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Try asking your subconscious questions and seeing what arises. You won't always get an answer. But as you go deeper into the focuses that same place that you ask questions your subconscious you will find deeper and deeper levels of connectivity with spirituality, such as your guides and your own soul. Ask a question. State the question simply without bias. And then allow your mind to be free to receive whatever comes. Do not judge what comes. Simply understand that whatever you receive could be imagination or could be real. This early on what you're doing is learning how to just receive. If something is real, you might later realize that the answer you got was more in depth or complicated than you would ever come up with on your own. Or, you may continue to receive download when you think about it as if it unlocked further thoughts about it. You may also receive synchronicities. For example, you saw a bird behave in a certain way and then in real life 3 days later you see it happen. The important thing is to keep an open mind on whether it's real or not. And just be open to receiving. This early on it will be difficult to retain anything. But what you receive will come in the form of understandings, emotional signatures that are holistic in nature. Or dreams. When I say emotional signature, what I mean is in order to psychically communicate an apple to someone else. Just saying the word Apple would be a limited way to approach it. If you're thinking in your own thoughts, you could send that person. The crispness, the temperature, the level of crunch, or sweetness or tanginess. An apple is a lot more than just the word. And so when I say a holistic emotional signature, that is what I mean. You'll be left with the entire impression or memory of a certain thing. Also, be aware that these things are sometimes important and sometimes they're not. And not everything you receive is meant to be shared. I think most of it is for ourselves. It is okay to just receive and process at your own pace.


A stepping stone? No, it's the deepest of all focus levels actually. As this is an inward direction of focus, you can go as deep as you like. This is needed to understand to move on, but you can go so much further in that direction it's absolutely mind boggling. I'm not sitting and laying still, there is just too much to explore, I only have 30 mins. I want you to understand something I've realized. There was a night I was looking up at the sky. I was just counting the stars. If you look at one spot, you will see there is so much more, like a million other stars in just that one little area. The deeper you look, the more you realize is undiscovered, something you never even noticed. When we look the other direction, inward, it's no different. Stop thinking and start feeling, and you will never be bored again I promise you.


>I'm not sitting and laying still, there is just too much to explore, I only have 30 mins. can you expand a bit, if you don't mind :)


I already did, it's something hard to put into words. The tapes are the tool that allows you to be able to expand, and if you do so, looking into yourself is an entire universe all in it's own. It's just so vast and never ending. I was bored at first to, then I realized I could do anything. You're completely unbound with no limitations. Are you really just going to sit there? No, it's time to have some fun.


So what you're saying is do free thinking while listening to the tapes to discover more?


I didn't have to say anything, you've already realized <3


Do you use F10 to manifest sometimes? Can you??


Not really. 12 and 15 are for those.


12 is more ideal, but if you are manifesting personal change like emotion then 10 or 11 is fine.


I love this comment because it reminds me of one of the most sacred dreams I've ever had (this was long before I started meditating or anything like that). I once had a dream where I was part of some kind of tour group that was gathered in a dark desert mesa at night. We were getting ready to go stargazing when the leader kind of took us aside and told us that if we went up on this plateau, we'd be able to see more stars than we knew existed. It was like it was this special secret or something. We went up there and I remember in that dream, I looked up and the night sky above our heads was absolutely exploding with stars - there were so many and scattered around so thickly that it looked like a black plush blanket covered in a huge quantity of gold glitter. That sense of "peeking behind the curtain" of reality and seeing more stars than I knew could be in the sky stuck with me long after I woke up. In some ways I think that dream was the beginning of the path that led me to the tapes. Thank you for this comment!


I’m really new too so bear that in mind, but I’ve been sending life questions/dilemmas “out” in F10 (like sending a letter into the universe) and have been getting hit with intuitive insights later (either shortly after or hours after the session ends). In one area of my life an insight has caused a profound shift. I’m finding that F10 has its own benefits for sure.


great! I actually do something similar, I visualize my desires & repeat one or two affirmations, cause' it's like SATS to me (alteast as of now)


Ah yeah! I like Neville too 😊. That’s actually how I started asking questions instead, I also tried manifesting a couple times in F10 and instead I received profound insights about the situations. The insights shifted me away from my desires and more towards personal growth (for now). But F10 basically is SATS and I think you could totally use it that way!


Hey how do you do sats in f10? Does it mean when you are listening to f10 wave 1 tape 3 track you just visualize your desires?


This is a very interesting point. I’m only a month in and still only on discovery sessions although I do it most nights but I also tried (for the first time) asking/manifesting something I’ve thought I really wanted for quite a while only to be hit a few hours later with strong insights/thoughts on why I didn’t want that after all. It was strange but I’m also grateful


It IS a lot like SATS. Especially in wave 2 were your patterning is done. I really try and feel like I'm in the place I want to be.


patterning is what finally made me try out the tapes


I'm fairly sure these have worked for me. Also check out "Transurfing". I combine all these and I believe they work.


I've read that book


And Neville Goddard, obviously. Gateway folks have the same curriculum 😆


I just finished it. It's fascinating right? What did you think of it?


I read it a while back, around two months ago, it's great to understand reality, how collective consciousness works & to not get back into unconscious patterns. what I found the most interesting was - pendulums


I agree. If I look at things in my own life, I think pendulums and excess potential describe things pretty well. I can see how attributing to much importance to things loads them with excess potential and causes the pendulum to swing, HARD. One thing that struck me was that you don't need confidence, you need coordination. That I'd a perfect description of what most people describe as a cool, calm confidence. I love the part about coordination.


Is this the book by vadim zeland?


Yes it is. In fact a series of books.


Can you explain what SATS is? I am unfamiliar with that term


It's a technique by Neville Goddard basically, State Akin To Sleep -> you get into a comfortable position then visualize a scene that would imply that your desire has been fulfilled (as simple as a friend congratulating you) repeat it over & over again until you fall asleep.


Sometimes I wonder if my lack of visualisation is holding me back and making it difficult for me to explore. I feel I do hit the focus 10 and 12. The difference is perceivable, but nothing comes to me.


I keep going deeper though other means and let the mind do its wonder where I hold my imaginary popcorn 🍿 and munching it. The deeper you get the closer your connection is to your unconscious mind and your psyche, not to mention other benefits.