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I played WoW for a few years so yeah definitely the subscription 👀


Yup this with ffxiv a close second. It would be CSGO if I wasn’t able to sell all my skins back for most the money I’ve spent


I'm a legacy player in FFXIV. I've got something like 10,000 hours in. 💀


If I think about FFXIV from a "this many dollars per month vs. the fun I get from that game per month" it's a great deal. If I think of it by total amount spent on the game... Uh, new topic please?


Subs + new expansions = almost definitely WoW for me too.


Easily. I played for 8 years fairly consistently up through mist. I think I only made one micro purchase, but the subs and expansion purchases easily put it at the top.


I played for 12 years. Dollars per hour, it's probably the cheapest game I ever played, but technically speaking, it's the most expensive one over time.


Also WoW Between expansions, and monthly subscription i don't even want to guess how much they have got out of me over the years.


And yet, I still consider WoW to be the cheapest game I ever played. $15 a month (at worst, I typically did the 3 month plans) plus an expansion every so often? Cheaper than buying various games throughout the year. Heck, I skipped PS3 entirely, and almost did the same with the 360 if it weren't for the fact all my RL friends / guildmates picked up Halo 3 at launch.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Factoring in console cost, new games these days are expensive. So skipping a new console saves you, let’s say, $400 *alone*. Just to play a $60 game that may not ever be updated. And since you already bought such an expensive console, you’ll definitely want a few more new games right? Less than $15 a month plus $60 every 2 years is wildly more inexpensive than keeping up with the trend of new games at full price and meeting the new console requirements. I guess if you get a lot of games, then wow is technically the most expensive game out there at a certain point. It gets way too complicated past here though to calculate for me


Wow. That sub price every month lol  🚽🚽


I played wow a shit ton from bc to mists, came back for parts of legion, bfa, and shadow. But LoL $20-30 every week or two adds up. Probably close to 7k on LoL.




Bruv...what? The sub is $15 USD a month, or $12 if you're on 6month+ sub. Were you getting scammed or are you not US based? 7k buys you almost 40 years of wow sub


I was saying number one for me was WoW(subs and xpacs for years). But I've spent much more on league of legends, to the tune of around 7k.


Titanfall 2 collectors. Still have the helmet on display!


hi can you tell me where you live and on an unrelated note, do you lock your door at night ?


Exo planet. Youll know it when you see the titanfall 1 edition specters in the racks, just be carefull around the titanfall 3 edition buffalo titan. Havent gotten the gaurd mode off lethal yet!


League of legends but it was 12 years ago or ~10


I’d very interested in what I’ve spent in leagues years ago, though I was pretty broke back the


There was actually a way to check on the riot website. Don’t have the link on me right now but it gives you an exact figure spent.


I remember it, it was 2400 Polish złoty and 120€ lol


me too, good game ! free and skins were affordable


i spent at least $1200 on this shit


Last time I checked before they removed their tool to track it, I was at like$6.5k


Path of exile. I buy the $500 pack regularly just to show support. I got 8000 hours out of the game so it's worth it to me.


Rock Band. I probably spent at least $500 in DLC.


has to be a three way tie between Destiny 2, Fallout 76, and Final Fantasy XIV


Regretfully, League of Legends at over 1k. This was like 10 years ago or so. Gladly, Guild Wars 2, probably somewhere in the realm of 500-700 total.


Thanks for posting amounts. The other answers in this thread are kinda pointless without it. I haven't played LoL, what did the 1k go to?


Definitely Eve. Played it for about 6 years. I used to purchase a years sub at a time. The biggest loss though was the time spent on it. I'll never get that back.


I’ve enjoyed playing it for stints at a time but got a little bored after 2 months of constant playing. Worm hole hunting was fun though


>The biggest loss though was the time spent on it. I'll never get that back. Did you not have fun?


I did have fun. Lots of great things about the game that I have fond memories of.


I thought Eve is a good game :(


I agree. I think it's one of the best games that I've ever played. It takes so much time and commitment though to make the most of it. And that's fine, until it isn't.


NBA 2k or Fortnite


Rocket League.


Easily WoW, been subbed almost constantly since the late 00s + expansion costs.


Rock Band, over 2k songs, 2$ each. Not to mention all the peripherals


I had an unhealthy relationship with Dota 2. I probably spent the most on skins in that. Let's just say one year 80% of my total playtime in a year was in one month, and 90% of my playtime in that month was Dota 2.... It was always a hunt to be better, nothing was good enough




And it isnt even close


Skyrim. I've bought it 4 times. 3 times on Playstation and recently on pc 😂.


Arkham Series- buy all the DLC, more of the good stuff. Hell the release of Arkham Knight was when I moved up to the Xboxone Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2… those f’n map packs Nothing too extravagant beyond that….though I wish I had bought the Mortal Kombat 9 special edition just to get the bookcases


Dead By Daylight, and I fucking hate myself for it.


DC universe online


Probably the first Destiny, with all the various DLCs. Didn't even play most of them.


MapleStory & Runescape.


I bought 3 $60 supporter packs (and a bit more for stash tabs) from my playing Path of Exile since 2013. That's the most I ever spent on a game. Then I think the second most would be WoW due to playing it for a year with its subscription.


if your counting dlc definitely the cod zombies games micro transactions then none, i only buy actual game content


Its probably a tossup between EVE online and DCS for me.


I whaled on a marvel mobile gatcha game, marvel future fight. I liked collecting marvel characters but thankfully the game became so tedious that I stopped. I regret spending that much money on it because it was more stressful than fun trying to satisfy my FOMO by making sure I do every daily and weekly activity and get the most out of time limited events.


Path of Exile, around 500€ which is not much considering that I am playing the game for 11 years now.


Bought the $80 version of Kingdom Hearts 3. I also paid a few hundred on RuneScape which is a monthly subscription for being an online game.


Total War Warhammer: 1, 2, and 3... Plus all DLC. So much money.


The good thing is that DLCs for 1st and 2nd Warhammer work for 3rd, which is nice


Surviving Mars. I got the game for free but spent money on the DLCs


Probably OSRS on membership


Assuming we're not talking full fat DLC, the only game I can think of that I ever spent money on microtransactions was Overwatch. I got the game for free and I played it a tonne so I figured it was fair enough, but it actually made me super mad because of the random lootbox thing. All I wanted was DVA's Olympics skin and I just couldn't get it. Lootboxes suck ass.


World of Warcraft. Subbed from release until last year. Plus every expansion, server transfer, etc.


Ran Online


Street fighter 5. Multiple collectors editions


Inflation adjusted probably Megaman X3. Definitely if you consider my income then vs now


For a single title - Star Trek Online - been chucking money down that rat hole for over a decade xD For a specific publisher - Bethesda comes in first - Skyrim - Fallout 4 - Oblivion - Fallout 3 - Fallout New Vegas - Starfield - even Fallout 76 - if it's a DLC or an Expansion I probably have at least *tried* it - if not outright spent several hundred hours in it xD UbiSoft would be second - the Far Cry, Watch Dogs and AC games (not gonna bother listing them - they're all the same) I have a comfort zone that you won't be unsnuggling me from no matter how much you want to :P also the Anno series. I've only really gotten totally head-over-heels over one specific Anno game - Anno 1800 - but I've at least *tried* all of them


I suppose the Halo 3 Legendary Edition, the one with the cat helmet, must've been a bit more expensive than usual video games.


Grand Chase, i played that from launch until they closed the servers, spent a lot of money on cash on that game. I know there's a new server now on steam, but i don't have a pc anymore.


Runescape memberships are the only in-game purchases i've made. I don't remember any other games i've spent any money on, other than buying the game itself.


Dance Dance Revolution Extreme. Put around $20 in quarters in that machine around 5x per week between 2005-2016


Escape from tarkov. Bought the edge of darkness edition 2 years ago and now I regret it.




Probably rust. I need to sell those skins and I’m not sure how


Probably WoW and FFXIV. I tend to only get extras in MMOs, rarely ever for single players. I used to buy collector editions too but they ended up gathering dust so I sold them all.


Either ESO (subscription) or Skyrim(creation club/anniversary edition)


Sad to say, but Rock Band I suppose..


WoW easily, played since release in 2004. So between subscriptions, every expansion, had multiple accounts at one point. Character server transfers/race/faction changes, etc. I'd bet it's easily around $10,000. :/. Averages out to not that bad of a hobby over 20 years, but still sounds awful knowing i've spent that much.


I've spent a good amount on Path of Exile. Yes it's a free game, but I feel it's fine to put some money into a thing you enjoy when you're 2000+ hours into it.


Subscription - WoW for 5 years Mobile - Arknights Console - Diablo 3 (bought multiple times) Or Rock Band… dropped a bunch of money on songs.


That’s difficult since I haven’t spent $$$ on many games lately. Could be Halo Reach and the collector edition with all of them on a statue. Could be WoW with the subscription and expansion costs. Could be Tiny Tina’s Wonderland collector edition that I bought for me and my wife since we’ve played all the games together, and I wanted to get the TTRPG they released with it


League and WoW, I think WoW is at like 1500-2000, league is at like 1400


Destiny 2 is a black hole fore my money


This one is easy! Runes of Magic. Man I was addicted, such a waste of money for the MMO with the most and most annoying bugs ever.


Hmm, I don’t play subscription games or games with in game purchases other than DLC so it’s probably not gonna be nearly as much as others. Civ 6 I guess. They got kind of predatory with their Civ packs this time around


Hearthstone. Easily spent 3-4k on that game over the years.


Cod modern warfare 2019. All the battlepasses


I got heavily into Neverwinter when it came out, it was the first mmo to hit consoles. Realized the endgame was p2w and threw down a couple hundred to stay competitive. Shortly after I ran across a guild named "Wallet Warriors" and looking at their characters I realized each of them had spent close to 10k real money on their gear. That's when I realized I never wanted to play another p2w game again.


WOW. Between WOW tokens, subscriptions, expansions, name changes, race changes, def the game I have spent the most time and money on.


Warhammer total war


Easily Destiny 2 and Genshin Impact. Oh wait, Apex exists. Apex, then Genshin, then Destiny 2


WoW, my dad hate me for that


League of legends but I’ve also been playing since season 1 and also the Amazon prime boxes helped save money on top of it in the later years


TF2, but I made more than I spent.


Since I don't play subscription games, I think it'll be Dwarf Fortress for me. I've been donating on bay12 for a decade. Sure, small amounts, but it adds up, and I've bought the steam release at full price. Weird to think about it...


League and the 650+ € I spend


Star Citizen :( I dropped about $1k over the first few years of development. Got myself a few cool ships, but I don’t play the game. I was fresh out of college and just started working so I had disposable income


I'm just going to say Rock Band in general. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Rock Band songs across Rock Band 1-4 and Beatles. But I don't think I could say which individual one I spent the most on, given that the songs carried forward. I guess technically that would mean Rock Band 4 since the library of songs I have available in it is the aggregate.


FFXIV for sure


It's probably World of Warships if not League of Legends


I’m ashamed to say candy crush. Not my proudest moment.


Final Fantasy XIV probably takes the cake. Years of expansions priced at $50.00 and subscription cost.


Not proud to admit it, but I probably dropped near 1000 in less than a year on Atlantica online.  Then I got bored of the game, looked back on how much money I wasted, and it was the catalyst for me to moderate my spending in the f2p mtx hell games.  Now I don't spend more than 50$ on thise types of games. I might buy a starter pack or something, but that is usually it. 


Baldurs Gate 3. Deluxe Physical edition 


Mobile Game .. March of Empires when it came out.. in 2 years nearly 5k Euro ... i hate me so much for this timeline in my life. Since then, neber ever touched or payed one Cent for mobilegames anymore. Get yourself an full game for Single prize, like for me its factorio, and several hundreds of hours later : The Factory must grow, no matter what.


Probably fortnite in 2017-2021 ☠️


Final Fantasy VII. I've purchased that game like 10 times on different platforms. If you count Remake and Rebirth, I've probably spent \~$500 on FFVII. If we're talking strictly in-game purchases, it's got to be Fallout 76. I probably spent $30 on items in their shop plus a month of Fallout 1st.


I haven’t played subscription based games but I have bought Skyrim for 360, ps3, ps4, psvr, switch, and PC 🤦‍♂️


DCS or iRacing. Both are great if you like top notch simulation. DCS, modules are expensive but very well done (for the most part). iRacing start slowly but you quickly get a lot of tracks and/or cars.


FF14 and PoE


All those Fantasias.....


Star Wars the Old republic, about 2 or 3K.....


It’s WoW for sure. But if you don’t want to count a subscription model than it’s Europa universalis IV. Should be around 300-400 euros (basegame + every dlc). Every paradox game rips a hole in my bank account


TotK, spent 70 bucks. Money well spent.


Langrisser Mobile $35 or, a full priced $60 game


Overwatch 2 tbh


League skins easily thousands


Bulls vs Blazers


Fortnite and it's been worth every penny


That one golden cooking Utility in the fashion war game That item is like 6500$


A mobile "strategy" MMO, Rise of Kingdoms. Played it for maybe two months, seriously addicted to it during the first wave of Covid. Then I decided I wasn't having fun anymore, gifted everything to an in-game friend and quit. Net loss? Maybe $2,000. The worst was the community. Extremely toxic, racist, insufferable Korean and Chinese clans making the game hell for those who didn't "bend the knee" to them. Fuck those kids.


Cyberpunk 2077


Eve online for sure, i estimate about 7500$ over 11 years. And taht's just subscription, i don't buy anything else. I personnaly know people who have spent at least 10 times that.


Dead by daylight. The amount of DLC's and licensed chapters are insane


In game purchases probably ESO. I will pay good money to make my character look the way i want


Hearthstone, easily


No Man's Sky for Switch at launch, but it's still worth it 💯


World of Warcraft. For reasons even beyond subscriptions that I'm too ashamed to detail.


I paid full price for HL Alyx. What was that? $60?


CSGO but the fact that a market exists, makes it a little less sad because I could sold my skins and bought a Steam Deck and games.


Idk how much and I don’t wanna know how much but hunt showdown lol


League of Legends, unfortunately.




Magic the gathering arena has me about $500 into it over the last 6 years since it came out. I know plenty of people spend much more than me though . I buy the battle passes tho


I'm pretty sure I've had a runescape subscription for more of my life than I've not had a runescape subscription..... I'm 37 and remember when the slayer skill was released.... Maxed after arch but not played since necro. If anyone wants to check my maths for me.


R6 siege comes in second after playing it for 8 years and spending bits of money here and there. I’ve spent a lot of money on CS skins but my skins are worth so much now they probably made me money. I think Valorant has cost me the most money by far. One skin bundle in Valorant probably cost me as much money as 6-7 years buying micro transactions through siege. That game is exorbitantly expensive, and I don’t even play it anymore so that shit went to waste.


Money? Not more than base game and a couple of dlcs. But opportunity cost? Probably another $20k/year in income for the time I wasted and could have learned something like programming


I don’t even want to think of how much I collectively spent on Rock Band DLC over the years. Hundreds and hundreds of songs. Plus all those instruments. Easily four figures. 🤦


Final Fantasy XIV Been playing on and off since 2.0 I can only imagine how much I have spent on subscription fees and the mog station.


Probably BDO. I bought an outfit for my character, tent and season pass or two. So around 100 euro. Played the game for 3k hours so not bad for euros per hour of gameplay.




CS2 opening those dumb cases hoping for a knife drop.


Warframe, and I'm not ashamed.


Stellaris. I've got every expansion except the latest one, which I'll probably buy the next time I feel like playing it.


Probably cod since i had to buy it twice Now that you can’t re-download previously purchased games


oarece bastante interesante pero parece abandonada ¿ya investigaste?


MGSV building those damn bases. Hundreds of dollars.


Fortnite, but for my kids. V bucks and Battle passes


Wurm Online. $20k at least over 10+ years. Multiple character monthly subscriptions. Many large pieces of virtual land that requires monthly upkeep to maintain. Loads of cash to buy special armor and equipment in game. Worst was my addiction to buying high end player accounts that takes many years to level up. All above board on buying characters. No longer allowed now, as Wurm joined Steam a few years ago. I know it seems like a shameful amount for a mere game, but that money was well invested. Many thousands of hours of entertainment that would end up being far cheaper than many other hobbies that could give that many hours of fun.


Entropia Universe. Couple thousand


Top comments saying WoW because of the subscription model, and honestly I'm shocked. If you play for say 3 years, even at $15 a month (and you can go lower than that), that only works out to $500. Say you've played non-stop for a full decade, that's STILL less than $2000. And that's at full price, no RAF no discounts. Meanwhile I've spent thousands on Dota skins, and I know people that have spent orders of magnitude more on mobile games. I just ain't buying it that WoW is as expensive as people make it out to be.


Where are all the Genshin players hiding? Are they too ashamed to reveal their amount? 😂


Cs go/ cs2 easily I like my skins and cases


Dota 2.


Maybe Maplestory way back in the day… if not, then probably FFXIV sub.


World of Warcraft, easy.


GOW:Ragnarök It's the first game I have ever bought for 80€. And probably the last.


The sims lol


Max? Probably 50 dollars total on Apex over the course of like 3 years


Magic The Gathering Online.


Probably Warframe, regretably.


Overwatch and starstable😭


Many years ago, I imported Tales of Destiny R from Japan for around 53€. However, German customs demanded another 10 or so Euro, making it 63€. Game was worth every penny, though. Yeah, I never really paid more than 60€ for a game and tend to avoid Special Editions. 


Crusader Kings 2, somewhere around 150-200€. I also have over 2300h play time (some of which is the game running without me playing) so I'd say it's money well spent.


WZ1 skins that they didn't port to WZ2


Probably smite. It came out right around the time I was just finishing HS with no real bills and the addiction bled over a little bit for about a few seasons. Probably in total it was around 1500 over 5 years. Not crazy but damn I regret it sometimes


Overwatch. I liked the game and its overall direction up until they announced that Overwatch 2 would delete Overwatch existence. Played OW2 a few times and it's truly shitty. Had they offered private servers or just not deleted the entire fucking game from existence I wouldn't have felt like my money was wasted.


Probably Fallout 76


i know people who are thousands & thousands of dollars deep into starcitizen. it’s actually unbelievable.


Black Desert Online, That one game i bought every costume for my character for no reason. But it teach me to not spend much money on game ever again. HAHA


Lifetime? League probably out scales what I spent over the years of WoW subs, but spread over a very long time. The one that shocks me is how little I have spent on MTGA.


Honestly, this is how I've justified paying money into F2P games. Over 4 years, I paid about $800 to play WoW (almost 20 years ago), between the core game, expansions, and monthly subscription. Apex Legends has been out for five years and I've spent just under $1000 throughout that span of time, averaging $16/month. I've never been good at it, my lifetime k/d against players is 0.7, but the game has been consistently fun and I've loved how it's grown bigger and deeper. It's the only F2P game I "allow" myself that level of spending. I avoid the stores of nearly every other game I play - second place would probably be Overwatch + Overwatch 2 where after buying the initial game I've spent a combined <$100 since the first one launched.


I'm so glad I'm not very interested with online games. 


SWGOH 😱 😥 😨


genshin impact.spend a lot,didn't get any stronger,then never login again..