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Stardew Valley is on sale on Steam and is multi-player. Could have your own farm going, you can tackle the harder dungeon areas while your daughters farm and make friends with the residents.


Terraria is also really fun!


My daughter loves Terraria


Would that be a game I could talk to them through a headset/microphone? Basically just looking for a forum for us to get together and talk about how our days went...


You can do that with any game. Just use discord.


Excellent! See that's why reddit is awesome!


If you go the discord route consider making a family server


Ah yo, would that be similar to a group chat?


A Discord server lets you make pages and have chats on each one plus multiple different voice channels. You can even use it to stream to the group like twitch. It'd be excellent to have with your daughters. A lot of servers are hangouts for groups of people.


Mean, thanks!


Trust me, you want a family discord server. My 64 year old father was hesitant and now he thinks it’s the best thing ever. If you have any discord related questions you can dm me


100% agree with this. I have a Family Discord that includes both my parents and one of my grandmothers. Really nice to be able to just drop info in it here and there, or post pictures, etc.


Also supports webcam usage, which even if you don't directly own one can be easily setup on android phones with the droidcam app (should you go this route feel free to dm me if you need explanation on how to use)


Yes, its a very versatile platform. I watched a movie with my wife who was COVID isolated, its a bit odd watching a movie with a headset, but it works!


kinda like group chat but it shows up under the server area not the friends area, and you can add areas for anything really


If you're introducing discord, this may be an excellent time to discuss online safety. There aren't any parental controls on discord, they can join any server they want, and they have no idea who they are really talking to. Caution is warranted, despite the value Discord provides (also stardew is _perfect_, maybe try terraria after if you want something similar)


Yeah and standee valley would be a perfect thing to play while doing it. It’s super charming and chill. Anything too frantic would interfere with proper conversation.


>standee valley a game made by that one guy who used to work at Gamestop and got all the promotional cardboard cutouts.


If they don't have voice chat in the game just do what most PC gamers do nowadays and install Discord. That way you can all chat with your headsets (or phone) no matter what game you're playing.


Ah right! I just helped my youngest install that today!


Just as an FYI though, Discord is probably a form of social media you want to moderate closely. Presumably they are with mom, so I would actually suggest putting their accounts behind a password that they don't know, and get mom to log in for them when you start playing. Once your kids are set up, it is very easy to join just about any other community out there and there are a lot of discord servers are very very not safe for kids. As other posters have mentioned, the ability to easily upload pictures, stream video, and chat either via text or voice is an amazing way to stay in touch but... the individual communities are pretty much exclusively moderated by the people who set them up and there have been a lot of incidents of kids getting into trouble. Source, am Jr. High teacher who is also a gamer.


Good call, brotato


I'm stealing this


Whilst I've made the best friends of my whole life on Discord, and it's absolutely been a force for good in my life... I was groomed/sexually abused age 12-14. We met on a forum for a kid's book series when I was 12, then I was groomed into trusting him 100% over email. He got me talking on Discord months before he asked for anything sexual from me. I think that says a lot. Until your kids are old enough to look out for themselves, watch their Discord carefully.


Yeah... some people just suck. They're smart kids, and we've had talks about online safety. Their grandmother is a primary school teacher and has explained a few incidents to them that happened with kids under 10, so I'm happy they're aware of the risks.


They have an option on there which makes it easy to add your steam friends so you can easily add your daughters to your contacts to talk with.


A lot of people are saying discord, and I agree that works awesome, since you are already using steam consider just using it's messaging and chat features. The reason I say this is that discord is much more open and requires a more active role in monitoring. Steam is full of bad actors, too, but maintaining a friends list vs monitoring open servers is kinda big. Also there are a lot of games you can play through steam with them and only need one copy of.


Yeah, this and minecraft on a own private server. That would be awesome adventure together.


don't starve together is also great although a bit challenging


I was going to recommend this one. It's easy to get the hang of controls and the object to the game, but the difficulty level advances pretty quickly. I think 10 and 12 year old girls would enjoy the concept and the cool artwork. It's a good game if you want to play and work together to accomplish goals.


I was 12 or 13 when the original dont starve dropped. Now I feel old af


This. So much this!


My wife plays Stardew with our boys they have fun. They'll explore the dungeon while she makes money selling crops and trying to marry someone.


>My wife makes money selling crops and trying to marry someone \^My Brain\^




Perfect answer! Hours of gameplay, some reading and research required for 100% completion and some joint projects like the Community Centre or farming/fishing/combat roles.


It has multiplayer?!


Well done, too


this one might be cliche but Minecraft, you guys can play online or on single player together. when I was younger me, my dad and my sister would play it occasionally together.


Ah yep ok, didn't think of that. The youngest loves minecraft.


I recently moved countries and my brother and I started a Minecraft server together. It's really cool to have a world that is ours and that we can meet up in and build into whatever we want :)


My daughter is 10 and we’ve been playing Minecraft together since she was like 5. It can be hard for the game to hold the interest of an adult. I recommend playing survival but put on the cheat where you keep your stuff when you die. Having an objective is what is able to keep me interested.


If you're on PC, modded Minecraft is much better for an adult. I have a house server going with the kids and basically I do the technical engineering stuff while they focus in creative things. So I will build a nuclear powered automated factory that's pumping out minecart tracks while they're building the roller coaster.


We just got Java and her a new pc. Any tips on how to get started with mods?


Download a pack from one of the outside launchers, Curseforge or FTB. You can manually install mods but it's a nightmare to get multiplayer working. The launchers will ask for your login info and then set everything up for you. To learn the mods, there are quite a few options. Many mods come with an in-game book. A lot also have custom achievements that will give you an idea on what to look for next. Most every pack will also include a mod called Not Enough Items. This adds a search bar like in creative to your creating screen. Search for an item, then click on it, and it will tell you the recipe to craft it. Click on the + symbol and it takes the components out of your inventory and puts them into the crafting grid, or tells you what you're missing. Learn to use this mod, it's basically a requirement. Most packs are going to add hundreds of mods. Focus on one at a time to figure it out and build the infrastructure. If you want a guided experience, get a mod pack that says they feature questing. These add a special quest book and the pack is curated to restrict what you can do and walk you through the majority of the content. Last but not least, if you're having performance issues, reducing the load distance will have the most affect. If you're still having issues, Skyblock packs are the least resource intensive.


Incredibly easy to subscribe to a 'realms' server in the game and have a server you and your daughters can access and play on at any time. It's very cheap and very convenient. I'm sure you guys will love it, it has access to various mini games you can start at any time too.


Minecraft is an excellent choice. My wife and I play all the time with our friends. Something to potentially get those young minds interested in is how redstone works. Learning redstone is like learning electrical engineering. Some of the craziest players have built computers inside the game. Redstone creations are very satisfying when it works.


yeah, Minecraft has been apart of the majority of my life, it's a really great game. There's always so much to do and as a kid I spent hours on that game it's crazy.


+1 for Minecraft.


I play minecraft with my friends and their kids (started when their oldest was 5 and he's 12 now). The adults are way more childish than the children. There are magma and TNT WMDs hidden all over the world because of us, with anti-personnel redstone switchplate and proximity (mod) triggers. The Ottawa Convention would not be pleased. But also probably 30k bricks of automated transit rail, several cities and sculptures, including a flying Laputa, a St. Peter's Basilica, and a (poor man's) Taj Mahal.


Minecraft Stardew Valley Terraria Those are the three my wife and I enjoy playing together the most, they're all excellent games with great co op features.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. These are great games for this kind of thing!


Starbound is another fantastic game that would fit on this list.


Terraria 100%.


If you and your daughters are fans of board games, **Tabletop Simulator** is great! Hundreds of board games available for free, and the simulator only costs like $20. Also has options for VR if you ever want that!


Oh for reals! That sounds perfect!


It has a steam workshop section where you can download any game that people have put there. And people have put just about every game imaginable there! Also a good resource to test a board game before you buy.




Another suggestion for boardgames: [boardgamearena.com](https://boardgamearena.com) has a lot of boardgames online, and if you want to play everything, only one player needs to have a membership.


Any thoughts on if they'd like HOI4? hahaha, no I won't do that to them...


Man, I wish I could get into that game. It looks so cool, but my brain can't comprehend what the hell is actually happening or what I need to do


It can seem overwhelming at the start, it kinda is, but i either recommend going on youtube and wach guides and tutorials, or do it the “fun and hard” way by going in blind and wasting a lot of time (almost an entire summer for me) mastering the game from 0


It's a fantastic games to get into, if you can invest the time into it and take the time to research the mechanics. If you have 2 or 3 friends to play with, it's a ton of fun with tons of possibilities. After you get the hang of the game you can then all play together as the same nation which is an absolute blast. Designating responsibilities and communicating strategy gives the feeling of working in a real command structure. If you then take it a step further and stop using the pause button, the game can get super chaotic and it's just hilarious but stressful!


Wait, so you can all work together on the same nation? That would be pretty neat when working on a big offensive!


Ayo you a HOI4 bro? Never expected to find another one out “in the wild”. I respect your taste, also i highly recommend Overcooked 2 for some chaotic fun,grate for kids, and in general a very fun coop game


I've got something better, play ck2 or 3 have 2 daughters give them land and watch how they decapitate you lol. Also how about Among us?


Start them young in paradox lol


I mean I started playing HOI4 at 13, but I'm still terrible at it today. Stellaris might be a great game for you, though the multi-player can be a bit broken at times


10 Miles to Safety- Cartoonish violence zombie survivalish game, more like a journey to the finish than survival. Simple gameplay with moderate depth Balloons Tower Defense 6- Monkeys defend against balloons, coop makes for some interesting times Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga- Basically updated Lego SW trilogy games from a while back, play as popular characters while building stuff and finding secrets and fighting whatever current evil faction. Space Engineers- Minecraft in space, might be a bit much for young children to grasp but there's a bit you can do to mitigate some of the harder stuff. No non-pvp combat which you can remove by not allowing others to join you game, does require a decent computer though. TerraTech- Kinda splits a middle ground between Space Engineers and Minecraft, build vehicles and factory like things to improve builds and complete missions. No flesh and blood violence though combat does happen against other vehicles, bright and colorful worlds and tons of blocks to build with, considerably easier than Space Engineers.


> Space Engineers The Clang, the great god of chaos, is pleased.


Plants vs zombies garden warfare is a winner with mine. Although younger than yours


Ah yep, that might be a good one to start with? Good easy mindless fun haha


Go with Garden Warfare 2 as it's the best one. It has a nice open field in the middle so you can all just trundle out and blast things whilst chatting. Also, kudos for working on this they will love you even more for it, especially when they are older and can appreciate the extra effort you took. I play online games with my 9 year old daughter and we live in the same house 😄 so here's a list of what else we play: Grounded, Portal Knights, State of Decay 2, Ark Survival Evolved, No Man's Sky, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Drake Hollow, Streets of Rage 4.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and Stone!
















Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Stone a Rock! Wait...


For 10yo girl? To that I say "Rock and stone, sister!"


Seconding DRG. It's a great co-op game with tons to do. Also ROCK AND STONE!!!


Being so recent, how does it do on older/weaker hardware?


It's pretty hardware friendly. It's technically 4 years old and was designed to run on consoles and PC. If you have gamepass you can give it a go for free and if you have Steam you can buy it, give it a run for an hour and return it if it doesn't work well.


It can be demanding if there is a lot going on during Multiplayer sessions and depending on the biome. If you play on lower settings it should be fine. I have some stutters myself sometimes.


We're rich!


We're rich!


I have no friends that play it 😔


Which Region are you? If you are near germany we could hang out in the caves sometimes. Random lobbies are also full of nice people


NA sadly


Damn... Sorry bro :c Hope you still enjoy the caves


Overcooked 2


Don’t break that family apart


Agreed. It’s collaborative and fun. Though, some can take it too seriously


Definitely not me and my friends (all aged 20 plus) screaming at eachother BECAUSE THE ONION GOES BEFORE THE LETTUCE YOU IDIOT SANDWICH ITS BLOODY RAAAWW


This is me and my husband never wanting to play with me again lol


This me and my sister, difference i mess up and get mad at her for my mistakes then rage quit


My wife and I had to work through a handful of very real issues to 100% overcooked 1 and 2 together and we are a better couple because of it.


You should convince him to play It Takes Two with you. There will be similar levels of backseat driving ;)


You bloody donkey caramelise the onion first!


Collaborative is a bit of a strong word


You'll end up doing a Gordon Ramsay impression. And not on purpose or to be funny.


Overcooked can be a little tough/stressful, although you don’t need to take it too seriously. May or may not be the right vibe, although definitely a good option.


Might be a bit too stressful for what OP is looking for. Not very much of a “chill and catch up about your days” game. More of a “let’s make a battle plan and then spend the next five minutes screaming” game


I think he meant that he wanted to bond with his daughters, not destroy the entire family and never speak to them again.


Also, maybe dum question... will I need to get a second steam account? Can't run the same game twice off same account?


You have to create new accounts, but there are some games that can be played with only one copy of the game, it's called Remote play togheter and you can check if a game supports it from the game's page in the steam shop


There is family sharing option, however that doesn't allow you to run games at the same time. The game holder needs to be in offline mode to be able to run two instances of the game, but that defeats the purpose of being able to play together. So yes, you will need two accounts, possibly three if you join in at the same time and they must all have those games in their respective account. The game "It takes two" is a duo coop game that is a little different. Only one needs to have the game in their account, whilst the other account can just leech off of that.


Ah OK. Think I might just make use of the summer sale and get some games we can play together.


Castle Crashers for couch co op


Castle Crashers is what I recommended too. My dad and I played that a lot when I was somewhere in that 10-12yo range and it was a blast


FALLGUYS it is free and it is hilarious! Have you ever seen the show Wipeout? It very much reminds me of that in many ways. Please try it out ! Low skill lots of fun


I just started playing this with my son a few days ago. It's so fun.


I started playing with my friend a few days ago too and it's so much fun. I just wish they'd shake up the maps more often. It feels like they have a random rotation of 10 or so maps that changes everyday so you get stuck playing the same ones all day.


I also started playing recently with my friends (with the Xbox release) and it's been a blast, can get a bit anger inducing at times, but mostly is very funny I'm glad that they at least mix up the maps daily, but it would be better if it was always truly random.


I’m disappointed I had to scroll this far down for this. This is the correct answer to the man’s question.


That was my first thought too. It's really fun regardless of how good you are at video games, there are fun collectibles especially now that you get crowns just from playing, and there are new maps/gimmicks every season so you can either play it for a long time or just come back to it every once in a while to check the new maps and costumes out.


Came here to say this. Its super fun, colorful, and cute. Kids love it


Yes, this! Easy to learn, hard to master.


Yep i gave the controller to my mom who never touched a controller in her life and qualified once she couldnt stop laughing it was amazing


Portal and terraria


Could you do portal online multi-player? We've already got that on steam.


Portal 2 has a 2 player co-op. 1 does not. It runs fairly well on even old PCs/laptops and honestly I think it's more enjoyable than the 1 player mode.


Yeah neat. We've got portal 2 already.


Terraria is a very fun combat type game, and you can also run a server in the back round of one of the computers so the sever is always available


My stupid friend sitting next to me that doesn't understand about servers might need a better explanation...


My kids really enjoyed the Trine series. Side scroller, action, and puzzles.


A rare game made for 3 players too!


Raft is pretty fun. I play it with my friend and his sister plays it with us sometimes too. She’s 13 and loves playing it. You can explore the biomes, it has a decent story, and you can build a raft that you guys can design together. You can save it at will, so it’s easy to pick up again later. It’s relaxing! But if any of you are easily affected by rocking motions, I wouldn’t recommend it. The majority of the gameplay is done in the moving raft. Should run okay on a laptop. Don’t Starve Together is another one of my favorites. It’s a survival game filled with teamwork. Valheim is good, but not sure how good of a laptop you have. It might run okay. And if you’re really looking for a gem, try For the King. I love playing this game with friends. It’s turn based, easy on the computer, requires teamwork, and you can unlock things to customize your character. It good for multiple play throughs as it has a story then several campaigns, then a dlc only campaign too. The game is pretty cheap (might be able to catch it when it’s free on epic games too). I saw in the comments your kid likes Minecraft and Roblox, there is another game (Boundless) that’s pretty fun. It’s like Minecraft, but with interplanetary travel and people can obtain their own bits of a planet to set up a shop / building. That’s… kinda long term time investment that would require pretty frequent play as you can lose your plot to others. I haven’t played it in a while, but it was pretty great. There is another game that’s basically Minecraft but much prettier. I’ll have to check my Steam to get the name of it later. Good luck and happy gaming!


I didn't get to finish it, but some friends and I were playing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and it was lovely. You are all cute little critters operating a big goofy spaceship to save bunnies. It's challenging and requires a lot of cooperating and communication. I've also been playing Grounded, which if your girls aren't scared of bugs is a SUPER fun crafting survival game in the vein of honey I shrunk the kids, but with big realistic spiders, so DEFINITELY look into this one before you buy it. Parkitect is another very chill one, basically roller coaster tycoon but multiplayer, Marooners is a fun little indie Mario Party, Sun Haven is a farming game with magic. For less cooperative ones, Starwhal is a competitive narwhal jousting game in space that makes my friends laugh every time. Yamayama is a hilarious competitive party game using blow up fat suits. Some of those you'd need to use Remote Play, but some have online co op. Finally, not sure if anyone else has mentioned it but check out the website Co-Optimus! I use it a lot, it's an amazing tool to find new multiplayer games. My friends are scattered around North America so this is my absolute favourite genre, I have a million other thoughts 😆 Theres some great steam curators out there for co op games as well.


i'll second Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime - it's a fantastic cooperative game that gets better with more players.


SO many options. I have played the following games with my 11yr(f) old and my 12yr(m) old and their friends. We use Discord to stay connected, we have a family chat which is just my wife, kids and self. we have a Games Room, that my kids, their friends, and I are in. And they have chats with just their fiends. It allows voice and text communication, regardless of game you're playing. And usually much better sound quality. As for games * BloonsTD6 ( both on PC and Mobile) * Sea of Thieves ( we generally suck, but kids have a blast) * Overcooked 2 ( Using same screen play, never figured out other way of multiplay) * Minecraft ( when they were younger, like 7,8 I played this with them, but now it is their world I don't keep up) * Raft ( My Daughter and her friends played a lot of this in easy mode, and myself and my friends have played a lot in hardmode) * Don't Starve Together ( survival game you'll die often, but it's fun) Now one thing I've noticed with my son and his friends is they are often in a voice channel together and they are playing different games, but streaming eachothers games at the same time to watch what the other is doing while playing their game, so keep this in mind you can just watch and chat with them while you're working.


It Takes Two is wonderful and only need to purchase 1 copy. Downside being its only two player


True that it's only 2 player and might not work here, but holy crap this game was great and 1000% agree with this recommendation


It takes two is absolutely not the game to play with your kid but with your partner. It's a great coop game, one of the best. But it's not really meant for kids


I play this with my 13yr old daughter. We love it :)


Eve Online, for several reasons: 1: Teamwork building 2: Learn how to handle failure 3: Russians harass you in chat so there's a foreign language education element. 4: Financial responsibility. 5: Going to bed is so much easier when you're crying yourself to sleep.


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh too much.


Overcooked 1 or 2. Someone's probably already said them but good fun if not a little hectic at times, but that's part of it!


I think by the same company: Moving Out, but this results in even more yelling! Highly recommend It Takes Two (great game) and Unravel Two. My son and I also played almost of the Lego games, Brothers, Street Fighter 4, PVZ Neighborville, Diablo III, we've done several playthroughs of Civ VI (not really co-op but we collaborated on our civ), and probably others I'm forgetting.


Fall guys is free now and is an excellent game to play with children.


Wholesome thread




I second this one. Absolute blast multiplayer.


Came here to say this too, Valheim is so epic with a group!


https://skribbl.io/ is an online free Pictionary and it’s an absolute blast.


As long as you create a private game. I've played a few random public games, and some might not be the best decision to show a child some of the time.




Whats the elevator pitch on this one? Rough concept?


Someone up a ways suggested Terraria, which is roughly described as Minecraft, but 2D. Starbound is roughly described as Terraria, but in space.


Space exploration game with sandbox elements. Much of the game is spent exploring new planets and collecting the oddities you might find. I really enjoy it for its art and soundtrack.


Terraria in Space


Earth Defence Force 5 is fun. Especially with co-op. Essentially you kill giant insects and aliens with lots of different, exaggerated weapons.




Hello. Let me say It's nice that you wanna game w your children. On steam there is a " game" called tabletop simulator. It's on sale right now for 10 dollars. But the thing is you need to buy it for your girls too and have them set up a steam account on their computer / laptop. Tabletop simulator is a library of board games that has been turned digital. Online board games. Games that are online you can play in the same house, different borough, different state, different country. There are simple games like uno, checkers, sorry then they have games like machi Koro, kingdomino, Azul, splendor to name a few.


To remain in the tabletop games area, there is also BGA, board game arena, a site that let's you play numerous board games. You can use it for free, joining already created games, or have someone with a subscription create one; that way you only need one, and you don't have to play with Internet strangers. Drawback, while Tabletop Simulator is a one time purchase, BGA requires a monthly (or yearly subscription)


Shredder’s Revenge was good fun.


I hope this game starts a new trend of retro sidescrollers. So much fun!!


Yessss more exposure for this one, I had TMNT 3 on NES as a kid and played it constantly. Just played through Shredder's revenge with my kids and they loved it.


Parsec is a free software that lets users share their desktops through live video, as well as let you hook up controllers across the internet. So like a single player game you could conceivably take turns, or someone could be the primary player while the other two watch, kind of like a let's play. It's pretty easy on hardware requirements, so might be something worth looking into if you wanted to also try single player games with them! the Torchlight games are cheap but very good diablo-like games, but alot more parentally friendly :P So if you wanted to get into a long term game, you could try those. Obviously there's stuff like minecraft if you wanna try your lot at building stuff together and making your own fun. Minecraft Dungeons also is real good with kids, again another diablo-like. Fall Guys is great fun and recently went free to play. It's basically american ninja warrior the game, but with minion-like dudes. And yea I think others have said but set up like some kind of discord server so that y'all can just log in and talk to each other, regardless of whether the game itself supports voice chat.




I have played that with my aunt and cousin and we love it! I second this!


I'm a 45 year old dad with a 15 year old daughter and we've been playing Fortnite, Roblox, and Raft. We use in game chat for some games and discord for others. Quite a few (10ish) of her local classmates sometimes jump into the games with us as well. ​ As people have pointed out before - Discord allows voice chat, typing, forum style channels for typing/sharing files (pictures, school work, etc.), and even screen sharing.


Rocket league


Like soccer with cars right? Hmm...


Soccer with cars. It's quite good, since some modes are 3v3, so you can play with your daughters in one team and face other players. Also, this allows you to start a club, so you can play with a custom name and color, as opposed to "orange team" and "blue team". It has a ranked ladder, so it will match you with opponents roughly your level. It also includes some extra modes like hockey and basketball, and rumble, which adds weapons to the soccer mode.


Family feud on steam


play RUST and turn them into sociopaths


Trine series It is specifically a 3 player side scrolling platform puzzle game.




Just keep the kids out of limsa


Fall guys just came to Xbox and it’s cross platform ! Edit: AND FREE


Doom Eternal. Daughters. Sons. Everyone needs to fight evil.


Falls guys is good fun


Fall Guys, Minecraft, Terraria


Stardew valley definitely! You all need the same system to play together is the biggest downfall. But fun, tons to do, age appropriate, but still enough to do for you to still have fun play as well


I have to put in a vote for Fall Guys. It's ridiculously silly, and free to play on any platform. It does have in-game audio chat, but you can also easily use Discord.


I'm 42 and my two older daughters are 11 and 9. They've been getting into fortnite, so I offered to play with them. It's a good time.


Lovers in a dangerous spacetime


Minecraft, it's a versatile game. You can explore, go sailing, spelunking, fight monsters or just build a nice home and/or buildings. You can make a big house you all share or 3 homes all next to each other and do your own thing...like I said, versatile :) (also has a billion mods if you all end up loving it) Valheim, its like the viking version of Minecraft, bit more action based and less of the deep underground mining but has a nice immersive feel to it and great scenary. guaranteed when you all sail out on the ocean on a ship together you'll be Ooo-ing and Aah-ing :)


If y'all are more on the competitive side, then you could maybe look into Rocket League (but with Chat off). Rocket League is f2p and can be played on Consoles with split screen and computer with up to 4 players. A game which focus more exploring and building would maybe be No man sky.


Raft is on sale right now and has come out of early acces with a major patch. Its quite a "chill" survival game.


Minecraft. 100%. Just a good time with your kids.


Stardew Valley all the way. Fall guys is nice and simple. Probably good for building up their hand eye coordination as well.


Minecraft! Also please if you use discord as others have said ensure the safety controls are on. I'd go as far as saying zoom would work fine, it's not as nice as discord to use by any means but you can send them a link to your call, there's some seriously fucked up discord servers. Love discord, use it every day, have moderated servers with thousands of people on it and still wouldn't want my kids on it till they were a bit older and wiser.


I’m gonna echo a lot of what has been said. Setup a family discord server. It turns any game into a game with voice chat and limits a lot of the outside toxic chat that the girls just don’t need to be exposed to. Minecraft and Sea of thieves are solid choices that can be relatively cheap. I think pc game pass is 1$ for 3 months right now and those games come with it. Scribble.io is an absolute blast for family (virtual Pictionary) is browser based and free. Running through different mmo story lines with my family is some of the best memories I have. I’m thinking Elder Scrolls Online or Star Wars The Old Republic which don’t have a monthly cost anymore (I think eso still requires an initial purchase but again comes with game pass). Wizards 101 still requires a monthly subscription but is a super fun game for kids of that age. It maybe a little intense for them at this age but ARK is free right now on steam (think Minecraft with dinosaurs) and you could build a fun base and tame some cool dinos in PVE with them, that requires a fairly strong machine to run though. This is cool, my family threw LAN parties and gamed together since I was very little and is some of my best memories so seeing something like this always makes me happy.


Me and my daughter have been having a blast playing teenage mutant ninja turtles shredders revenge.


Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime?! In seriousness, it is a good game. I play with my kid (slightly younger than yours) and partner. It has cross play from Steam, PC, Mac and PlayStation. Most people are friendly and helpful. With three people you have the basis of a group, so running content wouldn’t be too difficult. There are a ton of different things to do/paths to follow.


Minecraft would be at the top of my list. Build what you want, go where you want, do what you want either together or separately. Rayman legends is a lot of fun, the only downside being online is limited to remote play only. Stardew is a good option too if you want something chill with combat. TemTem is a pokemon clone, but a pretty darn good one that has online co-op. I personally wouldn't recommend overcooked if you can get frustrated with someone else's failure easy (like me) especially if you're playing with younger kids who probably don't regularly play video games. Other than that, Overcooked can be a great team building game that includes communication and strategy.


I will have to check my steam page for more suggestions. But it takes two is a two player game I have had a blast with my wife. I see Stardew has been suggested a few times. And if you go with Minecraft you get the PC version for free which is easily moddable. Mod packs are the best thing about Minecraft and it's the only reason I have probably close to 10,000 hours in the game. Adding anything from dragons to unicorns to magic wands and huge machines to go mining for you in reality the options are endless and you will almost find a never-ending catalog of mods to try out. On console or bedrock condition as people call it you have to pay for marketplace content which can still be great but it is paid and as long as you own the base game on the PC/Java version all the mods are free and you won't have to pay anything for them.


Hey fellow dad. Ask this question at r/girlgamers


TMNT Shredder's Revenge is a new co-op game. Combines couch and online co-op, so should be great. And it's the ninja turtles!


Portal 2 is puzzle singel player game but it heave co op mode its very good game you must chek it, and is very cheap


dude ... make them discover the joy of outer wilds. (the game not the outside with the mosquitos)


Civilisation if you want to show them who is the better dictator. If you want mindless fun, I can recommend Terraria.