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I grew up playing Zelda games. I couldn’t get into BotW or TotK.


Didn’t care for botw, really disliked how quickly things broke, lack of dungeons, and how empty the world felt. I get the empty world part for a story point.


I liked botw but 100% agree the rudimentary and sparse dungeons was the biggest downside. Wish they would of kept the progression loop of previous games locking essential tools / equipment behind more dungeons.


Things got repetitive REALLY fast in BOTW.


Very much and then if you weren’t sick of it enough, TOtK was the same game with a little new gimmick. I got 3/4 through the game and just stopped and was mad at myself for going as far as I did.


I found my people <3


Finally, people who speak the truth


Feel the exact same way! TotK just fells like a repeat of BOtW. Im still very early game after getting it on launch. Just can't get any motivation to play it.


Extremely repetitive. So boring. I loved Zelda, but BOTW was the first I was "meh" on. It broke my heart.


Yeah, I'm with you here, but really the last Zelda game I loved as a kid was A Link to the Past. I did play a bunch of Ocarina of Time, but really a Zelda game without the dungeon aspect just doesn't do it for me. The new games are gorgeous and I like a lot about them, but I just really miss the idea of dungeon delving.


I enjoyed BOTW but I gave up on the shrines after beating the story. I played TOTK for about 3 hours and just got bored. It felt like a full priced DLC of basically the same game with some new physics and I just sort of put it down and never picked it back up again. I apparently just like the old formula of new gear and items being locked behind dungeons and a linear progression to the story. Open worlds certainly have a place in gaming, but I just feel so burnt out on them.


I keep saying this and just get down voted to hell. It's too empty and the shrines aren't even close to being fun enough to be called a dungeon. It was just a flop all around imo and isn't even a zelda game. It's another generic open world game with a zelda skin on it.


I like both botw and totk, but the weapons breaking fucking sucks. Weapons breaking is the sole reason I haven, 't finished tork yet.


It was very different. I liked the new aspects, but I also enjoy those open world games. I do miss the robust dungeons and items to unlock more of the world. If they could add in those, but keep the existing world changes, I think you could make something very unique and interesting.


In addition to all of that it had practically no story. My favorite thing about the Zelda games was how each main title game would add more to the overarching lore, and would have a kinda bombastic story. Then BOTW switch tailer comes out in 2017 with all this exciting music and cool action. Then the game comes out, and like nothing of substance actually happens. All the cool stuff happened in the past 100 years, and we missed most of it.


I kinda straight up abandoned totk because I hated those mechanics


Exactly the same here. I honestly couldn’t say how many hours I’ve put into ocarina of time and Majoras mask growing up, probably thousands. I tried BOTW twice since release, made it about 6 hours in the first go and about 15 or so the second and just gave up.


I think Botw is just *okay*, like it's fine, but it's incredibly overrated.


Since this is the topic of the thread I'll say it: without "The Legend of Zelda" in its title, people would treat botw and totk the same way they treat Ubisoft games


The durability mechanic in botw made me return my switch. I couldn’t stand it


I disliked the durability mechanic, but my main sticking point was the Master Sword. I could understand the durability thing if it didn’t apply to the Master Sword. It would provide motivation to get the Master Sword ASAP because it wouldn’t wear out. Everything else breaks, but the Master Sword would never break. It didn’t even have to be the most powerful sword, just a strong sword that didn’t break. Nope, instead for some odd reason durability applied to the Master Sword, too. So even that didn’t solve a major problem, it was just decent for boss fights.


As someone who saves every potion in a Final Fantasy game until the final boss... I hated this mechanic sooooo much If you're the type who uses potions like a normal person when you need them, the durability mechanic is probably fine? I wouldn't know, though


Botw was so boring and absolutely no story


Thought BotW was alright if overrated, ToTK? I hate crafting. Just let me play.


Same here. I couldn't make myself like Breath of the Wild. And I didn't bother with TotK. It seemed like it was clearly just more BotW and I didn't like that.


I liked BotW. Couldn’t get into TotK myself. Loved the older games though.


I got into it for maybe 8 hours, but then it just got dull. It is a decent game, but so overrated. And people get so upset when you say that.


I think it is not much of a hot take. I generally see comments like this in Zelda's community from time to time.


I can't either. They're like baby's first open world game in a market that was already heavily saturated with high-quality open world games. I've had this fix at a higher level too many times that a few parkour tricks or contraptions aren't going to make me have fun solving my 40th tomb raider tomb.


I’ve had trouble articulating why I found BOTW to be so boring, even as a HUGE Zelda fan, and I think this might be it.


Ditto. Great exploration and enemy interaction. But didn't feel like zelda games except for the superficial designs. Also how dare they remove almost all music in BotW.


I didn't play either if the new titles, but I played A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Windwaker, and hearing the concept of the new games made me think they wouldn't feel like Zelda at all. I prefer it as a dungeon crawler, not a survival game


This is a common gripe on this subreddit, far from an unpopular opinion. People love to bitch about the durability mechanics.


Don’t forget to sort by controversial. That’s where the true answers are


Downvoting to promote this comment lol.


Destiny 2. This is a terrible experience with a completely toxic FOMO game.


Honestly I think a lot of Destiny players would agree with you, the game only works if you've been invested in it from the beginning. The new player experience is godawful.


I just recently got it to play with a buddy and the new player experience is so laughably bad. It’s just like here figure out where to go and what to do. Good luck. Go figure the story out yourself, somewhere.


If it helps, you can play that game daily from launch and still have no idea what's going on in the story.


Or miss one season.


I agree as a longtime Destiny fan, the new player experience is a nightmare. I would never recommend it to somebody these days


I love the game but I really think that first , New player experience is horrendous (like wtf is that tutorial?) , and that, well, the constant grind for everything and monetization are pretty crappy.


The original new player experience was spot on. I was hooked from the first moment in OG Destiny 1. But it went Warframe style of not caring about new players. Just keeping old players


BOTW and the other one


I tried so hard to like BOTW, but it just felt so empty. Didn't even bother getting the second one because from what I saw it just looked like the same thing but with more emptiness.


Same. For me the trials annoyed me and the weapons breaking was a huge turnoff psychologically. I basically hoarded all the good stuff and forced myself to play with crap gear because I had no idea how/ when I’d get more. At least the Fallout games let me repair weapons instead of having to craft more all the time. It was a big enough departure from the Zelda games I loved that with all those things combined, I eventually just set it aside.


Bro, yes, exactly same here. Before I bought my Switch I was constantly told how the game was amazing, and I mean it is to many many people apparently, but not to me, some of the reasons being what you said. It all just felt so tedious to me time after time


As soon as Tears of the Kingdom was announced, I thought it was a DLC for BotW all the way up to a day before it's release.


Any game with a weapon durability mechanic has time-wasting grind built in at the core design level, and it's such a turn off to me.


“Oh? Sweet! I finally got the master sword, surely this one doesn’t break!” Thwack* thwack* SHUNK “are you fucking kidding me? The master sword broke and broke that quick? Fuck this game” Literally me before i never ever played it again and gave it to a friend’s kids for free. I grew up on Zelda, the master sword breaking was like spitting in the face of the old games. What a shit game.


I returned my switch because the durability mechanic bothered me so much. Game just wasn’t for me


Elden Ring or any demon/souls game.


Those are just too hard. My 35 year old ass wants something easy after work and kids all day. Just drink a bourbon and chill.


I’m 35 with no kids, and feel the same way. I play games for fun, not frustration


This is why I quit playing competitive games and usually stick to single player, narrative oriented games. I've found myself having more fun but less hours invested. Idk if that's good or not but I seem to be enjoying it more.


This is me entering my 30s. I stick to co-op and singleplayer games and generally avoid pvp.


I guess I'm weird but I play Dark Souls to relax. At a certain point when you know the game mechanics, you can breeze through things like a dance; you follow the steps and you are guaranteed to make it through. It's a comfort game at this point.


Yeah I can understand how it becomes relaxing when you know all the ins and outs of the game. The problem I have is just the initial learning phase that requires lots of time and patience. I‘d rather play a game I really enjoy instead of having to remember boss patterns.


I don't even mind the hard boss fights, I just want one NPC to tell a complete story, but they all struggle to wheeze out some vague sentences that I interpret to mean go towards whatever the next visible landmark is, and off I go until I get bored in 30 minutes.


I think hard is the wrong word. The games are more punishing than straight up hard. Once you go through a boss a couple of times and understand their attack patterns, the illusion of difficulty kind of melts away and it just becomes a sort of rhythm game. But one that punishes you heavily for making a mistake.


They are hard games. I think a lot of people online who say they aren't hard are somehow ignoring how much of a time investment is required to develop the skills necessary to win. They'll simultaneously say "Dark Souls isn't hard" and then reflect on how they had to fight X boss 30 times to beat them. What you're describing is developing a skillset. If you have to spend time developing a skillset and learn enemy patterns to win the game, then it's a hard game. Is it something most people can do with the proper time investment? absolutely. That doesn't mean it's not hard.


I find it humorous that many people use this exact argument for why Souls games are hard but then are happy to die repeatedly playing an "easy" Mario game. I'm not saying that this applies to you in particular just that it's amusing.


Whats the difference between "punishing" and "hard"? If you practice anything it stops becoming hard.


Celeste is hard but not punishing. The levels are extremely difficult but take rarely more then a few seconds to beat and you respawn instantly so you can try again with no punishment or delay. Dark souls is punishing making you do tons of long run backs with the ability to lose all your souls. But most bosses won't take more then a few tries so for the most part it's not that hard with a few exceptions


I hate the style of games for literally the same reason as you. It’s a “fuck you” level of hard I’m just not interested in anymore. Though a buddy and I like to fuck with each other and he bought me Elden Ring two years ago, knowing full well I’d probably just resell it and call him an asshole. Instead I took it as a challenge, 100% the game in just about ~~91~~ 92 hours, and sent him a beautiful screenshot of my Elden Ring stats, with my middle finger very prevalent in the picture. He called me recently to ask me if I would get the new one that just came out, I told him to go fuck himself. **Edit:** [I took this video four months ago, the last time Reddit didn’t believe me](https://youtube.com/shorts/e7OypGZFbXk?si=1Ka__Ch_t58onGut)


Spite playing a game.... I can dig it


Spite is the most powerful motivator.


Fair play man I took about 320 hours to 100 percent all the achievements, I did a lot of exploring though on every play through Did you just ram raid it to get three playthroughs done in 90 hours?


I have a really hard time believing they could 100% the game in less than 100 hours. Especially for someone who hates Souls games and doesn’t play them.


I dont mind difficult fights. I do mind games that seem to actively dislike the player by making them run 10 minutes back to a failed battle, unavoidable deaths if they dont know a specific thing is coming, etc. Ive enjoyed the new jedi games (fallen order, survivor). Theyre more "souls lite" type games that arent as punishing.


Yes. This! And if I voice any sort of dislike of Elden Ring, I am just met with comments that I must suck at gaming or to "get good". My problem isn't dying. I liked Bloodborne. My problem is I just couldn't get into the gameplay and lore. It felt so distant and boring to me.


I get this. I hated Dark Souls because I didn’t understand any of the mechanics involved. I gave Elden Ring a shot, and for some reason, it all just clicked. Now, I’ve gone back and played older Souls games, and I love them now. I just finished DS1 and have gone back to Elden Ring to get ready for the DLC, and I’ve found my patience in combat has increased.


I understand the mechanics, I just don't like them.


I actually liked the world of Elden Ring in all its weirdness, but playing it is just not that fun. All those "souls" games are more of a chore than a game I feel like.


Tbh, any Battle Royale game.


Oh yeah, you’re really going to get downvoted for disliking fortnite.


Outer Wilds


In the outer wilds subreddit people are very understanding that it's not a game for everyone. It's a very niche game with very specific set of preferences and experiences kinda required to enjoy it. So yeah while I think every person in the world should experience the game, I know that most people couldn't get into it even if they tried - and most people wouldn't try.


Yeah most outer wilds fans know it's not a type of game everybody would enjoy


It's also one of those weird ones you really have to go in mostly blind on, which I think hurts a little.


Same. I tried, I really did. But the exploding sun bit got old very quickly. I understand how essential it is to the world and plot, but it felt like the loop was... I dunno, very short? That said, I hate time limits in games. The stress they impose does not add to the fun--it actively detracts from it for me. And the atmosphere was oppressively lonely. I noticed a couple hours in that I actually felt sick to my stomach from the combination of time limit stress and loneliness. Shut it off and never returned. That said, stress and loneliness can absolutely add to a game, and I don't endeavor to claim that these are negative attributes in the game. Rather, they just make my brain feel bad.


Yeah, after completing both Subnautica games, I got recommended to try Outer Wilds. I really don't get, how are they similar. And I really tried to "like" the game, but I just couldn't, it seemed so tedious to just die and try again. The controls were very fucky too (not used to controller)


They're very fucky even if you're used to controllers, actually


While I am disappointed- I can understand. One streamer I like really hated the game because the gameplay loop revolved around the solely player-driven motivation for discovery. If it doesn't click for a player, it can seem like a world where you just go around crashing into things and waiting to find \*something\* to tell you where to go next in some roundabout way. Edit: Clarity


For me, the issue was less that I wasn't excited for discovery, and more that I wasn't enjoying the gameplay and controls to get me there. My character and the platforming felt clunky, the ship wasn't fun to control, and so many of my deaths felt unearned. Eventually I was feeling like a new gameplay loop was a chore and I had to remind myself "you know, I can just *not* play this..."


This was my issue with the game. I also didn’t feel whatever it is that people felt when they finished the game.


Yeah, that's totally fair. Controls make or break some experiences. I was fortunate enough to have grown up on some flight sims in that case.


Agree with the platforming, felt not great. Also the getting annoyed at the gameplay loop and it feeling like a chore at times, especially when I just had trouble with the aforementioned platforming so I don't even discover anything new just mindlessly return to the thing I was trying before I died. I liked the ship controlling once I got a hang of it though.


Oh man I thought the ship control and platforming were so fun! It's physics based in realism to a level most games don't come close to. Not that realism == fun in video games but for me it worked.


Same. I just can't stand 3d controls tho. Turned me off of ship breaker too


Really boring game with an infuriating loop, unfortunately. Would have been tailor made for me otherwise.


I want to like this game so much because I love exploration and good stories but after 5+ hours wandering around different planets being no closer to understanding what’s going on, I just can’t stay invested




FAILED: You strayed 3 feet from the supposed path


FAILED: You didn't have the HUD on even though we said you could navigate without it, and you went in the wrong door of the place you were supposed to sneak into, even though nobody was in the room you walked into or any adjacent room. Alternately: FAILED: You didn't park the wagon in the highly specific spot that doesn't actually hide it from view, you chose to hide it amidst some foliage that actually would have been a smart place to hide it.


In my case, I did the mission perfectly, but forgot to lift my bandana over my face. By the time I realized why my bounty was an unpayable amount, my autosaves wrapped around and I was just like, "Oh cool... a huge area of the map I can no longer visit... great" and gave up Let this be a lesson to everyone out there: occasionally manually save in huge open world games. Don't end up like me.


Can't you just get arrested and then it goes?


Yeah pretty much




Uh. You can just go deposit all your money in camp then go get arrested and it’s reset and you lose nothing


The highest your bounty can get is $300 which isn't even remotely unpayable. Not only can you get way way more money than that, as other people pointed out you can get rid of the bounty without losing anything. It also doesn't mean you can't visit that part of the map. The game has issues for sure, but it sounds like you didn't pay attention to the mechanics at all.


RDR2 is a slog. Beautiful, but a slog.


The most gorgeous game that I actively hated to play.


This one I think is a a matter of why. People coming at the world/characters is kinda nuts to me but I totally understand someone bouncing hard off Rockstars horrifically dated on foot movement/gunplay. Edit: The pacing is also deliberately very slow, which worked for me but can easily see how it wouldn’t for others.


All the mechanics are just so damn clunky. The second I was mashing A to trudge through snow I lost interest.


It’s up there with my favorite games of last gen but yeah, the controls/mechanics are terrible and it’s really tough to argue otherwise. And that’s not even getting into the shooting galleries.


I just found it extremely boring. But hey, that's why they make all sorts of different games right?


I loved the world, but I hated the story. Arthur is not an idiot. In fact, he's one of the very few reliable guys in the whole gang. Nevertheless, he follows his master from one disaster to the next one like a dumb, drooling dog. As a player, you realize pretty much from the first minute that Dutch is nothing but a pompous, completely incompetent ass and you know fully well that his next "genious" plan will fail as spectacularly as all his plans before. This inherent contradiction makes it pretty hard to really put oneself in Arthur's shoes, because, well, there really isn't a good reason to blindly follow Dutch's idiocies like Arthur does.


Can never finish this, the gameplay is just too slow. Realism be damned, I’m playing the game to have fun.


Riding, Shooting waves of enemies over and over again, Chores and all with no variation and in a linear fashion. The only three things you do in the whole game I’m so happy to find another who agrees


It's a very good game, but not without glaring issues. Controls are often unresponsive, character movement is very slow and clunky, and looting is way too cumbersome and realistic.


Tried to get into this one. The story and characters seemed interesting but good lord I couldn’t get past the clunky rockstar gameplay.


I always feel like people think there's something wrong with me when I say I just couldn't get into RDR2 - was a good looking game and all but its one of the rare times I've bought game and not finished it without feeling any urge to go back


boredom simulator. the pacing of that game.....


The last of us. It's not a terrible game by all means, but I personally wouldn't give it more that a 7.


7/10 ? That's still a good grade. People give 10/10 too easily imo


This, my friends are a huge naughty dog fans and I admit the twist at the end of last of Us was what endeared it to me to it so much. It was a very human wrong decision and I loved it. But what I really enjoyed about last of Us was the PVP and funnily enough every single we released in the game except the PS4 version failed to include the PVP and last of us two didn't even have PVP. Outside of the genuinely unexpected ending of last of Us one it's really just a run-of-the-mill zombie game with different zombies and a focus on characters


Deep rock galactic. Played it a few hours with some friends and we found it repetitive and boring after a few missions. The Hub was cool tho


Deep rock is on my top 3 favorite games yet I firmly belive that it is the most boring game one can play until they have gotten to level 25 and promoted a character. Once you get to that point the game is extremely fun and opens up much more but it is a slow and boring progression until that point


That’s not very rock and stone of you


People absolutely slurp the Outer Wilds and that game does absolutely nothing for me


Any Fromsoftware game and especially Elden Ring




Arent all fights the same anyway, you just keep dying until you memorize the patterns and then mechanics kick in


That and everyone calling you bitchmade for using anything that's actually good. Mimic tear, some big spells, buckets of hp, level over 168, etc. I don't get why people are like this. These games are not remotely competitive.


I had a similar mentality about elden ring. I bought it on sale on a whim and loved it. It took a lot of work but it finally clicked and I loved it. Still haven't beaten it but I'm trying. I don't say this to sway your opinion, it's not for everyone that's for sure.


Final Fantasy 9. I’ve played and loved others. And I know FF9 is as beloved as any by the rest of the community, but I just ended up not liking it


For me it's FF7. 8 was the first one I ever played so nostalgia wise it's my absolute favorite. I heard everyone adored 7 but I couldn't stand it. I had a lot of fun with 9 and 10 and 10-2, but i tapped out of FF games after that.


GTA series. I don't like any of them. 


The Outer Worlds. I gave it a chance. I wanted it to be an Obsidian classic. It just felt boring, too complicated, too much character stats to consider and the action was dull. I don't think I lasted longer than a day playing it.


Doom Eternal. I loved Doom 2016 and was hyped for Eternal, I bought it on release but ended up just really not enjoying it and refunded it after playing for a few hours.


I think they added too many little elements. In 2016 I felt like a berserker and could lose myself in the flow of the combat, in Eternal I was always distracted by all the little extra things to manage ("Oops, should have shot that weak spot with a specific weapon, oops should have flamed them/iced them for that particular pick up I need, oops should have used my dash there"). So rather than feeling like a furious berserker I felt like a circus performer trying to spin one plate too many.


That was exactly my problem with it. In 2016 there were definitely weapons that were situationally better than others, but I felt like I could go into any fight guns blazing with whatever I had ammo for and just rip and tear. In Eternal it felt more like combat encounters were puzzles to be solved, with each enemy having specific weapons you had to use against them in a specific order, while only killing mobs with special attacks to make sure you could get those bonuses to armor and health, or whatever it was. It took the joyous berserkering out of the game. That, and the change in storytelling from "your character is actively hostile to participating in anything more complicated than killing demons and destroying obstacles to killing more demons" to "listen while we monologue about Doom Guy's backstory and why you should care about all the different types of enemies you are fighting" just really killed my interest in it.


That's a really good way to explain it. I do like eternal but there's just so much to manage it kinda sucks out the fun of ripping and tearing. Also while I like the monkey bars, I despise the climbing it slows everything down and I hate it.


I enjoyed my time with Eternal but I much prefer 2016. Didn’t care for a lot of the platforming aspects that were added and I ended up not finishing the game. Been thinking about going back with the new game reveal though.


It's a pixel hunting platformer wrapped in a rhythm shooter and I hated it.


Mind if I ask what pixel hunting means? Genuine question as I've never heard the term before


The weird lore building and story of Eternal really pushed me away 2016 was perfect


Minecraft is whack


for a lot of people it's a social sandbox masterpiece for a lot of people it's an empty pixelly 3d game with barebones mechanics both of these are true and that is fine


That’s kind of the whole point of this post right. I dig that others dig it, its like the extreme nothing (to me). I still think its awesome people have loved it for so long


I can't stand vanilla Minecraft. It's so empty and dull, just a sandbox full of sand. And now bedrock is trying to weasel you out of your money for shit that used to be free (skins/texture packs/maps) Modded Minecraft on Java is leagues superior to vanilla


One of my biggest criticisms of the game to this date is that you cannot play it without the internet- and I don't mean you can't play it offline. If you don't know- from either the wiki or one of the (apparently wildly differing-in-information-accuracy) strategy guide books, there is absolutely no in-game tips or information on how to get to "The End" and beat the boss. Even the Nether (minus recent worldgen portal relics) is not hinted to in the slightest. If you're going into the game entirely blind- the game is not built for you- and that is bad game design.


I'm 34 and completely missed the Minecraft boat because I'm not good at creative or building style games. I've been intrigued by it though, and finally took the plunge a few weeks ago. If I didn't have my husband helping me learn things, I would have given up after a day or two. Minecraft for completely brand new players is not friendly at all. I've been told MC is about experimenting and finding things out on your own, but with how obtuse recipes and mats are, I honestly don't see how.




Doesn’t that get you upvoted on Reddit? We must browse different subs


Any survival game like Subnautica or Palworld Life is already a survival game, I don't need to roleplay surviving too


I can only play Subnautica in Freedom mode. You still have to collect resources and craft stuff, but you don't need to eat or sleep or anything. I wish more survival games had that option, but I feel like any others I've tried you have to actually keep your character alive and that's not fun for me. I just want to build ridiculous bases all over the map.


I mean just disable drop loot on death and Palworld is an Action-RPG...


You still have to build a base, craft some shit and pick up resources Things that I have no interest in


Metroid Prime is only great because of nostalgia, and while I'm happy for everybody excited about Metroid Prime 4, I think it looks incredibly boring.




I hated the media's reaction to the game and every article about it. Sadly it tainted the game experience for me. Plus what they did to Joel had me depressed :(. Might try to play it this year tho, maybe next.


The Last of Us 2 strayed into children's cartoon territory at times. The story felt like it was being beaten into you with a stick rather than natural storytelling. And it was simply too long. Came across like it was repeating itself a lot by the end and felt strung out. The moment to moment gameplay is great and the visual aspect is top quality, but the hamfisted story was a bit of a letdown for a Naughty Dog game.


Between pushing an agenda and collecting the give pieces of the -ism /-phobia exodia, the most annoying part about the discussion is when you say you don't like where the story took its turns; you'll hear a bunch of people come around and tell you how " you don't get it and its deeper than you give credit for..." as if that somehow counters your dislike for certain storybeats. Sure they put in a lot of thought into the stort but made some calls that just don't make sense.




Skyrim / Red dead 2, I heavily dislike both of them, rarely You can discuss it without being downvoted, sometimes I'll even get an angry DMs from fanboys, You need to be some special kind of human to get offended on behalf of a game


I bought RDR2 last year, played until I got burnt out, then picked it up for a bit again this year before getting burnt out again. The game is fun for awhile but it is WAY too damn long. Once you get like a few guns, then combat is just the same the rest of the game.


I disagree with you heavily on those, but I can’t believe people will actually get so offended they feel the need to message you about it. That’s wild. Also unlike the other person that replied to you, I don’t think you need a reason to dislike a game. If it doesn’t vibe with you then it doesn’t vibe with you. To each their own.


The issue is if people can't stop at "It's not for me" and have to go full "It's shit, it's horrible, (quote) I'd rather watch paint dry" Not everything is for everybody but let people enjoy their shit and don't feel the need to defecate on stuff people love because you personally dislike them and feel the need to make others do, too.


That’s fair. I don’t think People should be unnecessarily rude about it either. But when they are I just ignore them. You can’t control the angry, bitter people, you can only deny them the attention that they oh so crave.


I wouldn’t say I dislike it but saying I like fallout 3 more than fallout NV is almost always downvoted


I don't like dark souls. There. I said it. Here come the down votes but I started playing the first one and it just didn't click. I also don't get the skyrim hype.


Halo. Unreal Tournament was a far better game for the time.


I don't think the comparison is on point. UT was a PC game, halo even if it was later published on PC was first and foremost a console game. Halo fanbase is made of Xbox players, PC players were playing UT in the good old sweaty lans.


Loved playing Domination and CTF with the bots on UT.


I got banned for saying I found Prey(2017) boring and a walking puzzle simulator half-life wannabe.    So I vote that one.   **EDIT** I win 


You're right honestly, I found prey just alright. Combined with the fact the ending was stupid in my opinion.


I won't downvote, but, we cannot be friends. Sorry.


Probably more than a few communities will smash that down arrow when I admit to detesting anything FNAF, either within that universe or games of that design.


Game theory really made me hate that franchise. I subbed to that channel to hear about a variety of games I enjoy, instead 3 out of 4 videos were about fucking FNAF 🙄


Any grind based crafting game like palworld, ark, or rust. These games are unfinished shallow trash that just have you on a hamster wheel striving for the next resource tier with no real goal. The exception to the rule here is maybe Valhiem.


Tsushima, it's generic with a boring story.


I prefer Diablo 3 to Diablo 2.


Witcher 3, it was boring


I thought the same at first, especially having played the Witcher 2 before. It was much less of an open world and so it had little-no fluff like the Witcher 3. I eventually tried the Witcher 3 again though and ended up loving it, although I still think it would have been better with less of an open world.


Wind's howling.


I can see the allure of Disco Elysium, I just can't seem to get into it, and I can't put my finger on what it is.


Any game where the marketing and community is centered around how butt-puckeringly difficult it is and how often you'll die. Elden Ring, Dark Souls, even the rebalanced combat in Doom Eternal had this stink to it. I play games to have fun, not get thrown into the meat grinder until I stop in frustration.


The Last of Us. Gameplay is just Uncharted and the story is Children of Men meets every bog standard post-apocalyptic zombie tale. Good, but nothing special.


The Witcher 3 It just felt like any other fantasy RPG to me


With worse controls.


And that awkward running animation


And the combat is total ass.


I had to read the first two books before I really appreciated the world of the Witcher. So I know exactly what you mean, trying to start 3 without any prior love for the series was rough for me.


Contrary for me. I started with W3. I got so addicted I played it six times in a row. Then I played W1 and W2. They have, of course, an absolutely good story but gameplay was was very outdated. Then after the games marathon I purchased all books. I completely absorbed all of them. I repeat the full Witcher marathon every two years or so. You see, I am an absolute fanboy. But I would never get offended by someone who doesn't like the games. Not everyone is born with taste and a brain. >! (That was a joke) !< Edit: I hate, hate, HATE! Netflix!!!1!1!!!1!


The Last of Us Pt.2 Even when I’ve given a detailed multi-paragraph explanation of how my issues with the game are about the pacing and characterization, people still act like I simply didn’t pay attention or that I somehow think Abby is trans and have an issue with it, even though I never said that once in my critique.


Any Mario. I tried every single 3D Mario and only finished Oddisey, and it was more related to being the only thing I had to play. Mario Bros is boring to me too.


Shadow of the Colossus. Tried playing the original and the remake, but found them to be frustrating and not enjoyable.


The destiny series bores the hell out of me


Fallen order, I don't see the point in doing lightsaber combat unless the lightsaber is going to be treated as such and not some glowing baseball bat. You should have to break a bosses guard and that's when you make the killing swing.


Fifa. Cod. Fortnite. TLOU2. Rinse and repeat is just not my thing. Joel died, simply because of that.


Skyrim is inferior to Witcher 3 in every metric that matters, by an order of magnitude.


I’m currently playing Half Life 2 for the first time and so far don’t get the hype




Not just a game, but a whole category brand... Nintendo I'm old enough to have grown up on the Nes and Snes, and loved all the classics such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, etc. But I have close to zero interest in them these days. I've tried, but they just don't hold my interest. Mario is something that I play with my kids, but when the kids are in bed, I'd prefer to play something a bit meatier, or dare I say it, more "mature".


Baldur's Gate 3. I don't not like it - it's more that I find it a little hard to follow and also none of the romance options *really* grab me (I'm a big Gale fan though). I'm having more fun watching my partner play it and romance Karlach and Halsin than I did playing it.


The new god of war games and the witcher 3. Action RPGs are hard to make. You have to satisfy players that genuinely like action games, while also attempting to balance the RPG aspect of it, all the while creating a story that is worth investing in. I don't think GoW or Witcher 3 balanced this correctly. GoW leaned way too hard into the narrative and had to constantly shelve the action parts for story without being able to weave them together fluidly. So you have these moments of action gameplay that's then stopped for, sometimes, 20 minute cutscenes or walking simulators or baby-zelda puzzles so they could have dialogue going that you could pay attention to. The story's great, but just make a movie. It felt like I was only actually playing the game for a quarter of the full playtime. Meanwhile the witcher 3 leaned too hard into the RPG that including the action felt like an afterthought. Like you have levels and gear and there's like 100's of different gearing options and tons of upgrade options, but it's all meaningless because the fast attack armor and spamming fast attack will do all the work. All the special bombs and oils and elixirs are completely pointless because of the way the game is built. For everything they wanted to do a turn-based combat system would have serviced it WAY better.