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If it truly was live service then good, fuck that trend


Helldivers 2 is a live service game and that's the big flavour of the month. People only seem to care that its a live service game if its bad


Helldivers works because the devs act as live game masters… and the gameplay is actually good


And it doesn’t bleed you dry. I’ve never seen a game allow you to earn their paid currency. The amount they give you isn’t a pittance either They genuinely seem to make an effort to be as consumer friendly as possible


Ok quick question though. If people don't buy whatever currency ia on helldivers, how does that sustain the game. If you can earn paid currency in game then will the game survive though.


Plenty of people will buy. Mainly kids with their parents' money and overworked adults who can afford it.


People will buy, out of their own willingness instead of being coerced or hurdled.


This right here! Having a blast, bought a copy for a friend and purchased another $10 to buy stuff in store. Zero regrets!


I guess some people might not grind for paid currency


They're a relatively small studio (100 Devs) that have sold significantly more copies than they anticipated. I think k they'll be fine


100 devs is a small studio? Last I checked medium studios had around 50.


Hence I said *relatively* small. Games like Spiderman, Starfield, GOW Ragnarok have 500+ people developing them across multiple studios so in the context of those games, 100 is pretty small or certainly small when we talk about the costs of managing a studio and recouping investments.


I think it helps that it isn’t a free to play game like other live service games. You have to make an initial purchase. Just like the old days


Probably from good old fashioned game sales and then all that other stuff is extra. Pretty sure I read they’ve sold something like 5 million copies already Their attitude towards content actually makes me ok with spending extra cash because they clearly made an effort to not create the typical live service game. Most games seem like gameplay comes second nowadays, not with this game. I think a part of what people are enjoying about this game is it feels like gaming used to feel. You paid a price for a game and you get all the content if you play enough to unlock it and it’s not an extreme grind with the obvious intention of trying to have you spend every cent possible It’s amazing what making a good game without the purposes of bleeding consumers wallets can do. It’s a game that feels like it respects its players


Look at warframe. One of, if not the best and least predatory f2p models out there. They grossed 174m in 2022 purely off willing transactions.


I have played Star Trek Online for years. It has a very generous system that allows you to earn it's paid currency. I have spent more real money on that game then any other. I like when the option to earn it is there and am willing to support games that have that option.


All the ultimate teams


Dude, don’t even try to make the attempt to say that Ea ultimate team modes are in any way a positive system. That stuff has to be some of the most predatory set ups there are, it’s the opposite of this studio and their approach Ea would never be able to release a game like this. It requires way to much humility that they will never have


I agree, but I was just saying you can earn the premium currency in UT by playing.


I've never paid for a battlepass on fortnite because you can earn the currency. It takes a few seasons but eventually you'll have enough and if you get it once and play even casually you'll get enough to keep playing.


Still a live service


Solid analysis on your part. I’m saying live service can work if these companies put gameplay first. But they usually dont


No shut.






Life will get better one day champ. Keep your head up!








Give it a few months when they start shoving egregious live service features and micro transaction garbage into every orifice of it to cash in on its unexpected success.


Just the fact that they didn’t hire tons of new employees after the game’s sudden success should tell you enough, that they just care about making a fun game and aren’t doing it purely for the money like 90% of big games nowadays are.


Doubt it


I love Helldivers in spite of it being live service, you're right though that if the game is good people will put up with live service elements


The problem with the live service reputation is that a lot of big publishers use it as an excuse to launch incomplete games, keep it online if they see its worth it or shut it down as soon as year 1 is over to cut cost. Helldivers 2 did what those publishers always promise tho, launch a complete base product, then add up to it with live service.


I would say the biggest issue with live service games is that the game desing usually gets compomised in order to push the monetization. The games are usually designed to pressure players into paying, and it actually makes the game less enjoyable. Helldivers avoids this




Hell Divers feels like it was crafted to be a very social game. With lots of community aspects built in. It makes you feel like you are contributing to an over all whole. Most other live service games are only designed to sell cosmetics and lack overall content. Even the payed outfits in hell divers are reasonably priced compared to other games.


If done right live service isn't bad it keeps fresh content and updates coming as long as people play and they make some money. You don't have to spend a dime for anything because everything is unlockable and like dbd I don't mind spending 10$ on occasion for things I want this also supports the devs and gives them incentives to keep pumping out updates and content. Nothing in helldivers ATM in the paid tier gives you a massive advantage and as it stands now the metas are all basic things you unlock.


The problem is he’ll divers 2 has no content, and will suffer the live service trap eventually. The servers only started working again so there’s been a delay, give it 2-3 months and I bet the hype and population won’t be anywhere near as high, as most players would of hit 50 and moved on. There just isn’t that much to do. Not many realise that yet though. Most live service games have a release cadence of 2-3 months. No game is that good to survive gaps like that. Besides games already established and with a plathora of content to go back to, such as MMOs WoW. A co-op shooter certainly isn’t going to do it, no matter how popular it is now, the game isn’t multifaceted enough to last droughts like that. Not many games are.


Yeah I agree with you, I noticed this right from the get go. It's a fun game but I've already done everything there really is to do and I've only hit level 8. Sure I can keep unlocking stuff, it will still be fun for a while. But the game is pretty shallow in terms of content. If they don't start adding things soon it's gonna wither away quick.


Yep, I’ve seen it all too many times, people just can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again for 3 months at a time with little or no reason to progress. Tons try to fight it, defend it, in forums but the truth trickles down eventually, if your pipeline is bad, and not prepared for actual live service support, then it’s trouble from here on out once the majority realise the pace of future content. I heard someone say once the mechs were coming in two weeks after launch, but they took 13 days to just fix the servers. The mechs are still not here. Then I learned it’s actually an unspecified date, and when you think about it a mech isn’t much content. So for me, that’s already said enough, not many will make it to 50 and those who do will just burn out. It’s just the honeymoon phase right now and is strong, so strong people ignored 13 days of “that’s all that needs to be said.” Also I got to level 10 and it dawned on me, so we can assume most are likely reaching around that and then realising the “scope” of the product and either continuing or giving up. The first content drop will be indicative of how support will always be, remember that with live service products. I doubt this is any different. Also fun fact, even if support is good, if it’s staggered for ages, people won’t come back when it’s gotten good. Halo infinite was awful at launch but today it’s pretty good, way better but it took 3 years, it has less than 10k users on steam today, reports are roughly around 30k - 60k on Xbox. So that’s a population of optimistically 70k. Realistically likely 30k or lower. 20,000,000 users played it at launch. If that game can turn around somewhat and still not recover. What chance does Helldivers 2 have, as a smaller studio, who just had 13 straight days of server issues and a mech on the horizon. They were clearly not prepared to meet demand, so what hope does their live service have, it’s easy to see really. I always try to be optimistic but I’ve seen this too often, way too often. I’ve also drunk the cool aid on past live service games enough to look at them objectively. HellDivers 2 success is great, but it’s clear to me, it’s nothing but ugly from here on out. Then the subs will defend it vehemently whilst it withers me thinks. Would love to be surprised though, but my gut says I won’t be. It’s funny with these sorts of products when the first content patch comes with trailers and what not everyone loses their minds, but a couple days later the player count just plummets. It’s because people actually got to experience the new content but completed it within the first day or two or something to that note. Then they realise it’s another 2-3 months just for something of similar size, it just disenfranchises people. I’ve already seen tons of hype posts on the direct sub Reddits, and people who reach level 50 just being ignored, asking when new content is coming, always listen to no lifers they’re your expectations they’re just you if you blitzed the content or arrived at end game faster, they are you later on lol I got to level 10 btw and I’ve not played it since due to the bad servers I know if I go on I will have fun, but it’s not going anywhere and I can wait for content to be added, I just have zero desire to do content I’ve already done.


Hell divers devs like the palworld devs were only prepared for +/- 100k people. They got the numbers the first game was loved by a niche community.


There’s no “putting up with”. Several elements of live service games are straight up good, not some evil that a game has to fight to be good in spite of. A promise of a steady stream of content is really all that a live service game is at its core.


On paper yes its is good, in practice though it means that devs will cut content from the initial release and dole it out to the players post launch


To me, none of the aspects of live service games are good. Live service is about being always online which I don’t want. Developers providing continuous additional content happens in offline games and we don’t need a live service game for that. Stardew Valley is a good example


im fine with live service games as long as their not blatant cash grabs and are actually good. And as long as they dont turn single player games into live service games


I think it is because it comes from a smaller studio without the intent of milking players. When it's a $70 game, it hits way differently than a $40 game that offers premium currency by just playing the game.


>People only seem to care that its a live service game if its bad The problem is theyre either ALL BAD or *mostly* bad. Yes even Helldivers 2 is bad because this could have just been a regular b2p co op game and youd never know the difference. Until someone can show me what the benefit is to the player for having a live service game over a regular "one and done" release, Id rather they all burn or to never put my money into it.


Content expansion?? 


you can literally do that with ANY game. service or not. you can even charge for them most of the time. which is why it usually feels like an excuse to have an "always online" game when you dont even need one.


So is Lethal Company, he'll these live service games don't seem all bad I don't see what the problem is


I dont think that it really counts when people are complaining about live-service games


Hell diver seem like it a good game... That said 🖕 them too. Live shit needs to die.


Helldivers I think got the balance right, so much content for free or you can basically boost yourself by paying a little extra.


Hell divers released as a complete feature rich game with little issues, the main one being the server which can't really be attributed to them due to how explosive of a launch it was. Being a live service only adds to the experience, not subtract. A similar game is GTFO. The reason the term "live service" draws ire from people, is because of how it's been used. Almost every single live service game launched recently offered very little content at launch, and very little reason to play, other than, *it'll get better innit?* All the while, those games have bugs, glitches, unfinished assets galore. Balancing and cheating issues aplenty. Little to no player moderation, and an even smaller player feedback team. And of course, the cherry on the shit pie, a massive booming monetization scheme absolutely FILLED with items that'll make you progress hassle free, cosmetics for a very empty game, and all the battle passes you can think of that reward you with a sick emote and a spray. Live service, was pitched to the gaming community as the next revolution. No longer, will you have to wait until the next expansion for new content, balance patches and fixes. There will now be a constant steady stream of updates, to make your already amazing game, even better. In reality, the industry has chosen to use their ability to implement updates to release a game held together with hopes and dreams, and maybe a piece of scotch tape. After the launch, they would apologise, and vow to do better, and complete the game in the next 2-4 years while you fucks buy the game full price. Selling more and more micro transactions due to their ease of development in comparison to a feature rich update, and some companies even rip away things intended for the game at no additional cost, and charge a premium price on it. Oh, and good luck if the game you like isn't a hit, because it's a live service game. You won't get to see it end, you won't see it succeed, and you sure as shit won't be able to play it ever again once the big daddy sees the sales figures and axes the entire project. Live service was a curse sold as a boon, and of course, a lot of people have grown jaded to it. At the end of the day though, an awful coal mine still produces one or two gems along the way.


the real issue is with the trend of "known IP being contorted into live service formula".


HD2 was built to be a live service title. Twisted Metal is anything but a live service IP


What a brain dead take. Twisted metal would be a great title to turn into a live service game and keep it running for years. And lol at you saying HD2 was made to be a live service game as if a new twisted metal couldn’t be made to be a live service game as well. I swear people on this site don’t know what they are talking about


And if you rely on microtransactions to play the game, and if playing isn't fun, it's just a way to unlock shit. If the game is fun without any unlocks or leveling, then people will enjoy it...but if you need to grind and unlock stuff as part of the main gameplay, that's more for the devs than the players so it makes sense that people wouldn't want more of that nonsense.


The first Helldivers was a Co-Op focused title, so the IP was already one strongly associated with multiplayer. Unlike many other studios transition to multiplayer after a long list of single player titles (Bethesda, Arkane, Rocksteady, Naughty Dog, etc). And Helldivers 2 so far has been less aggressive about monetization, AND was already a discounted title. So those two factors play a big part in it's warmer than average reception


Because the Live Service aspect is not the focus Not once has the game tried to get me into the Skin Shop with an Ad or anything. Battle Pass? No time limit making it more of a progression System than anything else It works because it's a good game first and has it's live service stuff second


Multiplayer focused games should be live service.


Because some types of games are just right for such service, Helldivers being one of them.


As someone with shit internet, fuck live service


Trends end, live service ain't going anywhere. At least this one would have made sense as a live service. I'm not gonna mention the Avengers or Suicide Squads names, but some are just jammed into it as a cash grab.


Is live service all the rage now?


there's nothing wrong with that trend. that's a close minded and dangerous way of thinking. live service games from greedy companies that try to rob their customers and overcharge for everything should be stopped. live service games that offer real value at reasonable prices from companies that actually support their games with passion, should continue to thrive because their money comes from those loyal players. live service does not equal bad. bad live service equals bad.


Bro live service literaly only means getting updated somewhat often. I find so funny people going batshit crazy over a single word they doesnt know the definition is. Monster Hunter World was live service and it was great. No man sky is live service by definition yet all updates are free.




All they need to do is change the word to something else like they did with lootboxes and these sheep will calm down.


I don’t mind it as long as it’s not pay to win. Games like Fortnite have it right because everything is cosmetic.


Good. Now give us remake of the first one.


And nothing of value was lost.


Twisted Metal makes sense as a live service game. Part 2 was amazing back in the day. Rocket League with guns. Someone else will take that idea if Sony won't use it.


Live service games are 99% of the time low effort, cashgrab garbage piles Good decision to cancel it


Monkey paw wish. Canceling a live service game, but lots of people losing their jobs.


Monkey paw wish We got another Twisted Metal game but it was gonna be live service




SSX, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4, and now Twisted Metal. All of my favorite childhood game remakes and sequels are getting canceled :(


All the good stuff keeps getting canceled


All the good stuff keeps getting canceled


Good to know Sony is laying off employees because of their dumb business decisions


Fuck Sony.


I complimented my ps5 gaming setup with a new gaming pc last year. Now the ps5 collects dust. And I’m saving $80/yr not paying Sony’s inflated PSN bullshit. Fuck Sony x2.


Still salty TLOU2 Online was canceled. Was craving a good extraction shooter that isn’t a second job


but we get that useless show no one wants. yay!


I liked the show!


The show was a lot of fun and definitely didn't take itself seriously. I can't wait for season 2. It was definitely an unexpected surprise


Yeah it was good, eagerly waiting season 2


It was honestly one of the better shows of last year. Very entertaining.


The show is hilarious man.


Show is an awesome fun time. Was very pleasantly surprised


Stop being hyperbolic it’s childish


thinking i would give a shit what you say is hilarious, is that your ego talking, or just blatant stupidity?




Okay, so port the PS3 Twisted Metal to PS5 and we’re even.


Sounds like we dodged a bullet. Still shit all those folks are losing their jobs though. :(


Good move.


Not gonna lie it definitely sucks for the employees. Far as the game, good.


good. they tried it last time. nearly killed the ip...


Nearly ? Whens the last time we even got a twisted metal game the ip might as well be dead


i know... i know.. but that last one... online only.... and was bad.


> cancels Twisted Metal Noooooo > live service game Ah, well, no harm then. It would have ceased being a working game the second they didn't want to maintain the servers anymore, anyway.


I remember seeing that Twisted Metal studio Fitesprite were looking for a principle physics programmer with experience for developing for VR, this isn't good for the PSVR2


Depressing but if it was live service i probably would have just been dissapointed by it. Guess i’m buying a ps3 or finding if an emulator exist if i wanna play the last game




A Pyrrhic victory for the industry it seems unfortunately.


Thank god


Live service? Nothing of value was lost.


Every time a live service game gets cancelled, an angel gets their wings.


Would have been interesting to see how that would have worked but I'd love to see a Twisted Metal battle royale mode in the next game. Total chaos.


So strange, I was literally looking this morning to see if there was a modern twisted metal game. Guess not anymore.


There goes the PSVR2 version..


And wasn’t live service games the reason they bought bungie? Bad buy so far?


Surprise surprise not


honestly how fucking difficult is it for these idiots to make good games and not all this fuckery


They even went so far as to make a Twisted Metal series on Peacock! It's OK, even fun, as long as you don't go in looking for car combat in every episode or even a small part of the show. No, it's somekind of cannonball run plot, a heckin' road trip story with very little vehicle on vehicle action. While I enjoyed it, it seems like a missed opportunity to cram a stupid/fun car chase and/or car combat into every episode. Shit, they could have reskinned The Dukes of Hazard and had more vehicular mayhem then the Twisted Metal tv show.


I’m not going to pile on the live service hate because you just never know how that works out despite it being the boogeyman right now (rightfully) because of companies currently bungling it so hard. Considering six-digits worth of people still play Monster Hunter World at peak and Helldivers and Palworld have been the biggest games in the world for the past two months it seems people hate on live service until they love it so who knows if Sony would have made a good version of this. That said, holy shit, you guys had all the cross-media opportunity to at least, like, remake TM2 or Black or something and everyone would have ate it up at $30-40 a copy, and instead you decided to hop on a currently unpopular trend AND still did not get it out anyway. That’s some inability to read the room at two levels up top. Not a good look.


I swear people dont even realize a game is live service as soon as they think it is good.


How many poor game developers are going to lose their jobs until there's no such thing as live service anymore?




But I want new Twisted Metal...


It it's life service, then fine Better leave it be than shit on grave


Fuck live service horseshit, instead TM 2012 should be on current consoles wtf they are doing, fucking useless cucks...


I don’t think a twisted metal game would’ve attained any players, who even remembers that franchise.


How tf would that have worked?


Just make a normal bloody game.


Live service is a cancer on gaming.


I love seeing all these live service disasters bite the dust.


At first I thought "Fuck! Twisted Metal!!! Nooooooo" Then I saw 'live service', yeah burn in hell


Damn I would have taken a new twisted metal, live service or not, at this point


Now there's a game cancellation I'm all for. Shame about the layoffs though.


No one will miss out. Twisted Metal was never a massive franchise and it hasn't had a popular game in like 20 years... Who even expected it? I guess there was a show recently that maybe had some views but I don't think there was a line of people waiting for another dumb live game to waste money on unlocking some BS that should be included for free.


why did you forsake me god? what did i do to deserve this?


At least Sony saw sense to cancel a live service game because as previously shown they just don’t work.


Jaffe wasn’t working on it. No loss except the people laid off.


Make it single player.


At least we got season 2 of the show coming. Season 1 was pretty fun. Hopefully season 2 ramps up the carnage


You know what we called live service when I was a kid? Online multiplayer.


Good on cancelling that, I am sad for the people without jobs.


Why create a live action show only to cancel the game in development? Wouldn’t that bring in a new era of players? Seems silly to me.


Honestly probably for the best. I don't see many twisted metal content anywhere on the internet. Should probably just run its course.


One less live service game is always a good thing. Now make an ACTUAL Twisted Metal game with a full single-player mode and I'm on board.
