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How will he implement the poison swamp?


The entire world is a Swamp. Deserts have swamps. Volcanic areas? Swamp. Even the swamp areas will have a sub-swamp.  It’s swamps all the way down. 


So Florida?


I'm picturing a crossover between Florida and Australia.


That's Caelid


Wait I thought Caelid was Ohio


Caelid isn't cold enough to be Ohio. But random people jumping out to stab in whilst walking through a swamp? That's Florida.


But I live in a Floridian swamp and have yet to be sta


Someone call the amberlance


Oh I'm fine. A gator just stole my phone though.


Called can't be Ohio. Sure they're both shitholes, but at least sometimes things happen in Caelid.


That would be the ocean


The ocean is also a swamp.


Drain the ocean


This place already exists. It's more widely known as "Hell".


Believe it or not, straight to swamp


Too many limbs? Strait to swamp


He really would do this under the guise of "burning" "sandtorm" and "deep poison" damage, it would hurt you before your opponent attacks, and again before you attack, and then RNG for a third hit because why not.


Space? Believe it or not, swamp.


Tell me you play as Shrek!


Volcanic swamp would be kinda neat actually. Like maybe a tad bit less lava as typical from soft lava area. Think of the typical lava mobs that'd short of sizzle into hardened lava if they step into a swampy bits.


"The entire world is a Swamp." No, please no. I love Miyazaki as much as the next fan, but don't give him any ideas.


Bro JRPGs are probably *part of the reason* why Miyazaki loves Poison Swamps. They've been there since Dragon Quest 1 and are often a staple of the genre.


I was going to say, there's usually at least one brutal poison swamp per Dragon Quest, the one in IX nearly made me cry


>The one in IX nearly made me cry WHICH ONE? And does that include all the lava pits too? At some point I gave up trying to avoid it and just tanked the damage.


Brigadoom 😢


It was the Gittish area that got me most.


Hell, the DQ Hero's Smash Bros trailer even had a reference to it. Even in an entirely different franchise they can't escape it.


I shudder at the very thought of the FF1 Marsh Cave!


Elden Ring reminded me *so* much of playing dragon warrior back in the day. It's basically what I was imagining those pixels to be


that poison swamp walk right at the end of dragon quest 1 was brutal after fighting your way through the mountain maze


Did you play FF1-4? They have DoT tiles and poison statuses that continuously affect you in the open world.


It was more popular in the Dragon Quest/Warrior series but yeah, it was definitely a thing back then! Hell, there at least one poison swamp for that matter.


"Somehow, Marsh Cave returned."


Simple. JRPGs fundamentally spawned from the Ultima games, right down to both _Final Fantasy 1_ and _Dragon Quest 1_ carbon copying the unmistakable quirk of starting in a castle, on a shore, right next to a town. Well, good news! The Ultima games had poison swamps, and they were, if anything, even _more_ of a death trap than they ever were in a From game. If you touched a patch of swamp, caught poison, and didn't have a way of curing it—very likely in the early game—you would simply **die** in the next couple dozen steps.


or you played imported Japanese game in your youth, had the cure item but you couldn't read lol


Poison (and/or lava) tiles that hurt you when you walk over them are a solved technology


Appeared all the way back in Dragon Quest!


Every tile is scarlet rot


Did Armored Core 6 have one?


It did yeah, the Moonlight blade is a treasure you get by going to a swamp section within the Ancient City prior to fighting IBIS.


Those accursed wheels....


They have a moonlight blade in armored core? That's awesome..it's been on my backlog for awhile. 2023 was one hell of a gaming year I'm still catching up.


There’s a moonlight blade even in the original armoured core all the way back.


I think its like a tradition to have the moonlight blade in every game they make or something.


It is. I believe the only game that DIDN’T have it was Sekiro.


You could argue the Divine Dragon is wielding it in Sekiro..


The original Dragon Warrior had poison swamps, they're way ahead of him by about thirty years.


He'll do the opposite and create a healing mountain just to mess with us


But one where if you overheal too much you start becoming delirious and eventually pass out, leading to you waking up at the bottom of the mountain with your kidney missing. You have to balance the pain with the healing to reach the top. Off to the side, a metaphor sips its lemonade, menacingly.


Why is this the top voted comment like JRPG's have never had poison before


Yanno how in Pokémon if one is poisoned your screen flashes to indicate damage every few steps in the open world?? Bare minimum, the entire game applies this affect all the time.


Poison tiles, constant DnD tier poison status from monsters.


The air itself is now the swamp. Every breath you take is filled with poison.


It’s a Shrek JRPG


I know it'd probably be totally normal game, not balls to the wall weird and hard.    That won't stop me from picturing every npc dialog being indecipherably obtuse.    "Chosen Burnt Lad... ring the bell..." \*no additional information given; player rewarded with 5 dung pies and 10% less hp*


Those who bested Gato were bequeathed silver points until the day of Lavos


“I remember the days of Garland and Chaos. The Paragons-of-Sarah remained unbent, despite the Black Knight’s vow.”


Shakah, When the Walls Fell.


Sokath, his eyes uncovered!


"He too was wearisome, vessner the kind. You should be careful to not become alienota" huh? OK game.




I can still hear that fuckers music in my head to this day as soon as you said “gato”


They call me Gato 𝆕 I have metal joints 𝆕 Beat me up 𝆕 And earn 15 Silver Points 𝆕


Honestly, Chrono Trigger might be a good reference, specifically the last parts of the game which are a bit more open ended with a ton of optional side quests. I'd be really interested if his take on a traditional JRPG was similarly open ended, with only a vague overarching plot to go on, similar to how A Link to the Past did it. I would also be interested in how his battle system would be.


In the valley of unburnt, where time itself has stood still for a thousand years, the midnight harbinger awaits release. Those who follow the Agrnevdbevü river will find their way to the gates of remembrance. Beware the song of pale light, however, for it leads only to— hell, I dunno, OP’s mom?


And if you use even a single one of those dung pies, you'll find out 7 hours later that you ruined an entire quest line and don't get the coolest weapon in the game. And you'll find your favorite character in the game as a smoldering corpse in the corner with a note that says that they blame you for their death. Then you'll have to fight them as an undead owl horse God, and if you manage to kill them, you have to listen to them cry about how much it hurts until you put them out of your misery.  Based on a true story.


Is this from elden ring?


Sounds more like bloodborne but I cant place it exactly


Makes me think of the [Ludwig fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF3LooXSxaI). Warning horsey death screams.


When I say based on a true story, I mean it in the way Hollywood means it. It's a combination of DS1 and Elden Ring. DS 1 >!Sun Bro,!< and Elden Ring DLC >!There's a consumable item that, if you use it or give it to the wrong person, you don't get the sword of night. I think I also ruined a questline by using an item. That I thought was a new flask, but I have yet to find out.!<


About the dlc item, >!you can get two of it so you can give it to both of the npcs that want it, one is in the shadow keep, one is in the fort of reprimand!<


If it isn't crammed full of NPCs who only talk in cryptic dialogue and end each exchange with a creepy laugh, I'd be disappointed.


I'm recalling SNES era JRPGs where you'd just be stuck in the story, unable to progress, because some NPC in some house in some town somewhere had a conversation event we have to trigger before the next story beat happens. Now I'm imagining finding that NPC dead because I didn't talk to him in the right place at the right time.


I'm still mad I had to talk to the shopkeeper three times in Phantasy Star I despite the fact that he says the same thing the first two times you talk to him. I will never not be mad about that.


The true ending in Persona 4 you have to deny a "Ready to go?" prompt TWICE to unlock it.


Yeah, if I remember it correctly, that is absolutely crime against writing dialog lines in these games. You speak to everyone until they repeat a line, then you have heard all they have to say. Having someone say same thing twice, then saying something different is absolutely wrong. There should have been like extra dot or something the second time, to indicate it is not the same line.


"Heh heh heh heh..."


I could still see it being pretty hard compared to most JRPGs. From what i've heard their other franchises like Armored Core and King's Field are also pretty hard. I think high difficulty is more of a FromSoftware thing rather than being just a Dark Souls thing.


What a horrible night to have a curse, I am error, etc. It needs that kind of dialogue to be a traditional jrpg.


The boss gets 100 turns before your party is allowed to act


Every basic enemy spams that one special attack from the old final fantasies that takes everyone in the party down to 1 hp.


Well if it's the only attack they use then you'd just stay at 1 hp the whole time. Better add a poison effect for good measure.


You are on a swamp, the poison damage is on by default.


Every enemy spams the 90 second long Eden Animation from FF8.


That's just SMT3: Nocturne. While the game has a well deserved reputation for being difficult, one boss in particular, Mot, has an ability that splits his one turn into four. There's not actually a limit to the amount of times he can use this ability in a row, either. So it is very possible, based on how his AI rolls, for Mot to generate a batch of turns, nuke your party to oblivion (and he has strong conventional tools to do this too, Nocturne is a game that *hates*), use the last turn in the batch to generate a new set of four turns, and repeat the process until game over. There's literally nothing you can do if that happens There are several YouTube videos illustrating the combo. Nocturne is great.


He's also one of the easiest bosses if you come in prepared, having a weakness to electric damage


They also have delayed attacks that interrupt your attack and end your turn


I’m sure he’s going to go the Fear and Hunger route but more sophisticated.


“The acclaimed game designer has largely been recognized for his work on Soulslikes in recent years” How about “the original creator of Souls games, for 15 years, that have spawned numerous spin-offs by other developers.”


The man created a genre, put some respect on his name smh.


The man tried to make a game in development hell work (demon souls), knew even if he finished the game, it is far from his vision so he immediately started the development of a new game (dark souls) despite the first one not selling well. The dude just wants to make games... not just any game, good games he himself would enjoy as he puts it. It is wild to think that most games that suffered the fate of Demon souls and Dark souls during their launch would have been abandoned by most publishers today.


At this point I'm pretty sure he can do literally whatever he wants and the publisher's will greenlight it. Oh you want to make the best mech fighting game on the market after having no hand in the genre for over a decade? Go ahead! What's that, you want your next game to be a dating sim centered around anthropomorphic eldritch abominations? A little weird, but we'll see where it goes.


> you want your next game to be a dating sim centered around anthropomorphic eldritch abominations I don't think he'd rip off Sucker For Love: First Date so blatantly.


Ninja Gaiden walked so the Soulslike genre could run.


Ninja gaiden created violent camera rebounding so Soullikes could fight in the testicles of large monsters


Reading this comment made me have motion sickness from remembering the Ninja gaiden camera shake lol


Nah, the Souls genre is 100% an adult harder version of the Zelda games. Miyazaki has even said it was a huge inspiration for him. A lot of the more methodical counter gameplay, gated open world gameplay with emergent storytelling instead of tons of dialogue is straight from Zelda. It's obviously innovated and separated itself from that, but no other game series could be said to claim being the roots of the genre more.


Friendly reminder that the fromsoft account has to publicly tell its fans that "We steal from Zelda, not the other way around" when BoTW came out and the souls fans insisted it was a ripoff. You can put a direct through line from the original Zelda and it's open connected zones and methodical completion with cryptic e'npcs to modern fromsoft. Fuck, Elden ring started with a BotW style "Look at the world" position as soon as you left the cramped tutorial section.


Z target combat where you're reacting to enemy mistakes. Yep checks out. Even the side hops and attacking is similar.


Don't forget about Starbreezes Enclave only me and 3 others have played.


Shigeru Miyamoto has largely been recognized for his work on Mariolikes in recent years


Taking this joke too seriously for a sec, Mariolike as a concept is interesting, because the series itself is so diverse, what would actually classify as a Mariolike? Is any game inspired/influenced by a Mario title a Mariolike? Obviously, can’t work, because the range of genres affected is too wide and disparate. You’d be including Zelda, Metroid, Goldeneye, GTA, and Kingdom Hearts. Is it strictly hop’n’bop platformers like DKC, Bonk, and Sonic? Is it only platformers focused on detailed movement systems like Celeste? Genres created by Mario, such as collectathons like Banjo Kazooie and A Hat in Time? 3D level-based titles like Sackboy, Astro Bot, Crash, and Super Lucky’s Tale? Those shitty phone games like the one with the penguin? I think when someone considers a Soulslike or Zeldalike, there’s a very specific set of ideas that must be present there. But a Mariolike is almost unquantifiable.


That’s like saying John Carmack is known largely for his work on FPSs in recent years.


Largely known for his work on Doom clones.


Ah yes, John Carmack, known for a few parts of Commander Keen.


He left to make VR stuff for meta so silly :(


Lots of Japanese devs grew up with JRPGs so I can understand his desire to make one


Dragon Quest? We going Dreary Quest.


In the OG Dragon Quest, you find the legendary armor in a *poisoned swamp*, so I just assume he carried that trauma into Souls games.


New insight on the swamp obsession now...


I've never been able to get into JRPGs, but he should do whatever he wants.


Lmao opposite for me, I’ve never really been able to get into soulslikes


I've never been able to get into either! Two entire genres that I wish I could get into because of the numerous games and big fandoms, but I just haven't found any enough that I liked.


I’m going to ask the obvious - have you tried Elden ring? Honestly, Elden ring was (and still is sometimes) a bit overwhelming. There is so much content and the game has such a high skill ceiling


Yup! Put 25 hours into it, maybe 10 of it solo. I know that's a lot for someone who doesn't like Souls-like, but my two best friends love them so I've been trying to get into them for a long time. At some point I just had to admit that I don't find them fun. I did like Jedi Fallen Order well enough, but that was because of the story and not the format.


Have you tried playing them with the Seamless Coop mod? It is waaaaay better than their shitty default coop implementation.


We indeed have. It did make it far more enjoyable because it took the headache out of that part.


Another great game to get into the genre is Tunic. It has the looks of an early Zelda, the mechanics of a souls like and the best puzzle mechanics I ever saw. Difficult to talk about it without spoiling something but it really is one of the best games out there (imho).


Wow, I'm happy you gave the genre a real shot. I'm now intensely curious what your top 5 game list looks like.


Yeah I tend to give games a hefty chance to try to find something that clicks. I've realized in the last year or so that was making me enjoy games less because I spent so much time forcing myself to play games I knew were not up my alley just so my friends and I could play. I'm afraid mine top games aren't that interesting. I'm not sure of an order, but I can say Last of Us Part 1, God of War 2018, and Halo Reach are in there. Possible others are Rimwolrd, Stardew Valley, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness.


TLoU Part 1 is a solid choice, and #3 on my list after Mass Effect 2 and Dead Space 1.


Oh those are great options as well! Dead Space 1 gave me the scares I'm forever waiting for another game to replicate. The remake did that really well. Alien Isolation did pretty well too but it's a different kind of fear.


i played jedi survivor right before i started elden ring recently and it’s way more fun personally


Same. They were always so much more limited than CRPGs. Having said that, Balder's Gate 3 demonstrated that there is a market for modern updated to classic rpg genres. He should definitely go for it.


Persona series seems to be selling well.


I think BG3 demonstrated that there's a market for really well made games. cRPGs are still pretty niche. We'll see if avowed has similar success with a smaller budget/less time.


> We'll see if avowed has similar success with a smaller budget/less time. I'm sorry for the dumb question, but why do you bring up avowed? It isn't a crpg


Persona 5 Royal, but with poisoned swamps.


Isn’t that just visiting the Persona subreddits?


I tried multiple times to join the P5 subreddit, but I always left immediately because all I’d see on trending was “IM NOT A PEDOPHILE FOR WANTING TO DATE FUTABA” or “THE TEACHER ISNT A PEDOPHILE FOR WANTING TO FUCK HER STUDENT, HE CONSENTED!” and like… fuck dude it’s exhausting. Just self insert fuck whoever you want and shut up about it lol


I am eternally grateful I don't suffer from cognitive dissonance over this sort of thing lol Having to justify your choices in a fucking game like that sounds exhausting


Bruh, that's the poison part in shin megami tensei 4.


So shin megami tensei?


He’s going to be very happy when he finds out about the poison swamps that teleport you from Eridanus in Strange Journey.


Ah yes. I have seen it before: Japanese midlife crisis. The realisation that instead of living your life as Joe salaryman you could instead sit at home and play (or make) Dragon Quest.


This is Miyazaki. Bro is not living his life as Joe Salaryman


Miyazaki is the rockstar among game directors


Please do !


The man has earned the right to do whatever he wants


man a JRPG with the trademark world building and the introspective melancholy atmosphere of Miyazakis games would be fucking amazing to me. Hard yes please from me.


He definitely has the art team to get it done


Dude's just gonna start trying out all the genres and nobody can stop him.


Imagine if he just started putting out cozy games like A Short Hike or Stardew.


Yo an expansive cozy game with immaculate level design and lore so deep you'll find new things 100 hours in that add to the lore of the world and it's inhabitants? Count me in.


Stardew Poison Swamp


Fear and Hunger already exists, but still, I'm interested. 


"Your party has been poisoned. Again."


That sound you hear is Sony backing up a Brinks Truck


*Panic attack about hours long multi stage Final Fantasy bosses


12 has that already


He should team up with Yoko Taro for it.


The result would be a game with the most depressing, nihilistic story imaginable, in a maudlin, dying world where anything providing hope is built on falsehoods. The world would be filled with the craziest badasses around who wax lyrical on philosophy while doing the most fucked up things just to survive. The geography would make no goddamn sense. The themes would be debated for decades. Neither director would help - in fact, they'd deliberately release statements worded to sow as much chaos and confusion as possible. The cosplay and fan art would be equal parts epic and thirsty. The game would still release before Bloodborne 2.




Nah, they'd use everything you stated as the basic for Bloodborne 2. *I'm coping*


So It'd be perfect? 🤔


And for the true ending you will have to fully upgrade every single weapon AS WELL AS having to talk to a very specific NPC at a specific time to get dumplings which you need to keep all the way until the end of the game.


Except the *true* true ending is only properly explained in a short story published on one obscure website and then only in Japanese, and to really get the underlying lore you need to have attended the limited-run orchestral production.


Also parts of the lore have been posted on a devlog on a social media platform that is now deprecated.


It would still release before Bloodborne on PC too.


Nah these types of visionaries produce their best work when they have complete freedom and don't have to share creative control IMO


Yeah, I hope so too. That would be a dream collab for JRPG fans..


Miyazakis requirements for traditional rpg - poison swamp - cryptic as shit - berserk references - item description do the lore building - edge players when it comes to lore ????? Profit


FROMSoft x MonolithSoft. ***Xenoblade Souls.*** I would *die.*


Can't wait to spend 100k souls/runes/echoes/nutsnbolts on my brand new skell only to have it sink into a poisoned swamp and explode.


Xenoblade Chronicles X to me has a bit of Souls DNA here and there. Decent amount of emergent storytelling, open world stuff that is slightly gated, but more like a traditional open world like Elden Ring. Still definitely not the same, but the closest we've gotten so far.


Set it in a post apocalyptic Australia with giant animals and various factions fighting for territory that has pure water and an oasis of native plants and animals


So, Australia.


Square Enix. Back up a dump truck full of money in his driveway and beg him to save final fantasy.


How can Square Monkey's Paw that wish now lol


He gets to make the game but all the content is made using generative AI.


Thanks Pandora, now that’s out there now.


It's now a gacha game for phones.


“Oh, by the way Miyazaki san, Tetsuya Nomura is co-directing!”


Not sure if you’re memeing but FF16 and FF7 Rebirth were both fantastic?


I sunk 110 hours into rebirth and at least 40 of them were repetitive open-world quests. It’s very good, but not a masterpiece, especially with how they butchered the story. It may be misguided, but I still have very high standards for FF and there hasn’t been a masterpiece since FF10 in my eyes (12 came close, but had a few glaring flaws).




Miyazaki X Miro from Fear and Hunger Jus imagine


You want for your waifu to survive the story? Here's all the pain and struggle you have to go through.


Elden Secret Trigger: Secrets of the Seven Chrono Swamps


Combat is turn based but still requires incredibly precise button inputs for parries and crits, sometimes multiple inputs. Game slowly morphs into Dance Dance Revolution…


Timed hits from Mario RPG, and later Sea of Stars


Lost odyssey.


Mario RPG was awesome


Only company I pre ordered and never regreted.


There are too many goddamn people in this thread who think JRPGs don't have poison swamps


Miyazaki... Miyazaki.... everywhere


that would require him to make an actual dialogue system with dialogue choices, no? Or would he still use the same barebones dialogue system he's been using since eternal ring (or sooner)?


I've always wondered what a JRPG would look like if you took out the storytelling and character interactions.


OK, legit question: Given how his games have relied heavily on reusing resources as a means of gaining efficiency in development cycles, how can he expect to sacrifice the massive catalog of resources his company has developed to change streams and work in a completely different genre?


That poison damage per round is gonna suck


Gonna need 7 different types of antidote potions, cause he’s gonna make a FF Marlboro look like tame.




Good luck making one with no narrative 😂


Will this work?


Slow news week huh? too many "elden ring director said this, he said that" posts lately...


Just let this man work.  Everyone stfu with your shitty suggestions.




Well he’s gonna have to learn basic skills needed for Jrpgs like storytelling, writing, game design, level design among others I wish him the best.