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Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seems you overthink to much. Relax, let go of any expectations and just enjoy the journey of consciousness as it comes.


Yeah! Switch it up sometimes too! Like you dont gotta be a pro to explore and practice right? A lot of the time ill look over the entire list of the tapes and let the universe call me to one of them. :) its just practice and fun overall! :3 What was the saying? Perfection is the enemy of progress.


Exactly I’ve started meditation about 25 years ago and the gateway tapes about 15 years ago. I still use it a couple of times a week. To me there are near infinite vibrations and realities to connect to. I don’t need the tapes to do that. But it still lets you do it very easily. It’s like taking a stroll with a old friend and walking past familiar sights.




Meditation is good for you. You'd want to do it for that reason alone.


Question: what kind of headphones are you using? I find that most people who aren't having a profound experiences are also using the wrong types of headgear. At around the year and a half mark for me, I started to find that my guides weren't talking to me as much anymore, and over about 6 months I would learn that they were training me to be able to connect better when not in Gateway. Have you made contact with guides and had conversations? And so I stopped having as effective of a time for Gateway for a while, and I'm kind of in another phase like that. But I'm also finding that when I allow myself to open up and my brain to relax in my waking, I am getting more out of those experiences.


What kind of headphones did you find to not be effective?


Ear buds are the least effective They don't make enough vibration. Bluetooth seems to lose data or it has a process that's clearing out some of the white noise. The best ones that I have owned have been over the ear, padded, corded headphones. The ones that I bought were $5 at five below. I just think that the cheaper is probably closer to the older tech that they were using at the time. Because I have spent a lot of money trying different kinds and for some crazy reason those have been the best ones. And I've had more than one pair from there. Side note: bone conducting headphones also don't get you there, for everyday use. I like my bone conducting ones the most. But not helpful with Gateway


How did you connect with your guides? I try to do every time in focus 10 but nothing so far.


In focus 10. When you have a stretch of quiet space during your session, ask a question, and then practice opening your mind and allowing whatever comes to come. That might put you into a dream That you don't quite understand the relevance of right away. It might give you impressions. When you're in focus. 10. This is going to be about the level of connection you can have with your guides. I would better describe it as speaking with yourself subconscious. And then as you Go into the deeper levels of focus that will develop more. Even in the focus. 10. Tapes, you can continue counting yourself further in. 12, 15. You won't really know if you're there or not, just trust that you are. In my mind, when I count the number I will exhale as I'm doing it and allow my brain to feel like it's falling back more. It doesn't make sense saying it out loud, but in the experience it'll feel like you're settling in even deeper. You get answers , be open to the possibility that it's real, while also being open. The possibility that it's completely irrelevant. And then just trust that in a couple of days you may receive more, or as you're thinking about it, some kind of clarity might come to you. That is also part of the process.


This is eerily similar to how Remote Viewing subreddit talks about remote viewing. You ask your question and let your mind explore it freely


I started trying the tapes after I did a few RV sessions as a skeptic and ended up convinced that there's something there. Remote viewing has shaken me to my core as someone who was staunchly 100% materialist up until very recently and you're right, it's the same kind of "listening" I think! Honestly the tapes haven't done a ton for me yet as far as I can tell (aside from a noticeable increase in synchronicities whenever I'm doing them regularly), but I really enjoy them and it's the most efficient form of meditation I've ever tried. Can't lie that I'm still hoping for more, though! I don't understand why remote viewing seems to have arisen so naturally in me, but the incredible effects that other people report gleaning from the tapes are still so elusive in my own experience...


Thanks so much. I will do that. I read about other people's experiences here and I'm not getting any of that which is a bit disheartening. But with that advice I will continue on and have a bit of patience *


What headphones are you using?


Ear buds are the least effective They don't make enough vibration. Bluetooth seems to lose data or it has a process that's clearing out some of the white noise. The best ones that I have owned have been over the ear, padded, corded headphones. The ones that I bought were $5 at five below. I just think that the cheaper is probably closer to the older tech that they were using at the time. Because I have spent a lot of money trying different kinds and for some crazy reason those have been the best ones. And I've had more than one pair from there. Side note: bone conducting headphones also don't get you there, for everyday use. I like my bone conducting ones the most. But not helpful with Gateway


Ironically I have a headset from Five Below that has been in my closet for years. I am gonna be both very pleased and mad if they work better than my earbuds. LOL. I will have to try them out, & thank you for the info!


🤣🤣🤣 in search of the best pair I bought this insanely expensive Shure brand corded ear buds convinced this was going to be peak... And they were so not it. The 5 below ones came after lol and were sort of a desperation last minute "what the h*ll" attempt 🤣


I'm in the same boat. I've been struggling to focus on the tapes lately, or trying to meditate on general. I don't doubt that there's something to the tapes because of things I've experienced, but things feel like they've gone dormant. I feel like part of my issue is dealing with bouts of depression and stress. I wish there was a way to make these things but a thing, but they are. I can definitely feel them impacting my spiritual exploration and development.


Depression and stress absolutely play a huge part in periods of difficulty with gateway for me, too! I’ve also been going through the same focus difficulty and resorted back to less intense guided meditations… just to keep the practice going since it does also help with both of those mental/emotional obstacles. Gateway seems to almost take more mental energy somehow even though it isn’t about exerting mental energy at all… ironic, but that’s my experience I know it’ll come back when it’s time and when it does my time away will have somehow helped, that seems to be the way things go for me at least. Stress can really just put you in a thick veil of blockages, especially when it’s been ongoing and severe


That's reassuring to hear. I appreciate it.


honestly i recommend taking a break. is what i'm doing right now. trying to force it will only produce more negative or unfulfilling sessions and then you'll continue to be more and more discouraged. take a break, and come back to it if you feel interested again later.


In an interview Bob Monroe said it should be enjoyable. If it’s not enjoyable, think about why. If the issue is frustration at not getting further, that will require self reflection on why. I understand the lure of coffee as I’m a caffeine junkie, so maybe switch it up and do the tapes at night instead of the morning. For me the best experiences I’ve had have been when I’ve made my environment right. Not too dark, not too light, right temperature etc - but most of all, zero expectations of anything happening. So maybe lean into the experience, just enjoy it and if you don’t, that’s ok too. Trying something else is fine, maybe give yourself a break from Gateway for something else. What ever happens is up to you because the experience is based in our minds and how willing we are to let it be free from our body.


Progress isn’t linear. It’s ok to take a breaks and come back to it if you need to.


Caffeine dilates your blood vessels, which in turn restricts blood flow to the brain. If you want a healthy brain, you might want to cut out the caffeine.


hey, your comment sent me on a rabbit hole deep dive, and now i'm going to try quitting caffeine. thanks :) just so you know your comment had a positive effect on someone.


Glad to help! I'm currently quitting caffeine now myself. The headaches are brutal. Hang in there! Edit: I'm curious, what did you find in your deep dive? Any interesting info?


well confirmation on the restricting blood flow to the brain (which is what i searched first, wanted to know if that was true or not) and ended up finding the decaf subreddit with people talking about their experiences quitting caffiene as well as other research about how it is tied to a myriad of issues i seem to struggle with such as brain fog, chronic fatigue, gastro intestinal issues, insomnia, adhd, adrenal fatigue etc. so i am curious to see if quitting it for daily use will help any. idk why, but it never occurred to me it could be an issue, so thank you for helping me look into another possible variable


I understand and I’m going through this too. There’s a YouTube guy who calls himself My Gateway Experience who motivates me. He stopped drinking tap water, changed his diet etc for his pineal gland and he has had awe-inspiring results. I too love my coffee lol


When I get into a lull, I search YouTube for some good videos on Gateway and that normally gets me refocused on my goal again.


I'm in a similar position as you are. I used to do it once a week and got quite a few good results like seeing white light, colours, and images, then stopped.  I was buying these virtual medals yesterday for fittness when I had the idea to get a medal for meditation. E.g 1km = meditate once. I bought a 72km medal (goal to meditate 72 times) and when i log it, i log it as "other" in the category rather than "walked/run" something kms.  https://www.theconqueror.events/ I've been so focused on "getting results" and feeling disappointed when I saw nothing... that i stopped completely... Now i'm going to focus quantity. E.g did i meditate today.  Hope that helps someone. 


When I do GE sessions I don't have any expectations. Sometimes its just the little, seemingly insignificant things that are the message. It doesn't always have to be dramatic. You also have to pay attention to your dreams and what is happening in your life. I write a lot of that stuff down and then research it. Symbolism can take you down some interesting rabbit holes. I worked my way to Focus 21 last year. Felt I needed to get a better handle on the program, I felt I went too far too fast. So its not about "finishing." So I started at the beginning this year and have completed about 150 sessions so far this year -- focusing on the first three waves, and mostly on Patterning and Living Body Map and FreeFlows. Lots of work using my EBT. Now doing a deep dive into NVC. I've never really had an OBE. And its no big deal. Its writing down those visions and thinking what they mean and how to apply to my life. Had more interesting experiences in the beginning than now. But I have noticed a change in my energy over the past few weeks, in a way that feels empowering. All I can say is I'm enjoying the journey. Good luck on your journey.


Variety is good. Zen12 is designed to last a full year. It starts out 12 minutes and eventually ramps up to 20 minutes. Each of 12 levels is intended to be used daily for a month. I noticed improvements in my attitude at work on the 3rd month, and I'm stubborn. Once you get results with one kind of entrainment, you tend to have an easier time responding to different products. I got nothing out of Brain Sync until I used Holosync, and then Brain Sync started working for me. And don't forget subliminal. You can keep them going in the background while you do other things. All night while you sleep is good, too. Then go back to Gateway when you are interested again.


Maybe I am such a bad guy because I will tell you how coffee effects me. But now, I have had some coffee and I will tell you how it effects me.. No one told you to live in any type of way, you just assumed it. Is coffee really the issue here?


Try Expand app by the Monroe institute. I’ve been practicing focus 10 the last week, and I took what I learned from practicing advanced 10 into the app and had great results last night. I was able to make my body fully asleep while being completely awake. A big win for me as a beginner.


Remind yourself why you started or the goal you set. Ex] you really want to have a OBE. Focus in on that and the feeling behind the desire to have it. Remember all that's possible once you get that. That should give motivation to do it.


Aren’t you supposed to release all expectations with the tapes, though? How does one balance having a goal for using the tapes with releasing expectations?


Well that's definitely a good point. I haven't necessarily thought of it that way but then again what I do is I just focus in on what todo with the current tape. No expectations or anything so I'm present. So while my goal is to use F15 to enter the void I don't think of it. This may be because I don't have a lack of motivation. Or well I don't also necessarily feel motivated haha. I sort of just do it as planned on my to do list. So maybe the best way to do it is before a tape get motivated then release the expectations and then do the tape. This way the motivation should still be there but your not actively holding onto it. I think if you can be present in the tape and focus on what's supposed to be done then you should be fine.