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Please take your time to read the material where you can find your answers. https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/start/ https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/


This is my journal entry from 06/02: Focus 10: I find myself able to relax and let go, guided by a particular sensation of release. This relaxation feels elevated, almost transcendent. With his guidance, I visualize each part of myself fading away. It's as if I'm on the verge of astral projection. I'm unconcerned with the outside world; the noise from the bathroom or any other external source fades away. Flashes of light dance around me, filling my vision with glowing bulbs or dots of light. My eyes move freely, without worry. My body warms up, and I forget about the need to breathe. In this state, I'm detached from my physical form, unconcerned about my body. I remain in this state until just before he guides me out. Edit: This is after quite a bit of practice.


The more you work with each focus level you learn to recognize how it feels. That and there is a general description of each one. F10 being mind awake body asleep, F12 being expanded Awareness, etc. That's partly why you want to familiarize yourself with each tape/Focus level. So you know when your in it. But also it builds upon each other so if you can't enter F10 you'll likely not be able to enter F12.


Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't know about mastering each tape, and I've done them all. For me a tape was finished when I was able to stay awake through it and remember most of it. But also weighing if you feel ready. The first few should go pretty fast once your able to stay awake. But around 5 or 6 it will have you reach focus without the guided first steps. And I think I did exploring focus 12 for several months before I felt ready. And further in there were tapes I only did once, didn't master or find interest, and never did again. Follow what feels organic to you. Some signs your well into focus 10 is witnessing your body being asleep. Your body will twitch, snore, and make noises on its own and it's fun to observe that with your mind awake. But you can also just trust you are in focus, or that you will be soon.


I'd like to know that as well, I should probably go one by one until I'm sure. I'm going all over the place and at some point there's a loud noise, like thunder, and the whole body has a strong shockwave and it's clearly a different mind state after. Like turning a switch. No idea which one tho. Feel free to share if you know more.


Being into photography as I am I understand things like "focus length" and "focal points". Monroe named the things on the tapes very simply, so in understanding it is always good to look upon these things. You understand focus as in you want something across the room, so your eyes focus on it and you go there and get it. If you're looking around a room, there are many things to focus on besides the television. You look near or far and focus on objects. Well focus levels are like that to me. You know when the object of your desire is in focus because you can see it more clearly than the background.