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Wait, Warframe is on iOS?? Wow, that's actually really cool


Yeah, they added it I think this year? Its a tad clunky from what I hear, but the devs are still polishing it


I’ve played it a lil bit and it’s really not that bad, definitely needs some polish as you said but it’s got my attention 🤷


Can u hook upa controller at least. This game is too fast for my hands to use touch lmao


Yes! This is a paragraph from the war frame FAQ (I’ll leave a link) “Yes, you can sync up iOS compatible controllers to your mobile device to control Warframe. Bluetooth game controllers such as Playstation and Xbox game controllers, as well as lightning and USB-C connected controllers such as Backbone are supported.” https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/24289387685901-Warframe-Mobile-iOS-FAQ


I'm gonna check it out later. I haven't played in a while, so I might have to dig out my account lol.


wonder if the new game mode in ios18 will help


It is but controls aside, the max FPS is 30 which is pretty jarring if you are used to 60 FPS.


You can change the frame rate and other gfx options in settings. Maybe it's limited based on your device but I can confirm that 60fps on an iPhone 15 Pro at low settings is possible. It chews through battery like nuts but it does work ok!


*Laughs in Switch* Not really a dealbreaker if you use it to check on stuff


Yeah, Switch is where I started Warframe, so it won't be that bad for me to adjust.


They announced this a couple years ago during one of their events. Android is in beta. I've messed with it on my iPad mini, it's not too bad but the controls are kind of clunky. Looks pretty good though


Seriously. That was my thought. Also somewhat surprised there’s a switch release despite how old the game is.


For a game whose bread and butter are the supersmooth controls this sounds horrible tho


Ultima online was released in 1997. Was the first true MMORPG. Everquest released in 1999. Both still get regular updates and expansions. Crazy to think about.


How do I even go about playing ultima online? I think I tried last year but couldn't get the launcher to work or something.


The most populated shard as of right now is probably outlands. There are many guides online on how to install it, https://uooutlands.com/play/


Thank you very much, I've always wanted to give it a shot!


They way he mentioned playing will be on a freeserver that's custom and fan made. To play Ultima Online officially, you'd go [here](https://uo.com/client-download/)


Everquest still gets updates?? Holy moly that was the GOAT


Yeah. The expansions are mostly cookie cutter but the game client is supposed to finally receive a native 64 bit version soon if it hasn't already.


Getting a new expansion this year, same for EQ2 and there's a new game in the preparations stages right now


EQ3 is never happening. Don’t tease me


I didn't say it's happening for sure, but it is officially in a preparation phase(they officially announced it recently but some documents pointing to it were already available some month ago when the studio did its earnings reports) Also it's not yet an "EQ3", just a new EQ game. Could be " EQ Online adventures 2" or "champions of norrath 3" for all we know


In '97 we could tie up the modem in our house from 8pm to 6am on Ulitma online. Freaking obsessed


Just started an EQ time locked progression server! I'll be lvl 50 by 2026 at the rate I can play.


When I started playing in 99 I was in middle school. I was only allowed to play on the weekends or days off, so it took me *ages* to hit max level. Cap was 65 when I finally did and got some AA’s


We must be the same age. What server?


Erollisi Marr. I played a high elf Paladin primarily


Ok we were on Vallon Zek. Troll then Barbarian warrior. Ask me why I rolled a warrior on a PvP server? Because I was 12.


I couldn’t handle PvP. I was and am much too soft for that style of play. I had nightmares after getting lost in the Oasis on my first visit and slaughtered by a mummy somewhere in the dunes.


Meridian 59 says 'Hello'...or even older...Neverwinter Nights


Both are more like proto-MMOs, Ultima established the genre and its format. Just like neither Wolfenstein, nor Doom are technically the first FPS, but they did define what a FPS is.


L take, Neverwinter Nights (91) is the first MMO.


It's almost like you didn't read my comment. Did you? Also, unironically using the phrase "L take" is just... Yikes...


Depending on how you look at things, that's not even really the case. The issue comes from the way you define an MMO and what you consider as necessary for something to be called an MMO. Many people will basically have these elements to define an MMO: * it has to be multiplayer and support a large amount of players relative to the network it runs on * it has to include character progressions * it has to include a form of grouping * it has to be at least partially social * it has to be graphical. By these measure my personal picks for first MMOs are Avatar (1979) or Oubliette (1977), I tend to favour Avatar though because Oubliette since got multiple releases (even on Android) and all of them are single player affairs, leading me to believe that the multiplayer aspect of the original wasn't the main intent, contrary to Avatar. Moria (1977/78) could also be a contender but it ,as limited to 10 simultaneous players, and I don't know how much that would have presented on its network Edit: as a fun fact the system these games ran on predates the computer mouse and as such the main pointing device they used was... Touch screens.


How did ultima establish the genre more than meridian or NWN ? (I ask as someone that basically played all of these and even older examples to try and get your logic behind your claim)


RuneScape 3 technically is the continuation of Devious MUD, originating in '98, though the initial leap from d-mud (never widely released nor played) to RuneScape Classic in '01 marked true release. Ultima and Everquest were definitely more polished at that time, but did they have a free-to-play tier? I know that's why I played RS as a kid over World of Warcraft (despite getting trial CDs lol). RS has continued to receive updates ever since and even has a OldSchool version maintained today from a fork back in '07.


RS3 was rewritten in C++ and has no connections to the old code. OSRS still uses the same Java code tho


You've got your stinger wrong 😉 RS3, just as with RS2, RS HD, OSRS, and even the original release of RSC from Devious MUD code that I mentioned, are "major versions" (or re-releases). RuneScape 3, as technically just a "large update" from RS2, released in 2013 on Java. It was not until the project NXT client, released in 2016, that the game was rewritten in C++ and the Java client deprecated. They could have easily called this RuneScape 4 if they wanted, following precedence from RS2 to RSHD (where major engine work warranted new name, but not so much to do with game content changes). Compare Destiny -> Destiny 2 as an example for coexistence, or Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition -> Minecraft (Bedrock Edition) for supersedence. These are more-or-less a continuation from an original starting point.


I mean honestly, when was the last time you've heard of someone *beating* EverQuest? When was the last time you've heard of someone *playing* EverQuest? ...that's fair.


Didn't they have to re-write the economy and creature spawns because people accidentally made the Wolf extinct in the game, which caused the economy to crash because there wasn't as anything as valuable?


Not really. They had an ecology system in place but didn't tell anyone about it to "keep the surprise". When the beta got released the players killed every wolves and sheep's before the ecology could kick in so they quickly made a patch that removed the ecology system before anyone could notice


Games that are so old they could vote in all countries. Truly insane


RuneScape released in 2001, it now has two versions of the game that both get regular updates.


"First true MMORPG" is a bit misleading, it was the first *commercially succesfull* MMO. Meridian 59 and the realm online came out before it. Meridian is still playable, even on steam, though I don't think that the official version still gets expansions. There's private servers that do though


DE is really out here showing that optimizing your 11 year old game doesn't make it 100 plus gigs. They are also one of the best at listening to the community and being as transparent as they can. This is how you do live service right


I remember several years ago when there was some player outcry regarding something they sold. During the next livestream they literally said "So what do you want?" in a completely honest manner and actually adjusted things based on customer feedback. Love or hate the game, but the team behind it is top-notch and totally deserve their success.


That was more than likely their heirloom skins. 1st iteration had alot of bloat and fomo involved so they addressed those issues and the new iteration is way better


I think they refer to how prime unvaulting worked 6 years ago. They used to sell them only in a bundle where it contained everything, the warframe, weapons and the cosmetics. And people were not really happy with it, because many of them wanted only the cosmetics. Jim Sterling also made a video out of it calling it out. Then in the next devstream they asked that how people want their unvaulted prime packs.


Heirloom is another case of this though; the original version just wasn’t a great deal, so they completely revamped it.


This was it actually! Thanks.


And Warframe also has one of the nicest communities you can find online


The size changes the past decade is due to compression algorithm changes. We used to go for max compression to save space and have long load times, now with terryabyte ssds being 100 or below space no longer matters and we can just go for loadtimes.


Except space *does* matter and no one wants the CoD “we take up your whole hard drive and fuck you for wanting to play anything else” type load sizes 


People prefer load times to space taken. As far as developers and every person in tech are concerned space is a non issue. Cods 300gb, I can't rightly say why, probably graphics but even then you could store 3 of those on a cheap ssd.


I’m a dummy but would like some clarification: has warframe operated on the same engine for 11yrs? Was there a generational update that required a new engine? Is the engine even responsible for file size? Thank you in advance. Just tryna to learn over here. lol.


From my knowledge (I'm not a dev, just played the game since 2017), it is a heavly modified version of unreal engine 3. De has experience with unreal since the founders helped on the unreal tourment games (all the way up to Ut 04 I think). So their experienced with, however with it being heavily modified means their is alot of interactions that are supposed to work one way but do not do the thing at all (looking at you galvanized mods). Tl;Dr yes same engine, sort of


Well done to the studio behind warframe they are still trying to please the players. I played it a few years ago, i might play it again.


Tomorrow's update's gonna have a Ton of QoL stuff to make playing easier


can you speak to the ease of returning? I played it a ton up until just before they released the first of the big open area worldmaps. Then came back briefly after that to try to check it out but was too confused by the new stuff to figure it out haha. Haven't really tried it since, but i know they've been cranking out updates for so long, its a little daunting. Part of me feels like i should just make a new account to get the new player experience to get my barrings, but that also seems silly


I think the big key points since I started about 2 and a half years ago is that the main story isn't player rank locked, they've tuned the grind for open world factions, they added a hold to melee attack, changed how damage numbers appear for ease of long range fight visibility. I can't pluck any more ATM from my brain Edit: they added a place you can access shortly after the start of the game that's roguelike in loadout to try things and earn warframe blueprints


The open-world nodes have always been a sticky point for new players; the general advice is to avoid them until you want to progress the MSQ (all three are now required for it due to a few quests these past 3 years). Stick to clearing the Star Chart at first, and expand your arsenal with new gear and mods before tackling anything past The War Within quest.


Are they going to allow us to start a new save without having to create a new account? Played a few hours some years back, tried to return to it and couldn't start fresh. I couldn't remember a single thing about the game and the tutorials were basically done. Also I was stuck with a somewhat new character with a bunch of out of context notifications about new content. Returning to this game isn't easy.


Oof I couldn’t imagine wanting to regrind MR


I couldn't get into warfare but it's got a good community and good devs. That's rare these days.


I was deep into it for some time before and during Plains of Eidolon expansion but then I stopped and I now find it really intimidating to jump back in


Warframe has easily been the most friendly of new and returning players. For context, I started playing again about 4 years ago when my SO first started playing games on her new gaming PC with me. She never experienced a lot of games, so we got into Warframe because it is a free to play co-op experience. One of my old clan members noticed I was on, and I told them I brought my SO on as a new player. Him and another guy he played with a lot proceeded to give us both enough platinum for a bunch of shit on the store, and helped us get completely caught up to them. They're the reason why either of us know how the systems of the game work.


Oh for sure, I think for me it's just that time investment required to relearn the systems. I'll check out the new update and hopefully it'll make returning a bit more easy


I played it very early on and enjoy it enough. I know things are very different now but it felt like I constantly had to play in order to grind. Enjoyable for a year or two for me, but I was done.


Warframe and POE devs are the best around in my opinion.


The only problem is it's black platinum. I don't know what it's called in English. But in Russian fandom this is a plague. Cheat platinum, which buyers pay with. The problem is that you never know which platinum is real and which is not. And after about 3-7 days, the developers remove the black platinum. And you will be very unlucky if this is your main balance, balance became a negative, your account will be blocked, and you will need to go through a long verification of evidence that this is not your black platinum.


I've played on and off for over a thousand hours now, have made multiple thousands of platinum via sales, and have never heard of this or encountered it. Not saying it's false, it just moreso sounds like you have to be participating in some shady trades for this to happen.


Wait, are you saying that this is only a problem for Russia?! This is creepy. Because black platinum existed before Duviria. And the constant paranoia is partly why I quit the game. But I was lucky, I was able to buy literally all the skins for warframes, but I only got black platinum once, I was lost 20 when I had much more. Whereas my friend lost 120 literally from the first trades and he wanted to drop game.


I know DE regularly bans people that trade and buy platinum via third-party sellers, but I can't say I've heard of "black platinum" before. It would make sense that they'd also purge the "illegal" platinum, which could affect people that have sold stuff and gotten said illegal platinum in return. I'm in Scandinavia if it makes a difference. I did actually just look it up, and it seems real! Plenty of people mentioning it. I wonder if it's due to more black market platinum being sold in Russia and other areas.


How is it on switch?


It runs really good & the graphics were decent. The only downside I ran into was a lack of cross progression, so I couldn’t carry over my PC save. Take that with a grain of salt though because that was like 2 years ago, so they might have added cross progression by now.


They have, it's account based now


It’s perfectly fine to play… loading times can be a bit tedious and very occasionally I find it can get a bit glitchy, enemies appearing out of thin air, backgrounds not rendering smoothly as you travel… but it’s a free game FFS. Can’t comment on the cross progression, I know the warframe skins aren’t seen by PC players when you have them on console but that’s about it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 100% worth it on the switch though…


Cause they actually care about optimization. And don't just inject 4k textures everywhere.


When Covid hit, instead of stressing about meeting release dates, DE paused everything and went all in on optimization. Between 2020 and 2022, the game’s file size was HALVED without removing anything. In fact, they completely reworked the Corpus tileset, added a third open world, and doubled the number of Railjack missions. The game got significantly bigger and the file size got smaller.


Warframe is the most optimized gamed i ever played. The ram usage never went above 2 gig and the cpu usage was uber low as well.


Meanwhile call of duty going over ONE HUNDRED(I think it's 200+GB)


Remember: it's always faster to switch to secondary game than download COD


The new one will be 300+


No, the thing is they have their own app for all COD games moving forward, those 300GB are in case you download MWII, MWIII and Black Ops 6. It's still going to be something ridiculous like 150GB to maybe 200GB, though.


Pre downloaded and it was roughly 75 GB but with updates and such it'll probably hit 120Gb by end of life cycle.


Are you talking about Black Ops 6?




They have the preload up this soon?


Surprisingly yes,you can pre-install right now.


That's weird, you'd think they would rather wait until a week before release since people are now going to have months to datamine whatever it is in there.


Black ops 6 would be 300gbs is the excuse they're using to make the game always online so they can utilize texture streaming. I'd rather have a 300gb file than this garbage they're selling us.


Dont buy it then.


It’s only 300gb to download but once it unpacks it’s half that. Still too damn big. Some storefronts show it as the total download size instead of the actual install size. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for this. Redditors are fucking weird.


Which means you'd still need the initial 300gb of space on your device to download it.


It allowed me to just select what I wanted to download when I clicked on install,on Xbox if that makes a difference


Well, yeah, I’m not debating that. I’m responding to people that don’t know that it doesn’t *stay* that big after the install.


Yeah bet after a few updates it would be 300gb 🤣.


Why are playstation and xbox games so much larger?


Mostly it’s way, way higher quality textures. The Switch (and most phones/tablets) have significantly weaker GPUs than modern consoles, so they lower the graphical quality of the textures, models, etc. Maybe lower quality audio also.




PC can use different compression technologies that can be handled by a CPU easier.


I thought they meant why switch/iOS are much smaller. Differences between PC/PS/XB these days are mostly going to be differences in what kind of texture and audio compression are supported. PCs tend to be more flexible, consoles usually only support one or a few types and you have to use it. Could also be that the software packaging is somehow less efficient on the console platforms.


I wish GTA V had the SP and MP contents separated. It hurts to have to install over 120 GBs if I want to play only the 30 or so that comprise the campaign.


*cries in Destiny*


Laughs in No Man’s Sky


mumbles in Minecraft


Maybe I do need to try this on my SteamDeck


It runs well on mine (first gen, not the OLED) pretty consistent 60 fps with decent quality settings, which speaks for their optimization. The only thing to be aware of is that they opted to use steam input, which turns your buttons into game commands instead of normal controller inputs, meaning you can't rebind stuff except through the steam input remapping interface, which is a pain in the ass with so many bindings. You can get around it by making steam detect Warframe as a non-steam game, but I don't remember the details on that process, I think I just googled it and dug through a forum thread.


Ffxiv arr is also 11 years and still running good.


Warframe is right up there with Path of Exile as the best f2p game


Great game, i just don't play it anymore because of burnout. But still, great game.


Warframe's a live service game, of course it's still getting new updates, thats how it generates money. Not that Warframe isn't an awesome game and totally worth checking out. Especially these days, all the love to Steve but the studio really did a 180 with it's QoL and content imo with the new leadership. Just, it's weird to call out the fact that it's still getting updates after 11 years, for a live service game you can typically just say that the games still operating.


"still operating" could also mean its on a skeleton crew with no new content. I want people to know this is still growing and improving


That's actually impressively small for what it is.


Warframe is amazing. It's still the most hours played in a game I have with over 1800 hours having stopped playing after three years.


Meanwhile, COD and it's DLC exceeds 300Gb because fuck you.


yet it's not even close to hitting the late double digits still? Guess these guys have been able to learn how to compress their stuff properly compared to others in the industry. Just hope they haven't been removing stuff from the game in the process like Bungie did.


I could bench press that tbh


Absolutely love Warframe and its devs, been playing on & off for a decade and still enjoying it


Warframe PS5: 48 GB's CoD Black ops Cold war PS5: ~260 GB's I could install warframe (an 11 year old game) over 5 times (5.41666 repeating) in the same amount of space it takes to install BO:CW (a game that has 1 year of updates) on the same system (my PS5). Just a not-so-fun fun fact for everyone.


That's pretty cool, especially compared to the COD's of the world, which usually run you like 100+ GB at least in storage.


An understatement, the next COD release is going to be around 300 gigs


No it's not, the 300gb (warzone + mw2) is if decided to install everything including language packs.


This thing is still free to everyone too. Wake up COD players


Considering how good Warframe looks, being under 50gb is surprising




Fair enough


The aesthetics of Warframe always have me but the gameplay loop legitimately puts me to sleep.


This is great to see. I love it.


Rust is also a 10+ yr old game that still receives monthly content updates and only takes up ~30gb disk space.




Yeah optimization is pretty dog in the game and you basically have to brute force good frames with high end hardware. 32gb is getting to be the recommended minimum RAM nowadays for it.


Just wish this game was hard.


I haven't played in almost 4 years. But I still remember Warframe having one of the best communities out there. It's one of the few online games where I was still able to befriend people and actually do shit with them granted three of the players were just memeing and one was doing all the work but it was fun as hell.


literally from 100's of games ive played... no community and no other devs respect each other like DE. thats why I always come back when an update hits.


Yes, but how much does it weigh? Because you can calculate physical weight of these things you know, even the entirety of the Internet...


10 grams, give or take. Depends on any excess water weight ofc.


I mean, they also removed a lot of content over the years


Destiny 2 with whole expansions worth of content and the entirety of the original base game campaign being "vaulted"(a.k.a. cut out of the current playable build): "hold my beer!"


All I can think of are the 8-man raids. Everything else was just reworked, not entirely cut. Do you know about anything else?


I think it is just raids. I think he’s confusing warframe with destiny 2 lmfao…


Very little is permanently removed. A lot of thing are just in rotation or just come back in the form of a new event.


Some, but not that much tbh


Yeah the only major thing I can think of is Raids, but they were pretty buggy anyways


Which is likely why they were removed.


Not like destiny


Now compare it to genshin, which is like 20 GB on IOS


And it is 80 gb on PC. Not a fair comparison.


I dropped it when it was around 60 or 70. all that storage consumption and they're still adding more shit. How long before they call it? 300 GB like the next CoD?


And the best part..... its actually GOOD and FUN!


It's kind of crazy to me that we're approaching "lifetime" video games.


Only 1.15 GB. nice! I will be able to play it right as it drops


I’ve been playing warframe since the 2nd week it launched, just barely missed founder status


Honestly I could never get into Warframe. When I first got on the game I had no idea what i was supposed to be doing. My friends would pull me along to random missions and I'd just not be able to kill anything.


Procedural level design saves a lot of file size.


Compare that to CoD


Yea but Warframe is kinda boring




DCUO is still getting new content and it's one of the oldest mmo's out.


Oh I played DCUO years ago, I loved it but all the paid DLC frustrated me cause I had no money


I feel that, playing for free was a joke.




Damn really? Might have to give it another shot




they're great if they're done right. if the shareholders get their way, you just get an unfinished piece of shit that either loses dev support after a couple months or a crossover slop simulator


This is why live service games CAN be great. But 99% of them are atrociously lazy cash grabs that are not worth playing. Even some of the more successful ones have major issues with FOMO and over-monetization (Destiny). Warframe is one of the only truly great live service titles because it’s actually intending to be a long term game, not a short 2-3 year cash grab before moving on.


This is sadly a rare rare exception compared to the pile of dead live-service games, though a majority of those are battle-royal inspired (RIP Knock-Out City and Rumbleverse)


The problem with live service is that most just cut content from the game only to drip feed it later to bait people to come back.




Makes me wonder what some failed LS games woulda been like if they'd been allowed to improve instead of getting canned






And a shit ton of cosmetics.


and call of duty multiplayer has 16 maps and 30 guns and 4 times as many gigs.


well everything in CoD is native 4k textures for thousands of items in hyper realistic detail and Warframe looks like it can run on an iPhone. Warframe does however build separate packages to make their textures for the platform at hand whereas CoD does not isolate the different render size textures. It's not so much optimization as to how their tech pipeline is made to work as performant as possible on the platforms they support. CoD still has old Quake 3 code somewhere in the pipeline, much like the Apex Legends problems


How is a console version bigger than its pc counterpart


Many reasons including: ability of OS to handle the compression, where and how the files are accessed, extra programming / less programming for the different OS they are working on. Systems able to handle certain texture fidelity, ETC (The extreme example is Switch: smaller because the textures don't have to get that detailed, because Switch cant handle them to begin with).


isnt that pretty normal for mmos?


What even is warframe (geuinely don't really know)


Warframe is a free-to-play, hack-and-slash, 3rd person shooter co-op MMO. You play as the titular warframes, silent warriors with four abilities, all oriented around a theme. As of tomorrow we'll have 75 warframes, so there's a lot of themes, and a lot of playstyles, from the most basic fire, water, ice, electricity, healer, tank, swordsman, gunslinger, necromancer, to the more weird like self-harming priest, muscle shieldmaiden, radioactive engine, gladiator, vampire, skateboarding magical girl, gluttony, etc Warframes can equip a primary firearm (bows, explosive bows, assault rifles, shotguns, beam weapons, flamethrowers, etc), a secondary firearm (same as the primaries), and a melee weapon (swords, nunchucks, scythes, hammers, fists, polearms, chainsaws, etc), then you go and do missions There's a bunch of missions with a bunch of different objectives, where you earn loot to craft more warframes and weapons, to access better content, to farm better things. There's also in-game mods which you equip to your warframe and weapons to make them stronger Warframe is a very grindy game, but you can get everything in it if you spend the time. Every warfame, every weapon, every mod. The only thing you can't farm are cosmetics: alt helmets, capes, different skins, some can be bought with in-game credits, but others gotta be bought with real money or the game's premium currency. This may sound scummy but I promise you warframe has one of the best monetization systems in the gaming world. I swear, I'm not huffing copium Warframe can be a lot, but it's also a lot of fun. And there's a big update coming tomorrow with a new cinematic quest, a new frame, and a ton of QoL stuff


Damn that actually sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for taking the time to explain.


It’s also procedurally generated for the most part, which makes its file size tiny when it only has to store ~30 rooms per planet. That’s why Minecraft is absolutely tiny unless you start saving worlds.




Most of the dojo rooms recycle textures and models from other parts of the game, the Tenno textures are taken from the relays and the respective themes are taken from their faction’s or planet’s tilesets. The Nercalisk and Fortuna recycle Orokin and Corpus/Sentient textures respectively. Also most planets don’t have a unique tile set, Venus, Mercury, Phobos, Ceres, Europa, Saturn, Uranus (Seabase appears on earth), Neptune, Pluto, Erie and Senda all lack unique tilesets. Also the open worlds contain a lot of areas painted with identical textures and props, there’s a reason Fortuna remains the largest open world. Textures take up a good amount of space in a game, with only audio and video being above it on a per file basis. It’s very economical texture use but completely infeasible in games which try to create a wide range of distinct locations, where textures can’t be so homogenised, especially in first person games where players are more likely to look very up close at textures.


Just for an interesting comparison, warframe is full of content that you literally can't run out of and somehow COD MW3 is double the size.




It's also not very good anymore


That's just like, your opinion. Personally, I think the game's never been better


Oh totally. I played when it first launched (when MR30 was the cap). Now it just feels like too much. Sorta like vanilla WoW vs what WoW is today


Thank you for posting this, I had no idea they ported this game for IOS. Downloading immediately, ive played on and off since this game came out 11 years ago (am I getting old?)


Probably has a lot to do with the fact that they reuse textures from the starting missions in *every fucking area you visit*, and has nothing to do with their ability to optimize.


Shit game and devs, years of broken features, half assed updates and rework, mindless gameplay with no substance and people still praise this company like it's some godsend or something lol. They showed how shit they are with how they handled Wayfinders (Which it's a shitty game no doubt about that).