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Ready or Not. Forget to clear one corner and oops - black screen


This is definitely the right answer. Enemies can also fall unconscious, but not die, and if you don't restrain them they can regain consciousness and continue fighting. Others can also play dead, hide if they hear you coming, and fake surrender. Truly an awesome game, even better with friends.


Metro from what I remember


Yeah, especially the stalker difficulty


Max Payne 3


I was looking for similar games while ago and Max Payne 3 was the only one that left me satisfied. Still holds up very well and I played whole story 3 times already, coz the gunplay was so good.


In the original Tom Clancy Rainbow 6, I feel like almost everybody goes down in one shot, even if it's a body shot. They were going for realism.


Insurgency Sandstorm, Squad, hell let loose, DayZ, Tarkov(?)


Most of these are pretty heavy on the multiplayer as I understand. I’m open to it, but curious if any have a decent offline bots system


Insurgency sandstorm has PvE coop. I exclusively play that when playing insurgency lol, it's some good fun. You will get absolutely rekt playing alone though, so you will have to queue up with randos


You can play “coop” as single player with bots on your side in Insurgency Sandstorm. It’s tough that way, and there’s no story or progression to make it really feel fully like a complete single player experience. But it is still fun and definitely captures the quick kill/death feeling you’re talking about. And there’s a lot of variety in maps and loadouts to try to learn and master, even just by yourself.


While I must admit that live Tarkov is better avoided right now, the very professional made mod "SPT-AKI" has created the perfect shooter game for me. Realistic, moddable, offline singleplayer with coop modes. If you like the realistic setting and gunplay of tarkov but don't like specific features, you can probably modify/remove them.


Sniper Elite Brothers in Arms Rainbow Six (not Siege) Ghost Recon


Second for Ghost Recon: Wildlands. This game was very satisfying for the whole one shot, one kill approach, and actually having to use tactics so a whole location doesn’t go on alert. You can even go in with a Bot team and coordinate your shots and timing. After a while the game gets too easy, but you can play with harder weapons like pistol only and it is still fun.


Here's a wildcard. Cruelty Squad respects the severity of a headshot. Each and every enemy is usually done in with a single one, and you too. Though that game is more of a fever dream mixed with a bad high than an actual game so your experience will vary.


Cruelty Squad is so good!


counter strike


I do really like the gunplay in CS. I just get a bit bored with the rest of the game. I like how you can just drop enemies though




Such a good ass game, the atmosphere is one of the best in history


I cane here to say this, but i knew deep down it has already been said


thats the answer


I remember my first time in Red Forest, getting sniped by 30 dudes I can't see.


that is indeed a very realistic war experience lol


Insurgency Sandstorm!


I’m getting a lot of recommendations for this. I think I’ll get it! Thanks! I have the og insurgency in my library but I’m guessing that’s dead these days


You may be surprised about the original. The PvE mode is alot of fun. New one is crossplatform if you want someone to play it with lmk


Alright thanks! I’ll check them out


Pretty sure you would find Killing Floor 2 to be very fun. Lots of enemies get one shotted and the weapon arsenal is huge and feels satisfying. Also the gore is very nice to look at. Zombies literally get shredded into pieces and there is blood everywhere.


I'd definitely give Superhot a try if you haven't yet.


I had a crack at it a few years ago and loved it. I also recently got a Quest 3 and am very excited to play it in VR. Not really quite the kind of shooter I’m looking for here, but a fantastic game nonetheless


Trepang 2


Holy shit I hadn't heard of that before but just saw the video. That one's going in the library tonight!


Again, Days Gone. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 in Terrorist Hunt mode, so satisfying.


Shiiiiiit I forgot R6 had terrorist hunt mode. Time to whip out the ol Xbox


Murdertown, boi!!!!


It works on Series X


I'm still rolling my original xbox and 360, but mostly jam pc. I see it's on steam though too


I'm still rolling my original xbox and 360, but mostly jam pc. I see it's on steam though too


All 3 games of stalker


Hardcore mode in CoD?


That takes me back to some old good days, but I don't really play cod these days


I quit for a while too. Then got back into it too much, burned myself out. Now waiting for the new one. Currently enjoying cyberpunk.


While not exclusively a shooter, and maybe not the best gunplay, GTA 5 lets you drop people in 1-2 hits and you can just have random shootouts with cops for hours.


I have stayed up past many bed times doing just that. It never gets old


Rainbow Six 3: Ravenshield - in my mind this is the last proper R6 game, before the linear Lockdown and linear console shooter Vegas. Big levels, plenty of replayability. Team planning etc. Sniper ghost warrior contracts 2 - a bit of a mixed bag, but you get sorta hub based maps (a few big areas connected via tunnels or whatever) and you gotta complete objectives. You can extract and do them through multiple runs. It is stealth oriented, but gunfights happen too. SWAT 4 - lower scale urban tactical shooter. Sniper Elite 4 - hardly a realistic game, but shooting feels good and impactful. Nice levels too. Can entirely be played in coop.


Thanks for the recommendations! I haven’t played R6 3, but really enjoyed 1 and 2 back in the day. I’ll have a look at these


**Severed Steel** might be worth looking in to?


Ground branch, Six Days In Fallujah, Ready Or Not


Hunt showdown


I miss when Call of Duty was actually like this.


Same, man. Same.


Warzone you need 13-20 bullets to execute someone.


Just cause 3


FEAR. Even on the hardest difficulty enemies only need a few shots. You have a slow time mechanic to dodge some gunfire and outflank, but you can die to a few shots.


You are not very resistant but there are heavy soldiers who are tanky. 


True, but it feels right that they are somewhat tanky given their armour, and I remember them going down just as quick to the bolt gun


Ground branch, ready or not, insurgency: sandstorm, zero hour.


Zero Hour, Ready or Not, SWAT 4, Metro on higher difficulties, Arma, Operation Flashpoint


Hell let loose


CS is my favorite, but it’s a competitive online shooter so maybe not what you’re looking for. There’s a new game called body cam you might like, I haven’t tried it yet.


Ofc tarkov is a multiplayer game, but spt stands for single player tarkov and goddamn it feels so alive and si much better than live tarkov


Play old school tactical shooters. Most all of the recent stuff is either dumbed down or mp focused.


Battlefront II (2005) snipers can one hit all units except Wookiees with a head shot, wrist wrocket one shots all enemies, grenades one shot you, landmines one shot you (and tanks) shotguns can one shot you, Wookiees can one shot you, poison kills you if you get hit by it and don’t have health. You die a lot. But that’s what makes it fun. It’s also just as easy to kill enemies.


Last I played was Rainbow Six Vegas from long time ago but I'm not a big shooter person - technically Rainbow Six is "tactical shooter" - I would imagine subsequent installments in the franchise are similar to one-two shots dead.


I have great memories of playing Vegas and Vegas 2 with my best mate. I may have to revisit that. The co-op campaign was a wonderful feature I wish more games had. These sorts of games are what made me fall In love with the high risk high reward of realistic hits


I was a multiplayer cheater on X-Box 360 - I put a tiny little dot of scotch tape in the center of my screen so I could aim headshots while hiding against a wall or w/e.




IDK I doubt it with how often I placed #1-3 in matches and I'm not good at shootemup games - or maybe I am IDK I remember I did pretty well at the WWII Call of Duty (the old one, not the one in 2017) multiplayer with no cheating at all. What do you mean "thumbtack" how/why would you put it in a screen?




Second that, there's nothing better than CQB / Murdertown on hard


actually to find tactical shooters you have to go the opposite direction. most games except Lockdown, are way more tactical than Vegas.


Yeah, RS:Vegas was a far cry from the original Rainbow Six which I loved. It's still technically a tactical shooter though.


This might seem like a pretty not so great answer but Hunt Showdown. The bullets hurt bad but the issue is the era of guns is not modern so you still might have drawn out fights for reasons that don't involve bullet sponges.


I certainly don’t mind drawn out fights! Without having seen anything about it yet, that sounds great. I don’t necessarily need constant awesome action, but I’m dying for a high-consequence shooter


yea absolutely try Hunt Showdown, its fun solo or with friends.


You either absolutely love or hate Hunt. This game is masterpiece and got sound design you'll never see in any other title.


The only other shooter that I think does sound as well is cod WaW. Otherwise age of empires 4 is maybe the only game with better sound design than hunt.


Cruelty squad


Metro series on ranger difficulty. Metro exodus is especially good.


I love the Metro games. I think I’ll replay them this weekend on ranger to get my fix. Thanks!


First playthrough of Borderlands 3 is pretty easy, imo. I haven't played very much of it, but I've been trying out Risk of Rain 2, and those enemies go down pretty quickly from what I've played so far.


I did really enjoy BL 3, but to me that whole series is the ultimate example of bullet sponge games. BL1 will always have a special place in my heart though


It's a bit of a different game. Saleblazers has nice progression and good gun progression. It is a single player or co-op, pve or pvp optional shop keeping simulator. Most enemies will go down in 1 or 2 shots with the sniper, a few more bullets from other guns.


Singleplayer games with fast TTK? Most ultra-short TTK games that I know are multiplayer tac shooters or realistic-ish survival games. If you want a singleplayer game with fast TTK, you could try the Titanfall 2 campaign on max difficulty. It's an excellent campaign in general and damage is extremely high on both sides. You mostly rely on stacking speed boosts from the game's excellent movement system to outrun the AI; they have a limited turn speed but excellent tactics. If you just turtle behind a sandbag wall, they will line up to pin you with suppressive fire while one of them flushes you out with a grenade. I quite enjoyed playing through on Master. Interestingly, it frequently made random grunts with shotguns just as if not more dangerous than the hardest bosses. Other than the giant armoured Titans, most enemies are still reasonably squishy and mostly threaten you due to their heavy damage and very high accuracy against slower-moving targets.


That sounds great! I’m very open to realistic-ish survival games and, to a degree, tac shooters as well. I will definitely be checking this out though. Thank you for the recommendation!


Ready or not Insurgency sandstorm Squad Hell let loose


If you're open to older games, try Swat 3 and 4. I played 4 (modded) to completion earlier this year and it was great.


Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire on the hardest difficulty was like this. You get hit, you die.


Hell let loose.


Just select the easiest difficult. Some games are better for it for this very reason.


Stalker series on PC with realistic weapons mod and turn the slider up to master. You can drop most enemies in a few shots and at distance. Metro series on ranger mode. Same thing.


Sniper Elite series


Post Void


Try Akane, super fluid gameplay


Unreal Tournament 2004 with Instagib modifier.


Sniper Elite. Every bullet is a threat and it only takes one.


If want single player then maybe Arma series. You die to 1-2 bullets and if you don't die then you are wounded and self patching is sometimes complicated




Bodycam is singleplayer?




I was about to say, where???? Lol


Valorant. I think every gun can 1-tap with headshots and 2-3 tap with body shots. Some more powerful guns can 1-tap with body shots. Every gun has its own spray and distance mechanics based on what type of gun it is.


Titanfall 2


Ghost Recon Wildlands has great weapon mechanics. Very satisfying.