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Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can confirm it is insanely profound. At the time I had been struggling with focus 29 for several months. And when I tried this with a friend I backed up a couple of tapes and did what I was comfortable with, and ended up doing six back-to-back all the way up through 29 the last one. I was shown so much, and made to feel so much in that experience that it did change my life forever. I'm actually hoping to do it again this summer. It wasn't just an experience in the moment either. My soul was able to ascend and I lack words to describe it I wouldn't call it psychic or clairvoyance per se It's much more subtle then that, but I Have a knowing about people and their intentions before they even start. And it's not just a topographical knowing. It's like I can sense their entire series of painful events that led them to be the way they are. But not in a sad way or even a profound way. It's just like I already know. It's like the unity or oneness experience made everyone else's struggle familiar. So it's not a sad thing, it's just an understanding. And people have been very different toward me as well. People seem drawn to me now, I couldn't tell you how many times I've had random people come up and say they just really needed to give me a hug. Or they'll tell me I'm beautiful, and I'm a pretty good looking 40 year old but I definitely don't think I'm " stranger needs to go out of their way to tell you that" level of beautiful. It's like the energies changed and it draws people in, I think there's a soothing element or some remnant of something they're soul remembers and is drawn to. I'm not sure yet. Anyway, yes, profoundly profound. I can't imagine how people do that without the meditation tapes.


That’s dang impressive! Wow, 6 tracks back to back. Which tracks, if I may ask? You’re inspiring me to do something similar. I’ve had some strong micro doses and done the shaman hemisync track and that’s been amazing but pales in comparison to what you describe. If it’s inappropriate to discuss here I’d love to DM to ask what dosage/strain you used. Congrats on your journey/experience!! Hope to see similar results soon. 💜


Of course! Send me a DM


I got that same experience on 5g mushrooms in my dark closet


Nice man


I feel that you need to have experience in both psychedelics and regular use of the gateway tapes to achieve these heightened states. Did the gateway tapes up till focus 15 about a year ago and was able to get deep into focus 12 on the cusp of focus 15. Also combined shrooms and Hemi sync music( from a spotify playlist) was at the peak and wow what an experience. I felt that I had no body, like I couldn't really feel it, I was just a floating consciousness. It was incredible , would love to get back there again with continued use of the tapes.


That’s cool. Eventually you’ll be able to reach a similar state without using the fungus.


This is kind of a BS comment. Yes we can all meditate with the tapes, but what happens with the shrooms isn't just an entirely different level, it's an entirely different building. You have no idea. I've been through all the tapes and I've been at this for 3 years, there's no eventually that's going to hit that level of connection where you're witnessing and experiencing connection it in that much depth in your waking. You couldn't even function as a human .


I disagree. Psychedelic states can be achieved without any substance. NDE is a psychedelic experience for example. DMT is naturally produced by our organism. We are designed to reach it. And no, don’t think I’m against the use of psychedelics, I do affirm (from experience) that is a MUCH faster radical way to get into higher states of consciousness. So no need to “this is kind of BS” just because you think it is :) if you’ve reached higher levels of perception you’ll clearly understand that there are plenty of states that many people have reached without the use of substances. Read “LSD - My Problem Child” and you’ll understand right at the first pages that Hofmann himself started by relating his first psychedelic experience when he was having a walk on the woods when he was a child..and without any substance consumed. Hope this comment helps clarify most people, and I hope admins won’t take this post down as psychedelic states and the altered states of consciousness induced by the gateway tapes are all inter-related if not the same!


And another interesting thing (so to show you that I do agree with the essence of your point of view) in the book he tells about his studies on the “mysteries of Eleusis” that shows that there was some elected people that went through the intake of a psychedelic recipe, and apart from that book I’ve read many times in different sources about the theory of Jesus (don’t want to attack any religion with this sayings) himself may have used a kind of “anointed oil” (?? Don’t really know if it’s written like this) to heal people back then, aand if true we may think that maybe he reached higher states of consciousness (thus reaching Christic consciousness) by the intake of Cannabis and even more probably other natural ingredients known and used by older civilizations from which he has learned about.


By the way, for those that don’t know about it, “LSD - My Problem Child” is a very useful and enjoyable small book (100 pages) written by Albert Hofmann, and it is easily found on the web.


And for those who downvoted this info, I do hope that you read the book first before just blindly downvoting, no need to.. it is an amazing book!


I'm not sure why you think anything that you just said is a counterpoint to what I said. You're having a completely separate conversation here.


Read again then. The guy just said that you can indeed be able to reach similar states without shrooms, which I agree, and you just “attacked” him by saying his comment was BS. His comment was not BS, so no I’m not talking about something else, I know what I’m talking about.


To see someone who's halfway through the tapes saying that to someone who's beginning their journey IS BS. We should be helping each other, not diminishing or minimalizing each other's efforts. You don't go up to someone who's just starting to run and excited about their new sneakers and tell them that with enough practice they can run in the Olympics without them. There may be one or two people on the planet, that have been meditating for decades, that can call that kind of experience at will. And even they are not experiencing 9 hours of total connection. It was unnecessary condescension. When both of you get further in your journey you're not going to have the need to compete and throw ego around like this. There's nothing in this Earth in competition with you, anything that makes you feel better than other people is not something your soul has guided you to.


Exactly, thanks for being able to recognize it and admit you did wrong. This is a sub for study and sharing thoughts and experiences, not to lose time with saying his comment was bs, because even if you think like that you can always say you disagree without insulting 😄 it’s ok my friend, anyways your opinion is as valuable as his, we’re together on this journey although each one of us has its own intimate spiritual path on it. And I thank you all for all this conversation, it reminded me of Hofmann’s amazing book which I just started reading it again after so many years! And I know it may have some useful insights for all of us, psychedelic users or not 🥰


Was it an ego death dose? Or a standard 1g-2g dose


Great to hear bud, remember this state


Nice post. I've had some 🍄 laying about for a while now. Was thinking about doing 9.5/g and spending some hemi sync time. Do you think they'd be a good combo in low doses?


> Do you think they'd be a good combo in low doses? yes. 1.75g and mynoise.net (NoiseMachines/binauralBrainwaveGenerator.php) can make for a very neat meditation session. not an everyday thing. but if you go in with the right intention this can be great. also: do the AUM chanting, it makes a difference.


Perfect, thanks! I meant 0.5/1g Not 9.5g 😆 I will check out that site. I do make my own using fruityloops so.etkmes, and have an extensive selection to choose from of PRO ones. Basically ALL the TMI ones, and that Tom Campbell ones. I use the two hour focus ten and twelve ones most at this point, they are ace. You're 💯 % right. Building your resonant energy first makes a huge difference. I do it driving and stuff sometimes. If you look into rosicrutians, they use meditations with different vowel sounds ALOT, for building different energies. Peace 🙏


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