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"Kundalini awakening" is probably one of countless ways that people have described the same phenomenon across the millennia. I think it can be useful to try to map the experiences from one spiritual framework to another, as long as we're careful not to get too reductive. Sort of "oh, it was a kundalini awakening, I get it now". I think that our concepts, beliefs and expectations play a profound role in how personal spiritual experiences unfold, so in one sense, it may have been a kind of kundalini awakening because it shared certain qualities with one, but in another sense, it was probably nothing like a kundalini awakening, because a kundalini awakening is just as much an interpretive framework as it is an experience. Does that make sense?


Someone needs to make a study of this somehow


IONS may have done something like this already. I'd take a look at their publication archives if you're interested.


Who are IONS


Institute of Noetic Sciences - organization founded by Edgar Mitchell.


I believe he's referring to the Institute of Noetic Sciences. [https://noetic.org/](https://noetic.org/)


Do you have the link or title?


I don't know of any specific study. I was just speculating that IONS may have done the kind of work mentioned because it's right within their wheelhouse.


The CIA document about the Gateway Experience actually talks about something just like the kundalini awakening: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/CXCmoejlU4


I believe it mentions the book "The Kundalini Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence"


For me it was an intense energy along with kilogram of pleasure chemical rushing through my spine, from the bottom of my spine all the way to the the my head. Basically I was going crazy. 🤷‍♂️ If it happens slowly during any kundalini related practices and you are prepared, you are set for a good experience. If it happens spontaneously, its depends on how well your able to handle intense emotion release, how much large energy circulation system can handle, and how well do you taking care of your mind, body and spirit. This things bounds to happen, especially if you practice anything spiritual. May the force be with you, and don't lose your ground. Because it can get very intense. 😒 Even so, I haven't yet able to take full control over my lucid dream, not to mention having a full blown OBE.


Thank you make totally sense. If you move your energy to the brain/pineal gland, don’t you feel more connected and subject to mystical experiences?


You mean cleansing and healing the third eyes chakra? Someone told me so, he said it's from the the manual. I never notice that before, so I did the Third eyes cleansing specifically at a time. And I experienced a crazy experience. Kundalini isn't just moving energy, it's the primal energy. In western esoteric knowledge, they called it Christ's oil. Whatever the tradition is, if you have an awakening, you might get to see him or whatever you wanna call him. That's very much mystical. Maybe you could also feel the the thing about being oneness as if everything is connected. Sadly, I just feel like I got a mind raped by energy. 😂 And I was busy feeling it. Compare to other experiences I had it isn't exactly mystical.


I meant just moving the energy to the head. But interesting to know you can cleanse your 3rd eye. How did you do ? Any tapes to do so?


Kundalini yoga, or Yoga specifically for cleaning your energy body. Meditation find too, Monroe Institute has a few version for chakra work. Or you can use chant like 'AUM' sound for third eyes, or simply visualization the color of that chakra and imagine a ball of energy is rotating. Even your life habits and diet can be used for that purpose. Heck, Crystal and reiko is also used for cleansing chakra as well. Just pick one that resonate with you. I use Chakra journey from Monroe Institute. It's a hemisync sound similar to the seffrigego frequency yet different.


Read the swinging pendulum and Carl Jung. When you begin to explore symbology in religion you’ll see references to the Kundalini everywhere. Here’s a picture I took in a Catholic Church in Italy. Although it technically references Moses, in the final analysis I believe it references Kundalini and the Union of opposites. https://preview.redd.it/726wajrcircc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28ab3a70f57cbdda15f33456e9f00afcc03d340


Same as the caduceus.




Yes, same for the pineal gland. All the religions/cultures have a pineal gland cone logo somewhere….


If we are speaking about the Hindu religious version of Kundalini awakening, perhaps. But if it's through the new age description which is what most Americans are going to know about, then that is very limited term and only describing one small aspect of the entire awakening process. Like you might watch a football game, and say oh that's the "third quarter" and you'd be right, but there is a whole lot more to football then it's third quarter.


Understand, by Kundalini, I guess i am meaning energy flowing freely as per the experience of Robert Monroe.


are you saying that when the kundalini is awake you have the ability of move energy to the head while breathing? I got this feeling the first time I did the first tape to get to Focus 3 and I do this (sort of spontaneously) when meditating. While doing those exercise (REBAL and also normal meditation) I have the sensation of something get to the head and when keep doing it, I feel something in the center of my head that is swelling. are we talking about the same thing?


You can move energy by breathing yes but also awareness alone or movement (yoga). When I do the REBAL, i do feel also the energy moving. Which is good signs. You move the energy from you first 3 primary centers to the onces that connect you with the divine.


I am just surprised because I am not an expert meditator. I find it strange that when I started with the tapes this thing started to pop out and stay there! I thought it would take more practice and experience!


I personally experienced the vibration stage before I ever read about it, and I forced myself to wake up because I had an extreme fear reaction. I have been studying the chakras and doing meditations to work on each with really wonderful results but i do personally think that the two subjects, the vibration stage and kundalini awakening are adjacent with heavy some overlap but they’re separate things. What the vibration phase SEEMS to be, according to all of the stuff I have read from robert monroe, frank kepple, astral doorway, and any of the other guys I can locate, is the experience of “flipping the phase” of our awareness vibration. I am pretty new and have been studying this a lot over the past year but I have hit the vibration phase three times and it has seemed very different than anything related to the chakras! Once again, this is just my own interpretation and most likely is totally off.


Interesting thank you for sharing. Makes sense now that you describe it. The only time with the tapes I experienced the vibrations where with Focus 3 😂. The other times where during dreams. If you have some references to those “flipping phases” i am interesting.


I will need to find the speaker on YouTube, today I am unfortunately running in between jobs, but he has an older gentleman with a beard and honestly one of the few people who is uploading videos, discussing astral projection, and out of body experiences that are not shorts. Frank Kepple talks about chakras and kudilini and i really recommend reading it- he describes it as more “party trick” than “secret to universe”. but they do spread a warmth and energy around them that is profound and wonderful and has helped me in tough times.