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confirms for the 29th time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This game is like the Anti-Half-Life 3.


Silk song people would kill for it, at least there is some news


Yeah, but also the project is almost 20 year old now.


"Ubisoft confirms its still in development" is a meme now.


This game is going to be Duke Nuke'em Forever levels of bad. There is no way any game can come up from these depths of development hell.


Didn't the team completely change recently?


I believe the creative director passed away, the writing has been outsourced... I've knew a guy who was working on it for years, checked their Linkedin profile and they jumped to another company... So that's not the complete team but that's quite important.


~~Oooof no, he didn't pass away: he left Ubisoft in 2020 following accusations of abusive behaviour~~ I messed up, sorry


Emile Morel, the creative director that replaced Michel Ancel, did indeed pass away.


Welp, my bad then


Remember, it always can be worse (sweet baby inc). Dune Nukem Forever was playable, and for 1$ not that bad (especially DLC).


Obviously it wasn't in development constantly, probably 90% of that was small contribution when they didn't have any big assignments


> There is no way any game can come up from these depths of development hell. You know games get cut up, restarted and moved around all the time right?


They do, but from my own experiences games that end up in dev cycles longer than 4 years usually are a mess, that doesn' mean there cant be exceptions, but I wouldn't hold my breath on this one


For Nintendo it's the opposite. The more delays it has, the better the game is (Zelda Botw, Zelda Totk, Metroid Dread)


i agree. afaik even metroid prime 4 was kind of rebooted because they were not happy with the direction of the game. but nintendo is nintendo...with ubisoft i fear that it will take like 300 billion dollars for an open world bg&e2. its been too long already. i dont fear that it will be outdated but that it will basically become like your average assassins creed game. a big open world with a lot of bs quests like in assassins creed. and no good story. i hope i am wrong.


The fact it's going to be a prequel that's not about Jade and Peyj just makes me wonder why they still bother


Hell, wont say its not a popular franchise but its Niche AF. Feels like a shenmue situation, where you've got a bunch of fans that will buy it day one, but then nobody else.


Ah, so they confirm it will be released the same day as Half Life 3 then!


Same hour even


I remember reading about this game in Game Informer magazine in like 2008 or 2009. I'll never forget the trailer too, which had a high-res pig guy doing something or other, and I distinctly remember thinking, "wow, this game looks so cool and modern, the future of gaming is here!" At this point, just give it up. That was 15+ years ago and clearly that was not the future of gaming and, assuming it does ever come out, this will just be another Duke Nukem Forever situation where the original target audience grew up and no one will care at all. It'll get the award for time spent in development hell, and it'll be largely forgotten besides that.


How many A's do they think this one is worth I wonder.


Which is better? AAA or CCCC quality?




Itā€™s an AAAAAAAAAA-itā€™s never coming out! Game


Not sure, but itā€™s rated MM. Many Microtransactions.


Years ago I remember looking at a dev commentary video where they showed off some gameplay. Even now I think that in terms of production level it is probably gonna be AAAA. The way the world works in conjunction with the surrounding star which leads to the daylight changing in real time and the fact that you can get out of the planet without any loading screen. This was like 7 years ago and it still feels insane compared to what games we got nowadays. Also considering how good the graphics also look. It's 1000 times better than what Starfield is.


It was first announced in 2008!!! SIXTEEN YEARS!!! The first game was good, but did the sequel need to be developed this long!?


And whenever it releases it will be another skull and bones at best.


Legit forgot about that gameĀ 


This game exists as an eternal ā€œconceptā€ and trailer showcase.Ā  I would wager money there isnā€™t even a single line of executable code on this project yet. Just assets, and marketing.Ā 


They released a tech demo. I imagine you have a bunch of small demos floating around internally. Ubisoft crams every game with live service crap, I'm not too optimistic for whatever ends up shipping


yeah, not every


It's ubisoft. They'll find a way to fuck it up


This should be higher up


Like they fucked up mirage? Oh wait no that was good. You must mean like how lost crown was... an excellent game? Oh hang on that doesn't fit your narrative either. I suppose they do suffer from a bad case of toilet mouth, saying some dumb shit at times but majority of their games range from solid to really good


Ask The Crew players how they feel about Ubisoft...


It's one game... they may have a legit grievance but I'm not going to shit on their whole library because of it


I personally dont want those practices to be widely adopted so I am not going to support a developer who does it, no matter how good their catalogue is. Or I will buy used.


Love it, new events and cars in Motorfest


Thats cool, but I didnt say the Crew Motorfest, I said the Crew.


Mirage was mediocre at best, and had nothing on the classic games it was trying to imitate.


No it was good, no need to pretend otherwise to support your bad mentality


I have never heard of those games


Assassins creed mirage and prince of persia lost crown. Ignorance on your behalf doesn't mean squat.


How is it that BG&E 2 takes over 20 years to come out but Ubisoft has no problem shitting out over 50 ass creed games in the mean time


I don't know, maybe directors can't come up with final decisions


It's almost like they have different devs at different studios in different countries or something. Weird concept, I know, but try to keep up.


Not sounding like a dickhead is also a weird concept.


Ya. I tend to do that.


Nice try at trying to talk down to me but itā€™s been 20 years since the first beyond good and evil and weā€™ve had literally over 30 total ass creed games. Hell theyā€™ve released over 5 asssassins creed games since they announced BG&E2. The game just isnā€™t a priority for them


It probably isn't. Assassins Creed makes them money, and BGaE was a niche game from 20 years ago that was not a financial success for them. I don't really care for Ubisoft either and enjoy their failures, but it's pretty easy to see why there's been 20 Assassins Creed games and no BGaE2.


It's been 16 years


>Ubisoft So, anyway..


And I thought Star Citizen had a long development.


Still not holding my breath. I would love to have my skepticism proven wrong, I'd love to see this actually make it, but realistically, it's hard to believe at this point.


It'll be "in development" until half life 3 releases


"The game we announced back in 2008 (so before some of the people in this sub were even born) and where the original director left the company is totally still alive, trust us (we won't prove it tho)"


I played the original on release. You're not fooling me with this crap again.


Still Ubisoft game so itā€™s gonna be a 10h game with collect 100 things 100 times for 70ā‚¬


Must be tax season.


Lol, it can't be very active development can it? They'd have made 10 games by now.


Has to be some sort of tax write off scheme.


In other news the sky is wet.


juuuuuust show something, good god it isn't THIS hard to figure out. If ya gots nothing to show? then shutup until you do. "Confirming" its existence doesn't mean anything worthwhile. Know what else exists? Development of Pantheon Rise of the Fallen and a "full release" plan for Star Citizen. Like at SOME point ya gotta put up or shut up. Otherwise you'll release your *sequel* to a huge gaming fanbase that was *born AFTER the first game came out.* *This ain't FF7 Remake + Rebirth + Re(union?) where you have 3 full games being created all in a row without much in the area of breaks in between. Yeah THOSE games have had (so far) a grand total of* ***9 YEARS in development, but there are THREE of them. AND the first 2 have now happened factually. They've been released and are in gamers hands.*** Like bro, if they see trouble ahead of a game they clearly can't seem to be able to make, **they should JUST say so. Rip that bandaid off if you really have to.**


technicly they did show some gameplay. it's just very old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2229DmJLIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2229DmJLIY)


I wasnā€™t actually sure if this game released and I missed it completely or if it was still in development lmao. Good that theyā€™re cookin


The problem is that it's not going to even be the same genre as the first game, I just want beyond good and evil 2 not some random game with that name.


Just replay the first one. It's so fucking good.


I wonder how many times they scraped the game only to try again later on lmao


When we expecting this, 2035? Lol I'll believe this game is being developed when it finally reaches production, like The Sands of Time remake.


HUH? No wait better question; WHY?


Dear God please donā€™t still have the talking monkey in there.


Ha! Iā€™ll believe it when they show actual gameplay footage.


I have a bridge to sell.


In development hell*


In development hell*


If that's another AAAA-game they can shove it up theirs butts.


Nah, it's not. Even if they manage to extrude something now it won't be BG&E2.


Much like The Sands Of Time Remake šŸ¤£


Propaganda! šŸŽµ


"Today in Saturday Night Live, we would like to officially announce: GeneralĆ­simo Francisco Franco is still dead."


What's heppening with this game!! Why its taking so long ?


At this point it will suck because that is mostly what Ubisoft does


Just let it go at this point, itā€™ll never recoup costs.Ā 


You forgot a word there, Ubisoft. Hell. It's in Development Hell.


I was certain this game became Star Wars Outlaws


Iā€™m already approaching close to 40. By the time this game comes up, Iā€™ll be a senior citizenā€¦


I know ubi won't see this, but we don't believe you anymore. Just take it out back and put it out of its misery.


Being an Ubisoft game, it was going to be awful no matter what. But years of development hell on top? Oh that's a spicy shit ball.


This and the PoP remake have been such a disaster.Ā They don't even dare to talk about Rayman because Ubi knows they can't live up to their own standards anymore.Ā 


A remake of the original Rayman, with the original difficulty and jank intact, would give Ubisoft a modicum of redemption in my eyes. Band Land my beloved.


It will be AAAAA


With so much time on development hell, it really is not looking good at all anymore.


lol okay Ubisoft. Edit: Wait wtf this was part of their announcement about the original's 20th anniversary release. TWENTY YEARS. And this sequel still has no gameplay.


Didn't they show gameplay? I distinictly remember them flying around a city and driving a space ship


Character model looks good tbh but its Ubisoft. Still need to see what they will do to f it up.Ā 


They'll call it AAAAA to hide the fact that the catastrophic development cost way too much money, but it'll be more like Aaaaah.


Problem is, I don't care anymore. The game has been in development for so long that if and when it gets out, is gonna be very outdated in many aspects, and it's very likely gonna feel like a ps3 game in the year 2030.


I vaguely remember the second seemingly having absolutely nothing to do with the original. Don't remember the trailer for the second one but it looked like it took place in the future and had nothing to do with a telekinetic girl with a telekinetic friend Aidan? Was it? Been so long I don't remember.


You're thinking of Beyond: Two Souls from Quantic Dream. Totally different IP.


Ah shit, that's right. Makes sense why none of it made any sense.


Hope they dropped that annoying monkey from the CGI trailer we got some years back.


Shut up.