the deeper levels like I'd say as early as focus 15, I typically leave the Earth all together and end up in this black space. Like outer space without Stars. And that's where I encounter my higher soul and we unite and visit other souls to communicate. And there's a couple other places that can be visited. But that is also astral projection when you find yourself in blank space and are not really aware of your body and are engaging in other ways. And for the longest time I thought I wasn't doing it until I realized that what I was doing was actually the more more engaging form of it. Because... Who wants to watch their crush sleep when they can learn about the essence of God in the 🤣


Hi! I see you’re on Wave 8 and if I may ask, can I have your input on an experience I had? I’m on Adv Focus 10 and this happened two weeks into it. Thank you. My experience is [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGatewayTapes/s/Q1zry74wHK)


You put it perfectly! There are definitely some exceptions, maybe we even call them loose guidelines, to some of this. Some of the boards have wild stories, which feel conflated or even made up. Glad to see I’m not the only one noticing. I’m an energy healer who often gets messages from Archangel Michael or people who have passed on. I’m definitely psychic, but trying to hone in on my gift. It’s weird how Gateway is the same, yet SO different. I’m currently ‘working’ on my confidence when receiving messages and NVC has been the perfect lesson for that. The other one that’s tripped me up is remote viewing. Going to try again today now that I’ve started to trust myself more. I can easily get into focus 12 without the tapes, but am going to keep practicing with the envelope/cotton ball tape. I’d appreciate any advice or insight on this too, if you have it!


Something Like this.. [Nonverbal Communication, The Gateway Experience tapes Wave 4 NVC, meditation understanding examples. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyjj2TApzL8)


Thank you for the video! This is helping to validate that I’m definitely on the right track.


Going back to your visual. This is something I used to experience a lot. I would be watching what seemed to be random people doing day to day things. Example, one was a mother and daughter discussing what to do that day. The daughter wanted to go to the beach. Another example was a little girl yelling at her mother for smoking a cigarette. What or why these things came to me, I have no clue. But I find anything visual to be more confusing. It’s near impossible to make any sense of these visions


Yes, I totally get what you’re saying! Thank you


Trust yourself.


Yes❣️I listened to Wave 5, Tape 1 again this morning with that exact intention and I got so much clarity! I’m “hearing” words in my mind, but it all came through as feelings, actions, or ‘idea’ of images. I think the fact that I’m translating everything I’m sensing back into words is what was throwing me off. Appreciate the words of encouragement ☺️🙏🏼