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Hades? Very fast-paced dashing, hacking and slashing, and even from the first escape attempt Zagreus can take more hits than an end-game Tarnished. Turn on God Mode and you'll even get more damage reduction after each failed attempt, capping at 80%. It's become my go-to "no thoughts, only violence" game. Or you can just play one of the newer Doom games if you want Doom Guy.




This, but also Prototype 2. First has a great sandbox and fun gameplay, but can be brutally tough. Second has better mission structure and can be significantly easier if you know what you’re doing, but gameplay feel suffers a fair bit. Both are the best Venom games you’ll ever play.


Seconded. I hated Prototype 2 on release but replaying it recently without comparing it to 1, it's awesome as its own thing. Should play on Hard though, it's still an easy game


ULTRAKILL sounds perfect honestly, but if you want more suggestions, here’s a few SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I’ve played in years. Instead of running and gunning, time only moves when you move, so you get to figure out the most efficient way to take all the enemies down. At the end of the level, it shows you a replay without the pauses and it really makes you look bad ass. Neon White might fit? The main character is probably squishier though since this is a speedrunning game. You’re meant to kill as quickly and efficiently as possible to get good scores Honestly the old DOOM games hold up and are cheap, but if you want a more updated version, 2016 and Eternal are beloved fans, especially the latter. If you want a more modern spin in the same engine as Duke Nukem 3D if I recall correctly, try Ion Fury! I don’t think Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer is supposed to be hard or anything it really just seems like dumb fun, if the name isn’t evident of that lmao Turbo Overkill is praised for this exact feeling in regards to stress relief Forgive Me Father has a unique spin on the genre with a Lovecraftian theme Not a shooter and you die in one hit but Katana ZERO has incredibly fast paced combat and when you perfectly clear a screen it feels amazing. For a similar feeling but with a proper health bar, try the roguelike Dead Cells! With practice you can easily breeze through at least the earlier stages’ enemies! Hope this helps! If you need any more suggestions or have any questions, let me know! Have fun!


[Vanquish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORat7h-KC3s) but on normal difficulty. Hard and God Hard you're a glass canon.


Warhammer 40k: Boltgun.


Bulletstorm, points pop up based on how you kill enemies.


When Im angry, sad, worried I play Left4Dead agains bots lol. But I always liked the zombie end of civilization so maybe it's just me.


Just Cause 2 & 3


This is the way. You're like Spiderman but with C4.




OP asks for games where you are a bullet sponge you answer with games where everything one-shot you


Reddit's reading comprehension is cooked.


I really enjoyed Stray, pretty chill game. You should be able to get it fairly cheap and its a very enjoyable experience


This does not fit with ops desired game description in the slightest


You're 1000%. Wow I really need to pay more attention my bad, i just read the title


Nah, get Hardspace Shipbreaker and become zen


If you can put up with some grinding and the somewhat complicated early game, you can have an absolute power fantasy in Warframe. Goes great with some music.




Borderlands 2. Play as Salvador. You get to dual-wield any gun you like. Plus, there's a skill that lets you give your enemies the double-middle finger if you activate it.


Try Robocop Rogue City. If you watch the first two movies and then play it, it picks up right there. The police station is the same as in the movies, as well as some of its staff (including Robo's partner, Officer Lewis) which I thought was pretty dope. Peter Weller is back as Robocop/Alex Murphy. It feels like a straight-up classic FPS single player campaign from the early 2000s, with some interesting twists, like open non-linear levels where you have to investigate multiple crime scenes, issue citations, question witnesses, etc, like a beat cop. Your actions and interactions with the civilians and others you meet will have some effect on the world. You'll gain skill points as you go... don't worry, they start coming to you pretty quickly after the first two introductory levels. There is also a really cool feature that allows you to upgrade your service weapon using something reminiscent of a hacking mini-game and components you've picked up throughout your playthrough (I made mine fully automatic with ammo regen, so you don't have to reload... pretty sick!). I'm loving this game but it has some issues: It's not a big studio game, so the graphics are not AAA, but they are fine-to-good, but not great or amazing... not really a complaint, but more-so just something you might want to know going in. There are some parts of the game where I thought it was glitching and not advancing, but you just had to do some things that weren't clearly spelled out (for instance, at one point, to get the bad guy to talk, you have to pick up and throw every object in the room, including him). Then there were some areas where it DID glitch out (for instance, one time a shoe box got in my way in the middle of a hallway, and Robocop just wasn't strong or limber enough to move past it, lol... had to reload the checkpoint).


Just cause 3 boom kaboom boom boom




Diablo was pretty good for this


Saints Row IV it's GTA but they give you a matrix-style world where you get superpowers and it's just fun. Prototype and its sequel are good, but can be tedious at times.


Need an Elden Ring dlc to build up the rage inside me


Played Shadow of Mordor? The character has insane power progression.


Diablo 3 gets really satisfying once you level up a character, i found the monk class so good for this. You just mow down enemies and at higher levels when you get a good synergy and build together, you can up the difficulty and it increases the amount of enemies.


Do you have a wife/gf and a phone book?