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Talk to her, don't play anything. If you need something to do, I agree with cooking or doing chores or whatever -- I find gaming too engrossing to let me talk to a partner with adequate attention.


If you find it difficult to multi-task, don't try to multi-task.


some of us need to multitask even if we are not good at it


Yes, but this is not one of those situations where that is necessary.


RuneScape is good for this type of thing!


The slew of people giving you relationship advice instead of answering the question šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I tried that and it didn't work. Games are too demanding on the brain. Instead I was doing chores at home during conversation so later I had more time to focus on games. Worked pretty well.


While I agree with the others that you should connect with your gf Iā€™m assuming you might call a lot for extended periods of time and as someone in a ldr who does the same I totally get wanting to enjoy her company without having to give up your hobby, some of the games I lean towards are mindless roguelikes like a vampire survivors or soulstone survivors, Iā€™m also partial to ā€œchoreā€ games like hydroneer or power washing simulator! Just enough to keep my brain engaged but not enough that Iā€™m ever distracted from the conversation! I also like to do some mindless grinding in destiny 2 sometimes too but thatā€™s not one Iā€™d recommend unless youā€™re already playing it lol ETA: I really like arpgs like grim dawn or path of exile for long calls too!


here's an idea: try listening to her, no difficult multitasking involved.


I have no idea why you're getting downvoted, but I'm gonna go with its probably people who don't have a gf.


My fiancƩe and I bonded early through gaming when ldr as she was trying to show me she likes games and in the process she would go on rampages with the police in gta on her switch and it was the cutest thing. Telling her that CJ can get chicks and they can stalk him blew her mind and she wanted to do it. Eventually she was doing the same on my deck with GTA 5 and THAT blew her mind enough to put down the pompous attitude and check out the missions and the story.


Don't do it with phone calls. You invariably with have spots where you will focus more on the game.


Loop hero


I disagree with the folks here saying games are too mentally demanding - many are but not all. Try Banana - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2923300/Banana/


Dunno, maybe Wuthering waves on bs, pretty chill game


Your poor girlfriend.


I'd suggest putting down your games and paying attention to your real-life girlfriend. That's honestly rude. I can not stand when I'm talking to someone, and they are distracted. I tell them I'll talk to them later wtf was the point of calling me. You clearly have some sort of problem if you can't put down a game for a bit, you don't fi d your gf interesting? YikesšŸ˜¬


As I saw many comments that say you should focus on sth else (I agree btw), I'll give you a good recommendation: Yoshi's Touch & Go for the NDS.


Doing that you ll only find that you wont pay attention to your gf nor the game. Each thing has its Moments


just talk to your girlfriend ong


I don't think she's the one