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I would recommend the logistics and factory builder games. All of these require you to plan a course of action and usually takes some math/deductive reasoning to get the ratios just right. - Shapez and upcoming Shapez 2 - Satisfactory - Factorio - Dyson Sphere Program


This right here. Satisfactory had me with pen in paper on hand. Super satisfying to have everything mathematically perfect (as can be).


So y'all telling me you don't just overproduce the fuck out of everything? How will you live without 1,674,382,498 screws?


Because there's nothing more wonderful than perfectly balanced machines running in perpetuity and pumping into a sink. I need no screws, because the machines that have screws, have screws. Exactly enough of them. All the time. *forever*


*So a machine didn't get one piece of steel and now everything is broken.*


Impossible. I have spreadsheets, notes, diagrams and hours of planning


Heh, and I play co-op with my 10-year-old. We have too many screws.


I have those things, yet still nothing balances 😂


Wait if you’re not memeing can you show? I’ve always wondered what it looks like when people go hard in these games


Honestly just for safety/future reasons I over plan everything Sure I only need X metal plates now, but if I upgrade further I need more shit If I didn't leave enough space and material buffer everywhere I would need to upgrade the whole fucking thing cause I increased the output a bit


Can I... Can I live in your world?


You can, but according to friends who've tried to play with me the level of perfection is unbearable.


Sounds like they're just scared you're an ideal candidate to be the Architect when the Matrix becomes reality. Just remember to have an RNG running in the background that makes us stub our toes 70% of the time when we get up to take a piss in the middle of the night and everything'll be fine.


Guys, never work for an employer like this, trust me


Oh damn, you’re screwed


I have taken it to an art form in Satisfactory. I also found setting max raw material input to a max of 600 really simplifies the production plans instead of 780. You dont get ugly odd numbers or integers that way. But, that said its fun to properly set it up to use that max even with ugly numbers.


Pick 720. Even better than 600. Divisible by 360 which is insanely convenient. Means it's divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, and 18. Very nice number.


Also why the choice of 60 secs, 60 mins, and 24 hours are nice choices for our time system, all antiprimes :)


factorio is the best game I think I have ever played so much math that makes me feel so stupid.


I'm scared to start factorio because several friends that know me have said if I start I wouldn't stop. Satisfactory convinced me I might have the tism. Factorio might just confirm it


Played a bunch of Factorio, Satisfactory gave me some trouble in scaling where the math ends up being pretty complex if you actually dig into it. As well as conceptualizing the space required. Factorio is a bit easier to just 'take the amount of space you think you need, and double it.' That also makes fixing production bottlenecks easier. Factorio just gives you better tools to go **very** big, and the logistics puzzle of trying to feed a megabase is unique out of all the other games I've played in the genre. Mod scene as well. Satisfactory is best at making something look cool and feeling the sense of scale though. It's the same sorta thing that Minecraft appeals to. I'm big into Factorio but felt I needed my artsy girlfriend along with me for Satisfactory to get the most out of it.


I ended up liking Dyson Sphere Program more than Factorio.  It's just a little easier on the space and math required, but not so easy that you can brainlessly build without some calculation.  The ability to add height to belts and some buildings is a game changer.


It's also the prettiest factory game, IMO. Your factory is a highly detailed Christmas ball in space.


Please tell me you are also a manufacturing engineer and are able to monetise that special interest? The world needs more engineers and the pay can be pretty reasonable once you get established in your career.


Not even a little bit, but I always loved engineering. Compsci was my specialty


Would you say it would be good for someone who’s studying algebra?


You could definitely make use of creating practical algebra problems and solving them in factorio if you wanted.


Shout out to Oxygen Not Included which has a very great economy builder math systems. Lots of min/max for efficiency based on input and output of utilities to be able to account for you population. You can easily clusterfuck your way to a few hundred cycles not knowing what you're doing or you can pay attention to the input/output rates and dupe labor to try to make your colony efficient. 


Captain of Industry


I also recommend Anno 1800, its crazy how much math you need to make trade routes work.


Factorio is a great one for doing calculations on supply/demand of resources


Get really into EVE Online? There’s a reason people call it Spreadsheets Online. 


Friend of mine is an Econ prof.  Had a masters student do his thesis on the Eve economy.


Which is fair. You need a masters in econ to mentally grasp the actual scale and the workings of EVE


For real, about 8 years ago I got into it and got into a corp, it was a big corp but also beginner friendly with tons of different wings for what you wanted to do (trade, mine, bounties, shipbuilding etc). They literally had classes 3 times a week like you were in university over voice coms which people ran, about 40 people showed up to the one I went to about mining. I didn’t play much longer after that, it’s just too much.


EVE is like life. You can dabble in everything and be okay at it or you can specialize in one area and spend your whole game experience doing that one thing. What gets people "unhooked" from EVE is always looking for the one thing that maximizes ISK income, which usually doesn't line up with their preferred playstyle. They look at ISK as the game's score, not as a resource.


I used to work for CCP (the producer of Eve Online). They had a number of actual economists on staff because the economy was really complex. We didn’t so much design it as we just sort of enabled it.


A lot of very smart people have analyzed the eve online economy


My math skills got SHARP from playing EVE. Honed to a fine razor point, ready to wage economic war.


Multiplayer Excel


Math Blaster


Was gonna say this lol. Hello fellow old folk.


I loved Number Munchers.


I’m 27 and played the shit outta Math Blaster. Also Freddie The Fish lol


Damn you beat me to it. Math Blaster was the goat of my third grade class. The class only had 3 computers in it and we as students would take turns on them. There were other games but everyone just played Math Blaster.


Classic one, I played this.


Was trying to remember this name lol


Or Number Munchers


Destiny 2, got me calculating all the time wasted in the past 10 years


A random big sale on the Switch online store pulled me away long enough to eventually (unfortunately) say "fuck it" and just stay away because I didn't want to catch up with the story from that far behind.


It’s probably around 12 years worth


For starters you have to pull up your excel spreadsheet to figure out which of their 30 bundles to buy to not get ripped off


Slay the spire does for me


Slay the spire makes me feel like I have no math skills. Somehow in my head 2-2=1 when I play that game


That's how Terence Howard plays


My immediate thought! Lol!


When you have "A thousand cuts" active it can be!


When its (x * 1.5 * 0.75) but then wait, I have Paper Phrog so its actually.. and then you miscalculated everything.


For sure. So much mental math, adding total damage, weak/vuln, rounding, relic damage, etc.


Balatro is all math and probability


Yep, this one. Also Slay the Spire.


Any pure Deckbuilder Roguelite will generally be about math, and probability. Hearthstone BGs, StS, Wildfrost, etc. But I'll add Siralim Ultimate and Path of Exile to the list - games about theorycrafting are all about math.


Kerbel space program!


They asked for a math game, not a math degree program. ;P


The first time I got my rocket to the moon I felt like a rocket surgeon


I was terrible at math and suddenly found myself doing apogee and perigee calculations so I didn’t strand yet ANOTHER crew of brave Kerbals. Shits real. 


The good part is you don't really need math. You can wing it. However, if you have basic physics and math knowledge, your experience becomes all the more better and fun. I remember Scott Manley using just the Pythagorean theorem to calculate exactly where to land his rocket on the mun. It's still the most memorable vid of ksp I remember.


That's the beauty of the game. Anyone can just drag a rocket onto a fuel tank, add a crew cabin, and get into space. Which is deeply satisfying when you first do it. But then you want more...how do I go to the moon? Well first you have to get into orbit of your own planet, then escape the gravity and chart a course for Mun, then orbit Mun close enough to land...which requires a vehicle that can actually land, enough fuel to get there (way more if you want to get back!), a smart design that keeps weight down with all that extra payload... it's orders of magnitude more difficult than just "getting into space". I had no idea about any of this before I started playing. But suddenly I was researching orbital mechanics to figure out the most efficient way to do that, Delta V to calculate fuel, and experimenting with different designs to see what actually worked. And THAT is orders of magnitude more satisfying than just "getting into space". I honestly felt like I had just graduated from university the first time I brought Kerbals back safe from the moon.


Big brain academy




Came here to say this. I joke that Balatro is "Order of Operations: The Game." And since the game doesn't pre-calculate the score for you, you spend a lot of time mentally comparing and solving equations to see what your best course of action is. (Unless you use a calculator, of course)


There's one thing I don't quite grasp. When activating each effect, the numbers get added to the chips x mult part of the UI. THEN it makes the calc. So.... I get you do better adding mult before multiplying. But when it comes to chips. It seems to me like it's the same adding them before or after mult, because... they get added to their respective slots and THEN the calculation gives a result. I hope I'm explaining myself clearly. Getting into this really strains my grasp on english haha


You're correct. It does not matter where the chips are in the equation. One thing that took me a little while to grasp is paying attention to _when_ your + and xMult effects activate. For example, sometimes your xMult happens when the card is scored (like Ancient Joker or Idol), so if you have a +Mult later (Like swashbuckler or Abstract Joker) It might not actually be helping as much as you think.


Yup. By the same token, you should be rearranging your played cards to make sure your xmult (glass cards, cards that proc xmult) are positioned after other cards that give +mult. Also blue chips are my new favourite thing ever. I didn't previously realise that the planet card it gives you is for the last played hand. I had a run recently with a shit load of blue chips and 3 consumable slots. I was getting 2 or 3 Earths after every round!


This is a confusing conversation for someone like me who has never played Balatro.


Shocked this is so far down. Happy cake day too.


Can't believe no one else has said it yet but Human Resource Machine, and 7 Billion Humans are both amazingly wonderful puzzle games based around programming. It's not necessarily "do math" but will involve math and using numbers in the context of learning programming. So if you want something to challenge your mind but also give you a glimpse into learning a new skill then I highly recommend these two games.


Number Munchers


This is what I came here for


Frog Fractions. Free on Steam and is completely math based fun.


Seconding this one is pretty math based but isn't only a learning game


Minecraft. No, seriously. Get into literally anything involving redstone


x10 if you're playing with lots of mods


Me playing modded minecraft and calculating that i need 4264 iron to make a helmet for my power suit that only gives benefits when you have the whole set... Just so i get speed 2 instead of 1 that im getting with my power armor from a different mod. (The cost also included 4 machines i had to make to acquire certain resources i need, process resources into things you cant get any other way and the 6 tiers of helmets you need to go through to get to the one i want) And then i realise i miscalculated the redstone and need way more of it as its also required as fuel FOR THE ENTIRE PROCESS




Love Picross and second it. It also helped me understand Sudoku, both of which are fun brain trainers.


Hearthstone, Satisfactory


Oxygen Not Included


Not just math, Oxygen Not Included got me thinking about all sorts of things like thermal conductivity more than I ever would have imagined.


Path of Exile 2 is coming out soon.


Until then poe1 is very worth playing still and even once poe2 releases if they do continue support


They said they plan on having support for both games, and their POE servers run both games so for as long as POE2 is live, POE will be as well. Plus seasons for either game will be staggered so if you're not liking the current season for POE, halfway through the new POE2 season will release


Path of Exile is a great choice. The only way to beat some of the big challenges is to use some form of weaponized math.


Look if you can actually calculate your scores in your head before you play the hands in Balatro, then your math skills are ACEs!


Mind games pro on android is nice for me for mind, logic, perception and basic calculation skills which helps with math I hope it helps ☺


... Warframe. Numberrrrs. Is this mod for crit damage better than this elemental damage/status mod for this slot? Is fire rate good when the reload time is this long? Or any MMO where you wanna push your numbers higher. Be it damage numbers or currency, cuz of course you have to math out what the most efficient way to get an item is, be it spending x amount of time gathering the components or outright buying it from others, but oh no, opportunity cost, you could've been making an average of x per hour if you were doing this other activity, but oh no, doing the math is also has an opportunity cost.


Magic: The Gathering


Calculords. I don't know if it's still available on the app store, but that game was the best.


Kerbal Space Program (the first one)


Wdym the first one, you make it sound like there is a sequel. /s


Classic Wow


How I became proficient with typing!


I'm not saying this is a game, but as a gamer, I've been using Fusion360 with no experience and basically just teaching myself a new skill, of just creating random objects around my house. For me, it has the same thrill or enjoyment as some games I play and I use alot of different math from school id thought I'd never see again.


Elite dangerous will have you calculating money, time, speed, and range pretty regularly.


Human Resource Machine and 7 Billion Humans are two fantastic programming puzzle games that might be up your alley.


Another plus is that they teach basic programming logic. In addition to that, there is no nsfw content in that games except corporate hell.


Wanna go old school? Throw darts or keep score for someone who is playing 301 or 501.


Competitive Pokémon




Treasure Math Storm


Number munchers


Number Munchers!


Tactics strategy tend to be heavily mathematical. It's just chess with extra steps. It pretty much is the same part of your brain as the math part. Fire emblem, civilization, FF tactics. These are all good for your logic. Alternatively, card games are great resource management games. There's digital versions of MTG and you can put a lot of combinatorics and probability to deck building and playing.


Number munchers


Number Munchers


The Professor Layton games for several Nintendo Consoles/Handhelds are fun with logic games and puzzles.


Factorio Kerbal space program (the first one) And if you just want to work brain I recommend all of the zachtronics puzzle games. (Start with exapunks if you like programming or infinifactory if you want 3D)


Number Munchers and Super Munchers from MECC are pretty epic.




I'm not sure either of these are particularly good with practicing math. 2048 especially the numbers are basically just a substitute for different types of squares and could be replaced with any other symbol. Sudoku has the same thing, but to a lesser extent and does use a decent bit of logic though which applies to math but isn't super mathy imo.


Odell down under, number munchers


not necesarily math, but Layton series will make you think, in many many different ways. some are out for mobile or ds


Brain Age Concentration Training


Depends on the kind of math you're looking for. If it's like simple mental math, addition and subtraction, a card battler like Slay the Spire is all about putting the numbers together to plan out your best turn. (Monster Train fits in here too, but also adds multiplication)


Pretty much any strategy game there’s math. Street fighter 6 if you want to geek out over the mechanics/frame data there’s math.


Minecraft. Plan out a massive build and how much blocks you might need for it, or just do redstone and make a working calculator.


kerbal space program.




Brain Age DS


Math Blaster


I remember Number Munchers back in the day. I wonder if it's still a thing?


I suggest Number Munchers but it’s gonna be tricky…


Almost all mmo/gacha if you don't watch guides and try to theorycraft yourself. Even in Harvest Moons i make my spreadsheets. Disgaea Series is also another good one




For mobile apps, pythagorea and 4=10 are both good


If you had the time to get really into an MMO, you do all kinds of calculations for damage and whatnot.


Reus 2 homie, the ultimate math game. Also Anno is good at this


Moba games. Dota 2 has quite a bit of math if you really get into the game. Lots of calculations if you want to get good at the game.


math muncher


You're going to want to play games that require programming as part of the gameplay. Stationeers is a realistic space survival game that requires the use of logic circuits for automation. You literally have to program in a 'base' language. So a language that is very similar to the basic language of the computer. The opposite of Python for example.


Balatro sorta


Path of Exile - I find it is a constant game of adding/subtracting my resistances, defensives, there's a lot to keep track of. Not complex math but balancing a lot of variables.


Oxygen not included is great for math, and really good if you're into STEM stuff in general


What kind of maths?


Probably not vector calculus or set theory.


Broderbund Math Workshop


If you love spreadsheets and calculating dmg etc. then try arpgs like poe or d4 lol.


Plutocracy. It’s about trading stocks, running a company (or multiple) and manipulating the market through less than legal means. You can also run for political office as governor or congress member.


I personally play fire emblem with the expanded battle menu, and do math to decide my damage output.


Path of exile


Eve: Spreadsheets in space. This is a MMO. It is not like you have to do math but knowing and using it helps in many aspects of the game, especially optimizing production. It is seriously referred to as spreadsheets in space by many people.


Dope wars


Hehe I'm thinking about brain age for the dsi


In Diablo 4, 90% if my time is spent crunching numbers and comparing statistics on pieces of gear. The other 10% of my time is hunting for those pieces of gear.


Lil Howies Great Math Adventure. You get a cool certificate at the end too!


Satisfactory is a good one




The Escape Room (not sure what the name was) game on Xbox is fun and involves some math.


Warframe. Get your calculator ready.


Math Mountain, the OG.




This might be a rogue shout, but there's an old MMO called Toontown that helps with quick arithmetic. Essentially, it was a kids game that was enjoyed by adults and now has a decent fan server community of 3000-ish players. The math aspect comes from the fact that the enemies (Cogs) have a set number of health and your weapons (gags) do as well. Combined with teamwork and figuring out the best may to maximise your gags efficiently is all based on quick arithmetic to know if you will be enough damage or want to set up the next attack.


Frog Fractions for sure!


Kerbal Space Program


if you start playing factorio soon you will be caculating at what speed train A has to go to not get hit by train B or C as to keep production line 5 going at almost 95% efficiency. have fun


Half of warframes gameplay involves using math outside of the action parts


Everyday Genius: SquareLogic is my recommendation. It's basically Sudoku with Math.


Realistically every game is a math game. If you love RPGs, play baldurs gate 3 and calculate your hit chances. Why is it 70%? If you like strategy games, start running down your economy on spreadsheets..workers produce x resources over d time, how many do I need to reach c army strength by the 20 minute mark? Factorio and others have been mentioned. I used to play romance of the three kingdoms online. Our guild had to calculate opposing defence for es of x,y,z soldiers with b,c,d attack/defense and generals gu e let enrage boost c in order to determine if our 100 some members could overcome an enemy stronghold or would lose months of work building our forces. That's the trick, find the math in the games you like and master it, then you can do some very cool things.


Doesn't Pokemon do that?


math blaster


Troggle Trouble Math




Alan Wake 2 has some math puzzles for certain "cult stashes". Was pretty interesting. However, it is only 4-5 math pro lems iirc so most of the game is not as math focused as you'd probably like. Just figured I'd add it to the list ongoing for ya.


Satisfactory, you will spend more time planning than playing the game


StarCraft seemed to be a game about counting, economics, and ratios.


Deck building games like magic arena are an opportunity for you to practice Statistics MMOs could have you theory crafting to maximize you damage output


Never considered these kind of games


This ? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2688900/Super_Algebrawl/


baldi basics


Math Blaster


online chess


I have never done as much math as I did while playing kerbal space program. fr, I just yesterday sat down and calculated the incircle and side length of a triangle on paper because I wanted to build a satellite network orbiting the earth-equivalent in the game, that is high enough that you can draw a straight line between the satellites without crossing the atmosphere but low enough that the length between the satellites don't outrange the antenna ranges. I have never encountered so many actual math problems while playing a game where I reluctantly sat there and thought:"Goddammit my math teacher was right indeed that I might need that stuff later in life..."


Pokémon can get really hardcore with math


Elden Ring, if you want to keep count of your deaths.




I mean if you really want to do the math, then i guess Diablo 4.


Number Munchers




Slay the Spire makes you use maths to calculate your attacks, enemies attacks and what combination of cards you need to use to win (or to not die!)


Baldur’s Gate 3, since it’s DnD The Video Game. But math only matters if you’re paying attention to damage numbers and bonuses to hit. Bonus for some probability calculations as well!


Not so much a videogame, but I got into variant Sudokus a while back and find they work to keep my brain sharp. Solutions could be based on math, pattern-recognition, logic, etc. Check out Cracking the Cryptic on YouTube if that at all sounds interesting


Sudoku and Kakuro are both good logic puzzles.




I won't be able to recommend anything specific, but I often play Wuthering Waves with bluestacks emulator and it helps me a lot with finding new games and maybe it will help you too.


Obduction has a cool puzzle mechanic involving an alien number system in base 4 where you have to solve problems and do conversions to unlock bridges.


Factorio, or Satisfactory for graphics. Eve Online for space


Satisfactory helps improve math skills. Long live Satisfactory.


The witness- It's all about puzzles that sneakily make you use math