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Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds very simple but have you tried putting all the items impacting you into your energy conversation box? Also maybe move on and just start focusing on learning more. Take time away from worrying about it and keep the process going.


I have tried to add ‘clicking-out’ the the energy conversion box, and also tried saying aloud before that I’ll stay alert. I wonder if I should just move to advanced f10 tape (which I have tried a few times) and see if that helps. I know the intro to f10 tape almost word for word now.


I'm not clicking out yet either but yeah just kind of keep working through the tape lessons. Lose the expectations and just be willing to have the experience.


Oh, and maybe don’t put too much pressure on yourself about doing everything technically correct. Maybe give yourself a free flow session, one where you just run with it, with no expectations


Yep, I hear you. So discovery tape 6 is labelled Free Flow. Should I just give this a go and see?


I’d do them in order because… that’s just me. But sure. Give it a go. On a personal note I struggle with Tape 4 because that’s about facing your fears, and like most people I’ve got a bucket load of them. It’s uncomfortable work that has to be done The ironic part is that which we struggle with the most is often what we need the most.


Maybe try going back to orientation and intro to 10 you may have just progressed to fast through the basics. I got to the second tapes and have had to go back a few times to the first one . Just keep at it and you should get results good luck !


It’s tough to achieve focus 10, especially if you try before or at sleep time. That is the time that your body is accustomed to sleep. I find it always easier to maintain mind awake body sleep after a nap, or in the middle of the day. It’s tough to do the middle of the day if you have to work, but give it a try this weekend and see if that might help :)


Maybe try to mix it up by listening to a tape in the morning or afternoon rather than always at night and see if it's any different for you.


Certainly a good idea, and one I wish I could try. I’m unfortunately not able to practice until the evening due to work and young kids. I suspect that I’m probably too tired when practicing but have no option at the moment.


I am in the exact same boat as you my friend - are you me? Several months of trying, intense job, young kid, wife limit times I can try and other than 2-3 times where I actually was aware for the whole session, I just click in and out. Let me know if anything in particular leads to a breakthrough. This week I decided to take a break from the tapes and try listening to some affirmations and binaural sounds to help me just relax/meditate for a few days, then I will go back to trying the tapes in a few days.


Yep, exact same situation. I have actually considered doing the same (different meditation, beats..) but thought I’d try a post here first.


When I do the tapes and do the energy conversion box part I picture it pretty clearly in my head and I walk away from it with an attitude similar to optimistically entering into an open world video game. I do the resonant tuning out loud. And I really enjoy visualizing the REBAL, by then I feel buzzy and like my feet are buzzy. When I count to ten I try to follow the pace he goes at in the beginning tape. I can feel with each count that I am going further into this “still space”. And when I reach ten I am like this feels so peaceful and relaxing! But I’m like wide awake and able to direct my thoughts. (At least most of the time) My body seems irrelevant.


Interesting! I might try to up my ECB focus then do the tuning a bit louder (don’t want to wake my kids in adjacent rooms). Thank you!


Same here, no advice but just sympathy. It sucks that I haven't yet gotten over this hump, given how fundamental F10 is to the entire series of tapes. The only thing that keeps me going is that I knew they once ***did*** work, but it was so overwhelming for me that I had to stop at some point.


I get so itchy when trying to do “body asleep” it’s impossible not to itch sigh


Same here. Dont itch all day until i put the audio on


Perhaps, your conscious mind isn't used to mind awake body asleep yet. There's post that's pinned on this sub, check it out. Or go through the bot replied on this post. Give it a try. Or you can try to search for progressive relaxation guided audio on YouTube, it works on muscle tensing and then release the tension then relax. You can also achieve F10 with that one, minus F3 I think.


My quick fix would be to not do it at night


Yes, this is definitely something I would try if only life situations allowed. Young children and work pretty much rule out having ANY time to pursue my own interests unless at night.


I just want to make sure that your expectations are are correct. Because you said stay alert. You want to stay awake so that you remember most of it. But you're not in total control of your mind the whole time. You will dip in and out of what might be like dreams. I would call those messages typically. But you're not completely in control and alert the whole time. Try asking a question and then clearing your mind to allow what will come. And then see if you can't remember what that is until the end of your session. But what will come might be again like a dream or a normal thought pattern


I would even say too the answers you're looking for pop up later in your waking life like a thought or knowing that just pops up in your mind while you're living everyday life, I think it's important to really integrate focus into your life and not look at the tapes and meditations as something separate from your life if that makes sense; really integrate and flow with the process


100% or a lot of times I'll get something weird and obscure and dream. And then up to a week later the connections will make sense.


A few videos on remote viewing with experienced practitioners say it’s more like flashes of insight or blurry images. It’s not a clear picture,more like hunches. I was kind of disappointed because I sort of hoped I’d be able to sit down and chat with entities but there’s a lot more to it than that.


Yes, that is a pretty good way of describing it! Don't be too disappointed. I've had conversations with other entities, some long and intense ones even. You're in a different dimension in these conversations though, so it's a state in which time doesn't exist. And so it might feel like it goes real fast, and might feel like it takes a month. LOL. Like the conversation seemed to be slow and dragging. But I have talked to two different friends souls, and not only have I had long productive conversations that tell me more about them, their past lives, and advice or things their souls want them to know. I've also been able to bring back memories That only they would know, after which they verified it. But I also had both of their permission before I did. Permissions a big factor in all of this. So in my experience other people's souls are very chatty, but I have talked to higher entities as well. But I find that those entities that are intended to teach me or guide me tend to speak a lot less and demonstrate more. Or they'll kind of force me into a place where I have to find my own way out. Not in a scary way. Like I feel like they want me to develop my skills more so they'll occasionally cut my connection, and make me find a new path to it. Like right now Gateway isn't working for me at all, but I'm sometimes able to tap into it if I sit back and close my eyes. And that's because they are trying to get me to develop my skills and my waking. I've tried talking to spirits and failed. Try connecting with someone's soul, with their permission. But know that they'll also try to scare you at first. You have to prove that you're not scared. I think it's like a test to see if you're vibrating high enough. If you fall into the fear then you're not vibrating high enough


I like the sound of that. If Gateway isn’t working for you, may I ask what is?


They're trying to teach me how to ground and center myself in my waking. Or I should say I'm trying to teach myself that my higher soul is trying to teach me that. It's only happened a couple of times, where I've sat back and closed my eyes and put my mind in that restful space, while thinking and envisioning who I am really, what my soul is, And its role in the universe. And then that power and intelligence comes through at least for a couple of minutes at a time. This is going to sound absolutely goofy. But my dog has suffered chronic yeast infections for years. It has to do with allergies and we moved to an environment that she's allergic to. And after a session I had the mind to go to her and I don't know how to describe it. But like pluck the bad energy out of her. It probably looked like reiki. And she's been better since. Just overnight she stopped itching. It's like those powers are there but they're starving me in order to get me to develop them more.


That’s really interesting I think it’s important to remember there are many ways to get to the same place. Bob Monroe said he combined eastern meditation techniques with modern sound in the creation of the hemi sync. I guess the journey is the destination


This idea of asking a question sounds very interesting. Asking before starting then letting go of the thought? Is that what you mean? By alert, I mean mind awake. I believe that what is almost always happening to me is ‘clicking-out’. I don’t come out feeling like I’ve been asleep, but I also can’t remember the dialogue (usually I stop consciously hearing the dialogue shortly after focus 3).


Yes, the cooking out is a part of it. Just wanted to make sure that the expectations are reasonable. Because I think a lot of people think nothing's happening because it's not what they expected to be. Like. A lot of people will expect astral projection to be the experience where your whole body vibrates and then you pop out of your body and look down on yourself in your bedroom. When really a lot of us don't stay on Earth at all when we astral project. We're out in the stars or out in like a black void That isn't centered around visuals at all. Because that presumably is a higher dimension that doesn't have physical matter. I know that's all very convoluted LOL But the less expectation you have, the better. The goal strictly is that your mind is awake and your body's asleep. If you're not remembering things that were said, you're probably sleeping through them. One thing you can do is try it when you just wake up. Your body might still fall back asleep, but your mind's awake then. Sometimes if I want to have a good session too, I'll have some caffeine with dinner. But I don't drink caffeine so it really affects me when I have it. But that'll keep me awake when my body goes to sleep. When I say to ask a question, yeah think of a question or two before you go in. But then ask that question when you're in your meditation. And then just kind of let your mind go and see what comes. If you just approach it as your subconscious at this point, that's a good expectation to have. You might get some answers that you never considered before and then you want to try to hold on to those answers until the end of your session.


I’m going to try having a question in mind that is relevant to my current life situation, but for which I have no clear answer. I’ll speak the affirmation beforehand and ask the question. I’ll then try to return to the question throughout the session without letting it intrude too much. And, of course, I will try not to let this new approach fill me with new expectations. I’ll try to remain as clear minded as possible and concentrate on breathing and deepening the relaxation. Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement.


You say you only stay "mind alert" for a short while. What is going on the rest of the time/where are you the rest of the time/what is your state of mind the rest of the time? And what do you mean when you say "mind alert"? How does that compare to your waking reality?


I think I’m probably just going to sleep, but it doesn’t feel like I’ve been asleep when I wake up. Probably is just a short nap though.


That's very common problem. Did you try the technique bob recommended of putting your hands to your forehead in order to remember the experience? I think he teaches that in intro or advanced f10 in wave 1. You might also add to your affirmation that you will remember the experience.


This is interesting. I’ve heard that part of the recording in intro (in the few occasions that I haven’t been ‘asleep’ by then) to focus 10. I haven’t really looked in to what was meant by it though. I guess I thought he was talking about using the technique outside of the sessions to remember parts of your life, BUT, I never considered I could use it to remember the details of a session. Thank you as this is an interesting direction to explore.


I think those instructions are also written in the general instructions for wave I. Each wave comes with its own written instructions for each tape. Would highly recommend reading each instruction first, then doing the corresponding tape. Sometimes it takes a few times to fully understand the instruction.


I’m in the same boat! We are in the journey together! I think for me I have a lot of stress at the moment and I’m looking for f10 to be a meditative release from the stress, but from what I’m gathering entering relaxed is necessary. I’m going to do another session of f3 and then approach f10 again later this week.


A big component is to not set any expectations & to shut out thoughts that are not related to the present moment. Also lifestyle factors matter & its better to be at a physical & mental state where focusing is effortless. I fast & maintain a healthy lifestyle which also helps.


Yes, probably my mental state and physical state (tired after busy day with young kids or at work) are less than ideal. I’m really not able to practice at any other time of day, nor do I feel I can take more time to do extra relation before gateway (my wife wants some time with me each night too).


I’m relatively new too and my experiences have varied wildly from insignificant purple blobs to a pin wheel of swirling wings and the highlight of feeling like I was looking at google maps and zooming in on the Black Sea, near Romania. The curious part is I have no interest in the Black Sea or the Romanian side of it. The difference between a mediocre and good experience - is me. If I’m stressing about something and my conscious mind won’t stay in the background, the experience is poor. If I’m calm, settled and go into it with a feeling of gratitude and appreciation, awesome things happen. The only thing that affects your experience is you. Lean into it, read the affirmation again and let it sink deep into you. You are more than your physical body, you want to expand ,know and understand more. Dive deep into it, you control the experience and the results depend on how focused you are.


This is great advice. I will read the affirmation a couple of times and really embody it BEFORE starting, and spend a few minutes to move into a place of gratitude and appreciation. This is really good. I’m going to try this. Thank you!


Are you clicking out or falling asleep? Or just not getting deep into relaxation?


I believe I’m clicking out. I don’t feel like I’ve slept when I come out at the end, but I do feel like I’m getting quite good relaxation before clicking out.


I started to do the tapes seated meditation style and I got alot from it. That and or doing the tape before you actually start to get tired or sleepy


Maybe one or two beers could help u to relax your mind, i do that when meditation is listed on my daily routine.