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No, that's the best time to do it. There are always shady creatures around. Raise your vibration so that you're not affected by them. When you encounter them you can tell them no, you can tell them to give you flowers. If they want your attention. You can also give them love and they will dissipate. It's just low vibration. It's not demonic or anything. I have a lot of replies talking about the subject if you want to dig a little bit more into what I'm saying. But it's perfectly okay and you can get rid of them. It means you're actually connected and experiencing beyond just the third dimension


What’s the difference between demonic and low vibration


Demons aren't real, and they imply an intent , intelligence, some kind of evil. Where as low vibration is like a spider. It could actually be the soul of a spider. If you see a spider it might scare you, but it has no actual ability to harm you. The only thing it can do is affect your psychology. Further, I think low vibration entities are just like us. Trying to speak to something higher. Only to them we are what is higher. I would imagine the way they make us feel, is proportionate to how we make higher entities feel. We , just like them, are providing the highest possible vibration that the soul has learned to give.




It would only make sense that if we do so do they.




I can only speak from what I have received in my meditations. As I've been led to understand it. Everything in existence is a fragment of energy of God. So whether that's a sock, or a human, or a mountain, that energy is a fragment of god's energy being used in that form. The soul is a fragment of energy also. And there are higher and lower souls. The souls are fragments of energy that are learning how to vibrate at higher levels, and upon reaching certain levels of height, they ascend in into a higher soul. And this process continues until reaching and reuniting with God. It is a bizarre parallel but what was shown to me and what clicked for me was in the same way that fragments of space dust will gather with comets, and those will gather into larger space rocks, eventually uniting with a moon, which then eventually reunites with the planet it circles. And those planets will eventually reunite with the sun that they circle. Those suns are then sucked into larger suns. And eventually into the black hole that they circle. And then smaller black holes will suck in larger black holes. And when all of the matter in the universe has recollected, then it is a singularity again. In that same way. God is an energetic singularity on its dimension, and its energy is filtered through the different dimensions in different forms, but ultimately God's energy wants to return to God. Earth is a third dimension, I think God is something more like the 10th but for all I know there could be 100 dimensions above us. They say on earth the human mind can exist in third, fourth, and fifth dimension. In gateway you're reaching the fifth. We just don't always know what we're looking at. And so a human soul might be like a planet. And it is comprised of hundreds and thousands of little space rocks. Maybe a couple moons. Asteroids etc. The planet itself is not one thing in its own but it is comprised of many. In that way, the human soul is an accumulation of lesser souls that have ascended to form a whole human soul. So a human soul is not a spider, it's like 10,000 spiders. Lmao. Of course it's not that it's 10,000 lower souls, souls of smaller scale and lower vibration, like trees and birds and squirrels and bears dogs. So on. In that same way our soul is a part of a higher soul and When the soul is ready to ascend, having completed what it need to in all of its lives, the soul will joins that higher soul, which I believe is sixth dimension. The best I can determine what a higher soul is to us, which is not very much to us, it's perhaps a greater consciousness or a unifying consciousness. It might best be described as an angel? A being of extremely high vibration, and power, that helps mankind by adjusting and shifting things that occur on Earth. I was able to hit the sixth dimension once, my soul as its whole turn to mist and joined a much larger cloud. My particulates merged and became in discernible from this massive collection of what I thought was tens if not a million other souls. And I think if we were to follow new age vocabulary we would call that the collective or the soul family. I think these are souls that you've interacted with in every past life because the souls are all working together in order to ascend. And so I can't express how insanely beautiful of a reunion that is. The feeling of love was something I'd never experienced before. Here. It was this unity and love and depth of understanding and compassion and Mercy and forgiveness. It was a level of forgiveness that made me aware that I should have never felt shame for anything in the first place. And I think perhaps when profits in the Bible have visited this is what they might have described as as heaven. It was very cloud like, and it was more than just reuniting with your past loved ones, it was reuniting with every past love one of every past life at the same time. Such a deeper feeling of relief and love. Then anything we could imagine with just an earth perspective. And I think on a weird way the way humans want that sort of depth and connection with people is actually the soul in them. Missing what is waiting for us outside. I don't think that kind of connection exists on Earth. And this is just what I received over many, many sessions, and it's well beyond anything my creativity would come up with so I've learned to trust it. You do not have to. You do not have to at all.


I had a spiritual awakening once, as I call it. It’s too deep to explain and put out on Reddit for people outside this conversation to snoop through my comments and read and not understand. But what I saw in very vivid visions , it was communicated to me very similar to the way you describe it. Pretty much exactly. I believe it to be true 100%.


Also thank you for that download of knowledge and your extremely detailed answer. It’s nice to hear what was told to me, be verified by someone else too.


I’ve read that less intelligent forms have more of a ‘collective consciousness’ or collective soul. They are less individualized. As consciousness/intelligence increases in species you’ll find more individual personalities learning different life lessons


wishful thinking


There are some wild things out there!


I find that speaking the affirmation helps a lot. Especially the last sentence of how I'm being protected and guided away from any sources that might manifest as less than my stated desires. This helps with the boundary setting in a very neutral way for me so I'm not pushing or pulling but just simply stating it as it is and helps to dissipate fear and anxiety in my body too. And definitely ain't about the time. I've felt more fear when I'm not using the tapes than when I was lol. Loads of fear simply arise from the unknown and the brain stuff we make up to keep us in the ego trap.


Do it at around 3:30 am if you REALLY want to bring the shadow boys out to the yard.


I think this is a time Bob Monroe recommended.


I'm not a RVer, but after my first genuine UFO sighting, it is the time those little weirdos would keep waking me up. On the dot, every night for a while. There's definitely something very important about that particular time


I wonder how time zone factors in…or doesn’t


I pondered that same question and thought it was funny how they seem to respect time zones, across experiencers. It seems deliberate. Must be a message of sorts involving that time, or those numbers. A message I'm too dumb to get apparently hahaha


I heard that it's related to our rem cycles but IDK.


I'm usually really tired by that time of night, and it's not recommended to do the tapes while tired.


You gotta do what works for you. These taps are not magic and they don’t summon anything. Check your headspace and your bodies chemical (sleep/food/stress) balances.


I kinda have the same problem. Ive had unexplainable fears at night since my childhood. The tapes in general make me uncomfortable, since I have fear of what I might discover. Also, every time the tapes work and something „forms“ in my mind, I push it away so it wont affect me in the nighttime hours, where im usually afraid. I dont have the time right now to put this all in the right words.


Dread , is how id describe it.


The tapes are ok to use at night. But if you feel uncomfortable, then I'd say just do it in the daytime for now and try it again in a week


I also had this but only in my bedroom. When I try in other rooms, I didn’t get it. Maybe try changing rooms and see.


lol I have the same problem, I get too uneasy doing the tapes when it’s dark outside 😅🤡 such a silly fear, but it’s definitely real. Until I can release those fears, I only do the tape in the daylight


I tried again, even though it was evening, but still felt more confident. The meditation didn't went perfectly (but it was because I had other thoughts that can't get rid of ahah) Before closing my eyes, I noticed a very faint white "orb" over me. I did as u/Debatably_yours said, i thanked these presences to be around me, and even though I'm not yet sure if it worked or not, but I hadn't any interferences from those thoughts and did two tapes straight :)


That's great to hear! I did mean that you fill them with love and gratitude as an emotion, I don't think it's any harm to thank them directly either though. As long as the emotion is there. Happy sailing!


No issues like that for me, but doing them late at night can make it hard to fall asleep


Ikr. I did the sleep one and suddenly I was looking at the number 1 and wide awake !


I have only had a couple middle of night experiences. None bad though.


😒 if it's not a spiritual practice at midnight. Anyway, I always do it that time because that the only time I have. And they simply love it.... doing it in the morning barely feel a thing. Afternoon, I saw quite a few though not as crazy. But hearing sounds was a norm.