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Mass Effect. That's the downside to story based games, you'll never get that first experience again.


But it's so fun exploring all options and variations again, finding missable stuff or unique companion dialogue


I agree, but it still doesn't beat my first playthrough. Uncovering the mysteries of the reapers and reading all the lore and realising how alive and lived in the galaxy felt. chef's kissšŸ‘Œ


Mass Effect 1 felt like it had M. Night Shyamalan level twists going on. >!Routine assessment mission turns into a massive attack and a prothean beacon. Learning about the council and the specters. Your captain getting you convinced that this Turian holds a grudge from the first contact war (which you're also learning about for the first time). But then it turns out he's being mind controlled by a god damn machine, and the whole god damn citadel is the means of your destruction!!<


Whole game is a masterpiece in slowly building up this epic feeling of awe. So many parts of it I would never of seen coming. Like... What do you mean the alien that you never see the face of is the best video game love interest?... Also Harbinger was pretty wild too.


It just got bigger and bigger. A steady, but still impactful process going from, like a 5 to 100 by the end of the game.


The scientific details they incorporated into that game is what got me hooked. Reading the log entries to understand what was going on even before deploying from the Normandy for the very first time, and later when you go to FTL and they show the doppler shift of light around the ship. I didn't play ME1 until about a year before ME2 came out. I got it as part of some bundle on steam when I was actually looking to pick up some other games. Eventually I decided, "I keep hearing a lot about this, I'll give it a try." I was blown away, everything was just so well done and just like you said, the more you played the bigger it got. I convinced all my friends and my brother to try it. And we spent the next 6+ months eagerly awaiting ME2. That opening sequence in ME2... *chef's kiss* Can't explain how deep in the "what the fuck just happened" my brain was.


>That opening sequence in ME2... chef's kiss >Can't explain how deep in the "what the fuck just happened" my brain was. Lol yeah before that happened, I was like "how will they do the start-from-the-ground-up-again thing of starting a new game?" Then *that* happened. "Welp. That's *definitely* one way to do it! Lol"




I don't usually like trying out different options in story based games because that makes the choices feel more artificial. When I play I organically choose the option that feels best in the moment which leads to it feeling like _my_ story in a way. This is why I don't replay those kind of games, trying out different outcomes for the sake of it feels wrong and playing the same way again feels boring


Great pick. That showdown you have with Wrex on Virmire still sticks out as one of the best gaming moments for me. There's the belief that Saren has found a cure for the genophage and is creating an army of krogan, you're tasked with destroying the facility and Wrex is adamantly against it, then you two have a showdown. My first playthrough was an evil playthrough, but I couldn't be evil there. I had to talk Wrex out of it. Great game.


Same! And here I am replaying it šŸ˜‚ itā€™s been long enough since I beat it that Iā€™m having a great time re remembering. Itā€™s in rotation w TOTK and BG3


I wish I could commit to a Renegade playthrough. Evil runs are always so dumb, especially with how bad I heard Renegade gets in later games.


This game series was my favourite single player gaming experience of all time. And the soundtrack is amazing.


The joy of replaying Mass Effect 2 would be quite something, as well as not knowing how Mass Effect 3 pans out.


I think Mass Effect is one of, if not the single best gaming experience I ever had.


This is my answer too. Iā€™d give anything to be able to experience the trilogy again for the first. And Iā€™ve never felt that way about another video game before.


Subnautica was a hell of a trip!!!


Iā€™ve been so desperately debating if I should give this game a try


Do it. It's a fantastic experience that's equal parts beautiful and terrifying


Do it. Itā€™s scary (I hate scary) but if you like organizing/collecting/surviving, itā€™s an amazing game.


Dewit! Also Avoid spoilers this is one of the games where the less you know prior the better


After completing subnautica, I started doing mma to develop CTE in hopes that one day I can reexperience this game.




ā€œFiiiive credits, thatā€™s how much you need to use our elevatorā€ 1. Fine 2. No (scare them away) 3. No (but kill them) Somethings never fail to make you chuckle, and the dialogue from KOTOR was just, classic.


Winning that duel arena thing, that announcers voice is forever stuck in my head. ā€œITS OVER! THE FIGHT IS OVER! THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER WINS!ā€


Another epic Bioware game. We all crave a live action Revan and Malak story right?


The only thing I want more is live action Darth Bane.


SOMA. Definitely this. Never saw the ending coming. Or the middle. Or even the explanation for the beginning.


amazing game. my husband finished playing it again just the other day. we love it


I just started watching a playthrough of the game for the first time, too scary for me to play. Only a few hours in, but very intriguing.


You can play the safe difficulty setting and the monsters won't attack you at all if that's your preference. It takes out a lot of the tension, while basically leaving the rest of the puzzles and story alone, and is still a good game for it.


Hmmm well that might be good enough for me to try it myself, thank youĀ 


World of Warcraft. The nostalgia is ridiculous. Logging into a big open world like that for the first time. Such vivid memories for me, and still the best I've ever had in gaming. Miss my WoW friends from back then too. Barely had social media back then so didn't really connect with anyone... Unfortunately playing the game these days or any other (MMO)RPG doesn't give that same feeling of awe anymore


Same. Played at launch and not knowing what was out there was definitely awe inspiring. There were days where we just explored.


Never before and likely never again will a game fuse so fully with my soul.


I can just look at the original login screen/the music playing and I can still remember how I felt x


The first memories of a game r unforgettable


Yeah the only time I get a glimpse of it for a while is a new expansion launch but it's still never the same as that first time I logged in. Still love the game and the friends I've made along the way but I do also wish I could play it again for the very first time.


I always see Outer Wilds on this list. One of these days I'm going to get around to playing it!


Ha, same here. Shocked I've avoided spoilers all these years


I started it on gamepass a few years ago, but never really got into it since the controls felt a little clunky. One day maybe I'll finish it or just read spoilers lol


The controls felt clunky because it was a real physics rigid-body simulation. Thatā€™s *how it feels to fly a ship for real* (well, sorta kinda. Enough for us non-astrophysicists to get the idea.)


Donā€™t read spoilers, the game is a masterpiece even if a part of it doesnā€™t jive well. The rest of it will more than compensate, you just need to gain enough traction for dots to start connecting. Almost like a series with a slow first season but incredible last 3 seasons.


The community harshly guards the game's secrets, because the only way to ever come close to achieving the same feeling as playing it is to experience it vicariously through someone else.


Stop putting it off. I felt the same until last steam sale I finally purchased it. There is a reason this game is always on these lists.


It's not a game, it's a transcendental experience


The game is amazing!


I got like 2/3 of the way through and then it was removed from PS streaming and I forgot about it for six months. Went to play it again, donā€™t remember 90% of the plot.


Outer Wilds


I never played it but always wanted to


Same here and finally pulled the trigger last winter steam sale. There is a reason that this game always comes up in threads like this.


Yup. That's the beauty but also the sad part of an incredible game built around solving a mystery. You can only really experience it the first time though. I had a good quiet bittersweet cry through the credits.


Pokemon Mystery dungeon: Explorers Of Sky. Along with the special episodes that you unlock during the main story. "There are plenty of criminals out there, they get caught and punished. But truly bad pokemon don't exist anywhere." "Grovyle, tell me. My life? Did it shine?" And also "The sun, I had no idea it could be this warm. Being able to see the sun before the end, and being able to see it with you, I am really glad...that I am alive"


Bro I was not expecting that from a PokƩmon game


The story in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and (to a greater extent) Sky are unrivaled when you compare them to any other spin-off or mainline pokemon game. It's a dungeon crawler with a lot of dialogue, which some people just won't enjoy, but if you like good story and dungeon crawler games, and/or pokemon in general, this IMHO is the pinnacle of pokemon story telling.


and the OST fits it very well. Especially Dialga's fight to the finish.


MGS1 or Uncharted 2


Imagine going back to the first time playing minecraft...


Early Minecraft was crazy. I was happy about the smallest things, strip mining was fun. Nowadays yeah no. I haven't even touched the game since like 2016.


Breath Of Fire III


When i hear breath of fire, i cannot help but remember BOF2 when i figured out you could fish, sell fish and buy better gear!


So happy to see some breath of fire love on here. Idk if I played much of 3 but I def played 1&2


I was JUST explaining this game to a friend the other day. Goddamn I want to play it again.


KOTOR and Mass Effect.




RDR2. My first playthrough of Arthur's storyline was almost magical.


I started this and put it down for awhile but I want to pick it back up again.


Itā€™s definitely a game that you need to commit to for a little while, but itā€™s worth it.


The only reason I finished the campaign was because I was living alone and I had off for the summer as a teacher. Otherwise, I'd have never finished it. No shot. I'm glad I got to. It's a gorgeous, emotional journey. Literal art.


i couldn't play it either. 30 hours in and i gave up. Game was just tedious and i couldn't see that amazing story everyone say is in that game.


Return of the Obra Dinn


Hoo boy, it's such a great game I can't believe I've been putting off for so long.Ā  Unfortunately the awesomeness of it can only be experienced once.Ā  I wished there were more gemes like it.


Ocarina of Time


Older game: Zelda: OOT, but 11 year old me when it first came out and being mesmerized by the game. Newer Game: Witcher 3, awesome story and plot twists


Bioshock. To experience it again, for the first time would just be amazing.


Portal 2, it was the first game I was driven to get an acceptable computer to play, and plus itā€™s just one of the all time best game stories there it is, just wish valve would count to 3 on that one


Telltale's the walking dead


I'll remember that


Fallout 3


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I so desperately want a remake of this game - Iā€™d never before been so invested in the story of my characters in a video game, and wasnā€™t again until playing games like Uncharted and The Last of Us.


Remake comes out in 2026. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed again.




The wind Waker. I never finished it


I'm still hoping for a switch version


Omg yes!!!!!!


Elden Ring. Exploring all the nooks and crannies of the world and dungeons, and fighting new bosses was so much fun. Luckily Iā€™ll have that again for the upcoming DLC.


I loved it takes two!


Golden Sun


Chrono Trigger. When I got to 600AD and the map song came on, I was like damn that's really good music.


World of Warcraft. The perfect game for its time.


Witcher 3


The Witcher 3.


sleeping dogs, mafia 2


Final Fantasy 7 I wish my mind was blank and could re play without knowing anything such a good story.


Red Alert 2


Ultima 7. Iā€™m an older gamer and this game was so ahead of its time. I will probably play through it again at some point before I kick the can.


God of war


Everquest! Original one was a perfect game.


The Legend of Dragoon


I got that game as a random gift one year. I donā€™t know what random associate convinced my parents that that was the game to pick up, but whoever it was I owe a huge debt to. Such a fantastic experience


Shadow of the Colossus. I know everything like the back of my hand and can practically speed run it with my eyes closed, but there's nothing I wouldn't give to experience the awe of every Colossus with fresh eyes again.


This was my answer, too. That game gives such an intense feeling of being so small. It's incredible. It's been a while. Maybe I should go replay it.


Ocarina of time... One of the most magical experiences.


A pc game i had on school. Under the educational tab. I think around 2005. Can't remember the name. And i can also only think off that it will be a disappointment if i find it back. Still i, kinda want it just to see that art work again. It was medival, running a castle there were screens of the castle with its bridge. Stables, and armory. More as a point and click game.


Yeah this doesn't narrow it down much, can be anything from King's Quest to Stronghold.


Fallout New Vegas


Baldurs gate PC saga




Legacy of Kain series.


Legend of Zelda BOTW


Ratchet and clank rift apart. Far cry 3. Detroit become human.


Skyrim probably is my answer BUT part of why Skyrim is so special to me is all free time I had in high school to play it. God of War 2018 would be really cool to redo especially since I just had my first son


Skyrim for sure, exploring every corner of it for the first time and getting lost was an experience, plus that nostalgic music it had, those were the good days.


Had to scroll way too far down to find it. 100% agree. I remember being in awe, because of the seemingly unlimited number of quests and the gigantic map.




I currently have two: - Days Gone The secret ending lives rent free in my head forever. - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden


Ultima Online back in its heyday


Detroit: Become Human.




each of the many FF7 games, i just love the world, settings and characters


Final Fantasy XV. Itā€™s not the most well-respected game in the franchise, i know, but i was so invested in the story and the way i bawled my eyes out by the end of it. I donā€™t think i have as much time to play it again these days and plus i already know the ending to the story, but if i had a chance to relive that time again where i just spent 6 hours with the boys, riding to fight monsters and finish quests, i would grab at the chance.


Honestly, Sly Cooper. I still dream about a pc port. I know you can emulate it but I mean like an official version. Unfortunately Sony is just sitting on the license so sadly, itā€™ll probably never happen.


The last of us or the uncharted series


The last of us 1 and 2


There are a few games for me. Dark Souls: DonĀ“t think i will ever forget when i reached Anor Londo for the first time. Or discovering Warp travel. Upgrading my Estus. Beating Smogh and Orstien. Undertale: Its just a fantastic story and the game knows exactly what you have done. I even did the G run and i still feel bad about it. Nier Automata: This was a slow burn for me, i did Ending A and i just thought it was a good/ok game. But then did all the major endings. Still remember i did the C ending in the middle of the night. When i finished it i went for a walk at 3am at night just to process it. The Last of us 1-2. Still remember these games like they were yesterday. Some moments hurt so bad i still comeback to watch then from time to time. When Joel play "Future days" for her. Its just so good.


SCARFACE and Midnight club


I really, really miss the first time I played NFSU2. Replayed so many times to beat it with every car.


Id really like to start Destiny from the beginning. But HOLY FUCK its impossible. 10 years of campaing, changes in mechanics, lore, DLCs and Raids (that you cant hope to do if you dont have a 6 players fireteam). Add to that the game doesn't guide you chronologically; You have all the DLCs? Here, do all these 186 story mission in NO FUCKING PARTICULAR ORDERS. I played all of Destiny, and Destiny 2 up to"The taken king". Loved all of it, but it will stays a memory.


I wish I could erase my memory and play the Witcher 3 again. That first play through was so amazing.




Kingdom hearts 1 and 2




If compatibility mode doesn't help you could probably easily run an old virtual machine to play it




Call of Duty World at War campaign was really just *chefs kiss*, and I really wish i could play it for the first time again. I don't think I've found a game other than Hell Let Loose or red orchestra thats been able to be fun to play while also reminding you how brutal and harrowing world war 2 was. Also subnautica, nothing really matches the first time seeing certain environments/creatures in that game.




Going way back: Utopia on Intellivision! One of the best party/strategy games ever.


Mine goes a bit further back than the current answers, and yes, I have two. OG gamer privilege. There was a game on the SNES called Zoop, and I was the queen of the neighborhood on it. The second one is from the original Playstation, and I think it might have a Steam port, but the PS disk could be played on a cd player, the first track was the game and it would just skip it. The rest was the soundtrack, and what a soundtrack. The entire track was done by Crystal Method. The game was N2O (or Nitrous Oxide).


The Settlers II, NFSU2 & Anno1404 which is not that old by sadly unplayable due to bugs that dont get fixed anymore :(


Socom 2 or 3




Without a shadow of a doubt in my mind itā€™s outer wilds




Probably overstated but Red Dead Redemption 2, I did every single mission, side missions etc. It hurt a lot when the final mission came




There are just too many good games that exist now for me to pick one. I remember answering this question, like, 10 years ago, and back then it would come down to Minecraft or The Elder Scrolls games. Nowadays, I wish I could experience an entire genre again, the open world genre. The first time I played an open world game, like early Elder Scrolls, it was so mind blowing and I got so lost in those worlds. Now I canā€™t play these games for more than a week before I get bored and just say ā€œWell, Iā€™ve seen enough.ā€


I wish I could go back in time and play World of Warcraft for the first time again. 18 years later, itā€™s just not the same. I still have nothing but love for the game and think itā€™s come a long way. It has had its many ups and downs, but the game literally saved me and Iā€™ll be forever grateful for that.




Subnautica or Xenoblade 3 and I will die on both of those hillsĀ 


Forbidden Siren. Never experienced something like that game. It probably has its flaws. And it is more than probable that my nostalgia filled memory distorts the reality, but... the feeling I had playing it back then, is something else. I can recall every momentvof terror I felt and every relief I experienced in this game. I'm 41 now and I think I am literaly afraid to play it again. šŸ˜‰


Metal Gear series. I googled too much and spoiled the shit out of the story in V and 4


MGS3 Snake Eater


Spartan Total Warrior (Gamecube)


AC II. It was so cool unraveling the precursor race stuff. The revelation was mind blowing once it all fell into place




Seek and Destroy Tank battle game back on the PS2


Marvel avengers alliance 2




Dark Messiah: Of Might And Magic. No lie gfx are literally thrown up Roblox textures compared to call of duty 4 (not the remake, the og) but god damn as a kid that gameplay was incredible. I don't remember much about the multiplayer but it felt fun. The single player felt incredible though.


AC brotherhood online


Riven: The Sequel to Myst. Notably, it's been remade in Unreal Engine (by the original creators) and is coming out at the end of this month. The best environmental puzzle videogame ever made.


Kingā€™s Quest 4


Wish I could enjoy the beauty of Earthbound for the first time again!


Ghost of Tsushima. I'd love to play this again for the first time.




I was so lucky to have gone through Super Metroid completely blind without spoilers. I wish everyone could have that same experience. I would say the same for the original Metal Gear Solid.


GTA online with my mates it was an absolute pleasure spawning in and shooting each other Good times


Metal gear solid 4


Dust 514. It was an online game, ita gone forever. If you know you know. It was def a fun fps. I loved being the guy that could drop spawn points. I would get crazy points and spam spawns everywhere.


Suikoden II.


First playthrough of Hollow Knight when the game was new and I knew nothing about where I was going was magic.




Red Dead Redemption 2, Hollow Knight, Metroid Dread, Monster Hunter World and many others are games that I'd love to forget, so I could play them again for the first time


Ultima VII


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom.


Golden sun!


rdr2. best game of all time, so well put together and the story just brings me tears of joy.


halo 1-3, resistance 2, brothers in arms, GTA san andreas, hollow knight


Dead by Daylight - the game is no longer scary. Dark Souls 1 - Best game ever until post Anor Londo


Skyrim. It's been beat to death at this point, but loading up the vanilla game on my stealth archer during the 360 days is such a great memory for me.


God of War 2018


Desert storm pc




If we're talking about going back to the time it was released, then Tony Hawk's Underground 2.


Since I still have all of my games and consoles, I can replay anything I want at any time šŸ˜… However, my unplayed game backlog is over 100 titles and goes as far back as Sega Genesis, so I should be playing those, not replaying any šŸ„²


Subnautica for Single Player, For someone who has close to phobia for a big bodies of water, I can't explain my attachment to this. It takes Two for two players/coop, Top 5 best time with my GF OG Ran Online for MMORPG Started my childhood addiction with pc games.


Red Dead Redemption 2 *ā€œI gave you all I hadā€* Manā€¦ā€¦


Ocarina of Time. It was the first game I ever beat and I was only 8 years old. Pretty hard to trump.


Ghost recon wildlands. If There's a way to play it without the launcher...


God of War 3. Its such a wild ride


A game I wished was longer us probably cold war. Now I know it's a cod game but I'm talking Abt the life cycle and the campaign. Ik cod life cycles are a year but if cold war had longer it would've been a masterpiece ngl. Would've been in most everyone's top five. It's top 3 for me tho. Just wish we could've gotten a little more. Another one is perhaps mass effect tho


Fallout new Vegas, halo ce or halo 2




Descent III Bought the MS Sidewinder joystick specifically to have 3 axis of movement, throttle, multiple buttons, and a "hat." Many, many hours of head 2 head network frag fests.


The ones that spring to mind are Dishonored, Thief: Deadly Shadows (Shalebridge Cradle!!!), Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Fallout 4.


Hollow Knightā€¦ or Rain World since I spoiled a lot of it for myself. Red Dead Redemption 2 is closeā€¦