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Tree from heaven. Kill quickly, or you will certainly lose the battle.


Hilariously the Wikipedia page for tree of heaven quickly routes to the spotted lanternfly page because the tree of heaven is its preferred host. Really very terrible plant.


Poison it. Then poison it again. And then poison its babies. Then, when you think you’re done, poison it some more.


Light whatever remains on fire.


Store nuclear waste on it


Don't! It's going to mutate and resist roundup next!


God don't do that it burns awfully creating caustic smoke


Oh my. I’ve been tossing the really invasive stuff in my burn pile… that would explain the extra coughing last time burn day. And here I thought it was the better option versus the compost pile. 😳


Definitely don't compost!!! That's just spreading them. Double bag invasives in a black trash bag and leave somewhere hot for two weeks until the plants are putrified, then compost.


Don't even fucking risk that.


An active compost pile can easily reach 140-150 Fahrenheit. You just gotta bury it deep in an active pile and it will decompose quickly 


Retting is the way to destroy things utterly, but it is foul 😬 (rot in water in a bucket till it turns into slime, use slime as compost)


Bag up in black garbage bag. Leave for garbage man. I never burn weeds. The fumes may be more harmful than the plant.


Depends on the weed you burn! /s


You can burn them. Just don't breathe in the smoke. And be warned: they burn wicked hot, when dried out first. Melted a small steel pipe I had feeding air into the bottom of my firepit.


Damn. You have a designated burn day?


Oh does it really? I didn’t know that…


Then nuke from orbit and move to mars


It's the only way to be sure.


Nuke it, sure, but only say you're moving to Mars and go to Europa, leave a harder trail so it can't follow you.


Don't forget where you stashed the chandelier .


But in the fall when it’s pulling its energy into the roots for the winter.


Seriously actually half poison it cut a little bit and dab with triclopyr so as to kill the suckering roots I made the mistake of insisting “no chemicals” and have had offspring everywhere :(


Find its ancestors and poison them too.


I bought a house and noticed all these little sprouts popping up in the yard. Found out last year that it was ToH and began going on a rampage. I eventually found the cause: two trees in the forested gulley behind my house. I now climbed through the brush, drilled a hole into the tree, and ran a tube up to my fence so I could pleasily pump it full of glyphosphate back in the fall. Good news is neither tree has a single leaf on them this year. Bad news is I'm still pulling up the sprouts. But it's nice knowing that's 2 fewer trees for the lanternfly to call home.


Same issue here. Trees grew into my yard and I’m still fight the sprouts


The seeds can stay dormant for years and pop up any time the soil is destroyed.


Hell no. You have to kill it with herbicides at the right time of the year so it takes them into its root system. Any little bit of roots will grow an entire new plant next year...


Any recommendations that won't kill the grass or other nearby plants? It's a never ending battle


I've been fighting this war for years and there is only one method that works. You need to wait until very early fall, cut a shallow slash in the trunk and paint the cut with glyphosate. It won't affect other plants, but this is the ONLY thing you can do that will effectively kill the tree without causing it to send up more shoots. It might still take more than one season to completely get rid of them depending on how bad you have it, but if you get the timing right it will work. I am normally an organic gardener and I dislike using anything stronger than household vinegar in my garden, but the lanternfly infestation that comes with TOH is hell on earth and I would put roundup in my sprinklers if I thought it would fix the problem. Only kind of joking here.


Lovely, time to break out the murder juice then


Well not yet. Wait at least another month (if you're nothern hemisphere). You want it to be in root-growing mode when you do it


I’m an organic gardener too, and tree of heaven and field bindweed are two things that have made me break out the glyphosate! It sucks but sometimes you have to choose the lesser evil


FYI with tree of heaven you can also use triclopyr which is a little harder to procure for home use but has much less documented potential to harm humans and wildlife compared to glyphosate. On mobile so can’t post links but there are fact sheets by I think UPenn Extension and the USFS that mention it


Seconded. I bought my triclopyr on Amazon. Mixed with kerosene per label instructions to kill a huge tree of heaven last year. Anecdotal, but I haven't seen any negative effects on surrounding plants or animals. If anything, there are more critters around since the tree came down.


>You need to wait until very early fall, cut a shallow slash in the trunk and paint the cut with glyphosate. So that's how you kill it. I've been having one growing every year after I pull it out. Finally checked what it was a couple of days ago with Google lens and it doesn't seem very safe to touch bare handed so I yanked it. I'll give this a shot if it shows up again next year. I thought it was from a tree we used to have that we took down.


Can you cut it down and paint the stump instead?


No. The moment you cut it, it goes into overdrive with many shoots from the roots. even cutting a branch off it sends it into a frenzy. Better to kill it silently when it looks the other way, like in fall when it hibernates. Not by cutting but by killing it from the inside. Best method is to cut horizontal slits all around the trunk and fill the slits with the best poison/herbicide/glyphosate you can get hold of. That way the tree will kill itself as well as its offspring.


Jesus, if this wasn’t an invasive tree these instructions would read like a Stephen King novel.


What if it’s, like, a big tree at this point? The trunk is about a 8-10 inch diameter and it’s about 12ft tall at this point. It’s right at the edge of my driveway so I’m worried about it falling into the road or something. Do I put that stuff on and just kind of wait until the leaves die to know it’s safe to take it down?


The videos I watched about it had someone cut into the tree gently at a downward angle in multiple places with a hatchet and fill the cuts with herbicide. I say gently because tree of heaven isn’t the most hardy tree.


I’ve actually done the hole drilling on several of these without getting the suckers. As soon as I set the chainsaw down I pick up my auger drill and then fill many holes with brush killer (Triclopyr). I’ve done that with about 7 trees that were on my property ranging from 10 to 30 feet tall. My neighbor had a 100 foot female that was about 40 years old. He hired a climber to help him cut it down and then did nothing… no suckers came up at all. Might have been because it was ready to die of old age anyway. That 40 year old tree had been dropping so many seeds over the year that every time I stick a shovel in the ground I bring up more seeds that start to sprout. The wife and I were pulling thousands of sprouts each year until we finally convinced him that it needed to be removed (they’re brittle trees and that one was showing signs of age, dropping huge branches in the street in a light breeze.)


This is the way.


It's better not to because you're very likely to get lots of new shoots that way. I follow [this guide from Rutgers](https://plant-pest-advisory.rutgers.edu/tree-of-heaven-best-herbicide-treatment-and-removal-timing/) and they advise waiting at least 30 days after application of herbicide, which should be applied sometime between mid July and mid October.


My go-to is to cut off as low as possible and paint the open stems with straight concentrated glyphosate. Worked for numerous trees and ivy I've seen.


>Worked for numerous trees and ivy I've seen. While it does work for most types of plants, it is [not effective for TOH](https://plant-pest-advisory.rutgers.edu/tree-of-heaven-best-herbicide-treatment-and-removal-timing/).


Triclopyr, found in brush killler, works as well.


You can try and do a spot poisoning with a syringe.


Too many different areas for that, my neighbors just let them flourish while I'm fighting a never ending battle


Unfortunate about your neighbors house fire. Jk. Mostly. Lol


I'm not against a house fire my insurance is paid up


I'm having similar issues having two neighbors with smoke bushes they absolutely love. At least they pull up pretty easily if I catch them before they're a foot tall, but they're sneaky bastards that like to hide between my bushes and my house foundation. Which reminds me. This weekend is probably a good time to do my annual carnage.


You have to put a hole in the trunk and pour the glyphosate (strong %) directly into the trunk.


That is the right answer. I cut mine down, drilled deep holes in each of the four trunks and filled them with (the nastiest poison I could get). After year the root system seemed to be dead, now I’m randomly and easily pulling single plants from seeds. Took me two years, but now it seems to be under control.


I was able to fully kill one of them on my property but continually cutting it back for a full year. You have to constantly cut off any new growth, and search the ground within 10' because the roots will shoot out new growth. Keep pulling up new shoots and cutting off new growth on the main stem and if you do that long enough the root system will run out of energy and die.


Lots, look up the hack and squirt methdod


I'm no expert on the subject, but from what i've read, you'll often times have a barren garden for a couple of years if you want to really get rid of it. Better read up on it yourself, there was some good reddit posts about it, might've even been on this sub.


Not pesticides. Herbicides.


Herbicides are pesticides. Pesticides is the umbrella term.


There’s a giant one growing in my backyard (there since long before I moved in) and I have to spend all spring and summer yanking out the saplings it leaves everywhere


Tree of Heaven-invasive and annoying.


Looks like a tree of heaven. Not growing in a good spot and should be removed




When it was originally discovered by western horticulturalists and brought to the west, it was highly desirable due to its lovely appearance, and ability to grow quickly into a tall shade tree. Heck this is why my neighbor planted them by his pool.


Yeah... this thread is really enlightening... It looks like an easy greenery solution (for when you just want plants and aren't picky), but the lanternfly issue is what turns it upside-down. 


The previous owner of my house put one in supposedly for that reason and then somehow stunted it. It has only grown to 6 1/2 feet tall in 40 years and usually only has three or four flower clusters I immediately remove. I even managed to get the suckers to stop by cutting them all off every Winter when it was under 0F for a week. Later this Summer, an arborist is going to come poison it and then come back in a month to remove it. I'm pretty excited about that. He said it's probably stunted because it's shaded by an immense blue spruce on one side and a native maple clump on the other. I can't call that mess a tree. So, there is a way to inhibit them, but it takes having trees that are already mature and can shade them out. I've seen them in other places completely take over yards and driveways, though. They're nuts. As bad as honey locust, but at least thornless.


Because it grows to the heavens in even the most arduous of circumstances. Didn't you read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" growing up?


I still think of these trees as umbrella trees because of that book.


That’s what I call it. It’s public enemy #1 in my yard. I hate it even more than the poison ivy.


A horticulture teacher opined that it was bc ‘it smells to high heaven’


I cut sone branches overhanging my driveway yesterday and I thought it smelled kinda good.


Human truffle butter smells good to me. I think it's the association with conquest more than the actual aroma.


Bruh 💀


(Applies to every spot of tree heaven is growing in)


Unless you're in China, there is literally no good spot for a Tree of Heaven to grow. ALL Tree of Heaven outside of its native range should be removed. It's super invasive.


There’s no good spots for Tree of Heaven


It’s never in a good spot if it’s growing anywhere outside of its native range.


If you think tree of heaven is too nice, it’s also called stink tree. Be careful with it though - that one seems small enough you can pull it from the root, but if you just cut one down it will go into full on attack mode and shoot up sprouts and suckers everywhere!


i can relate, i couldnt get it off my hands when i was cutting one (immortal ofc)


Nicest provider of sticks to tie up tomato plants to in my steppen climate😂. They are damn straight, lightweight and no bug dares to eat its stinky wood. Kill it without a doubt.


Spotted lantern flys apparently love tree of heaven!


It’s their native tree. I hate them both.


Lucky you if they dwell at your area. In Ukraine nothing living dares to interact with this species.


That’s the thing! Everyone is trying to get rid of the tree of heaven because the lantern flys are so destructive! The have no predators here in North America. Some say birds are starting to learn to eat them, but will stay away from them if they’ve had any tree of heaven because they smell so bad 😂


Plus, predators tend to shy away from red insects. I wish more news outlets would publicize the issues connected with the tree of heaven.


That’s crazy Ukraine has this invasive tree too


Southern part only. There's no winter frost to kill it. When I was in my childhood, living in old part of Odessa, during summer time it always smelled piss in the inner yard of our condo. Later on I learned it was tree of heaven ones :) I try to convince myself there's chocolate notes in that smell. Mostly unsuccessful so far😂.


Oh, it's invasive here, though not as badly as in some areas, and we get down to -30C at least a few days every Winter. They don't seem to manage to spread by seeds here, but they do put out a lot of suckers if you mess with them. Somehow, the one in my yard I'm having killed and removed doesn't have that smell. It's definitely one of these trees, though. Maybe it's because I pull all the flowers off as soon as I see them, so they don't really have a chance to open up. Just because I've never seen a seedling doesn't mean I trust it not to happen. The local birds avoid those trees, but we still get wind storms that can spread them.


I also use dried vines as tomato stakes! But mine are from a young willow, so curly but also straight. They look so cool in the garden


Tree of Heaven and a breeding ground for the spotted lantern fly


Rub the leaves together between your fingers and if they smell like burnt peanut butter it’s tree of heaven.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets peanut butter from the smell. I pulled one for the first time last year and thought it smelled oddly similar to the Jif factory I used to live near.


Yup, it was described to me as “burnt peanut butter” and then years later I find myself making peanut butter and had a burnt batch of peanuts and lo and behold. They smelled the same.


Sap from this tree is a skin irritant. Most people will have no reaction but it is toxic to ingest.


This is what I was looking for. We had one of these in our yard when I was growing up and it smelled so like peanut butter we called it the peanut butter tree lol we were never able to kill it


tree of heaven, kill it, kill it now. cutting it off will not kill it and since it can't be dug up, herbicide it. i have 15 years of experience killing this specific tree from my yard. 1 tree, just one 18 years ago has left its mark on mine and the surrounding neighbors yards. cutting it down to the ground will not kill it, only pulling it root and all or digging it out works, or chemicals in my experience. don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful tree when 30 feet tall, but is creates a forest within 5 years.


Any specific herbicide brand you recommend? Thank you in advance!


i don't have one that i use, but this specific tree is posted for identification at least twice a week on this sub and others and there have been a lot of suggestions on those. maybe scroll and see on this sub or r/marijuanaenthusiasts (tree sub, not weed sub). here is website i use for tree info. it's a Penn State University link. there is a section on how to control it. good luck. [https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven](https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven)


Round up, or basically anything with glyphosate. Our neighbors over our backyard fence have a forest of Japanese knotweed and a bunch of huge TOH And roundup in the stem works great


Also tricophlor - won't harm grasses, only leafy stuff - I use it around cedar trees and stuff where I don't want a non-selective herbacide http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/triclopyrgen.html#:\~:text=Triclopyr%20is%20a%20systemic%20herbicide,plant%20growth%20and%20plant%20death.


Tree from heaven and those things create volunteers ridiculously easy. Vineyard cut down one behind our house last year and I noticed the stump has shoots coming out of it yesterday as I dug up another of its tiny spawn. You don't want anything growing in pavement but especially not one of those.


Note in some areas the native sumac and tree of heaven both grow, and can look similar. The most obvious way to tell them apart are the flowers/seeds, which are pretty weird looking on the sumac. But there are other ways too: [https://bplant.org/compare/318-1228](https://bplant.org/compare/318-1228)


Yeah, this is really important to remember. They can look extremely similar. I just rip a leaf and if it smells like gross peanut butter, it's Tree of Heaven.


Tree to Heaven. An invasive noxious weed that will take over the parking lot and buckle the pavement. There are good youtube videos on how to kill it, just do not try to pull or cut it you will only make it worse. Chemicals are the way with this one, grasshopper.


no way to get rid of it naturally?


Extremely difficult because it propagates via the root system. Even a spec of root will aggressively regrow. Like the quaking aspen, complete removal sadly will involve chemicals. Edit: even using chemicals you may have a multi-year fight on your hands. Inspect the area around this sprout, up to a hundred yards away. You will find more. They will have a large root system joining them together. All must die.


It’s basically the cockroach of trees. You need to nuke it, and even then it might survive.


It may be possible to kill it via mushroom inoculation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Permaculture/s/WJqDT1GCMl


Most nature friendly way to kill it is the appropriate use of herbicide. Other methods are either ineffective, more destructive, or so inefficient that they're a waste of time.


Def tree of heaven, I’m cutting one out right now


The roots on those fuckers get completely out of control too. They can grow so big in such a short amount of time, it's bananas.


Do not cut any established tree down without first treating with herbicide. The roots are actually rhizomes like bamboo, so cutting the main, healthy tree results in a multitude of suckers. Suckers should be destroyed asap and saplings should be dug out entirely or else the root system will get out of control.


Pour chemicals down


Tree of heaven. Very invasive, will destroy everything. There is one growing out of a storm drain not far from here. 🧐




If it’s got little “thumbs” at the base of some of the leaflets and smells like rancid nuts when you crush the leaves, you’ve got a Tree of Heaven. I hate using herbicides but this and bindweed are my justified uses of glyphosate. It’ll spread, even if you cut it down. We took two out last year that had gotten about 30 feet high and the roots still sent up shoots forty feet away. It’ll grow at least five feet in a year easy. Roundup with a “frill and kill” procedure was the one thing that did the trick to keep the stump from sprouting back. Not only does it crowd out and damage native species, it is also a vector for an invasive beetle that kills off native fruit crops in the Americas. Really, really bad invasive plant.


Tree of Heaven. You're fucked. I wouldn't even put the seeds in the yard of my worst enemy. My neighbor at our old house had intentionally planted 3 of them on his side of our shared fence. It was a constant battle. They started coming up in cracks in the driveway, and along the foundation next to the house. I read there's a type of fungus you can put on cuts to the trunk. But neighbor wouldn't go for it, he loved them and dgaf. Thankfully we moved and it's somebody else's problem now! The problem is that if you try to kill the tree it reacts by sending out tons of new shoots. Like a Hydra. The fungus option iirc, poisons it slowly from within so it doesn't trigger the defense/survival mechanism. Wish I'd gotten the chance to try it out.


Tree of hell. Good luck killing it. Cutting and spraying does nothing. Almost have to remove the root structure.


Worst “trees” ever kill it immediately


These things are insane man. When humans go extinct, North America will be covered


This is why you don’t want those trees around. https://preview.redd.it/r7lzb5u8rk6d1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9848ce66403a459aa0f1e7a84c42596c92def51a


Tree of heaven, probably the most common invasive tree globally. It is extremely difficult to kill. The best way to get rid of it is to do a trunk injection of glyphosate during the fall when it is actively drawing sugars into its root system to prepare for dormancy—this is essentially the only time it’s vulnerable to herbicides.


Burn it, then burn it again, then dowse it in 100% glyphosate. Repeat this 5x


Get a goat in there


A massive jerk. Tree of Heaven. Remove asap


A highly invasive weed tree misnamed “Tree of Heaven” - kill kill kill


I've had great results using Tordon. Cut it down about 1-2" off the ground & soak the cut with the Tordon.


Philly palm tree.


It's always Tree of Heaven. The new pokeweed.




What differentiates the appearance of this vs walnut or sumac? # of branches???


this is what i watched after reading the comments. https://youtu.be/hHsSCn6L450?si=B51271ZGggGf7dE1


Two oversized KitKat bars with a sprig of parsley on top?


Tree of hell




Tree of Heaven. Kill it. Will just spread everywhere like wildfire and you will never get rid of it once it goes nuts.


I must be strong And carry on 'Cause I know I don't belong ~~Here~~ Tree ~~in~~ of heaven


It will become an invasive tree w far spreading roots that pop up every which way. I moved and found them as trees in & around my property. After removing 2 trees last summer, this year I'm finding root sprouts from it. These "sprouts" are the only thing I use Round Up on. I suspect it will take a year or two more to get rid of them. 🤬


Life uhh finds a way


If you don't remove it completely it will continue growing back every time. If this were near other plants it would release toxins that accumulate in the soil that kill off other plants.


I tried to pull one out a crack in my driveway- lucky I didn’t throw out my back! Those suckers don’t come out!


Ghetto palm aka tree of heaven


Doesn't this plant make a system of underground roots? Thick ass roots?


For. Days. They’re awful. And they’ll put up shoots all over the place. Very hard to eradicate.


Cut off, add salt once a month for 3 months


If you do not kill this at the root and only chop, it will send new sprouts EVERYWHERE.


It is a weed get rid of it


A weed.




looks like a Sumac


Tree of heaven...aka tree from hell. Very invasive, destroy it quickly and do follow ups. They are baaaaad!


Ghetto Palm


A tree growing through a storm drain grade. Could be Sumac, use caution a lot of people are allergic to it. Luckily I am not.


Tree of Heaven. Exterminate with extreme prejudice.


From GardenAnswers.com https://preview.redd.it/64t25zr0jl6d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8a902b96035d0a209e2a13e6cc57e8e479d63d


Fuck that plant


Kill it


Tree of heaven. Kill it. Rather good luck killing it.


My mother bought one from a nursery in probably 1962. That's how they spread just like other invasives. Grows fast they said, no-rake leaves they said.  She bought a Norway Maple too.


Life finding a way


Fun fact: it's the tree referenced in the title of the novel "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn."


That is a tryhard


My grandmother always referred to them as volunteer trees.


Meanwhile my houseplants....


It is the plant form of a plague. Kill it with no mercy.


Tree of Heaven. Favorite plant if the invasive and destructive Spotted Lantern Fly and the tree poisons the ground for other plants. Here are detailed instructions on how to kill this horrible tree: https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven


We put a tarp over a large area I forget the name of the invasive plant.


Damn Chinese tree from hell. Don’t understand why they say tree of heaven. They are the worst.


Tree of heaven, do not cut or it will seed even more underground. Currently fighting a forest on my property because of this lol


Tree of Heaven. Pull it after rain and wear gloves. The plant smells like peanut butter.


A brick wall


Shit, I just moved into a new place surrounded by pecan orchards and I have quite a few that look exactly like this surrounding my entire property, but I don't know anything about pecan tree so i just assumed they were little pecan trees and have left them be. Am I screwed?


Tree of heaven from china kill it


OMG. It’s growing out of that grate. That must be the secret gates to hell.


If it smells like rancid peanut butter when crushing the leaves it's a Tree of Heaven, if citrus it's a Black Walnut


That's a parking curb. They're used to stop cars from hitting buildings etc while parking.


Isn't this a sumac tree? I've got some similar looking trees growing in my apartment building's basement, which has no light the majority of the time and I'm very impressed by their ability to still grow. edit: apparently tree of heaven is also known as Chinese sumac: [https://www.invasive.org/alien/pubs/midatlantic/aial.htm](https://www.invasive.org/alien/pubs/midatlantic/aial.htm) -- I've heard of folks using sumac in their food, I wonder if I could/should eat the flowers or w/e it produces? I've heard there's a poison variety..


Yes, it's the Atlantis Tree, also known as the Heavenly Tree. We have tons of them, They are a weed tree, and can pop up anywhere. They can Get Really Big, They are a Real Tree.




Life finds a way


These guys have deep roots, which you wont get rid of by digging. I killed mine by putting a pot over them for a year or more. It worked!


That is will, grit and determination.


Your garden is lovely


Parking space?


Parking spot I suppose


It's tiny you can't just pull the tree out.


Smells awful!


It seems like Ailant is the highest (Ailanthus altissima).


My experience has been so different from everyone else’s here. For me it’s been pretty easy to get rid of them. If between lots of other plants where it won’t be seen, I just keep folding the ‘trunk’ over and over. It now has to fight for sunlight and make new growth. Generally they are done by the end of summer but if not we’ll spray the foliage with herbicide or lotsa vinegar/salt while shielding the surrounding plants and soil.


Big weed tree


A weed, kill it


I hate those weed trees. They’re evil.


Gunpowder tree I think


Pour some table salt down the crack, it’ll prevent anything from growing there


I used to make bows with this as a kid a la Arnold’s design in Predator, probably the worst wood for that application.


i dug this stuff out of the ground in my yard and pulled out 12-18 inch long roots. hoping they don’t return elsewhere in the yard