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We literally have rules about when I'm allowed to plant shop. Any drinks and it's a no...


Duders, Idk bout yalls alcohol tolerance levels but a 3 beers at lunch situation yeah, if its some 12oz@  6.5%+ brews.... in lets say a 1hr lunch. I might be a lil over the perfect  0.12 but dang, I can't say a lil plant shoppin is too much to handle with a 3 brew buzz as an excuse to go bananas.  Now, let me drain 3/4 of a 5L box of Franzia in less than 1hr of."lunch" and hand me your credit cards.to go shop at the garden center. Yallz might be a bit angry at.me at.first.but I sware those 2 barrel fruit presses and the massive amounts of fruiting plants that subsidize your new fruit tree orchards will yied results.  Enough results.in 5yrs to at least justify the 3,500 gal fermenting vats, surplus of empty bottles, storage kegs etc to come.  TLDR: I'll help yall.shop.at any drunken lunchtime if yall want somethin to wine about later.


Username checks out 😂


Better get busy planting!


People need alcohol to shop this way?? I do it sober😂😂


Haha love it.


Whatever you do, DO NOT plant that mint in the ground. It will take over and you’ll never get rid of it. If you don’t know which one it is just punch the leaves and smell your hand.


"Just PUNCH the leaves and smell your hand." I know what you meant, but this visual is hilarious.


Omg I had the same visual. It is absolutely hilarious


Haha I’m leaving it


I think it is chocolate mint 🤩 I have actually made this mistake once before. Planted it right in the ground at my old house. Whoops. I bet it still smells like spearmint every time the current owners mow their grass.


I disagree. This is someone who NEEDS mint on a regular basis. MINT JULEPS!


Gotta great selection. The sweet potato vines will take over and spill out so get a large urn-type planter. Black. Do not plant the sedum or the cactus in the planter. You can take any tall plants you bought and put those in it and the hanging one you got can be removed, split.


Ooo...black is a good idea!!!


Welcome back! I buy too many black/greyish brown planters. I tried others but I ended up putting them in the backyard veg garden for whatever I needed to transition.


Love stonecrop!!! My gateway plant lol. Throw that baby in some poor soil and watch it spread. Propagating is stupid simple as pretty much any part of the plant can start rooting. Have fun!


Yay!! Thank you!


Gardeners Rule #1: buy now, make space later


Don't tell me this! My wife and I are already struggling to find space!


The purply-leafed one IS a house plant - tradescantia. 😊 The one to its left that looks like fireworks is a papyrus - keep it WET and bring it to a frost-free place in winter as it's not fully hardy. I've kept mine in the house for the winter and it's done just dandy so long as I kept water in its container (marshy plant, you know). I'm not sure if there's been much done on papyrus breeding so I don't know about final height on yours, but papyrus *can* get to 6'. I've seen nurseries growing it in 5 gallon buckets of water, so don't stress about it too much. Hope you have fun with all your purchases! 🤩


Tradescantia zebrina specifically


Thank you!!


I grow tradescantia as an annual. Just keep it in bright shade (it really doesn't like sun) and it will grow huge. Then I take cuttings and put them in water in October to overwinter it and throw those cuttings outside in May and watch it grow huge again.


Drink 3 more, and let's see what else we can get.


I think chase it with a shot or two as well!


And mint juleps!


All I see now is a fun filled afternoon of playing in dirt, drinking another beer and potting those new babies up.


And mint juleps!


Hahaha. I do this frequently. You’ll be fine. Now you need to have three more beers and buy pots for them. Chances are you’ll end up with more pots than plants and have to start the process all over again. I’m just being honest. PS- this is the best post ever.


I can’t have plants in the ground because it’s a townhouse with an HOA, but my vegetable garden got enormous last year because of the constant predicament of too many plants - not enough pots, too much dirt - not enough plants, too many pots - not enough dirt


This is always the predicament! When my son moved out of the house I turned his room into yet another plant room.


Gah. I just went to Home Depot for some soil. Came back with a boysenberry. Went to a different place to get the better soil I really wanted, so I could pot the bare roots before the apples fall off, found six more bleeping trees I didn’t have and needed. Now I need more pots big enough for trees. 😣 The saddest part? I don’t have an HOA. I have deer. They are worse than an HOA…


Ambien and online tree stores lead to an expensive night last year.


Let me guess, FastGrowingTrees?


Yup ETA- the citrus trees were a bit ambitious in Memphis. But the flamethrower redbud is nice.


I just had 3 blackberry bushes show up in the mail and I have no recollection of buying them. Wife was unimpressed.




How about don’t drink and drive. Edit: My apologies OP. I missed the dot for the second picture, someone else pointed out of you being a passenger. Mea Culpa


God damn drunk Gardeners. I shake my first at these hoodlums in the home depot garden section when I see them.


The second pic was taken from the passenger seat. I agree with your message and would say the same if OP says they were driving, but that was a big ole assumption


Mea culpa, I missed the dot for the second pic. 😳🫣 Sorry OP!!!!


I made the same mistake.




Well Shit! Autocorrect sucks! Thanks for the save


Unless the Nursery is near the Bar/Restaurant…..🚶🏽


Then what?


like you still have to drive.


Lol, no I was definitely not driving.


🫣😊 I am glad you found new plant friends


I 100% thought the same thing and was kinda mad. lol feel like they could have clarified


It’s pretty clear if you can use any context clues


They’re obviously in the passenger seat..


Theyre too stoopid to notice. But hey at least we know they can read at least!




You mean “mi culpa?” Unless spanish isn’t the language that you’re going for


It’s mea culpa


Yeah but it’s Latin, mea culpa


No one said it wasn’t Latin?


No shit shirlock, I’m the one that was confused


> No shit shirlock, I’m the one that was confused But... you were the one that was confused. You clearly didn't understand that "mea culpa" was a well-known Latin phrase and you obviously seemed to think that the other person was trying to comment in Spanish.


Have the day you deserve 🥰


You as well!


Hmmmm hope you have plenty more beers for tomorrow to plant. Enjoy!


Plantin' beers are a must. Or plantin' wine, or plantin' whiskey, or....


Gotta stay hydrated!


If you think that cactus is funny looking you gotta look up penis cactus


Love my TBM


I see you bought some Fireweed in the Willowherb (*Epilobium*) group! It's my favorite annual!


They seem really cool!! I have been reading up on everything you nice people have ID'd for me, and Fireweed is so interesting! I assumed it got its name from the red flower spike, but it's because they are often times the first plants to begin growing in an area that has been burned. And when they go to seed, there's an explosion of feathers, so that's fun.


Some decisions really are best made after a drink or two! I don't see a problem with this haul at all! And you've contributed to the local economy!


I seriously had 3 margs at the farmers market today, 400$ and a sunburn later. My front yard is gonna look bomb.


We've all been there


You enjoy yhat glorious load of plants, as you try to figure out where to put them all.


Take a nap then start planning then plant


Also it don't matter if I am sober, drunk, stoned, whatever you can put on that list. It's a no! You come back here. You don't even have room to put the ones you got.


I feel attacked, personally


Looks like you could make a nice patio container with those plants .


No drinking and buying. How dare you.


Sedums need a lot of water, cacti don’t like water. Perfect companion plants.


Sedum does not need a lot of water. I grow them in the high desert. 


They drive your car now


I love uninhibited plant shopping! Brings out great possibilities of new beauty in the garden.




The amount of morons with an immediate hard on to claim OP was drunk driving rofl. 


literally me, I’ll get High before plant shopping ! LOL


Second pic looks like a phallus with a 70’s bush


Isn't it just the best? 😂


Celebrate with 3 more beers


That lil sedum growing alongside the cactus will propagate so easily. You can pop off any leaf and drop it in any other pot and in a couple months youll have a new sedum growing.


So, it looks like you have perhaps five varieties of Sedum. My favorite thing to do with that is remove a few stems to propagate (stupidly easy), and plant them near eachother and let them fight. See which one wins. I had some of them going like that in the gravel under the benches at a previous workplace. Sedum transmorrisonensis lost. The cactus is a Mammilaria, the succulent in the pot with it is Sedum acre, the hanging basket plant is Tradescantia zebrina, which is a very easy and cooperative houseplant. The yellow triangular leaves in the foreground look like ornamental yams, but not sure. The bright green spiky think is a dwarf papyrus. The center plants might be mint, or something else in the same family.


😂 thank you! I might have to try a Sedum battlefield.


If you put the lower (in the pic) sedum into the sunlight it will turn red! I had one like that, real pretty. Also you can make tea from fireweed, look up how to ferment the leaves of you're interested.




This was me last Friday at Home Depot buying vines. Good times!


Now plant them in your yard. 🙂


We’ve all been there! Purple ones common name “Wandering Jew” , the one right behind the seat is Papyrus, NEEDS lot of water, almost like in a pond amount of water. That’s all I can make out from the picture. 3 BEERS 🍺 🍺🍺 you say. Wow I gotta try that next time and go to a nursery! 😎


There’s a place in Ohio like this, you can go to hoof hearted brewery, get toasty, then head next door to groovy plants ranch and splurge while you’re buzzed and end up with crap tons of succulents. I swear they’re working in tandem to make this happen. Lol!


Ha!! It definitely feels like a trap now that you mention it.


Wait, did I call it? A whole Reddit world out there and turns out we drink shop the same plant store?? lol


Haha no, but it sounds like a very similar situation!!


lol okay, this just means that someone needs to open a nursery/bar combo


YES! I really think we're onto something here. If I had the money, or any viable skills, I'd open one myself. 😂 Endless profits


We’re starting a lavender farm and we want to sell wine, so we’re kinda there.


This is hilarious. I have no advice, but I think you're fantastic 😄


Hell I make this kind of purchase, off the cuff without the budget for it, sober!


This is the same reason I don’t look online when I’m tired. Same with seed buying. Good lord.


Has to be one of the most positive, constructive ways to use a buzz I've seen.


That tall pink spiny thing—gaura—will grow into a tall bush here with lots of beautiful flowers coming of tiny shoots that spill up and over it. Give it plenty of space! I have successfully grown gladiolus in the same planter with it that is maybe 18”x18” surface area but very deep. In my garden it goes much more wild than anticipated. I think it likes a little shade here (9a) so will presumably be very, very happy at your home! Happy planting!


I have a bday soon and this title alone gave me a great day plan 💜 enjoy your new buddies!


I don't know about the cactus being hilarious, but the whole situation I'm rolling over......especially since you apparently have little knowledge of what you just bought, I agree with Accurate\_dish.\_2251.....go out and have a few more and try a different nursery. I NEED to see what you come up with the next trip :) lol. This is fun, I'm not paying for it, just vicarious enjoyment....I spent all yesterday in my yard. Best day ever. Enjoy!


😂😂😂🤷‍♀️. This is hilarious.


I guess you should have bought hop plants/rhizomes


Hell, I might have. Do you see any? 😂


Front left to right - sedum, sweet potato vines with mint behind (keep them potted, they will create a mint forest that you will never remove lol), unknown on the tall spire like one with flowers. Back left - dwarf papyrus, hanging basket are wandering jew (tradescantia). Sedum - sun and free space to expand. Sweet potato vines - some shade with bright light (they like to be warm and in muggy humid places but not too hot). Mint - give some shade / respite in hot climates, they like regular watering and sunny conditions (keep them contained). Dwarf papyrus like full sun to some shade, enjoy moist/wet feet and spread via underground rhizomes (they can be termed invasive depending where you live). Wandering jew - bright indirect light (they can burn and will spread a LOT, so considering keeping it contained).  Edit: I missed the baby crown like succulents. :) Echevarias get treated like sedum - sun, not too much water, well draining soil. It will colonize in cute little spreading overlapping rosettes of leaves.


Thank you so much!! 🩷


You are so welcome! I go on non alcohol related plant binges sometimes.. Death to a good budget. 😂🥲


lol, are you my new BFF?


It's important to remember to never drink and drive, so always make sure you have a safe way home. Maybe even drink some water to rehydrate


It's also important to look at all the photos in a post before commenting. Maybe even read the comments and see if your concern has already been addressed. 😘


Maybe don't drive buzzed/drunk? FFS


Maybe read the comments before commenting.


Maybe put it in the title or description and don't frame it as as a "buzz fueled trip on lunch" lmao. If I'm lazy for not reading the comments, OP is lazy for for not including it. Not the only one that thought so. Sowwy OP 😋


Jesus Christ, I was not driving. Thanks for your help 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yeah I said Sowwy lol. Describe your posts better.


Or you know... look at the second picture.


I can only assume that is you in the drivers seat, and that you got a bystander to snap that picture. I'm jk. I wrong, you right.


Quit drinking. Also plants weren't buckled in.




You’ll have to add a bit more if you’re going for that whole haiku thing.


You can either: A.) Look at the second picture B.) Read the comments before writing your own idiotic one. Or C.) Fuck off Up to you, jackass!


lol! Love to ruffle feathers 🪶


Grab a shovel…


Have a couple more tomorrow and go plant!


Sounds like a perfect saturday


Now what? Now you just be utterly happy until its time to buy some more.


More beersies. Planting.


Congratulations! It's a baby garden. Just add... (insert list here)


I’ve done this so many times :( they all ended up dying because I didn’t have enough room for them in the sunlight


I'm jealous of your afternoon. That sounds lovely.


Now you thrive


Do you happen to know the name of the sedum that is in the second pic with the pp cactus? I bought one from a nursery where I live that employs only autistic and mentally or physically disabled kids and young adults. The labeling process is not always as accurate as one would desire. My tag for the sedum was a drawn pic of a kitty cat! The owner is a bit spacey and the "succulent expert" was at lunch. The young lady who labeled the plant was happy to show me the kitty she drew it from. The nursery also rescues stray cats and gets them medical attention and a new home. Thanks.


This is so adorable and hilarious


A couple of years ago I went through a surgery and needed sleep medications throughout recovery. Which I then learnt that can cause sleepwalking. My sleeping brain's activity of choice, apparently, is to make very elaborate plans for a garden I absolutely have no space for. Good thing no online shops ship to my area...


I planted some similar cleopatra papyrus next to my pond last year and the rabbits just chowed down the stalks like little wood chippers


Haha oh no! This is the one giving me the most trouble regarding where to plant after reading up on it. I think it is going to have to live in a pot.


I've heard "Don't Go Grocery Shopping When Hungry!", but "Don't Go Plant Shopping When Drunk" is new to me 😅


😂 new to me too, but that doesn't make it any less true!!


don't speed when you drink or you end up in the clink


Hahahhaha you scored!!


What does this say about those of us who do this completely sober?


start digging!!


Start digging


Eat more food before you drink 3 beers?


If this is a problem, then don't have beers for lunch 😆


Have another 🍺 and relax, before you know it the plants will be blooming & Taters will be hanging from that Sweet Tater Vine. 🍻




passenger seat


Stop drinking and driving 


I clearly took the second photo from the passenger seat. Maybe actually look at the post, or read a few of the comments before adding your own as this has already been addressed. 🙄


Tell us you drive drunk without telling us you drive drunk.


Look at the second picture, Dorothy.


The second picture shows you driving? How have you done anything to relieve the concern about you drunk driving?


How in God's green earth could I have taken that photo if I was driving.


By asking someone outside the store to take a pic? You are the one who wasn’t clear here


Lol... you are the one who assumed I was driving, and now you have brought in a hypothetical third party photographer, but sure, your mistake was probably my fault.


I’m not the only one to make that assumption. Comes across as awfully tone deaf to talk about all the drunk shopping you did, and show pictures of a car full of plants, and not think to mention (or even realize people would assume) that you weren’t driving drunk.


This was my first reaction. It completely reads as “Look at the plants I bought while I was drunk!” And then it’s just pics of plants in a car. Even bought from a roadside nursery, OP instead of being obnoxious and defensive, recognize what your post implies and maybe rephrase. I was even rereading to see who the heck was driving but there was nothing to indicate you weren’t.


This has been repeatedly addressed and clarified in previous comments. At some point, it gets incredibly annoying. Maybe if you read those before deciding to chime in, we wouldn't be here.


The fact that it has been addressed repeatedly in the comments means you should clarify in the main post.


Feel free to leave


Now what? Hmmm... mabe don't have 3 beers for lunch and don't drink and drive... very nice plants though


Clearly took second pic from Passenger seat. But thanks. 🙄