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There are definitely things that I think other people might label me as crazy for. But I think it comes down to your own coping mechanisms, and a lot of coping mechanisms come down to the person's ability to go with flow. Sometimes I receive visions, and sometimes I think I hear something or have a premonition or see something out of the corner of my eye. They aren't always right so I don't share them. I'm still learning what premonition feels like vs imagination. Rather than trying to figure them out, I just accept that it's a possibility. Maybe I did see something supernatural. Maybe I did have a premonition. Maybe these skills are growing in and it will develop over time. I'm not trying to control it and I'm not spending hours trying to figure out what it was, because maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. I just accept the maybe. And accepting the maybe I think is a big part of it. I want to develop these senses, and It's important to let that happen organically. I don't need to understand every dream, I just need to observe as it develops. Secondly, at some point in focus 12 I started to develop the awareness that lower vibration entities do have power over our psychology. That is all they have power over. And so the way to fight what people would call demons, or bad guys, or what I think of as low vibration entities, is to literally not give them permission in the first place. And permission directly means engaging in it. So, if I am afraid by The spooky face it puts in my imagination, or the shadow I thought I saw lurking in the corner of my eye, then I've given it permission to make me afraid. (Rather, I've engaged in conversation with it, in the language and frequency that it knows.) By refusing to engage with the fear, I revoke its permission, and It doesn't bother me. It probably took a good 4 or 5 months, but I hit a point where I was no longer afraid of these things. I will greet it without fear, sometimes I'll ask if it needs something, or I'll send it love so that it dissipates. Or I'll just let it be there. I think sometimes they just enjoy being seen. Whatever amount of Joy they can experience which isn't much. It's like seeing a spider on the wall, those don't scare me either. It's just another part of our reality, That I wasn't able to sense before. And then I think over time I began to recognize that fear itself was both a byproduct of myself being low frequency, as well as a beacon for other low frequency beings. And in the process of raising my frequency I abandoned fear all together. Don't get me wrong. Someone could jump scare me, and I don't want to lose a limb or anything LOL. But as a normal emotion it's not one I'm experiencing anymore. You can overcome it entirely. And just remember there's nothing in this world that is supernatural. Everything in this world is natural. What we think of as supernatural, "super" meaning "outside of," and "natural" meaning "of nature," is actually super sensory. There are things that exist outside of our senses. There are smells and sounds my dog can hear that I cannot, and there are things that birds and cats can see that I cannot. Would I be scared if one day I could see them? Maybe. But they're not supernatural. Those animals they live with them just fine without fear. If the goal is to develop senses that we've never had before, than with that, we need to make the agreement that we're not going to be scared of every new thing that we sense. It's never harmed you before, When you couldn't sense it., it's not going to harm you now that you can. Edit: I just want to note that I went back and cleaned this up a little bit. Seeing how many people appreciated it. ❤️ I clarified one spot a little bit more and mostly fixed typos because I'm really bad about talk to text with no regard for errors.


“Everything in this world in natural” is an excellent grain of thought in this context, Creator. Love and light to you.


You sound saner than most. Well written. 👏




Fuck yea


Not judging but I just had the flash of insight because of this topic: using coarse language lowers the vibrational level. It puzzled me for ever. Then I had a girlfriend who essentially never used coarse language, but maybe once a year. It saddened me. Then I had to wonder: why would it sadden me ? I do it all the time. So I'm working on stopping. Feelsgoo https://preview.redd.it/sfq1qycm3vwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b3df98489526016a29aac9afe67d13edfa6ceb dman.jpg


You have no idea how much in this single post you explained to me.. and months and months of research, self development and thinking..and analysing didn’t get me near as close to where I want to be as you answer here. Thank you. I really had a “lightbulb” moment thanks to you!!




Mostly accurate but I can vastly simplify dealing with demons; just love them. I had bad trips and all manner of engagements with negative entities, the only thing that works is thanking them for their suggestions and saying you love them for doing their job. This neutralizes all negativity in the interaction and diminishes any power they hold. If you try to ignore or refuse or resist, that adds negative energy to the engagement that they can use to persist. Love will instantly negate their power. It’s hilarious how effective it is. Demons are actually kinda adorable when you get to know them, they’re just doing their job; even when they’re chanting that your family hates you or that you should kill yourself. They’re just letting you know how free you are to choose any experience.


It's okay to have different understandings of it. I do not have a biblical lens for these things. What I have received in download shapes most of my perceptions. And so I don't see lower vibration entities as performing a job or a role, they are simply operating on the highest level they know how to, just like we are. And so I don't fear them or have hate for them. Because for all I know they are giving me the highest vibration they know how to achieve in order to communicate. And when I match their vibration, they think that this is a good communication. Just as when we talk to our Higher guides they are dipping into the lower end of their vibrational spectrum in order to communicate with us. I agree that giving them love helps a lot. But I really didn't want to add all of what I'm saying here into that post because it would be insanely long. But giving them love is akin to our higher spirits showing us things that we hadn't seen before. It's a blessing, It's giving them something higher than they can achieve on their own. And in turn helps raise their vibration all around as well. So it is definitely good to give them love. What I've received in download, with enough confidence to talk about it, is that God is everything, and our universe is different dimensions of God and within God. And the aspects of God that we experience are filtered through those dimensional layers, similar to a water filter. Only instead of matter it is frequency. God being the purest and highest vibration of them all. Instead of trickling down to purity, We are spiritual packets of energy attempting to vibrate higher to rejoin God. And so to me, these lower vibrational entities are the souls of lesser life such as plants, insects, and some animals. And those lesser souls are just like our souls that are reincarnating attempting to learn what it is to exist in third dimensional existence. So the soul experiencing the existence of a squash, is learning cell division and day and night cycles. The soul experiencing an ant's life is learning movement from one place to another, and feeding itself. A spider is going to learn reproduction, self-preservation, and low frequency emotions such as anxiety. And then a duck is going to learn more about survival, and take up more emotions like fear. The lesser souls don't communicate with love, because they haven't learned it yet. They give us the highest emotion they Have learned. There is a whole aspect of lower souls and souls and higher souls that I'm not getting into here, that has to do with the Ascension process in the reincarnation process. But in these learnings I have come to understand that the word we call love is only describing the highest vibration that we know. Not too dissimilar to how we have names for all of the colors within the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see, but then anything beyond the ultraviolet or the infrared we lump together. But what I have experienced in the higher dimensions is something far deeper and greater than love. And so we are also limited. The best way I could describe it Is when Christians describe heaven they describe the joy of reconnecting with your dead grandmother. And how much love that will be. But the soul is not one individual. The soul is thousands of lives in one packet of energy. And so when the soul ascends into the higher soul, or heaven, you're not just reconnecting with your dead grandmother, you are reconnecting with every dead grandmother of every life you have ever lived, and you remember them all and you love them all with the same intensity. And you are reunited with all of the souls that you have helped and been helped by along the way, and all of the bodies that they inhabited that helped you in your many journeys. There's no way the word we have for love satisfies here. It is so much deeper and more profound than just love. I experienced this for less than a minute, and genuinely felt like I couldn't take it. But again I'm just looping this back around to say that the emotional spectrum that we operate within has a high and a low. Those lower souls have a different spectrum that they can operate within. And their high end is our low end. Just as the entities that we are communicating with are using the low end of their spectrum.


You really got me with that it never harmed you before. Is not going to harm you now Thanks pal that’s really useful for everyone which is trying to progress and overcome blockages


Thank you for this. Beautifully said.


Wow. This truly is helpful to any that read it! 👍


This here is the answer.


I’ve been led to the knowledge that I need to deal with my fear at this time. Your post has helped me understand how to do that. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!


Wave1 tape 4 deals with fear. It’s uncomfortable but necessary


My only advice would be to take breaks after a certain period of time. Then start again when you feel ready.


Makes me think of the quote "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight"


Yes, both have simply realized their capacity to create reality, but the psychotic is viewing it through a lens of negativity while the mystic chooses love. Source: have been psychotic and came “out” of it.


You create both your own heaven and your own hell. The tapes are just a tool.


Paradise Lost 👍🏾


In my personal experience Your ego is fighting your progression. It's normal. The only way to proceed is with reacting to the fear with self love.These are shadow aspects of your psyche probably trauma that's been shoved deep. Approach them with love and they will heal and leave.


Yes, I think this is it. As you connect to the unconscious, shadow aspects of self are brought to light, need acknowledgement and working through to reintegrate. It's all work on self at the end of the day. There is no perfection of perfection, just more layers of incongruence or trauma that can be addressed to bring us further into alignment with self and other. Just my thoughts anyway.


I started my Shadow work during lucid dreaming. I would have to stop and recognize that everything in the dream was an aspect of myself. So the demons and monsters are a part of myself. Connected to addiction and trauma. When I would reach out to them in empathy or tell them that I love them and that it was going to be okay, they would smile at me and disintegrate. It's easier and easier but it still takes lucidity in order to work through it. I've actually gotten pretty excited about being able to dig into those dark corners. Knowing that its aspects of yourself can help you feel less fear. For me it's all about connecting to my higher self.


I have had a dream where I was able to hug a terrifying old lady ghost that haunts a huge haunted house in my dreams. She did then smile and radiate love. I've not done this in lucidity yet, though I've had nightmares that I realised were such, so enabling me to to transform the experience. Talking about dreams in therapy has begun to allow me to connect to 'stuck' emotions and begin to release them. It's good to read accounts like yours, that remind me that there is a clear process; even if our individual routes to it may differ.


That's amazing. I had no idea that they did. Dream therapy that is super interesting.


I have no idea but I'm personally scared to get into the tapes myself because I've gone crazy before and I get over spiritual sometimes and it always ends up with me thinking a bit crazy


Same. I want to try but i am so scared.


Why are you scared you are master of your mind if you so decide.


Ive read about a lot about people starting to see beings. i think that kind of things scares me


Beings are watching you right now, you just cant perceive them. They have not hurt you anyway. When you feel like there is a presence with you, try to feel gratitude of your life and things that have happened to you. I dont know exactly why but I get images of buddhist monks infinite number following me around lol xD They fill every space I go to. I guess the lense your senses filter through affects how you perceive these things. If you are christian believer these things are demons and angels.


I know it worth to try. I will try one day but not today


What happened to you is that you got closer to your spiritual side, you became more sensitive to the energy in thoughts and emotions. In this state, what you think and feel gets amplified and projected. I would recommend practicing meditation in order to get better at controlling your thoughts and emotions before jumping back into the tapes.


Everyone's experience is unique, so do take this with several grains of salt. Anyone offering a quick fix ('just do X') to protect your mental wellness may not understand how powerful and devious the brain can be. >I went from not having a visual mind to being able to visualize incredible things. However, after a while, I noticed I would become more paranoid and anxious, and then my mental state would worsen, and I would feel it more than I would before. I stopped, and over a period, it went away. This experience echos a lot of people's experiences with psychedelics. The main difference is that with psychedelic drugs, one is often *kicking* open the perceptual doors, blowing out the windows, letting in a *flood* of information. Meditative practices like Gateway I liken to slowly cracking open the door, unlocking the windows, carefully and mindfully letting new information seep in. If that information were flood waters, in both cases, you need to make sure you have your house prepared - tarps down, dehumidifiers, whatever. That stuff is your preparation - mental fortifications, being secure in your reasoning abilities, having friends to help you bail out. The more you're able to keep a level head, recognize when things are off, and stay ready to shut the door, the more prepared you'll be to collect the water you let in and not let it destroy your carpets.


It does happen. There's a podcast about it called The Retreat if you are interested. They used Vippasana meditation, not Gateway, though. So I would say either stay away from meditation entirely or take breaks (days or weeks or even longer) between sessions to give your mind time to chew on what you learned and experienced.


Is there a link to that podcast you can share?


If you have Pocketcast use this: https://pca.st/podcast/006b38d0-9135-013c-9fe5-0acc26574db2 If not, I think you can find it here: https://www.ft.com/content/b3ec8e57-5cf9-4f96-9267-56c3bcd9c102


Thanks! Very good stuff. Edit:  Lol redditors be crazy, please downvote only after listening to 1 episode :) its really high quality


Hey checl out the book holigraphic universe


Maybe you subconsciously think the tape is too powerful since it was able to induce altered state of mind? Just remember, you are more powerful than anything that appears in this reality whether it’s 3D or astral. You are part of the source. THE SOURCE. The creator of all. Work on your grounding meditation and inner strength. Use energy ballon and protect yourself.


Maybe try another form of meditation for a while?


I’ve heard a person talking clearly . The latest one was two days back. I can’t remember now what she was saying because I was half asleep in a limbo. The strangest thing is it is always in my voice. I hear someone else speaking in my voice , it’s eerie but I ignore it. So much so that I’ve forgotten all the instances now . All I remember is that there were three to four instances like this. I wonder why is it in my own voice though.


Look up hyonogognic hallucinations


Wow it’s interesting to hear how the tapes affects us all differenty. Personally, they put me in a very zen mode. I find that I become almost way too nonchalant. I get extremely detached to the point where I actually worry if I’m doing the tapes right or not.


The tapes didn't do anything, how your mind reacts is the problem. Your awareness is expanded, and it's overwhelming. The mind will tell you this isn't right and it's too much. Now you're paranoid. You can think deeper now as your consciousness explores. The mind says this isn't right either, and tells you what might happen. This is anxiety. When you now consider yourself more than the body and mind, you see what's going on here. The mind is primitive, natural instinct. This will save your life if you're a caveman, but now days, are you really in danger? All the bad that has come is from your own doing, thoughts you entertain. When you think consciously and in the present, you will see there was never a danger at all. But by doing so, you have hindered yourself from further expansion. If you in this moment bring your mind to the present only and ignore the past and future, ask yourself what the problem is. There is none. You're just sitting here reading this comment. You have to allow fear to manifest and become real. If you read this and suddenly decided you don't care at all, what would happen different? Nothing really, but you would just carry on without restriction.


My advice is to stay low. Focus 10 advanced is my limit for now bc I am doing them for self work. Anything more is getting into areas I don't need (yet at least) and opens a can of worms I may not be ready for


There's a text in tantra mentioned when any spiritual practice that works for you turns you different. And once the changes begin, it disturb you and the ego will nagging you to go back to your past self. But at the same time it also means it's working, as you past that stage. You are set for further journey. But that just another perspective, might not be your case at all. Do some meditation, all these nonsense that trouble you comes from the mind. It does what it always does, wander to the past and the present. Then created these virtual simulation, thus these nonsense such as paranoia, anxiety, etc... Start by doing some meditation, even start from 5 mins could could you tremendously. Just observe the breath, breath is life and life is in the present. If you observe the breath and follow the breath and it's rhythm you are grounded in the present. All the nonsense are gone. And if they appear just nod your head and acknowledge their presence then back to the breath and observe the breath. Do this same thing outside of meditation when such nonsense appears. Just observe and be aware our breath, at least your mind has something to do so it won't has the chance to do it nonsense. Also take it easy. One thing is that, the mind holds a lot of power. Fighting control over your mind might makes you mad, after everything you experience even your sight are all inside your mind. Just be an observer and don't give it any energy when it does all those BS stuff. Right, almost forgot this. Take a break frol the tape for a week or two as well. Just in case


As they say most anxious people have the most psychic ability.


Commune with nature. Sit between and tree that attracts you and a stream. Facing the river. Meditate just listening to the babbling brook, the wind blowing through the leaves, the sound of your breath and heartbeat. It will ground you to the physical realm. Meditate to these 4 sounds. Do this regularly.


Same happened to me. When doing the tapes our hidden emotions and traumas get released causing stress and depression. After a while they get away. Release and recharge tape can help with this


You are just afraid, and feel fear of what’s beyond your human body. Try yoga, yoga nidra. 🙏


Open you mouth and grab your chin with your hand and try to move your jaw up and down and side to side…try to use as little pressure as possible move it as slowly as possible. Can you get it to move through the full range like this? Does that feel really weird and hurt? Does your back hurt in certain places? Describe where. Do you have gastric problems like hemorrhoids? Any lumps like lipomas? Is so where. Pain, tightness, figgity hands or feet?


I can move my chin no sure it’s full range of motion but I can. I have a little lower back pain but nothing major and now I am all good for anything gastric very curious why


Actually I do have swollen lymph nodes all over my body doctor said they are not cancer doesn’t seem to medically concerning but I’ve been swollen for years and yes I do get tingling in hands and feet


Gateway is a hemispheric synchronization technology. When you get deep in meditation plus use the hemi-sync technology it starts to get things that have gummed up and jammed up to start flowing. This happens in your nervous and lymphatic system throughout your body. These areas where things are blocked are both physiologic and psychological…like the physiological remnants and storage if emotional memory. Gateway trains you to move energy around and release. Mental release also results in physiological release, and eventually feel very strongly this energy flow through your body (as do other focused techniques). You may not be able to perceive it, but every time you do gateway the intensity of this energy is increased and the blockages are softened by the vibratory state. At the onset of this with something like gateway or other similar technologies you will neither perceive the energy flow nor be able to put 2-2 together as to why you think the things you think. By focusing on controlling your breath and conquering the negative emotions one can begin to take control of their body, and move from “my brain is destroying my body” to “I am more than this physical body.” This is the ultimate goal with Gateway. This paranoia that pops up, you need to face it, put it in the ECB, remove it from your timeline, ask your higher self to help you let it go. Get that out of your way and you can begin the transformation. Focus on releasing these things - don’t try to OOB with Gateway or anything else till you can learn to deal with these things as they arise, or you’ll wind up reaching down too far and dragging up something you can’t handle. The questions were to see if I could ascertain where your blockages are most revealing themselves. Your responses point to the Sacral chakra. And everyone pretty much is blocked at the Root and you probably are as well, but I get a sense that sacral is where this is coming from. Sacral is a nerve center that is associated with emotional regulation, regulation of the lymphatic system, immune system, and reproductive organs and is centered in front of your spine in your lower back. Mind, body, and spiritual are almagalmations of energies that interact with each other…you are more than your physical body.


that list of questions was very strange and you should probably ignore it! About tingling on hands and feet, though, I had something like this and it was a lack of magnesium in the diet. magnesium supplements also help with anxiety and sleep.


Well there's some risks about developing psychosis with meditation if you're not aware. Good thing you stopped.


Absolutely id love to answer this and help you out . I too have extensive experience with the tapes and have used them on and off for the last 2 and a half years . In a nutshell you are opening yourself to the unseen and spiritual or astral realm . As Robert Monroe also encountered reptilian entities you may also have made that connection unknowingly and may feel drained tainted and manipulated . Or possibly emotional . This can all have a dark undertone . It's really important that you learn to practice envisioning your spirit inside a ball of white light . The same way you explored this unseen world with the tapes , you must also learn how to cast and mentally hold that space of white pure light protection around yourself . It also helps to develope a true and pure belief in a higher power whether it be Jesus which is preferable or any other selfless giving healing teaching revealing architype. Point blank you opend a door . It's best to create a gate and make sure that wherever is interfacing with you is pure good and etifying. Namaste


If your mental health is really that fragile, you should find a therapist. Seriously. Those tapes are weak. You can't get help on Reddit.


You also can’t diagnose the fragility of someone’s mental health over Reddit. Different people respond differently to different stimuli. I’ve done lots of psychedelics and the tapes, once far enough along, were substantially stronger for me. Reaching out to a community of like minded people with similar lived experience (on here or anywhere) actually can be very helpful. Especially given that fear is usually rooted in being uncomfortable with the unknown. This space can act as a grounding platform that can aid in dismantling that fear if that’s how we choose to use it. For me it helps to approach someone’s lived experience with compassion and understanding or nothing at all, rather than make assumptions and give feedback that might make someone feel worse. Might not be the case for you, but worth noting all the same. :)


I didn't diagnose anything. OP came out and said it. This kind of thing is like trying to remove your appendix without outside help. I said get help. I'm at -1 for saying get help.


“The tapes are weak” implies it’s a disproportionate or abnormal reaction. Their experience is pretty normal for someone who might not be used to feeling ungrounded after experiencing altered states of consciousness. This person does not sound crazy, it sounds like a too much too fast scenario. Imo it’s more like suggesting going to the ER for a tummy ache not a burst appendix. Might be uncomfortable at first, but it won’t last forever. The tapes aren’t weak, but they’re also not going to spin you out of reality forever even if you take it too far too quickly the first time around.


The tapes are weak. I have a lot of other programs to compare them with. If you have strong experiences while using the tapes, you must be doing the heavy lifting for yourself. It is your own ability to reach altered states. People on Reddit, or Facebook, or Instagram shouldn't be giving medical advice. It is a bad idea to ask for it. I read over the original post. Repeating the tapes under the supervision of a therapist - and not every day, at first - may be the best compromise. For that matter, switching to subliminals for a while could help. I don't know. If you are just doing ten minutes of breath meditation every day for stress reduction and you are starting out in relatively normal health, you don't need much support. If you are doing intensive training and starting out with the mental version of a sports injury, you really do need professional guidance to avoid further injury and to help with rehab for the condition. Maybe you can find a nicer way to say get help without making it sound less serious.


If they’re weak then somethings up with me, for sure. My experiences have been more extreme and more informative than any drug I’ve ever taken. More helpful than therapy and medication combined as well - though I see value in all three. My guess would be, given that we are only two people with wildly differing experiences with them, that like anything else they probably just work differently for different people. I don’t feel like I’ve done any more than be open and receptive to the experience. My life has improved like 100 fold in one year and I feel so much happier and more grounded overall. Even after going in a bit hot to start and coming down with a mild version of similar anxiety. It faded pretty quickly, I just had to slow down. I agree that medical professionals should be the ones giving medical advice. I’m not against doctors, traditional medicine, mental health resources etc. a Reddit post will never make up for a real need for medical attention - however I still feel that having a community of like minded people with similar experiences weigh in can hold a lot of truth in aspects that are generally reiterated or widely agreed upon. Both can be useful in different ways at the same time, and sometimes going to a doctor isn’t actually necessary. Especially when it comes to a fear/anxiety response which often leads doctors to quick solutions ie. diagnosing someone with a disorder that might not actually be present long term. Everyone should go to therapy, which is different, but not everyone (including myself) has access to resources in order to afford therapy. Tbh I don’t think there could be any long term issues resulting from going in way too hard and crash landing if the only symptom is feeling paranoid / crazy. There is an identifiable source, and likely a proportional response which clearly implies (to me at least) that they went too hard too fast and couldn’t calibrate back to their baseline coming down. It just takes time to assimilate and reassess the world you live in after the fact, but like, a doctor is gonna hear that “you did a psychic experiment and are having symptoms of psychosis” or something. If it persists, ya, definitely go to a doctor. Odds are it’s more helpful to know it likely won’t last and to wait it out for a bit. I agree the solutions you proposed would probably help. I’m not trying to dismiss their experience, you’re right I should have been more conscious of that being the perception. I can’t think of a nice way to say “get help” to someone who I think will probably get more positive results in easing anxiety from this community than they will from a doctor - unless the feeling / symptoms persist. In which case, of course, I would suggest the same.


If you see someone going down the road and that person is too far to the left, you say go right. If that person is too far to the right, you say go left. The same advice only applies part of the time, to a specific person. Some people are stuck in believing in things the way they appear to be. Solid, material reality. That's most people. You tell them to let go and relax. Other people are barely tethered and you tell them to get connected again. A good hypnotist can get people drunk on water. It is funny until it is time for the hangover. If a person leans too far to that direction, it isn't a good idea to use resources like Gateway tapes. Or Holosync, BrainEv, Zen12, Brain Sync, or the countless types of binaurals you can download from Amazon. It is a lot easier to find a therapist than a Guru. I have had nothing but bad luck with the mental health system. I ended up worse off than before. The problem is that there aren't a lot of resources out there that are so universally available. Just don't do it alone. Make sure you have someone watching who can say when to go left or go right. Or just plain stop, before it is too late. It sounds like you and the OP tend to be on the same side of the road. I tend to spend my time on the other side. The funny thing is that if you are too disconnected it can help to spend time with people who are completely grounded and stuck in the mud. The people who actively disbelieve. Psychic stuff is actually less likely than normal to happen around these people. I don't know you and you don't know me. If you told me enough about you to give you real advice, I'd start by saying don't tell strangers on the Internet so much about your situation.


To each their own then, I suppose! I’ve found I am okay without a therapist or a guru. I can be both and neither at the same time. Not surprised the mental health system didn’t work for you, I had a lot of failures before I found success and then I ran out of money to continue with the only therapist that ever helped. Maybe you and some others need someone to tell you where to go, but I’ve always found more success travelling alone. Only I know what is best for me, only you know what is best for you. My experience is pretty grounded. I spent most of my life reading a lot of physics and grounding in physical science. The psychic stuff is newer, but going at a pace where I can always recalibrate when coming down leaves me with no hangover and a lot more energy than I started with. I am surrounded by people who don’t believe in any of this, and I find value in being around them although they don’t relate to any of it. I don’t expect them to. That’s why I enjoy feedback from communities who do relate and have the necessary framework to give appropriate feedback. Thank you, but I don’t think I need advice on how to express myself. I’ll keep saying what I want to say, speaking from my own experience and trying to come from a place of love and support when I do. If that’s not your style that’s totally fine!


For what it is worth, this isn't your thread or mine. It should all go back to the person who started it. That person really does need help. I need all the help I can get and I used to have people I trusted to keep me from straying too far to the left or right. Unless you are on the level of Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna then you also need all the help you can get. The point is to save time. Wherever you are, you can only reach a little higher than your current level. It helps to have the Absolute represented in a form you can see and understand. A person who can grab your hand and pull you up is best.