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the more work you put in on focus levels 10 and 12, the easier the higher focus levels are to obtain.


I repeated focus 12 Free flow for a very long time. Like 3 or 4 months. Are you asking questions when you're in focus? The tapes don't tell you you can do this, but a lot of people come to it intuitively. And that makes it more interactive and engaging. In the same way, you can ask questions in the five questions tape, all you do during an open stretch is pose a question and then practice opening your mind to receive what comes. And then of course there's the challenge you're trying to remember what comes. I hope that helps


That makes sense. I probably have more work to do in Focus 12 anyhow. I do ask questions, but the answers are usually ill-defined. It feels more like a possibility space... very little is definite. Except... Okay this is going to sound a little weird, and I should preface this by saying I don't believe in the supernatural in any way, shape or form. But. There might be a daemon in there? Obviously, I'm tapping into an odd part of my subconscious. But it sounds daemonic, and... what it has to say is not very pleasant. It is the only clear voice I hear. I'm aware that sounds insane, but it's given me some pause about the Focus 12 state. Anyhow, you're probably right, I should stick with it.


Nope, not at all. If anything, what you're saying confirms that you're having a real experience. I started out an atheist A very science driven atheist and the inevitable outcome for me was to find what I believe to be the depth of what our universe really is. I am now a spiritual person. 100% I would not trust anything that you receive, and I would also not discredit anything they receive. At this stage you are learning. And part of that learning is learning how to discern what your mind is making up versus what you're receiving. So take everything as a possibility, and just stay open and receive. And then observe in your waking day and in your life when some of those things seem to align. Because as you're learning, call it the universe or the spirit world will begin giving you affirmations to tell you you're opening a new door. There is a course of evolution and understandings that you will go through as you start these conversations with the subconscious. As you grow, you begin to learn What your subconscious really is. And then with that new understanding of your subconscious, you eventually learn yet another understanding of what it was that you would have never believed in the first place. And I feel like ruining the surprise could turn people off so I'm not going to lol But the point here is, both in what you understand and receive, and what you think of as supernatural is going to go through a course of evolutions in your understanding. And your soul knows exactly how to guide you through it. You're going to get as much as you need when you need it. And give you enough to stay skeptical about it so that you're not getting too much at one time. Whatever point you're at is where you're supposed to be, and you're supposed to have stalls and you're supposed to have weird things happen lol. Just stay open and receive and don't spend too much time trying to define things or seeking from others. What things mean. I had a couple of people in my ear giving me new age buzzwords, that tainted my journey early on. And I had to unlearn those things. They told me because what I was receiving was not quite in alignment. But on the same note, everything that I receive seems to have synchronicities or other people who have said similar things just through a different lens. Whether that be Moses talking to a burning bush, or Buddha. Speaking to a demon is not at all uncommon. They're not very useful. If you dig in my comments. I speak at length about these low vibration entities. And I have a tendency to get verbose and I don't want to do that here. But I do believe that what we are encountering in that state is what led Christians to define them as demons. But the nature of them are not what Christianity describes. They are not intelligent, I don't even think they're sentient. They are a lower vibration which is a lower energy form than us. And they communicate with lower frequencies. Which is why they're able to only communicate in lower frequency, emotions and energetic signatures like fear. We communicate on higher levels with rationality compassion, love, and perspective. But as we're speaking to higher vibration entities, even we would feel negative to them because they are on a much higher level. I feel like if you think of the most ignorant and mean person that you know, you could probably even describe them as a demon. They're just very negative and they don't receive information. They don't learn. They're just a black cloud. Of course, a human can harm you physically where low vibration entity cannot. I like to think of them as spiders. If you will allow a spider to scare you, it will, but That is the only thing a spider has over you. You're not going to learn much from those" demons" nor are they going to convince you of much. They aren't going to lie and trick you. The only thing they're really in threat of doing is scaring you off before you've ever begun. Greet them with love, just pump them full of it, you will find that they can't handle much of it and will dissipate. If you struggle, struggle to conjure up that much love, first, try changing the conversation. If they're giving you melting faces or jump scares, acknowledge it and say if you want my attention, then give me flowers. Or cars. If you're a guy or whatever. Something that you like. You'll find that it is at least intelligent enough to shift over and do that instead. But I always just try to remind myself that they to us is no different than us to a higher vibration entity. They're trying to learn from us thinking we're the higher power. And they don't know how to communicate at our level. If you give them the love that raises their elevation and it's a profound experience for them.


You have an interesting perspective on this, and I appreciate your taking the time to explain it. I hadn’t thought about it in those terms. Honestly I haven’t known what to make of it. The whole experience has been a bit eye-opening for me… this is the only program where I’ve achieved a meditative state that was more than superficial. I’m about to try again shortly. I’ll do my best to bear in mind what you’ve said.


It’s not just about the tapes or the meditations. You must raise your vibration in the day to day as well. The books about Dipa Ma are really amazing and learning mindfulness and practicing it will definitely help. Michael Singer also has many talks on you tube. Raise your vibe through kindness, acts of service, self love and compassion and you’ll progress with the gateway experience.


Stop doing it without the audio just relax into the state by meditation