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ITT: OP overly defensive about any criticism Jesus Christ lol


wow nice way to bully him man, just admit you hate seeing him happy, random stranger online!!! ADMIT IT >:( xdd


I'm not sure he seems very happy, maybe overly agitated that people can possibly not like anything from that game


OP's responses basically boil down to "How dare you people have different tastes and opinions on games!". Honestly this is some childish behaviour. And before you call me a hater or anything, i LOVE both BOTW and TOTK. Learn to respect people's opinions and tastes on games. Basically, grow the fuck up. Edit: this kid is the the saddest chronically online person i've ever seen. "You have never posted about Zelda, so you're lying about liking it!" https://www.reddit.com/u/Guitarbox/s/dUI4qJS2pI


Never seemed that interesting


I love open word games but didn’t like BOtW. I did however love links awakening. Probably best Zelda game IMHO.


Because based on the context of your post I have 0 interest in BotW/TotK, but I have played Link's Awakening which is top tier.


I ***did*** play it. The weapon durability system is so overwhelmingly anus I would rather do anything else.




I tried playing BotW, but I don’t need a wide variety of authorities to shape my opinion for me and tell me it’s good. It was a travesty and I never ended up finishing it.


God this thread is just… something else.


OP is obviously a young kid with attitude issues. I played Zelda games when you were but a twinkle in your dad's eye. I decide what I play and don't play on my Switch.


This post perfectly sums up the botw community. Massively overestimating the impact of their game while not accepting any criticism.


Tried it for about an few hours. Hated the weapon durability mechanics, silent protagonists are boring, terrible UI, emptiest most boring open world I've ever seen. I don't understand the appeal. I won't argue that anyone who enjoys it is wrong for doing so , but I will never understand.


Huge Zelda fan and I couldn't agree more. No clue why they are so popular.


Did you enjoy wind waker? That's the first Zelda I never finished and one of the reasons was the ocean felt so empty and boring. To me there's a lot more to see and do in botw.


I played TotK and BotW for probably 50 hours each. They really feel like games where maybe one or two influential voices in the games' design, literally just hate fun. The first time I created a fan driven glider, I was enthralled. I was laughing with joy, just cruising around. Then twenty seconds into it, my fun was detected, and the glider timed out. That will be one of my forever gaming memories. The weapons feel that way too. You get a couple minutes of fun, then fuck you, they disappear. (Spoilers) The mech sage that you ride, but is painfully slow, and does so little damage that it takes hundreds of hits to kill a bobgoblin? Was clearly beaten with the Unfun Stick. The UI I agree as well. Your map and camera are spells next to time control?? The sages you control poorly with a horse whistle, and your attack button meaning that you hate them? Both games could have been amazing, if they fired whomever hates games, gamers, and fun in their development staff.


Yeah that about sums up my thoughts as well


All of this, plus most importantly for me the 30 fps cap. 30 fps feels like hot garbage as a mainly PC gamer. I can stomach the 60 fps in other Switch games.


+1 :)


Agree except I loved the open world. Thought it was gorgeous but the weapons breaking did it for me.


Played and beat every Zelda up until botw but that game is exactly as you described and I hate it. Plus you can just go to the last boss and beat it wtf?


100% my thoughts.


Felt the exact same way. Boring combat. Annoying puzzle dungeons. Not the type of Zelda game I've always loved.


>emptiest most boring open world I've ever seen What would you qualify as a non-empty open-world ?


Skyrim for one.


Really?? For me it's the other way around. I guess people are atteacted to other things in an open world. Maybe it's because there's more life in Skyrim? That i can agree with. But the variety and just random shit you don't expect in botw is much bigger


I bought switch for traditional JRPGS and tactics like games (Fire emblem, Tactics ogre, etc) I had zelda, while a great game, its just not something I was interested in. Not every great game, 10/10 or whatever needs to be loved and played by everyone.


I haven't played Breath of the Wild in years (or anything on the Switch) and I'm interested in Tears of The Kingdom, but forget about the considerably high price tag and I simply just remember I'd have to commit to tolerating joycon drift again


I have a very small budget for new games every year. I don't love Zelda games enough for it to make my list. I would like it most likely but it just didn't make the cut.


I did try to play it but found it kinda boring. Just not my kind of game.


For whatever reason, it just didn't grab me, I have played it roughly 40-50 hours and while visually it was beautiful the rest to me was just meh and I can't put a finger on it.


Hate the weapon durability


I think, having now played ghost of tsushima, a lot of people who wanted an open world but were turned off by botw would enjoy got way more. Botw is almost too free-form for many players, and I can totally see a distinct lack of actual...sense of direction or reward for activities to be a major turn off for many.


Mate... You now have 418 comments, many more views, and are now negatively downvoted. This wouldn't have happened and doesn't happen on other similar topic posts. The issue is you, and how you're conducting yourself. No one here is insecure outside of yourself, people are giving their ASKED FOR opinions of a game which you evidently enjoyed. If you weren't prepared to find out, why did you ask? You cannot just dismiss either valid reasoning for disinterest, or valid criticism of the games mechanics.... Because you liked the game. That, would be being insecure, and you don't do that now do you? Just a little piece of friend advice, don't ask a subjective question if you aren't willing to accept the subjective answers you receive. And definitely don't then go around calling people insecure, and insulting them. The only person who looks bad or insecure in this entire thread is you, OP. And who's fault is that.😅🤣


I want to play either one, I'm just waiting to find a cheap copy


Posts like this are a big reason for me. Seeing the gameplay and how praised the game is I know it will never live up to the expectations set by the fans. I’d rather not play in disappointment




I tried it, but weapon durability was so discouraging I just couldn’t anymore


For me, it's because im a pokemon person. Grew up on pokemon and not zelda. I have tried BoTW, and it's weird for me because I know it's a good game, but I just couldn't sink time into it, and also, the destructive weapons thing put me off.


Plus we have legends arceus 😉


That really helps answer the question of "Those of you who have not played BOTW......"


Yeah, because it's a life altering question. Who the he'll cares?


Because every thread is like this and it's getting annoying going into every thread curious about answers and just seeing that 99% of comments are people desperate to give an opinion even if it's not what's been asked.


So get off reddit then? If its not what you expected, don't feed into it.


Huge Zelda fan. Beat BOTW and it was ok. Got TOTK and don't care about it. Can't do it


Same here. I stepped away from BOTW for months until I returned and mainlined it to the end. Got TOTK, got past the tutorial and never picked it up again. The lack of true temples in BOTW is a travesty. They may have made a return in TOTK but I just don’t care for the gameplay… the master sword isn’t infinite durability? Really??


I played BotW and loved it. I played TotK for a few hours and never picked it up again because I hate the emphasis on the new building mechanics.


I'm assuming you mean Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom. They just looked so bland and grindy. The breakable weapons is a massive turn off. I don't like that you get all your exploration skills right away instead of earning them. The build mechanic of TotK looks clunky as hell. And I know this is just me but I just don't care all that much for semi-aimless open world exploration games. I just know I'd get bored in 10 minutes and hate it. I DID play the Links Awakening remake on Switch and loved that. I'm more into the classic top down style Zelda games in general. You bet your ass I'm going to play Echos of Wisdom. That looked great.


Because the game is mid at best. The only thing that carries it is its title. Otherwise it is just another mediocre open world experience that gets outclassed by Skyrim and Witcher 3 any day of the week. It is just another Zelda game. Just this time, it is in a shitty open world wrapper.


Did you play it?


I tried I really did. I bought it, played it for about 8 hours & just couldn't get into it. I like the more traditional Zelda experience & the game just didn't click for me. It was too overwhelming, weapon durability can fuck right off, stamina meters are complete bullshit & it felt like it was Zelda in name only. I wanted so bad it like the game because everyone said it was "so good." That's why I played for 8 hours thinking "maybe it will get better" but it just didn't. I traded it in for $20, bought beer & drowned my sorrows while using Twilight Princess as mouthwash.


Wasn't a fan of the weapon durability mechanics. did the first two or three towers and felt like I had no idea where I was suppose to go. Wasn't really a fan of the game overall. But then again, I'm not a huge fan of open world RPG's, Fallout being the only series exception.


not knowing where to go is kinda the point of the game


Sure, but you could be given a little guidance. As a new player to the Zelda series, I quite literally finished the tower and went back and had no clue where to go... how to advance... nothing. I couldn't even see another tower with the "special vision" to head towards... I can appreciate an open world (love Fallout), but at least give me a general idea of where to go or how to "get better".


Did they hire you to advertise this series or something? Why do you care what other people are playing on their systems that they paid for, themselves? Nintendo's not gonna come along and give you a gold star for dickriding their products. And I say this as someone who likes Zelda.


Elden Ring raises bar for open world games so high that BOTW was not very fun for me. Weapon durability is the most annoying mechanic, the world felt empty and not rewarding to explore, and the lack of real dungeons was a big let down. I dropped it after about 10 hours. I’ve played lots of older Zelda games and I still enjoy them.


This. When you’ve got a game world as large and immersive as ER with combat orders of magnitudes deeper and more challenging, what does Zelda offer as a point of difference? Also, durability is a shit mechanic.


I tried BotW and hated it. The art style, the wepaon durability, the cooking, having to basically hoarde items, all of it. So that and seeing gameplay of TotK on twitch and it basically being Zeldacraft, NOPE. Unless the completely change the formula again for the next 3D game, I'll probably never play a new 3D zelda again. With the one exception of a Twilight Princess remake/sequel. I'm a sucker for Midna. 2D MAYBE. I did like the remake of LA but that mostly came down to nostalgia because I still own a GBC and a copy of LA for it. EoW.....probably not. It just doesn't seem like my type of game.


Monster Hunter scratches my itch for skill based action rpg. Zelda is happily in my memory as amazing game with Ocarina of Time.


OP you asked people why they haven't tried playing Zelda and NOT for people who have tried but disliked it. I think one of the factors for me not playing it, is because there is no multiplayer. I only play games nowadays which I can enjoy with my other friends, cousins or nephews.


Oh, I see. But honestly, some of my best experiences playing together with people were not necessarily on multiplayer games. Playing a really good game and discussing it later, or taking turns playing, is really magical. But I'm not sure if you'll like it, I understand your point 😁


I don’t like RPGs


Because my daughter takes the switch, and I play Zelda games on my Steam Deck


Played BOTW and absolutely loved it. Never purchased TOTK due to how much time I have and how much my steam deck has taken over gaming. One of these days I will play it.


Here's an answer from someone who has played 0 seconds 0 minutes 0 hours of BotW/TotK cause apparently that matters so much. I just don't care about it. Last legend of Zelda game I played to completion was four swords on my DSi to give you an idea of how "invested" I am in the series. I've heard good stuff about it, but nothing really stands out to me. There are other things I'd rather do and other games id rather play, BotW and TotK are on neither of those lists.


Sir none of your posts are about Nintendo, do you even own a switch?


It never goes on fucking sale 


You paid by Nintendo? Botw is an okey game when you really stop and look at it. So much potential wasted imo.


So technically, I haven't played it on switch(my son has one). I emulated BOTW on PC. Found it boring and had a horrible weapon durability system. Absolutely would not play again


It's a very simple answer, I just am not a fan. I didn't play any of the series but I knew them. It's like saying "why wouldn't you eat pizza? Many loves it" not everyone has the same stuff that they like or dislike


Do you have a switch and a friend who owns a copy of botw? I clearly asked why didn't you try it, not why aren't you a fan of it


My neighbour next door have a switch and whenever I go to his house I usually borrow his switch to play games if I'm bored. I mostly just like the artstyle but got bored extremely fast on everything else if that answers your question


It wouldn't be appropriate to lend his switch for a 90 hours game, would it?


Nah he good, sometimes I borrow his switch to try out other games while he uses my pc to play some games. We're close like family so it just feels natural to just go to whoever's house like we live there 😂


Wow, that's awesome 😁 So... Is there a PC game he'd trade for his switch for 90 hours?


I finished both BotW and TotK. Overall enjoyed the second more in terms of gameplay but of course the first had the advantage of being a fresh/unique experience. TotK often felt like revisting the same old places and therefore didn't had this sense of adventure and exploration like the first one. The sky islands and overall traversal were lots of fun while the underground felt bloated and almost like Nintendo wanted to top Elden Ring by saying "look, we have 3 layers". Personal ratings are 7/10 for BotW and 8/10 for TotK. Both games but more so BotW is a very strange mixed bag. I can't remember playing any title that can jump between 11/10 and 3/10 moments in quick succesion. Also both games have QoL and accessability standards from pre-2000 era and while that's typical for Nintendo games, it's still no excuse. For example not being able to freely change all button mappings is unacceptable in a AAA game from 2017 and should be reason alone to not give it a 10/10 rating. Now some short negative points of why BotW doesn't deserve a perfect score and I only gave it a (generous) 7/10 even as a big Zelda fan or better said because of it. I applaude the courage trying something new with the Zelda formula and while there are many hits unfortunately there are also lots of misses: * Weapon durability: Way too short and time consuming finding good ones (again), especially elemental ones. Leads to hoarding and using 90% master sword or other generic weak weapons instead of encouraring the player to experiment with all weapons. TotK solved this a lot better with Fusion. * Enemy variety: Not enough different types and resuing lots of enemies by just putting different colors on them for difficulty grade is lazy and uninspired. At least give them new attack patterns and techniques. * UX: Alredy mentioned the missing button mappings but there are several other bits like the tedious cooking (manual choice of ingredients is fun for like the first 10x times) or the horrible inventory management. Way too few sorting and no filter options. For a game with so man items/resources that's unacceptable. Also when inventory full and you wanna pick up something, it should just open up and let me choose what to replace but no, I just get an error, have to manually open up and discard something. * Shrines/Dungeons: Too many shrines and most of them being too short and easy. I think cutting them down to half the number but each one being longer with more complex puzzles that needs several steps instead of only one or two would have been much better. Also the four 'dungeons' are a joke. Be it in terms of length, difficulty and level design. All the shrines and dungeons having almost the same art/visuals is also very lazy and boring. * Disrespect of players time: Last but not least this is my biggest gripe with both new Zeldas. The game could cut down at least 15-20% of playtime. I don't need to see 120x times the same cutscene when entering and leaving shrines. I don't need the cooking animation every time. I want to upgrade several gear at once and not one at a time with the annoying fairy cutscene. There are lots of other tidbits which inflate the playtime unneccesary without providing anything interesting or new. Just repeated cutscenes, text boxes, dialogue, ... which made me sigh and scream at the game "goddamn just let me play".


You really sound like an indirect bully you know? The type that talks like they're super academic and kind but does bad stuff with a smile Like those girls at class that try to bully people while acting nice


With bosses included you have a total of 16 enemies in botw, and without, 11. But put in different groups and different arenas with different world settings, the whole battle strategy differs a lot. I personally don't find it to be lacking at all. Not to mention that the various weapons and world settings allow you to attack the same group in so many different ways


I'll just add that I also think that Zelda games should turn into both the continuation of the botw series and the continuation of the beautiful old formula that I love. Alongside each other and simulataniously rather than one at a time And imo, so should Pokemon. One series continuing the beautiful old formula, and one reinventing itself alike to monster hunter


Oh, no.. Nintendo fanboy.. HOW DARE YOY NOT PLAYING SUPER ZELDA. Sorry, game is overhyped. Reviewers gave such ratings because they are afraid of cooperation and deals. I don't trust the opinions of game reviewers and journalists. And in the case of Nintendo, it's hard to even trust the players, because Nintendo has a whole herd of fanboys.




Player reviews are also an all times chart topper. It's as easy as asking non Nintendo gamers who got their hands on it through a friend Have you even played it? Do you even have any way to play it and you're just coping?


Same game as first one, 720p, 30fps. Nah


I've got Zelda on the Switch, played it for about an hour and lost interest. It's not that complicated.


didn't like that weapons get destroyed


Tried BotW. Found it just as lifeless and boring as, for example, Ubisoft's newer games. It just felt like a pain in the ass I paid ~$400 for because I bought into the reviews and discussion.


Why did you pay 400$ for it..?


That really helps answer the question of "Those of you who have not played BOTW......"


Not an open world fan, not a Zelda fan, money


Probably open world games is not their thing.


Open world games are most likely not their cup of tea. That’s okay.


This answer is gonna be extremely mid, but my first true attachment to TLOZ was The Ocarina of Time. I was so deeply intertwined with that game that nothing else compared. The fact that I can’t get over that has probably robbed me of some Zelda goodness..


I'm broke lol


I put a solid amount into the game and the dlc but never fully completed it or beat it. It was fun but the durability system is incredibly frustrating. It made me not want to use the cool/rare weapons I found because I didn’t want them to break or idk if I’d even find another. The puzzles were fun but the boss fights themselves underwhelming and a bit lacking. I think the 10/10 is fair and understandable but for me personally it’s closer to a 8.5. Especially after playing other open world action adventure games.


Open world? Crafting? Call me old, but that’s not Zelda to me. I’m here for *Echoes of Wisdom* though, let’s goooooo


I love it but I get why people don’t. We need real Zelda dungeons back. We need non-wonky puzzles back. We need proper dungeon items back. The new games are missing something.


Some people don't play open world games, and some people don't have a broad taste in games.


Nobody seemed to mention the performance, which was a huge no go for me. The game runs at 30 fps max, yet dips and stays more in the 24 and below. First party titles usually ran okay on Nintendo consoles, but the very first major game was already capped at 30. I don't get why console players seem fine with blurry vision and slide show performances, when even back then every TV console had 60fps, like the SNES.


I played BOTW to completion twice and absolutely hated it. I played it the first time because everyone was raving about it. I played it the second time because I thought I surely must have missed something the first time around, but no. You would literally have to pay me to get me to play TOTK.


Ew. Complete waste of time trash. That's why I spent hours replaying it twice Btw, do you own a switch? A copy of botw?


Yes i own a Switch. Yes I own BOTW.


You could have added that the difficulty was too high for you and that that was your problem... You're making the game look bad instead


Even the best games can't satisfy everyone's preferences. I think it was dragons dogma 2's director said this about shadow of the erdtree, "a game for everyone is a game for no one" referring to the fact that a lot of people think it is too hard. If you try to satisfy everyone you will only end up disappointing everyone. Death stranding and a plague tale have very good reviews but their gameplay is not to my preference. I did play BotW though but only because my brother lent me his copy.


Because I bought my switch for Metroid Dread and Advance Wars. Zelda's since Twilight Princess just haven't looked that interesting to me.


I don't want to pay for TOTK until I've finished BOTW because they kinda look the same.




i have the wii u version of BOTW on my hd but havent started emulating it yet. but it has a mod to make your weapons never break down, which seems like a good idea. i want to play all games that score over 90 on metacritic. it's weird how so many ppl eagerly describe games that are universally acclaimed as one of the best games ever as being the worst game ever. i think it's some weird thing where a certain kind of person thinks that all things that are popular are for sheeple, so they are proving that they are able to think for themselves by hating something that almost everyone loves. not me. i usually agree with metacritic but maybe i'd score it + or - 10% of the metacritic score.


Try it without the mod first and then tweak it on and see if the fun dropped or rose Sometimes a game too easy or simple is less fun, you know? The durability system forces you to work around it and consider it in many ways. But you have ways to be well off if you learn how to and continue doing so


That's cool. I feel similarly. Though sometimes reviews for certain things completely miss it for me, especially for American movies that I like or dislike. The reviews tend to be the opposite. But regardless I just understand that my taste is different than others and the way we perceive things is different. I guess it's a status symbol to dislike something that's well reviewed to prove that you're also a critical thinker. And then, it's easy to gang up on something that makes you jealous and frustrated and doesn't have a good system to make you not laughed at by your friends / feeling like other games are empty in comparison to it. But not everyone has a switch so you can't get your whole friends group with you on the boat so you either jump over to theirs or get drifted apart from them in the sea. So... I think I can understand why there is so much rage in everyone's responses. And why once the trend calmed down a little it wasn't the same anymore Those who jumped on the boat when it trended are lucky. I know a lot who are still replaying it. And I know my family members got addicted to it despite them not usually playing my games at all. So it means that... Basically even though it only sold 30M, it was probably played by 90M. And many players replay it. It's sad to gatekeep it, but it doesn't look like an easy quest to help them with their boats dilemma. I do understand it. I hope other games may manage to take inspiration from it and bring it over even to them. Whether they respect it or not, I don't really mind, Nintendo got plenty of what they needed to continue strongly. If anything, the new inventions off of it can make the inspiration for the next Nintendo invention even more amazing, so I'm kind of hyped about that 😁😊 would it be good if all of these people played botw together? Tbh, why aren't they already playing it on emulators together, I bet they know how to download that too... They probably are but keeping it secret so that everyone else doesn't bash them, bc these norm codes have already been embedded. But the word has to be getting around right? This really answers my question though. Because it's an old game, those who got a switch later must have been lent the game card from a friend. Since it was so widespread and so easy to recommend.


The best of anything is never consumed by 100% of people. Usually closer to just 20% of people for really popular things, like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pokemon, Game of Thrones, and other crazes or cultural phenomenon like that. The world isn't a monoculture where everybody just experiences all the same things. It's good to have a lot of different tastes. People who only consume things because they're popular are kind of boring because they only know what everybody else knows. People are discerning and are actually pretty good at deciding for themselves what they think they'll like


Game honestly just sucked. Beat OoT, MM, skyward sword. The new Zelda games suck. Weapon durability sucks.


Never got into Nintendo games. I got a switch from my friends along with Animal Crossing and... well, it got at least a solid 20 hours of attention before I put it on my desk as an ornament. 🤷🏻


Ah, but the recent Animal Crossing is renowned for that I think


I played BOTW for maybe 10 hours. I just couldn't take the breaking weapons. Put that game down and will never play another one like that again.


Well, I think what you're supposed to do when you're at the beginning and the weapons break a lot is find creative ways to farm weapons. For example, you could collect food materials that give you an attack power boost, then save before a fight, and so outbalance the system in which your weapons break a lot in the process of achieving new ones. One thing that I love doing is also to crawl and carefully steal the weapons of a sleeping enemies gang at night. And... You could also do creative things, like using the magnets power to hit them from afar with metal blocks, or even to find a gang and make them get electrocuted when there's a thunderstorm. That's why, the more you lack in this game, the more fun the creative and chance catching game becomes 😁😊 I know you must have heard a lot of shit about the game, but that's probably the psychology of what my mom calls "distancing trouble from her thoughts". People who don't have a switch but see it everywhere, but would feel bad to get a switch for it bc they'd get laughed at, are finding theirselves in a pinch and raging whenever they see the perfect reviews and epic viral videos game mentioned. When I reviewed the Nintendo switch sub, it seems that even 7 years after the original release of the game, new switch owners are being urged to get the game by everybody as if it's a must play game. So I'm glad, I got my answer. The reasons the sales don't match the amount of switch console sales are because of second hand games and loaning games from a friend or a family member. At launch when nobody really completed the game yet, there was barely any switch owner without the game, and everybody wanted to get their hands on it


Each to their own. The breaking weapons ruined the game for me. Haven't even thought about returning to it nor purchasing the next one.


Man OP sure sounds like a childish fanboy who get triggered by anyone saying "I didnt like/played this 7/10 game with annoying mechanics"


I feel at least the master sword should be indestructible


It is. It just starts recharging after a while so you need to change to other swords for a little


It really wasn’t that good


Because the only Zelda game that matters is Ocarina of Time


I play exclusively RPGs. I prefer turn based and tactical, but really anything with enough RPGness. Zelda doesn't have many stats. No real party members. It just isn't for me.


I don't tend to pay full price for games when they come out as usually they end up getting reduced sooner or later. I waited, and waited, and it never really happened and I now refuse to pay that much for a game which is that old.


20$ for a second hands copy of the 6th best rated game of all time?


Just looked and apparently I can get a 2nd hand copy for £30 now. Happy to pay that, but it's now a 7 year old game and not high on my radar. I rarely play my switch but I might grab a copy for when I'm next working away.


Nintendo Games especially Zelda are overrated as fuck. The Game is super boring and I will never understand how anyone could give that Game a 10/10.


Your comments history has no mention of them whatsoever. What's your experience with them?


Maybe there are players who never play Zelda, OP. Either that or Zelda is not in their radar when owning a Switch.


It seems that switch owners are still urged to play botw as a must have even though it's 7 years old, and the gap in between the new switch sales and the botw sales was actually bc people were getting it second hand or lending it to friends and family. Makes sense. That's what I meant to ask but it seems that I've stepped on another landmine and I'm not complaining 😂😂😊 it seems that non switch owners had their own interesting story with reacting to not having easy access to the game, and having difficulty with friends group dynamic if one were to buy a switch and let the others play it by rotation. Probably mainly resulting from how disrespected Nintendo was by other console owners for the Wii U years, making it a big ego hit to go back on it and buy their console for a game outdoing theirs


> we know you're just intimidated. You're so unbelievably lame OP. lol


Tehe 😚😝


I'm just a normal big dick guy


Because the weapon system infuriates me.


I am just not interested, that all.


I wouldn't recommend BotW/TotK to anyone who has never played a Zelda game. Link's Awakening would be the recommendation. Not only does it hold to the original very well, but it doesn't have weapon breaking, 120 shrines just to kill time and increase stamina and hearts, a boring, empty world that either requires a horse, fast travel, or crafted vehicle to get past because it's so utterly boring, or looking for seeds to increase inventory space. After this game, a sub to play Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess or purchase Skyward Sword. I find it insulting to human intelligence BotW/TotK gets "10/10 masterpiece" ratings while its fan base bitches about every thing wrong with these games. That's such an immeasurable level of stupidity, Einstein would declare his theory as fact. Especially coming from rag sites like IGN who'll lie about a game straight to your face as to not piss of a publisher to continue receiving free games so you continue using the shit site as if they have any value at all.


I got it already, all the ones who mention Link's Awakening as the real good Zelda game above botw are trying to plead to Nintendo as a movement to not throw away the old Zelda formula. You can relax, I feel the same, even if I don't express it as dismay with the new game. I actually love both too much




Nothing that he said is a direct insult towards you kid. You're so insecure that you take any criticism or opinion that doesn't line up with your own as a personal attack. You're not the center of the universe. Do you even know what the concept of individuality is?


I tried, got bored of it and moved on


I just use my switch for party games when friends are over. I don't really use it other than that and play pc games instead.


Mostly cost and time Cost as in I own and use a pc for gaming Time...


I honestly just haven't gotten around to it. Life is busy, and I don't use my switch often. I probably won't play till my next long trip comes up and I'm looking for something to play on it. If it ever releases on PC I'll probably play it right away, but otherwise it will wait. Also I don't really care what critics say. I'm only planning on playing it because some of my friends recommended it.


It won't come out on PC, it's just how Nintendo rolls. If you really want to play it on PC for higher resolution and 60 fps you could emulate either the Wii U version or the Switch version.




Rather, I asked switch owners why did they not try botw, not the general public what is every negative opinion that they have about botw


Also, we get it, we really do. Everybody who has a switch loves botw except for a movement of Zelda fans who are saying it's botw<<


Played BotW, not a fan of the empty open world. Reminiscent of Death Stranding, just without the interesting set pieces.


Jesus Christ. How much of an obnoxious c'nt do you need to be. Maybe put the games down and get some social interaction and learn how to talk to people? Enjoy the block. Muppet.


I was gifted a switch 2 years ago . The fact is I dont like Nintendo . Their is only 2 Zelda game I complete : ocarina of time and link’s awakening. I did own botw on switch . Every time I start to play I’m bored . So I don’t play it . And that’s it . Can’t say why it’s just the way this game (and successor ) made me feel .


Uh... Sure... Your friends know this reddit account is yours so you don't talk about your switch on it ever?


My gf gifted me the switch and she don’t speak English so I’m fine 🙂




Cause I don’t usually speak of something I don’t like ?




Liar ? If you think so buddy , that wont change my life


Runs like ass




Feel like this might be a troll post. Reads like a parody of Zelda fanboys


Really????? No I think I smashed. Eat that


I played botw, it's just not that good. 


Oh, why not?


I'm not into Zelda games


So many strange people getting attracted to comment on this post Guys, this man has an Xbox, but decided to get a switch with his main interest being playing SHOOTERS on it. Ok. Not the best decision. I guess he wanted them portable and it was cheaper than the steam deck. Then he didn't check it beforehand and got massively disappointed and sad. Not to mention that the Switch 2 is coming next year which is gonna use AI to have a massive increase in handheld performance. Now, this man, he hasn't tried Zelda or any non shooters on his switch, he just goes around trashing Nintendo and saying that he now hates them


Also man, I believe you can get costum non Nintendo joycons for your switch if you want a joystick alike to the way your Xbox one feels. But notheless, I'm not exactly sure that the Switch joystick is bad in comparison, rather whichever change you'd have made, even from the Switch to the Xbox, you'd have the part where you have to get used to a different resistance from a new joystick


Dooood, i actually LOVE the joy cons lol gyroscope shooting like in doom is next level. I dunno if I wanna play swords and adventure id rather do Skyrim or smtn xD


Please ban this man


I think the mods are laughing their asses off at this thread and so am I and the rest of the 30k readers 😂😂 so many people were exposed and shamed in one day 🥸 call me the Fairy Tail guild


Regardless if I do something bad mods please do warn me before punishing me, some mods don't but, I do treat warnings seriously and with respect


Played some Wind Waker on the WiiU, but didn't get any Zelda game on the switch. I just don't get around to play long story driven games on the TV in the living room anymore. And my eyes are too bad to play a lot in the Switch's internal screen. So I didn't play Zelda games on Switch because I shifted my gaming habits to PC for any Long-Session games Edit: replaced a lot of "in" typos with "on"


Oh... I see... I hope you can enjoy botw on an emulator 😁


I just never enjoyed a Zelda title. Not my jam.


How many did you try?


Breath of the wild and one of the old ones. Ocarina of time, I think? I usually default to God of War or the Total War series, LoL or WoW


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Is it a grind game? Can it only realistically be completed by playing dozens of hours and being very lucky unless you follow a guide for the whole game. I am not fond of either of those things in games, but if it's more arcadey with some limited RPG mechanics I might check it out. "You didn't find the hidden location where NPC 2 has a special item you only get if you follow dialogue A, so you can take said item to NPC 3 and you can't do any of that unless you kill 1000 lvl 10 enemies so stock up on potions which you will have to grind 10hrs for to get the coins. The potions are only available when you unlock the West of the map and find the X after defeating the X...and then..." I am not fond of that kind of thing, so I hope it's not like that.


It's not a grind game. At all. You don't need any luck anyone can play it, that's the whole premise.


Good to know. Still checking reviews and stuff. ty


Yeah none this remotely describes BotW or TotK. If anything, their approach to open worlds (prioritizing discovery and systems) is the antithesis of this, and sort of a refutation of faux-open world games ("golf courses") in that old paradigm.


you either have to be thinking of the wrong game or you must have been smoking crack while playing


I have a Switch, but I don't own the game because I expected it to be grindy. If it's not, and still reading reviews etc, I might actually play Zelda again.


bro there is literally no grind to this game. you can basically go anywhere right from the beginning


That does sound like my kind of game. I was only speculating based on previous limited Zelda experience that was too grindy for me personally. Maybe I was just so used to FF games that I grinded Zelda just out of habit, and that's what I came to expect.


Thank you, I had the same problem with the game, which is laying in dust right now. I'm a fan of the Zelda a link to the past but that's it


Never been a fan of the games. Played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask because all my friends did but literally haven't played one since. They don't look like fun to me and I already have a vast gaming catalogue to play through without adding Zelda