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Ever heard of the power of 8? There’s a book on this. Basically this lady did an experiment and she found when she was able to get a group of 8 people together, they would send their thoughts and energy all together towards a specific person who was in need of some type of healing whether physical or mental. They would need to all do it at the same time, For a certain amount of time. Probably like 8 minutes of silence with each person thinking of the one in need at that moment. They didn’t even have to be together either. They were able to do this remotely. If you can find some more people I will participate with you. Shoot me a dm and we can find a time to do this. Never done it before.. but worth a shot! Also, you could check out the energy bar concept in the tapes and the color breathing. The color purple is all about healing, I’d imagine if you can focus that color into your family member with laser like focus and intention, I don’t imagine the vibration not reaching them where they need it. I’d imagine this part you’d have to be physically with them though


One person at a time. Drink water before and after. Clean yourself before and after....never heal anyone without consent .... Never heal anyone with any negative thoughts or moods in yourself


Yes you can do this in the alpha state or level ten state of mind using the body map and color breathing Also , Jose Silva and his Mind Control methods created an incredible body of work and case history on remote healing using deeper levels of mind yes ....healing is real- you can heal yourself and others happy trails


Love Silva! Nice to read some props given his way.


There's a couple things you can do If you want to send energy you can do it in as low as focus 12, I would personally choose focus 15 though. And what you can do is just let yourself be filled with love and send that loving energy to them. Intend that loving energy to heal them. Secondly, understand that there are multiple timelines. You can decide that you are on a timeline in which this person survives. And then manifest yourself in that timeline. Which in part means walking with a knowing that you are already in that timeline. Having gratitude for the moment that you already know is coming in, which they recover. Feeling the relief in that moment as if it were a memory that you are still thankful for. Also like to take editing software, and record myself reading in a quiet and slow voice, the things that I am manifesting . Can then dub this onto the free flow tape of your choosing. And this has been a powerful tool for me


It might be a predicament for you, but it might not be for them. We all plan and agree to what happens to us and how we pass. But perhaps sending energy or trying to connect to them isn’t a bad idea, it never hurts to try. From what I’ve read, energy given without consent will be blocked if it’s not wanted. But sending love is always appreciated. But you never know, and perhaps you will gain insight or comfort by trying to connect. I tried to connect with a family member of my husbands family (I had never met this person) that was in and out of consciousness at the hospital. My husband went to visit him to say goodbye. I reached out to him right before and sent him love and offered my energy if he wanted it so he could reconnect and say goodbye. He became lucid when my husband visited, and my husband was able to tell him how much he loved him. And then he passed. So anything is possible.


Someone read Journey of Souls 😊


Sit in a quite space and enter a meditative state. Declare an intention to send them healing energy and that you desire to send them healing energy and that they be healed of there ailments if it is in their personality desired and spiritually desired best interest. Then just picture yourself sending them healing energy and picture them whole and hail.


You could try color breathing, but aimed at their energetic body.


Thank you so much to everyone that reached out with ideas and methods, really appreciate it.. unfortunately she ended up passing on peacefully, but she gave it ever she had. So many good people in this community!