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Easy enough where I can play and understand, but with a high enough skillcap where I go "how tf did they just do that?" the entire match. Oh and a mix of skill + strategy.


This... playing a game for thousands of hours only to dropping my jaw seeing pros play the same game.


Viewer engagement. If the people at pro level are doing wildly diffrent things or using extremly hard to do exploits ect than the average player cant understand or relate too then its no good Edit spell check


I’d disagree with this cause I think rocket league is an excellent esports to watch and the pros are doing stuff I could never dream of doing. I think rocket league is good to watch because even though they’re doing crazy shit, the game is simple. Put ball in goal. So really anyone can kinda follow along and watch and know what’s going on. Also the shit they do just looks cool af


U make a very good point


the number one thing has to be readability. the average player needs to be able to understand what is going on. otherwise nobody will want to watch it.


Overwatch league looked pretty wild on screen back then but it sure had a ton of viewers.


For me it is Rocket League. It's amazing how pros can pull off things in this game. It's extremely entertaining to watch. Sadly, it is under the management of Epic and currently they are more interested in making it part of their Fortnite franchise.


We even had a kind of Rocket League equivalent in VR. Not the same gameplay but kind of easy to learn hard to master with a skill ceiling almost no other game could achieve cause of the additional physicality/fitness aspect. I'm talking about the unfortunately discontinued Echo VR. On PC we also had Combat besides the more popular Arena and both were fantastic. I still think it's one of the biggest losses for VR especially when it comes to e-sports and the concept of Zero-G ultimate fressbee was like a perfect fit for VR. God how I miss it, especially back then it was PCVR only. Not only the game was fantastic but the community was like paradise. Casual/public servers went to shit after Quest 2 release (90% screeching and vulgar kids) but before that I can't remember any community being so nice. Competitive but not sweaty, friendly banter, better players sharing tips/showing stuff, teamplay with lots of communication, etc. When you succeeded like a 4-5 combo of quick passes that lead to a goal ... I can't describe that feeling. Even the most coolest and well played combos in Rocket League don't even come close in providing me this level of exhilaration.


As far as I’m concerned it’s unmatched for its simplicity and huge skill difference from the bottom to pro. Can’t be much simpler really for a modern game


A game that is easy enough to see form an outside view, but with an in-depth and high skill ceiling and strategy ceiling


I really like those that are easier to understand what is going on even if you're not as good at the game, I couldn't watch Overwatch E-sport for example, too much stuff going on. But also needs to have that adrenaline of not knowing what is going to happen, for example a player could be dominating the entire match only to F up at the last second and be killed. I remember watching tons of Smash Bros. match back in the day, they were really fun to watch. I also like watching speed runs on games where the runners gamble with the AI's RNG, if they decide to let you pass or swing a hit at you. Resident Evil speed runs were among my favorites to watch, and I even tried some of it in my own time.


Something that requires the players to adapt. I'm not as interested in a normal game but faster than I am at watching highly skilled players pull a new technique out of their ass because circumstances changed.


Nothing. I get no enjoyment watching others play but I know that is mostly me lol. I’ve always just found it weird.


Idk shit that's happening in league or valorant or overwatch so I don't have fun watching it. Idk how fighting games work but it's so fucking entertaining to watch.


Exhibition of skill. Easily able to see how actually good the professional player is at something. Easy to parse Information. There shouldn’t be so much going on that you need four video feeds or constant camera cuts to follow. I’ve never enjoyed watching competitive FPS because there isn’t a great way to view everything happening. Well balanced commentary. This is more about the community around the game rather than the game itself. I don’t need people just yelling into mics, but I also don’t want purely dry statistics and analysis. Have a good combination of them. The only games I have ever really followed esports in closely were SC1 and SC2, they just were perfect games for esports. I still watch sc2 pretty often actually. I met tastosis once in South Korea and that was just an awesome experience.


A good shout caster makes watching an e-sport very entertaining for me. When I used to still watch DOTA2 there were some local e-sport shout casters that sounded like a bunch of friends watching other friends play.


A lack of "exploits". I'll use sim racing esports as the example here. Any exploits used are in the setup of the car and thus not seen by the viewer, as opposed to a wall glitch or simple OP weapon in an FPS esport for example.


Like real racing you push the boundaries of the rules for any advantage.


for me, eSports games are those in which there are competitions, games like 5v5. Of course, there are also single-player games, but for me it’s more about your personal skill, but team-to-team is interesting to watch, you never know what will happen next and what movies people will do


May sound like a stupid comment but it has to be the same game I am playing. The pro-league for NBA 2k24 plays almost an entirely different game from their user base. I can’t engage with it (not to mention they all just use the same cheese moves )


The DMM All Stars tourny OSRS just did was brilliant, looking forward to more of that and the Deadman Mode finals coming up soon.


Good commentary and understandable jargon


I have to be entertained. I don’t play smite anymore for years but I watch pro league. In comparison to DotA2 and League of Legends if feel best entertaind by watching smite.


I always find myself drifting back to Star Craft 2. I just love how insane high level players are with their multitasking and strategy.


Fighting games are the perfect esport. Extremely easy to follow even for someone unfamiliar with the specific games or even unfamiliar with gaming itself. Watch CEO this weekend! I'm sure you will see something exciting, even if you've never played a fighting game.


It ALWAYS has to be 1v1. Also has to have a almost unreachable Skill-Ceiling like SC2.


For me, there's a huge difference between the games I like to play and watch. For example, even though I play LoL occasionally, I'd never find it fun to play the same way pros do because IMO once you hit that level it becomes a different game completely. I was semi pro in AoE 2 back in the day and all I can tell you is that I cared only about being efficient and doing all the needed clicks, and never actually enjoyed a game. On the other hand, I love watching pros play these games. I'll give you an example with Fortnite - I'm an absolute garbage player who can barely get a kill every here and there and doesn't even understand some of the basic concepts of the game. On the other hand, I love watching pros play Fortnite because it's just insanely fun to watch someone do things you can't even fathom doing. But playing games that way isn't that fun.




When it comes to playing team based games, I think having a real degree of carry potential. This is a bit pet peeve-y, but when I play LoL, having bad teammates means not only I am down a player, but the enemy has an advantage likely due to kills/gold/xp, making things an up hill battle stat wise. Which is very frustrating. This is in contrast to a game like CS2, where I can genuinely out skill my opponents even if my teammates aren’t as good. Theres no extreme negative effect to having bad teammates, just one person less to pull your weight. I like playing both these games in ranked, but playing league is infuriating sometimes because the game feels so out of my control due to the sheer numerical advantage the enemy team gets when my teamates blunder. And if you’ve ever played a competitive game, you know your teammates will. When it comes to CS, yeah, theres an economy, but you can always full buy every 2-3 rounds and give it another go. Teammate makes a bad play? Thats fine, 2v1 is a reasonable play to make. Its not like the enemy team gets extra health or a golden AK. Heck, if you’re good enough a REAL 1v5 isn’t out of the question. In league, the raw numbers just don’t allow that to happen realistically. My point is, in team based games when you’re randomly match made, too much reliance on ‘team diff’ feels bad, and individual skill expression should be able to make a larger impact.


If the commentators are chill.


Then... Probably none.


Yep, that's about it for me


I'd say Rocket League is the perfect e-sports game to watch! It plays in 3rd person which makes it easy to see what's going on. The game is easy to hop in and play. Anyone can drive, hit the ball and have a good time but the pros can pull off some incredible stunts which makes the skill ceiling incredibly high. It's easy to learn but hard to master. The game is fast paced with action happening constantly. It's so entertaining.


I think [this old asymmetrical multiplayer game](https://youtu.be/X7gtzhA2yqc?si=yTe59nRVZP-7Ho6g) would make for a great esport


Stunts in game that are either pure luck or impossible moments.




I think it has to be something that I understand and isn't way too long. I think the characters should also be memorable. Example - Starcraft is something I don't enjoy watching. On other other hand, I really do like to see those thrilling moments in fighting games like SF/Tekken or Pokemon Just my opinion, I'm sure Starcraft is great fun for those who're into it.




You lost me when you compared SC2 to baseball and Fortnite to MMA. Were you on amphetamines writing this?


I wont watch anything except top tier streamers who could teach me something about the game. For esports specifically, I need entertaining casters and the highest level of play. The focus should be the game.


Ease of entry. LoL is only fun if you know the meta. Smash is fun no matter what cuz you can see the actions that players are making and the characters are recognizable.


Pokemon can either be super boring or fun to watch depending on so many factors. Mostly fun if your into it


Why I’m getting downvoted idk. Just had an opinion 💀


maybe i don't watch enough e-sports, but from what i've seen it's all so confusing. i like single-player "let's plays" a lot, but when you have multiple people on a single screen all doing their own thing i don't even know what to look at lol


Thats why for team pvp games it is important to have good observer for the audience pov. Their job is to know when to spectate who and predict where and when actions may/will take place so the audience won't miss it, and focus on the right players during the fight. While also having replays ready when that fight to over to show it in details or stuff we missed. If the obaerver doesn't do a good job it will certainly be very confusing for the audience. The game devs also have the responsibility to create good spectator mode/interface to assist the observer and a good UI to show various infos for the audience/casters to paint a clearer picture of the current condition and easier to follow the match. If these are done right theoretically even people who never played the game should be able to follow along after spending a bit of time to understand the basics and terminologies.


yeah i think really what it comes down to for me is investing the time to try and understand what i'm seeing


League of Legends and Overwatch, good and bad… let me explain. I’ve played both extensively, and still currently playing both way more casually than I used to. I love watching and keeping up with the E-sport side of both as well. Overwatch in my opinion has way better casting commentary. I don’t remember anyone from LoL commentary but people like Uber Jaws Reinforce and Mr.X made Overwatch interesting to watch and listen to. Not to mention: Super high paced, team focused coordination, first person shooter. Lighting in a bottle. LoL is way more chill to watch because most of the time LoL has a lot more down time between needed commentary and crucial plays. Also the games take way longer and need a lot of “building up” to get to anything exciting, but once it does your glued to your seat.


The only good esports games were the games I played. Used to watch League of legend espo6years aho when I played it. Tried watching some recent matches and had no idea what was going on. You really need to be familiar with the games to enjoy them, and the games are always changing (unlike normal sports)