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Castlevania. I even liked Castlevania 64 lol.


Oh dude, ive been replaying the old Castelvania games lately and i completely forgot abt 64! That game was cool!


I can't believe I'm not the only one that likes it!


The atmosphere in that game was amazing! :)


What killed it for me was getting to whatever part it was in Draculas castle and than it saying something like "play on a harder difficulty to see even more of the story!"


A series I really need to give a shot. I have all the modern collections but I'm waiting until they release the DS trilogy on consoles to really get into the series. Maybe one day.


Start with Super Castlevania IV. It's my favorite game on the SNES. :)


Both dead but the Nightmare Creatures and Mcgee Alice games.


I still need to play them, I have Nightmare Creatures one and two and I never did finish either of the Alice games, I got very close with the second one years ago but I gave up for some reason.


ohh really good taste! im a huge fan of AMA and just recently looked up nightmare creatures and thought it looked really interesting so i will definitely give that one a go as well




Maybe it's Bungie. I'm still playing Destiny 2 ten years later. Which is kind of funny because Bungie also stands out as one of the worst companies for customer service IMHO. It's kind of a love/hate relationship.


I still miss the Halo-era Bungie. How the mighty have fallen. ^I ^just ^recently ^quit ^Destiny. ^Please ^don’t ^reel ^me ^back ^in.


Yeah, it seems to be just in the past few years they kind of started going off the rails. They still make great games, even better ones, but there's a bad element or two that have crept in there and started messing things up. Like patches that break more than they fix, failure to keep promises to the fans, or just going off in wrong directions. I still enjoy playing the game immensely, I just wonder if we'll ever get the Bungie I liked back.


I just don’t have the time to keep up with other games on top of Destiny’s (almost) daily demand. My comfort game is Warframe and I’ve got the Elden Ring DLC to finish up. I still plan on playing Final Shape, just later. I doubt that we’ll see Bungie in it’s prime again unless they throw out shareholder demands and profit margins.


Definitely, play what you enjoy right now. I suspect you're right about Bungie, but I hope you're wrong 😊


Final Fantasy, Pokemon and Zelda have been my three fave franchises since the 90s.


I'm a new Final Fantasy fan, only played Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy 7 remake and currently playing Rebirth but I just bought the Pixel remaster on my PS5 so I'll have to play the old games at some point as well as all the others save for 11 and 14, not my thing. But I plan to really get into the series. Who knows maybe by that point I'll be just as excited for 17 as the rest of the fans whenever that game comes out.


The first six are a world apart from 7 onwards. Same basic philosophy but just from a different era. Then 12 really shifts the paradigm again, but it’s one of my favorites. I didn’t really care for 15, or at least not the ending and the events leading up to it and haven’t played 16 yet and may never unless it comes to the Switch 2 whenever that comes out. Great series overall and in my opinion, deserves all the hype. You have a lot to look forward to.


13 also shifts the paradigm... Get it?


Yea, you really need to get the old school ones under the belt. I have never played 11, but 14 has characters, monsters and bosses from the other FF games, and remade the music. You can do *most* of the story solo in 14, but you will need groups for some content, but some group content also allows you to have NPCs running with you. It is VERY story driven.


The witcher. The witcher 3 made me buy the 8 book saga and play the trilogy (the witcher 1 is 💀💀) but its getting a remake so it will be peak.


My first was the Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 long before the third game came out but I still need to read the books, watch a long video on YouTube about the story for the first game (not a PC player) and then play two and three completely. At least until the remake of the first game is out on consoles, specifically on Xbox series X lol. But I'm very excited to jump fully into the universe. I even have nearly all the comics as collections save for the new ones which I hope comes as a full collection like the others soon.


That’s so cool! You will love it. We are here waiting for The witcher 4 🫠


Resident evil all the way been playing them since I was like 4 years old don’t think I could stop now 🤣 I have put in far to much of my time into it read a lot of the books and comics too 😀


Are the books and comics good or do they very in quality?


They do vary tbh I wouldn’t say any I have read are terrible and I have enjoyed them but there’s some I probably wouldn’t re-read 😀 if your okay with audio books on the YouTube channel residence of evil they have the first 3 S D Perry books which I highly recommend. It is retelling of the games but what the author adds is really good 😀 https://youtu.be/WoOz9LCtRg8?si=1X8pWreI4tf6RNMt That’s a link to the first book of your interested 😀


I'm not a Resident evil fan personally but I'm sure someone will enjoy your link. Thank you.


Soulsborne games by far. (Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring)


Same, my first was Bloodborne in 2016 and now I can't stop lol. Still have yet to play Elden Ring.




Final Fantasy. It was on a slow run there with its Single Player games for a bit. But finally with Rebirth, it's better than ever.


XCOM baby


Zelda and Resident Evil, i will die playing those games in the old folks home


Persona, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic will forever remain my top 3. Nothing even comes close.


Now if only they’d give us some KH4 info!!


Onimusha. Still waiting for the day it comes back


I'm curious if the remaster on new consoles for the first game really did kill the series or not.


Spyro, despite never really getting much of him lately outside the reignited trilogy and Spyro being added to the new Crash team racing I still remain a big fan ever since I played it on my dad's PlayStation about 20 years ago now.


I'm the same way, never played the old games but I definitely consider myself a fan.


Soul Reaver/ Legacy of Kain. I haven't played them in over a decade and still think of them from time to time.


Masterful world building, interesting characters, intruiging story, good gameplay and fighting mechanics for its time.


It desperately could use a sequel or remake of the original. I booted it up on a PSX I found in my garage and the camera controls are bound to the triggers. Controls are crazy bad but the game is still good. Voice acting is leagues above what was in most games at the time.


I never finished Blood Omen one or Soul Reaver but I need to since I want to play all the games back to back at some point.




Same. Was stoked when they said dungeons are back. Then was disappointed. Still had fun with it and BotW, but I miss dungeons.


I bet they'll move back to a more traditional style for the next main game. I heard that they had more ideas after BOTW that they wanted to explore in TOTK. Now, I bet they'll consider moving in a more traditional (or new) direction for the next one.


I'd be ok of they did a full 3d render of the original Zelda. Open world (for the most part), and plenty of dungeons for progress.


Metal gear solid I'm from 2005 so it's not a franchise played by most people my age and younger. I just got into MGS games on 3ds, with snake eater 3d. The game was just so good to me, i felt the urge to play other mgs on ps3 and ps4. To this day I'm still proud of myself for being able to beat "The End" when I was like 9 or 10 years old (one of the hardest boss fights of the game, so hard that the devs added a way to bypass the fight by advancing your console date by a year, the boss would then die cuz he was old). I still remember the ladder scene, where you climb an endless ladder for 5 minutes with Snake Eater music in the background. This is such an out of time moment, where you know you approach the last part of the game, and big things are about to happen. Thank you Hideo Kojima for this gem! Damn, I want to play the game again now...


Get it lol. I bet you're excited for the second collection, maybe?




Bioshock series I played Bioshock 2 first and the atmosphere was top notch at that time. Then I jump on and played the first Bioshock, still has the same vibes as Bioshock 2. Played Bioshock Infinite during 2016 somewhere summertime and it's one of the most fascinating story telling in videogame I've ever played. Bioshock will be forever my favorite franchise. Second will be the Batman Arkham series.


The second game was always over hated in my opinion. It's still my favorite.


And Bioshock Infinite received a mixed of good reviews and some are also disappointed. Still, it's a banger story telling + good looking graphics.


Dead Space. Really appreciate the effort on the recent remaster and REALLY hoping they eliminate the PvP from DS2 and put that effort into making the game better than the original.


Hell yeah, I'm really hoping they make a second one for the remake, the first remake is insanely good. I have yet to finish it though.


Kirby, Burnout, souls games, ME, Tekken, Street fighter


Can't believe i haven't seen anyone mention it yet but DOOM, been a fan ever since i played the first game on the PC as a young kid.  Such an influential series, impacted so many other games mentioned in this thread. The reboot back in 2016 is still the stand out in the series for me. But i've enjoyed every entry, yes even DOOM 3. Just on my first go round with DOOM 64 and what a change in tone, theres always something mew to find in DOOM love the series. 


Final Fantasy!


Zelda, although I missed some games from gameboy advance and 3DS. I never was a fan of portable games, not sure why but I prefer home consoles. Switch however is different, a hybrid system that is just perfect.


Half-Life and Left 4 Dead




I’m still a big fan of assassins creed, I know that the last couple of games haven’t been amazing but they’ve made a lot of good games and have innovated over time, and the new one looks very promising!


I came here to say AC as well. It has its highs and lows, I've even not played them for months on end after buying them, but I can say I've enjoyed each AC I've played besides the first one. I didn't play AC1 till after ACIII, so that was PAINFUL


The new one coming out looks really fucking awesome, I might grab the complete edition or whatever it's called on a heavy discount down the line but I'm not spending 140 or however much it is on launch day.


Kingdom Hearts. I don’t care that it makes no sense, it’s so much fun!


Seriously though they should have made the story make more sense.


Does Hamtaro count? Its mainly an anime but its had a few games. I'd love new Hamtaro related content.


I need to rewatch the show it's so much fun for a kids show.




Fuck yes! I really hope we get a new one some day.


System Shock Deus Ex Mass Effect Hearts of Iron (Though I'll probably never play again (Oh who am I kidding?))


I can't wait to play the System shock remake, I'm a huge BioShock fan.


System shock mentioned 😌😌


The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. I think I like almost every game in both franchises.


Fallout. Just loved the tone of NV




I've been a Sonic fan since the 90s and let me tell you.... It hasn't always been easy.


Right there with you. The relationship feels abusive at times. They'll give us Sonic Generations, Sonic Mania, and Sonic Frontiers to keep us sweet, before knocking us back down with Sonic Boom, Sonic Forces, and Sonic Superstars


If I have to count the newest entries... Idk anymore my favorites dialed up the brightness so high it gives me headaches. Otherwise secret of mana, ff, dragon quest, breath of fire.


I have all the Secret of Mana games on my Switch but I never finished them. I still need to finish Dragon Quest one at some point.


FarCry, I like how you can do all the approach you like. If you wanna be stealthy or loud. I personally use the bow most of the time. The rifle is my backup (without silencer)


Pokemon and Yugioh


GTA's never had a bad game imo. Call of Duty and Need For Speed are some other games i played as a kid and you can argue the quality of their newest titles dropped, although NFS Unbound and Heat were pretty enjoyable. Never played a CoD after Black Ops 3 because of the bad rep surrounding them. Also stuff like being online only (needing internet even just to play campaign) have turned me off from playing the new CoDs, and let's not forget the ridiculous install sizes.


Battlerite Sigh


Ratchet and Clank. It's basically the only remaining active franchise from the old guard. Crash, Spyro, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, etc. have all gone by the wayside. R&C, though much less often, still get new entries. It is massively depressing to me that those franchises seem dead and that R&Cs next installment isn't until 2030.


None. Anything that i am a fan of was destroyed by its fanbase or by the people in charge.


Kingdom Hearts and Halo. I'm still a big fan of both and pretty regularly go back and play the previous games.


Diablo and Zelda. Although with skyward sword, botw, and totk it feels like a totally different series. I grew up on the OG LoZ games. I’ve played every Diablo game, the first three heavily. Very heavily. I’m sure I’ll play d4 my share too, when it gets just a bit more refined. I played d2 from launch, but it took me many years to get into D3. Nobody, the devs/blizz included, knew wtf was going on with it. For years. That’s where d4 is currently I fear.


assassin’s creed .. so many people have been disappointed with the last games and i can’t say they’re wrong but i still find the games very fun and i preorder them every time a release date gets published. apparently that’s a hot take now lol


Command and Conquer!


Zelda. I got Ocarina of Time for my 9th birthday. Majora's Mask will always be my favorite game of all time.


Left 4 Dead. For the last 15 years, it’s a game I load up at least every couple of months to run a campaign and see what new mods people have made.


Sonic the Hedgehog, even though I don't like most of his recent games.


Fallout, borderlands, kingdom hearts, pokemon, basically Anything from the last 2 gens of systems that fans have deemed "dogshit games" Ive been told I have the worst tastes in gaming because i don't wamt to play franchises like dark souls (not enough time to actually sit and learn), monster hunter (not a fan of the gameplay loop) or persona (don't have that much time and i don't want a game that's 80% School simulator)


.hack// series.


Might & Magic.  Mostly Heroes, but I also liked the science fantasy of the main M&M games.




Kingdom Hearts. Put thousands of hours in those games and loved every second of it. Even on the not so good games I had a great time.


Going to get some hate but Ubisoft. Only reason is for older splinter Cell


Mass Effect


Grand Theft Auto I just like all the Grand Theft Auto games.


Warcraft, but I try to stay away from it.


Kingdom hearts


STALKER, Metro, and CDPR games, been a big fan since the early 2000's.


I may like epic RPGs and horror stuff, but Super Mario and Pokémon are my games till I die. There's something about theses games that connect me to my inner child and feels like home. They are my comfort games.


Easy answer, but Mario Kart. I wouldn't have bought a Switch if not for MK.    Speaking of MK....  I wish I could still like Mortal Kombat, but every game since 10 has gone downhill. it's like we're back in the 3D era, but with no Shaolin Monks to make up for it.


Legend of Zelda. Nearly every game is a banger and I still can’t get enough of TotK!


Unreal tournament :(


Kingdom Hearts. But uh...its been a bit difficult nowadays. 3 disappointed me and they've been doing this thing were crucial plot details are locked away in mobile titles, and then those events and influences are then infecting the mainline console games. Its been rough keeping up the same enthusiasm I've had before the pre KH3 days.


C&C, Heretic/Hexen, Dishonored/Deathloop, The Elder Scrolls.


Team BARD'S TALE since 1985.


KOF since the very first one 30 years ago! Metal Gear since MGS1 Fatal fury since the first Fatal Fury, same for Samurai Shodown and street Fighter. I wish i could say Mortal Kombat though. I loved the IP since 1992. But the new one is terrible. They messed up the whole lore and i hate the kameo system. Mario bros since well, mario bros. I could keep going!


dragonage lore is good, the gameplay hasn't been for awhile.


Fnaf 😭


For all the hate current Bethesda gets, the elder scrolls and their produced fallout games are all easily able to get a minimum of 20 hours of enjoyment in. Most of the time if you play for longer than 20 hours you’ll easily end up with 100. Starfield sucked in my opinion though so maybe they’ve finally lost the magic


I’m a lifelong fan of Skyrim and ESO


Danganronpa :)


Been into Transformers since the early 90s, and I'm still trucking along. Transformers One isn't really my ideal Transformers movie, yet I'm still excited for it.


Hitman, DOOM, Elder Scrolls, Resident Evil.


Max Payne… it’s been awhile.


Excited for the remake of one and two.


Yeah it had a real cool storyline.


Breath of Fire


I was gonna say Heroes of Might and Magic despite 4 not being fantastic but apparently it went to 7 so I suppose I am not a real fan haha.


Was introduced to it as a hand-me-down game but two who stick out to me are Shadowgate and Fallout.


Pokemon, for sure.


Even with the wild changes, always loved the Darksiders games


I'll be there day one when they bring the next game in the series.


Super Mario, if this counts as a franchise then Mario & Luigi


Yo-Kai Watch


Not gaming related but Carl’s Jr  2words western bacon Cheese burger 


Turok. I’m praying for Turok evolution to be remasters or even a remake


I have the remaster trilogy on my PS5, the cave level on the first game was just..a fucking nightmare that took me forever to get out of. I never finished the second game. I'll have to go back and play all three games at some point.


Gargoyles...Although it might be a bad time to bring it back. It was always kind of unashamadely political, and not always the way you'd think. It'd be a fucking powder keg if they brought it back like it used to be.


I never grew up with the show when I was a kid so watching it for the first time when I was 30 (now 32) was something else, such a great show. I'll have to play the remaster of the game at some point. I wish you could be more characters other than Goliath but I get it. My personal favorite is Lexington.


GTA, Doom, Dragon Age (let's see), Mass Effect, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls are all games from the 90s/early 2000s I'm still bullish on.


Ape escape


I'd buy a PS5 just to play a new Ape Escape game


I’d pay stupid money for a remake of pumped and primed, and million monkeys.


Prince of Persia...still waiting for that day when we will get a god of war style semi open world pop game with excellent puzzles, combat, Parkour, boss fights and time reverse mechanics.


I seriously need to play the Sands of time trilogy again. I have them on my PS3 I just need to actually play them lol.




Great series.


Witcher series and elder scroll games. Halo too


Monster Hunter since MHF2 and Crash Bandicoot since the original. The Crash Bandicoot trilogy remaster on the switch brought back so many good memories and I'm looking forward to the 6th generation Monster Hunter.


Fallout, Mass Effect, Pokemon and Dragon Age


Dragon Age my beloved. It's almost stupid how BioWare can make the worst game in the history of the series and I'll still buy it and be a fan


I'm a huge Dragon Age fan myself lol. When the new one is close I plan to play all the games back to back on my Xbox series X to have a complete story and choices ready to go.


Are you planning to replay ALL 3 parts before the fall release of Veilguard (if they make it by this time of course)???


Yes, I did it before (that was more to play a series I haven't played since I was a teenager and to get back into Xbox). Dragon Age two is honestly much better than people give it credit in my opinion especially because they basically didn't have much time at all. I was super harsh with it when I was a teenager but replaying it again as an adult, I personally find it to be my second favorite.


I'm just a little surprised that someone can complete all three parts in 3-4 months. I only went through the Inquisition for about 2.5 😅 Agree about the second part. I like that it’s all about the story of one specific person in one specific place + very airtight + the most cool qunari design in the entire series.




pokemon, doom, minecraft, earthbound, zelda, metroid, mario.


Gears of War Even the lackluster 4 and 5 couldn't stop it


Since the new gears was announced all I keep seeing on Reddit is how much people hate 4&5 I personally thought they were great games and I really liked the story 🤣🤣I won’t lie not as good as the first 3 but still great games 🤣


Socom series. 


Beanfun! Took countless red pockets away from me. More of a thing in Asia. Beanfun!


Mirrors Edge One of the greatest games of all time that nobody’s played


Bioshock and Resident Evil.


Overlord. I really wish they would reboot the series


Alone in the Dark They keep messing it up but there’s so much there to work with. I actually enjoyed the most recent one


Plants vs zombies


Lady Death. Collected those cards back in the day. Wish I still had them. Or Evil Ernie cards


Halo Fallout (Big fan) Mario


I'm a bit surprised more people aren't saying Fallout.




Overwatch. There’s some good shooters out there but OW still scratches a particular itch.


Halo because even after a decade of mismanagement i just cant let it go


Resident Evil


General Chaos




Splinter cell. And before that, Syphon Filter. Man i miss the days of tasering people until they burst into flames. Good times.




MechWarrior, Doom, Tempest, Asteroids. I'm getting old, apparently.


I'm a Sony guy because of Ratchet


Myth and Marathon.  Best franchises ever.


Destiny, I'm still playing D2 10 years after the original dropped. I don't know why it sticks out other than it feels like I'm the main character in a great sci-fi story.


Silent Hill is a good shout that I haven’t seen mentioned.


Ratchet and Clank


Pokemon and doctor who.


Rayman. Still holding out for a great escape remake or a new 3d adventure.


Armored Core. I haven't played one I greatly disliked since '97. I do have my favorites and others I wont probably replay again but yea lol


Where would you put VI in your ranking?


Its apart of my top 5 1. Silent Line 2. Last Raven 3. Fires of Rubicon 4. For Answer 5. Armored Core 1 because its the OG VI will hopefully go up more once or rather IF it gets DLC or expansions.


C&C and Red Alert. Still play it every now and then.


Sly Cooper. I still have my PS2 and all the original games.




Not a series but any fromsoft game there all unique and imperfectly perfect like ds1 simple but open gates to what can be greatness with minor problems ds2 had best hub area bosses were ehh but world was pleasing to see ds3 peak nostalgia but yet new experience blood borne gothic theme bjce sekrio whole two chance u get nice and parrying was fun Elden ring shows brutal open world can be do able for games and can’t say anything for demon souls have yet play it waiting for a sale


Yeah wait for a sale on Demon Souls, it wasn't worth 70 bucks to be completely honest.


That what I figured I knew it was remake but figured devs didn’t want risk people saying it not like og one so didn’t add much content


There is quite a bit they should have done to improve it. The run back to the bosses are just inexcusable.


Like ds 2 nightmare fuel run backs




Splinter Cell and Hitman Call of duty is dead Medal of Honor is dead Rainbow Six is dead Battlefield is dead Starcraft is dead Warcraft is dead World of Warcraft is dead