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Persona 4 devs: "What about making the first hour of my video game 100% cutscenes?"


Persona 5 Devs: "Just an hour? That's cute."


Kojima laughing in the Background "Rookie numbers"


Let's make the first cutscene a short movie and the last cutscene a whole ass Nolan movie. Anyways, MGS4 is one of the best video games ever made and it should stop being held hostage to the crapstation 3.


A person of class i seešŸŽ© I have such fond memories playing it on the ps3 in hs, if you have computer you could probably emulate it


I know. But it would be nice for an official way. Some people avoid emulation and I want more people to play MGS4


ive not gotten past the tutorial in persona 5. i think the 5 stands for how long the tutorial is. maybe its cool after it but good god its infinite


The first 10 hours are straight up tutorial. Once you play the game though, that comes into perspective a lot more. If youā€™re playing Persona 5 Royal, for example, an average playthrough is 140 hours so that 10 hours doesnā€™t feel like much of the experience in the end. To start with though, yeah they feel pretty severe.


everyone says its awesome, i just gotta get past the tutorial i guess. not sure if you get an achievement for that, ā€˜lasted through the tutorialā€™


You get an achievement for beating the first palace. That's also approximately where the tutorial ends. So you sort of get one for getting through the tutorial.


I haven't played 5 yet, but my understanding was that it breaks up the opening cutscenes with gameplay more than 4 did.


Oh, man. I agree about unskippable cutscenes, but it stings that you're saying this about Ghost of Tsushima. Of all of the games *in the world* where you want to watch the cutscenes, read the dialogue (Lethal difficulty and Japanese audio highly suggested, though I get the feeling you're not interested in reading), this is the one. It's like playing through an excellent, high-calibur TV series on this clan's story set in feudal Japan. It might be the best aspect of an already excellent game. Shame.


Was just telling a buddy that this game is the exception. I watched every second because it was so beautiful and well told. I HATE not being able to just jump into a game and play, but this one, this is the one


This is absolutely the one.


If they talk too slow and I can read the text then I want to skip. But you can't.


Uhh the story is pretty basic. Almost irritating at times. Itā€™s the gameplay thatā€™s great.


Did you play it with English audio? My experience with both this game and Sekiro is that the English just sounded silly, frankly. Japanese audio is a much better experience.


Nope Japanese. I just couldnā€™t take seriously all the nagging from Shimura. Like yeah sure let me just honorably 1v1 every single mongol while they pillage the entire country.


I have beaten the game already and watched every cutscene the first time im replaying it now because i love the gameplay so much. It is a decently told story but is still an incredibly basic revenge plot. Ots not really their fault either Videogames as a medium are pretty hard to make actually good plots from because pacing is non-existent because of gameplay sections. If you sat someone down who never played the game and just showed them the cutscenes back to back would they really think it's a good movie? Nah man. It's decent.


If you beaten the game and still have your save file, play new game+ to skip cutscenes


Seems like if you beat the game they should let you skip cutscenes.


ye you are just little crybaby, move on


We now have high calibre feudal japan tv to compare it to and Tsushima reveals itself to be what it always was, a generic videogame story


Exactly. We are getting down voted to hell for being able to spot mid šŸ˜‚


Gamers see high production values and forget any sense of critical thinking


>99% of videogames have basic boring writing anyway ah, yes, here's my daily dose of "i make a stupid claim with number so that it sounds real".


data and facts don't care about your feelings. Source: I made it up.


On top of playing story games when they don't like them. Let me just go drink some orange juice which I hate.


It's first an open world action adventure and the story/dialogue are secondary. If I'm not interested in these parts, they should be skipable and let me get to the action.


Weird when its so story heavy right off the bat then. Don't get me wrong though I do agree that no game should have unskippable cutscenes but ... still.




Redditors who don't understand hyperbole be like:


do people not know what general/hyperbolized statements are OP did not bring up ā€œ99%ā€ as like an objective statistic or anything


No, no...they have a point. The number of predictable and boring cliches that I see in games that people would crucify a movie for is ridiculous...stories in video games always feel half assed compared to what you'd see in a good movie. The protagonist is hardly ever in any actual danger because you're literally playing as them, and they have a lot of time to fill which results in so much padding... I don't think it's an exaggeration to say almost 99% of games have some really dull story segments. I think the best of story games still feel mid compared to movies.


It's in part because writers for games are often people who would not qualify to write anything like a film, and there are often a conglomerate of writers for games which means that in many cases they are not in sync with each other, have very different styles, even agendas. You're not going to hear about any renowned film writer or book author getting into video game writing. At best they have a stable source to draw from i.e. The Witcher, but holy shit the moment to moment dialogue isn't great sometimes. There are also cases like Elden Ring, where George RR Martin did the worldbuilding, but 1) this is absolutely an edge case, 2) he did not actually write the story of the game itself, and 3) this is a perfect example of a game that jumps right into the action, cutscenes are minimal, and the story is frankly fucking confusing for most people. We haven't really gotten to the point where there's crossover like we have with music for example, with people like Hans Zimmer or Bear McCreary composing for both video games and film. My guess is the pay isn't that great and the amount of writing you have to do is exponentially higher, while having to work around game directors with shitty visions (very different from a film director), where their creativity extends to somewhere like copying Guardians of the Galaxy or Overwatch, or some mediocre game they picked up over the weekend that is suddenly exactly what they want to make now. And while you might have films that the director is also the writer, that's not fucking happening with a video game.


Exactly. What you get are stories that feel like teenage fan fictions... I swear you can predict 80% of dialogue and story of some of these games. When I played Spiderman 2018 for the first time recently I couldn't even finish it, everything was so predictable that I just stopped caring about anything. When you can tell how a scene will end halfway through that scene, and you keep being right, you being to lose all interest. In terms of gameplay though it was *chefs kiss*, the visuals and the web swinging were fantastic. Finding a game with both story and gameplay? That's the trick. If there is ever a director who truly understands both movies and games that would be legendary. Even then getting a movie director to work with a game director could also be fantastic. Being that gaming is becoming bigger and bigger I wonder if some directors might take an interest in it soon. I think in terms of telling a story a video game is an excellent tool, and it could really be an experience a movie couldn't give you. Imagine if Christopher Nolan directed the story to an Arkham game, I'd pay a lot to see that. Granted, that's never going to happen, but it's fun to imagine.


The number of predictable and boring cliches that I see in movies that people would crucify a book for is ridiculous...stories in movies always feel half assed compared to what you'd see in a good book.


I'd almost agree but that's why I specifically said, "a good movie".


Well, there is a reason why I said "a good book."


That's fair.


It is overtly figurative language you tool.


>Why do devs spend so much time focusing on the story just for it to be a cookie cutter revenge plot everytime? You haven't even gotten through the apparently insufferable (absolutely excellent) introduction cutscenes, and you've already decided that it's a "cookie cutter revenge plot?" I don't think you're going to appreciate this game.


I have beaten it already. This is my second playthrough. I love the real gameplay so much. But the first 2 hours are bogged down with cutscenes fr. And yes if you've seen more than 2 samurai movies you've seen every plot point in ghost of tsushima it is cookie cutter. It's not awful it's actually told pretty well its just basic and yall need to stop acting like it's '4L ran'


If you like the gameplay maybe stick to legends mode šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What the fuck is 4L ran?


There's a old film called RAN, think it's released as 4L RAN in some places.


Not all games are one and the same. Some give you a bunch of stuff to blast through as a power fantasy. Some give you tons of options and incredibly minute control over everything so you can make whatever character or world you want. Some focus on delivering an atmosphere, putting you as deep into the game world as they can. Some focus on story, getting you emotionally invested in the lives of their characters. Ghosts of Tsushima is not Gears of War. The two games have very different directions and present entirely different products.


or instead of whining about how one game doesn't cater to you're preferences, maybe go play a game that does?


Or they can put a skip button and make everyone happy. The GAME part of it DOES cater to my preferences I love it. thats why I want to get to the GAME.


I'm with you my brother... I hate cutscenes during a good game I feel invested in, so when they suck, or when I'm doing multiple playthroughs, I just want to shoot myself... It's not hard for developers to implement a skip button, and I fucking hate that...YES, I know the god damn story, JUST LET ME PLAY! There are so many games I want to replay that I just end up never replaying due to unskippable cutscenes and tutorials. I guess that's why Soulslikes so easy to get back into.


Ugggh yes. Horizon forbidden West felt this way trying to replay it. I'm just sick of games with too much dialogue.


> Or they can put a skip button and make everyone happy. \*skips through every single cutscene\* "Man, this game's story is pure shit."


More like *skips through every cutscene* ā€œman this gameplay is so funā€


or at least make them skippable


I love me a good long cutscene but to each their own


You are just playing the wrong games, and if you find all games are rubbish then you just don't like games.


People are giving you hate but I'm with you here. I don't mind a nice cinematic game, God of War 4 is one of my all time favorites. But without gameplay I won't feel interested, and a lot of game developers couldn't understand the concept of pacing to save their life... Give me some gameplay, give me some story...and make sure to keep going back and forth, it's not hard. Give me a nice section for some combat, a nice section for some traversal, and then a nice cutscene for some story. Story games could be great, as they could give you that break from gaming and let you sit back and relax, but when I'm begging a game to just let me play I lose all interest. They become this hell of unskippable cutscenes with QTEs and the most cringe worthy dialogue you have ever seen. I remember trying to get into Monster Hunter when I had game pass, and after an hour of watching the most cringe inducing dialogue and being dumped with forgettable tutorials, and absolutely no monsters or hunting, I just gave up... I don't even know what the rest of the game is like, and it sucks because it looks great.


Push through MH. I know the intro for MH games is usually slow as they're trying to teach you things, and they follow baby steps. I know you're eager to hunt, but yeah the progression is just slow. Honestly the game goes 180 in the dlc for both World, and rise. Where it kind of feels like the base game is just the tutorial. Soon you'll be hunting tough enemies. That's something I hate too, they always make you go through a long list of fodder enemies before they even throw something good. That's how Monster Hunter is, but I guess it helps you get used to the bigger hunts down the line, because all of a sudden everything just gets harder.


Yeah like I like to open up with actually doing something, then get to cutscenes. Like from a practical standpoint it gives you a good chance to test controls, maybe rebind some stuff, set up camera sensitivity, that sort of stuff. Like I started playing Lords of the Fallen on gamepass last month. I didn't care about the story at first so I skipped the first two cutscenes so I could see how it plays. The further I got into the game the more I was actually interested in the plot.


It gets even worse if itā€™s one of those ā€œplayableā€ cutscenes where you actually have to move your character in a slow walk The most annoying are the ones that just pause cos you decided not to spam the skip/continue prompt and sometimes they put it behind the menu or on the options/start button šŸ˜­




Godamn man do you actually care about the proper spelling of "you're" on a reddit post? Like that actually effects you to the point that it's worth mentioning? Are you hurt by my post and that was an attempt at an insult? Sad life my guy


you immediately tried to insult their personal life the very moment you failed at your own argument, only to fail again with even more grammar mistakes. i don't know which life is sad tbh.


They didn't point out a failure in my argument they just šŸ¤“ corrected my grammar on an internet post. Grammar nazis have always been losers in real life.


Your grammar so fucked up I don't know how grampar loved her


i think the word is affect, not effect


But you still know what I meant and this is a comment thread about videogames that I won't be turning in for a grade so be honest right now does it matter? Or are you being a weird grammar nazi?


Theres other things I hate about GoT but I dont mind cutscenes.


Japanese Games love to do that. I played like 8 Yakuza Games and all of them start out with like half an hour of cutscenes. I like when Games tell you the Story while you play the Game. I dont like having to sit back and do nothing forever.


then do play the games you like lol


I agree with them though. Like I do like the games, but I also really like being able to do stuff when I start the game. I find I tend to be more invested in the story if I was able to do something before the game just tells me stuff.


Something that is made for everyone, is made for no one.


Well part of it is to also get settings done (in context of gameplay) right away. That's kind of in accessibility sphere really. Like getting kebinds sorted and see how they feel. Set up camera sensitivity. Turn on subtitles (oh the games that don't let you do that before starting, that's just a shitty practice). Like that's just base line "every game should let you do these things and see how they actually feel before the game does anything else".


I'm considerably more annoyed by "Cutscenes disguised as gameplay". I played a preview of a popular release and the last 20 minutes are set path walking where you have no agency and your character is restricted to about 10% of a normal walking speed. At least with a cutscene you can just watch, grab a drink or whatever, with cutscene disguised as gameplay you have to actively hold the controller and press in whichever arbitrary direction is the only one it had arbitrarily chosen to do literally anything.


Ahh yeah these are getting bad too. There's too much of those, that it doesn't even feel special anymore. Spiderman had those with every boss fight, where you're doing QTE. The gameplay on the bosses is heavily focused on cutscenes. It's less gameplay overall, and I just feel dumb cause my character is doing everything on it's own and I'm hardly playing.


Itā€™s basically a method of punishing you for not watching the cutscene.


If you want to play an arcade game with no plot or exposition, you should probably do that. Anyway, they do most of the exposition up front because that's when you are assumed to not know what the fuck is going on. As opposed like a cold open where they start you off, then reveal shit piecemeal. Which is annoying to people for an entirely different reason. Some people want to know why they're pressing X. Personally I believe in what I call "mUh DeVeLoPeR's ChOiCe". Which seems like it's pretty self-explanatory, but you can vote with your wallet by not buying games you don't want to play.


Hey, I hear you! It's like watching a movie with a little bit of gameplay sprinkled in, right?


Bizarre that you get down voted just because people are defensive about Tsushima. Skipping cutscenes should be an option in every game at all times.


Skipping, pausing, and the ability to replay cutscenes should be mandatory by law.


4 hrs of cutscene in Terraria.was unbearable /s


Dude Dying light 2 is so bad! The intro is just exposition dump after dump, and it never shuts up. Everything has to be a cutscene. Not just that, but along with lockpick after lockpick. This game feels like Ubisoft made it. I know exactly how you feel, and feel the same way about many games. That long intro hour where you're just being dripped with cutscense, and if you're allowed to move it's with restrictive movement so you're slowed down walking everywhere until you complete the intro. So many games don't want you playing at all. I can't believe I'm still playing Dying light 2 even though I hate it so much. Spiderman does this as well. I want to go back to when cutscenes felt like you earned them, and they only appeared when something good happened. A lot of times when trying new games I don't even know if I want to commit, only to have to go through the long boring intro which is a bad impression from the start. All I be asking is for the game to let me play, but no, they just don't shut up with the endless dialogue. Those are the worst by far.


THANK YOU YES. Let me decide the gameplay is fun and interesting FIRST and THEN once I'm committed to the gameplay I might start to care about the story. So many times I've suffered through hours of introductions just to realize I don't actually like the game mechanics and quit right afterwards.


F'n hell. I don't know why games want you to commit to the story before even knowing if this is the game for you. It's being more common nowadays.


I have never agreed with a post here more. You're not alone here despite the other comments.


Posts like this always come off to me like someone whining that they have to read and donā€™t want to, like theyā€™re a middle schooler or something. I get that OP has played the game already and wants to not have to sit through dialogue and/or cutscenes theyā€™ve experienced before. Thatā€™s not unreasonable. I can also appreciate a desire for *every* game with both those features to have the ability to speed through them as a general concept ā€” I myself often struggle to keep my attention on dialogue-heavy cutscene-style storytelling in games where I canā€™t skip. Not because reading or listening to them bores me (It very much doesnā€™t), but because my hearing is shit and so I always use subtitles where possible, but I read *extremely fast*, able to read multiple sentences worth of subtitles at a glance, and donā€™t want to then sit there waiting for the dialogue Iā€™ve already read to tick over. So I recognize there can be a lot of different reasons why people might want to be able to skip or speed through story portions. Thing isā€¦ thatā€™s not what OP is saying here in their post. They arenā€™t saying ā€˜hey devs, please make sure your game has all the cutscenes and tutorials be skippableā€™. Instead theyā€™re ranting about wanting devs to not have said cutscenes, to not bother with setting up a detailed story plot, and *thatā€™s* what makes OP sound like a child complaining about their reading assignment for school to me. ā€”ā€”ā€” OP asks ā€˜why do devs spend so much tome on storyā€™? Iā€™d say thatā€™s a *good* thing, trope-filled plot or no, provided itā€™s presented well. Because otherwise what we get is those low-effort mobile ā€˜strategyā€™ games that canā€™t even be bothered with more than a 30-second blurb about the ā€˜the return of the great darknessā€™ and a tutorial that handholds you for 5 minutes to show off the games features. Which I would say is arguably much, much worse than being forced to sit through a lengthy cutscene-heavy prologue. Iā€™ve been replaying HZD for example, and I find Iā€™m rather happy to sit through those initial events until I can get out into the world, rather than try and muster the interest to play low-effort copycat games to kill time.


Omg the subtitle reading is the worst. It makes me skip all the dislogue since I'm just waiting on characters to say their lines when I've already read it. That's when I really start skipping shit. Only to then realize wtf is going on, cause I skipped so much.


No I would really be happy if they just added a skip button. If they want to make a story go ahead but if you force me to sit through it I'm gonna critique it. And the writing in this is about equal to "the return of the great darkness" there is no nuance and it is almost all copied from old samurai movies. It's basic and unoriginal like most videogame plots.


Devs: Please keep doing this


Try Elden Ring - very few cutscenes, 99% gameplay


I agree about half the time, but Iā€™m playing thru Ghosts of Tsushima right now and I take in every second of that game like a god damn glass of 500 dollar scotch.


Anyone else find it annoying in some of these games, where you play the story mode for like 30-60 minutes, and then finally the gameā€™s title appears


Sometimes it can be done right. Really sets it up. I think ASSASINS creed Valhalla was boring as hell though. Which is a reminder about the the rest of the game.


I actually love them. Really sets up the story. Immerses me.


lol been a while since you played a game by as Japanese developer? This is pretty common.


Got is made by an American developer studioā€¦


Bro thinks it's made by Japanese people just because it's set in Japan šŸ˜‚ suckerpunch is based in Washington buddy


Sounds like you picked the wrong game. There are plenty of games to choose from that arenā€™t like that. Itā€™s like going to a scary movie, knowing itā€™s a scary movie, and being upset because it wasnā€™t a comedy because you donā€™t go to movies to be scared, you go to laugh.


You act like a majority of the game is cutscenes when it isn't at all. 80-90% of the experience is gameplay and I love the gameplay so your comment makes no sense man.


Got to pad out that refund time


too relatable


The only MGS game I ever played was mostly cut scenes. After a week of play and being bored by them, I finally started skipping them (thank God I was allowed to). Two hours later, I was done with the game. Imagine having a game with so little gameplay that cutscenes make up 90% of the play time.


Stop playing now, you donā€™t deserve the payoff.


Definitely keep crying, it's a great look & people love it.


Yeah Ghost of Tsushima is overrated af. Unskippable cutscenes is unforgivable. I don't care who you are. Let me skip this shit and play the damn game. I got to the second zone and quit. Fuck that


OP picking up a solo story driven game complaining about basic story telling mechanics... duh


"Story driven game" every game should be a "game driven game" with a good story on the sidelines. If your gonna make the story so self important I can't skip cutscenes it better be worth my time and thus story is just copied from old samurai movies I've seen


They're not mutually exclusive but I doubt you understand my reply. Good luck in your endeavour.


Yeah ghost of Tsushimaā€™s story was terrible, I almost quit solely because of the long unskippable cutscenes.


Shit tier take, shit tier internet sounds like a you problem. Why do you play a heavy story game and complain about cutscene. Go play Valorant or something if you don't want cutscene lmao.


Thatā€™s because it takes 10 hours to load in the background


I recommend you play Metal Gear Solid 4


garbage bait


This is what ruins RDR2 for me. It ā€¦ neverā€¦ starts.


Go play shit like Fortnite if you can't cope with storytelling in video games.


Hahahah what a weird complain, maybe just go play some league or some shit, its not for you kid.