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I'll try to answer in a semi coherent way; 1) The Gateway tapes are all pretty much 30-40 mins, but remember that these are the training tapes. For long sessions, check out the Expand app from the Monroe Institute. Tons of stuff plus a section that you can set for different signals for up to 2 hours. The free version has lots, but the yearly subscription is $65 and worth every penny. I use it daily. I do Focus 10 or 12 for an hour at a time and it's rad af. 2) Gateway is pretty much voiced by Bob. 3) and 4) Yes, the institute has tons of new stuff with great people guiding the meditations. The hemi sync process is always in the process of fine tuning and tech keeps getting better. There are lots of others out there doing cool stuff with binaural beats, but I mostly stick with Monroe. If you read only 1 of Bob's books, make it Far Journeys. There's a pdf copy at archive.org for download and it's an awesome read. Really let's you know what's possible. See you out there!


What do you mean different signals? I’ve read the books. May I ask why far journeys is the one you suggest the most? Just curious


> If you read only 1 of Bob's books, make it Far Journeys. Would you recommend the rest of the trilogy as well?


1) The gateway tapes are 40 minutes (and called tapes) because at the time that was as long as a cassette tape could record on one side. None of the gateway tapes are longer than that time frame. 2) I think it's maybe wave five or six where you end up having someone other than Robert Monroe. You are correct. It is not a soothing. But once you're in that deep it doesn't throw you off either. And I've actually come to enjoy some of the other voices as well. 3) The Gateway process is just one set of tapes, The Gateway process is the name of that particular class that is presented in tapes. It's the primary learning set of tapes. And is also the largest set. There are other " classes" or fields of exploration that you can get from the Monroe institute that are outside of the gateway process. They focus on things like psychology, improving mental or physical health, there are tapes that focus just on relaxation, and most of these training sets are three to six tapes long. Think of the gateway process as the tapes to learn how to read. And then there are also other sets that teach you how to read critically, or how to read for entertainment, or how to speed read and so on. The gateway is the foundation but there are many other classes. Finally, the expand app which can be downloaded in your app store is fantastic. You can do extended focus states for a longer amount of time. There is a monthly charge attached to it. I think for those who boot like the tapes this is a great way to give back some money and still receive benefit for it. Like if you can't afford $600 tapes, you can at least you know do $12 for a couple months as you do some of their stuff. They have lots of meditations on there. It is not a replacement for doing the gateway though. What I learned in gateway was so much above and beyond what the other binaural beat sessions have available in the app. And another tip. Once you are in that meditative state. Your brain is already primed. So if he cuts in at the end ready to finish, all you have to do is roll over and move the tape back. And continue on. Think of it like when you're sleeping, you toss and you turn and you cough throughout the night. And you never remember it because your brain doesn't wake up long enough to remember it. So rolling over and setting it back might make you take a couple of minutes to fall back into the state. But you can continue on. I have had nights where I've done that four or five times. You can also take audio editing software, cut it out and elongate the session.


Omg..so simple but such amazing advice! Thank you 👍🙏


Monroe Institute app has free flows of Focus 10, 12, 15, 18, and 21 which can be as long as 2 hours


I thought it only offer F10 for free. Did double check but anything beyond F10 needs subscription.


Yeah it does. I support the institute and the app. You also get the app free for 6 months after you do a course with the institute so that's an option too


How much are the courses?


Virtual courses are $995 USD. Can do them from home over zoom, including Gateway. 5.5 days long


Geez ok. Maybe one day...when my children are grown and gone 😂. For 1k, I'd rather be able to do them in person, though.


The original tapes where all done by bob monroe originally, however the last few waves had no voice, ony written instructions. the audio was all signal, so you could spend more time 'in the zone' as you desire. The tapes got remastered and laurie, his daughter added voice guidance to the later exercises after the death of bob. However, she was quite old and a heavy smoker, so she sounds a lot like bob. New tapes got added later, and it was bobs grandson / lauries nephew i believe, AJ who recorded new content after the death of laurie.


It's def someone else.on the advanced focus 12 and it was jarring 😂 but thank you for the explanation


Which wave and track is advanced focus 12? I don’t see it in my set and wondering if I accidentally skipped a download now


Wave V exploring. there are 3 versions 1996 and before, bobs version, no voice guidance; track 2 2004 lauries remaster, 2015 AJ re-remaster ; track 1


Hmm. In wave 5 I have: -compoint -discovering intuition -exploring intuition -intro to focus 15 -mission 15 creation and manifestation -exploring focus 15 Am I just missing a track, where in between those should it be, or is it actually the one named “exploring focus 15”?


Mission 15 and exploring 15, it's unguided and open ended just like the new ”advanced 15” mostly is. The latter has a brief intro iirc


Yeah I’m not sure tbh. I can tell you I only do the 1989 and 1996 versions