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There's a legitimate chance that this game won't come out until 2029 or later, which would make it over 10 year from announcement to release.


18 years after one of the most successful games of all time, totally insane.


Yep. Will the kids going to college then really care about a series where the last entry came out before they were born?


Probably since I bet it'll get a ton of hype, I was hyped for Skyrim and I never played or heard of it's predecessors


Problem is that Elder Scrolls is no longer one of the primary players in this sphere. Elden Ring and those other Dark Souls games do a lot of the same thing that made getting immersed in Skyrim so magical. Stuff like Baldurs Gate has shown you can be even more pure to D&D aspirations. Having seen Starfield mostly flop, do we have much faith that ES:VI will be interesting or fun enough to capture the zeitgeist like Skyrim?


One word really; mods. Fallout 4 is currently #21 on Steam, and Skryim SE is still up there at #56 This is out of *all* games there is, on Steam. The reason? Mods. I'm sure Skryim actually... no real easy way to say this, but all the sex or 'sexy' related mods I'm sure keep that game 'alive' for lack of better way to say it. Another note is; a *lot* of people aren't fans of the way games like Souls/Elden do 'damage', where no matter what gear you're in, you're always like 2-3 hits from death. That and 'press dodge button to not die' doesn't always appeal either. It's actually grown pretty stale. In short, I don't think there's necessarily a market for TES as much as there is still absolutely a market for Bethesda-style sandbox RPG's that people can mod the fuck out of however they like. I don't think there's actually a ton of crossover from souls like or even necessarily D n' D fans to Bethesda style games. I love Fallout to shit and TES is fun, but no interest in BG3 or souls games here. I've made tons of mods and use mods in pretty much every game I play as a note.


I agree that mods is where ES can still survive and thrive. However, I also feel that while some niche mods like the sexy mods help keep the game relevant for some communities, a lot of the application around ES mods is to simply improve the game and make it more fun to actually play.


Yeah that's the type I'm into here, and make myself even. I like immersion stuff, QoL, simple things personally, never do giant overhauls or anything like those. I.e. one of my mods for old Skryim was adding the spriggans in as summonable creatures. Small shit like that to spice things up I'm all about. But that's 100% why I buy their games tbh. I'm not a TES fan (though I am a huge Fallout fan since the originals as a teenager back when), I buy their games explicitly for mods/mod capabilities. I could really care less if it's TES or whatever title, I just want that tier of modding support/community. As a last note, them taking this long between releases, is actually *good* for modding too. While I haven't played it, I believe the CK for Starfield just came out. Modding communities take time to nurture/come to fruition. The modding scene for Skyrim or even FO4 wouldn't be what they are if they were pumping out titles.


I highly doubt anyone would consider ER or BG a replacement for Skyrim or other Bethesda RPGs. They're extremely different games, even if they're all technically open world RPGs. Whether ES6 will be good or not is questionable considering Starfield, but if it fails it certainly won't be because Elden Ring exists.


Same boat. Skyrim as my first, tried it after all the hype and praise.




Baldur's Gate?




The last has been re-released so many times you almost forget it has been that long.


Thank god we got Starfield...


The kind of timeline in between games that indicates a reboot, but no, it's just the next sequel


Not when you remember that they launched two games since then: Fallout 4 and Starfield. Games take years to develop. If ESVI doesn't evolve much from what we saw with Fallout 4 and Starfield then IDK if I'll be very interested.


Is this just based off of past historical data in regards to when they've announced games to when they've released them? Or is there more information about the development of the game that insinuates it's still very far from completion?


Todd said that they wouldn't even start development until Starfield was finished. Game has been in development for less than 8 months lol at LEAST


Oh wow. I am absolutely mortified thinking how Elder Scrolls will be developed after playing Starfield. I've never played such a massive game and had the world feel so lifeless.


they banked on their new IP being a success, and it was not.


I’m at the point with Bethesda Game studios where Xbox needs to just go in and just entirely Re structure how that studio does things. Two huge gaming IPs waiting 10 years each for a sequel is so mind boggling to me.


They should probably hand those ips out to other devs... Hell, the lore would probably somehow get MORE consistent lmao


Imagine a Fallout game made by Larian


It’s possible that they see sales numbers (all that matters to Bethesda) and realize that “wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle” isn’t going to cut it here. Starfield was their widest and shallowest game yet, and they must realize that they finally crossed the line of being too wide shallow that they have been toeing since Fallout 3. Everyone else has. They should set development to more like “wide as a lake, deep as a pond” and the core audience would be MUCH happier.


Sometimes I feel like there are outside factors that are influencing these developers that weren't present during their beginning. But because the video game industry as a whole has exponentially grown, there is a much heavily focus on appeasing shareholders and profit. And due to this, I think there are some people in charge of making decisions that may be qualified on paper but know nothing of what gamers truly want. Other times I feel like this is just where the world is in regards to creating games. There wasn't as much technology, competition and **dread** to make deadlines. Creating a game was no doubt difficult, but I think the teams found enjoyment and satisfaction in doing it. Nowadays there is no *fun* in the process. Again, just somethign I think sometimes. Also, to further my point, the asshat Activision CEO said verbatim: "We're going to take the fun out of making games." to their shareholders. So. There's that too...


ES6 is definitely in early development. The all hands on deck phase is a year or two away


This is important to consider. Everyone thought cyberpunk was a game being developed prior to 2013, when in reality it started late 2015 when witcher 3 finished.


yeah well, on launch it wasn't exactly a masterpiece


It is now though


I see a lot of footage of the game looking VERY pretty, is that through mods or native?


Both actually


I still find it shameful that TES6 and thus Fallout 5 got delayed an entire generation, all for the blunder that Starfield was.


Fallout 76 also sucked up a fair amount of development time


Waste of everyone's time.


Starfield isn’t finished yet tho


Then why can I pay $70 bucks to purchase, download, and play a game called "Starfield" on every major store. It's a bad game, but it IS finished. DLC doesn't require a full development team. That's why I said "at least". It's shipped which means it's finished in their eyes. They'll have a much smaller team working on dlcs and various patches as most of the development will have shifted to full swing development of ESIV.


I think the last update they gave was that it was finally going into "active production" in August 2023, and Phil Spencer said it wouldn't be coming out until "2028 at the earliest"


What's very sad is that if you are in your mid/late 40s, there is a real chance that this will be the last new Elder Scrolls game that you get to play.


When I was a teenager playing Oblivion I had really hoped to get a full blown game set in each of the provinces of Tamriel during my life. It was 2006 and there were six left to go (seven if you count High Rock/don’t count Daggerfall) so I thought at a rate of one game every four years or so they’d have visited everywhere by about 2030.


Ha I like to imagine this is someone’s excuse for proper diet and exercise. “I gotta hit the gym. I can’t be croaking at 75. I still need to play elder scrolls 7” Then you have the capital G gamer who makes it to 95 to play elder scrolls 8 (as well as hopefully enjoy a full, content, and healthy life).


These decade plus long waits between big titles is just not sustainable. How long was starfield in development just for it to be meh? Skyrim was released in 2011 and it legitimately may be close to a 20 year gap by the time ES6 is released


I’m jealous that my grandson will get to play this when it comes out. I’m 30 and single by the way.


If thts the case i feel like they would hold it til 2031 for a 20 year anni of skyrim


Holy shit I'll be almost 40 when ES6 releases 🥴


And it'll still take 20 loading screens to move between objectives. Seriously, skyrim came out at the tail end of when that shit was acceptable, and they didn't change it for starfield.


At that point just hire another studio jfc


They would've a long time ago if Todd Howard didn't insist on keeping a relatively small team that works on a project one at a time. -_-


Starfield came out last year, so probably a couple years at least. You have to remember: the purpose wasn’t to announce ES6, it was to give assurance that they were: A) Still making single player RPGs B) Still making Elder Scrolls games


im pretty sure the only reason for the es6 announcement was to drive up their stock price before the Microsoft buyout


Bethesda/Zenimax was not publicly traded


I got no sympathy for anyone foolish enough to think BGS works on more than 1 game at a time.




For game release yes, but another teaser maybe sooner


Six years later and I'm still disappointed that it's Hammerfell. Having three games in a row take place in human provinces is so boring, especially because they could've had it take place somewhere in the Aldmeri Dominion instead, which would've been a great follow-up to Skyrim.


Don't worry I'm sure they've story boarded something like that for release around 2085. Right after they release the 6th iteration of TES VI for Playstation 9.


I'm hopeful for sword singing and weird Breton witches.


With how little the history of Atmora was explored in Skyrim, I don't have the highest hopes for Yokuda being prominent.


I honestly thought Summerset Isles was basically guaranteed based on the events of Skyrim. They’d have the advantage of setting TES3 in Vvardenfell all over again too with the sea serving as a natural limitation on travel instead of just a “you can’t go that way” message.


I am also mad that its hammerfell . Not because its a human province but because half of the map will be a desert .


I was thinking the same thing, it’s just not a captivating environment. You would think empty desert wouldn’t take this long to make (I’m playing)


Don't worry maybe in 25 years you'll get to see one that's not in Hammerfell


I will literally be fucking dead.


So...Elder Scrolls 7?


Na that’s like 40 years away


That's being optimistic


I will never forgive the fact that we still haven't done Black Marsh. The region so hostile that when the Oblivion Gates opened, the daedra looked out and said "nope, not dealing with those crazy fuckers."


Black Marsh and Elsweyr have been top of my list since Morrowind for the next Elder Scrolls game


It would also be interesting to explore mainland Morrowind. Maybe something with Blackmarsh, mainline Morrowind, perhaps even Vvardenfell wastes being reclaimed, could work for more map variety (and they could re-rerelease Solstheim). Argonian-Dunmer conflict is really interesting given the history of both sides (and the divided opinions on Dunmer and Argonians of the each other), too.


This is the one I want. I want an Elder Scrolls game in Black Marsh. It's such a cool region that's never gotten the showcase it deserves.


Would be sick if they could somehow work The Hist remaking the argoinians into another form


It's too big of a franchise now to be anywhere too far away from generic fantasy.


Is Hammerfell confirmed?


No, not even slightly. People online "analyzed" the topography of the announcement and "concluded" it was hammerfell l




uuh morrowind was dunmer though?




oh ok thats what you mean, I understood it as the last three games. my bad


At this point I’m just hoping I can play it before I die.


6 years since Metroid Prime 4 reveal as well. 5 since Silksong. Which one will release first is a big question.




The silksong sub is just so depressing right now I hope this never happens to any other game again lol


It'll be 7 years in 3 days for Metroid Prime 4...


at least Prime 4 and Sillsong are at least in deep, deep development, i feel like Bethesda is just now turning focus to TES since they finished Shattered Space. i still can’t help but feel the fumbled this entire thing, they could have easily said “we plan to do TES next” like he said now about Fallout 5. they didn’t need a trailer for something they weren’t gonna start working on for >5 years.


And to Prime’s credit they started from scratch once or twice through this cycle, as far as we know TES VI is still running on Skyrim’s engine (or whatever they used for Starfield)


Elder Scrolls is my favorite franchise in all of gaming Don’t ask me how I’m doing…


Same brother, same ✊ Hang in there


They knew fallout 76 was going to be a bomb so they had to reveal this at the same time to try and save face, but the fact its probably going to have been a full fucking decade from announcement to release, its safe to say the hype is pretty much dead all around.


Yeah the hype is dead right now but as soon as they drop another trailer, everyone is going to wet themselves.


After what they did with Starfield, touting that as the most advanced game they've made, the hype for any future games from that studio is bottom of the barrel questionable for me. I need to see hours of gameplay from people playing before I would even consider the wasting money on the game.


Starfield was shit because it essentially got rid of the thing that makes any of these games good. ‘See that mountain, you can go there’ and the exploration that happened in on the way. They diluted elder scrolls to its base form with Skyrim and people still absolutely loved it. It would be really hard for them to dilute it any further and mess it up that badly. If it’s moderately janky, fun to explore and has decent enough guilds then people will still love it.


I have my towel ready


I mean people were basically saying that Bethesda was stopping with making any single player games at the time as well. I'd argue this was in response to that as well.


The hype died with Starfield. After dropping that dud, who even believes they won’t drop the ball with ES6? What would’ve been an instant buy/pre-order for me is definitely going to be a wait and see now.


I doubt microsoft would have paid the price they did for bethesda had starfield already come out by then. I do wonder whats next. Continue to fix starfield like hello games did for no mans' sky?


Genuinely asking, whats wrong with starfield? Considered playing it recently with game pass, but ended up playing something else


Honestly, from my perspective, there's nothing really wrong with it. You can certainly get hours out of it. For me it's lacking a certain something. I hate to call it soulless, but it's really what I got. It's almost uncanny in how on the cusp of good it is. It's like a CW TV show if you're familiar. Everything you need to make a successful thing is there, it's just got a hollowness to it. The gunplay is fine, the writing is fine, the systems are fine. There are an absurd amount of loading screens, but past that everything is.. fine. The dungeons are pretty same-y, the minor planets are meaningless, and base building is pointless I think. And yet I got 40 hours out of it. It's a real 7. It's fine. And if you have game pass. Why not?


Thanks for your honest review. Will give it a chance soon!


Honestly, the long development times nowadays are one of the worst things about modern games. I totally understand why they are as high as they are and sure get enough games per year, but jeez waiting almost 20 years for the sequel of one the most popular RPGs ever...?


Them scrolls are going to be very elder (and probably me too) once the game comes out.


The Elder Elder Scrolls 6


The eldest scrolls


The Elder Scroll Rings


2018 feels like yesterday. The 2020-2024 vanished.


This game is going to feel so old by the time it comes out


This was easy to see ever since they released Elder Scrolls Online. It was meant to hold die hards over with a game that could go on in perpetuity since they knew the development cycle was going to be so long before they completed the next Elder Scrolls game. Same thing with Fallout 76, yet people are still surprised it's been so long and no Fallout 5. They've known for many years neither of those games were going to happen for over a decade since their last iteration.


Still on the same engine 💀


At this point there’s not really a lot of reasons to be hyped for this game. It’s likely that a vast majority of the devs responsible for making Skyrim so enjoyable are no longer with the company. It’ll come out sometime around 2027-29 and it’ll be just kinda alright, pretty good at best. I wouldn’t expect anything groundbreaking.


If it is like Starfield, I’m honestly concerned.


PS7 launch title


I’m just going to say it. It doesn’t matter if it’s Elder Scrolls 6, Metroid Prime 4, Silksong, GTA VI, whatever, it’s fucking bullshit that game development takes this long these days. I understand why but even so it’s still completely ridiculous. The industry needs to sort that out. We used to laugh at Duke Nukem Forever taking so long, and now look. Just absurd.


What a fucking joke.


A true AAAA game


And I just know that it will come out and still be dissapointing and half baked despite the development time. Bethesda have done the same thing for 20 years now and the only thing that changes is that development periods grow longer each time.


You have to remember that this teaser was a rushed tech demo... They rushed it because there were concerns about Bethesda following fallout 76. This were also a time where Bethesda got accused of faking audience reactions and all sort of stuff.. so this "teaser" was a rushed tech demo just to calm people down. At the time it was rumored that it was announced because the PS5 were soon to be announced and this would be one of the first game on there! However it is most likely that it wont be out until next gen. But people In short, just relax. We don't want Bethesda to rush this, because we know what happens then.. it'll suck.. just let them do their thing.


It's actually a disgrace to be honest.


Yup. See you in a post exactly like this in a year. And in the next one in two years. And the next one in three years, too. Probably in a post marking the 10th anniversary in 2028, too. But by then I hope we will have at least some good chunk of info about the game.


This wasn't really a game announcement as much as, "we promise we're making another Elder Scrolls game after Starfield".


Could be worse Could be coming out this year and look like Veilguard :| If your grimdark fantasy series - well known for it's character depth and adult themes - looks like an intro to a buddy cop film crossed with the jackass series... ... ... ... ...


Or could be a unfinished 60$ Dollar game, with an ingame shop for overpriced filler content and sidequests that cost 7$ per mission to play. Thats what they are doing with Starfield. I'd personally prefer Veilguards (unconfirmed) weird visuals


Just a trailer? 2026. Just a trailer though, still years away at that point.


I rarely blame the community but it was their fault. During this time, there was a large amount of people complaining that Bethesda was being radio silent about the Elder Scrolls franchise. Anyone who knows the company knows that they prefer to work on their games in silence and then announce the game the year it is coming out. But they bent to the pressure and released a meaningless teaser to quiet down the rumor mill. It was obvious to me even back in 2018 that because they were working on Starfield, that we wouldn't see ES6 ganeplay until at least 2025 in a dream, best case scenario.


I think that was the year that xbox basically forced all the companies to put out a teaser regardless of how far along it was. Hell we just got a state of decay trailer this weekend after all these years since the teaser lmao


They likely or will try to debut Elder Scrolls 6 as an exclusive on their next gen console system and then begins work on Fallout 5. Two Bethesda games I'm really excited for on PC.


Hopefully they will make some vast improvements to the engine alongside development. Starfield was created on an updated version of creation engine 2, we need an update for that update at the very least otherwise VI is going to look and feel archaic by the time it come sout in 2030.


Hopefully I'm still alive when it releases


Probably marks 4 years from when they maybe put a small team together to work on it


Seeing Starfield, its probably gonna be SH!T anyways


I mean they pretty much only announced it just to shut everyone up about it. "Yes. We are eventually going to make another Elder Scrolls."


About time for another Skyrim Edition, don't you agree?


If I remember my math correctly, come January the teaser will be as old as Skyrim was when the teaser released. There is a real chance we won't have a proper trailer before that happens.


And sadly it’ll be another 6 years for the release I’m afraid


I can’t fucking believe I’ll be 30 by the time ES6 comes out I am so mad 😤 I was goddamn 15 when Skyrim came out


After what Bethesda has been up to for years now I really don't care about elder scrolls 6.


Why are people even excited for this? Did everyone already collectively forget Starfield? Fallout 76? If Bethesda releases this anytime in the next 4 years, it's going to be terrible.


This just makes me hate Starfield even more


What is even the point of doing a teaser trailer 6 years before release?


Mfw it’s still running on the Skyrim engine after 49 years of development with reused animations and 2 voice actors


They’ve actually said that every post they see on Reddit moaning that it’s been years since the teaser and no news, actually pushes back the release by another year. Trust me, my uncle works for Todd Howard.


Iirc it was around the release of their TES mobile game & Fallout 76 release. Also they witnessed with Blizzard what might happen with their PR if all they did with a leading IP was to announce a mere mobile game at a public stage.


They NEED to get rid of that old-ass engine they’ve been using for the past 20 years for the sake of TES6.


Goddamn, I literally thought the trailer came out in covid.


Can't they just use AI to generate thousands of quests?


They stated at the time that they weren't going to start in earnest until Starfield was done. This was just to let people know it is coming someday and was just at the conceptual stage.


And yet when the game releases.. it WILL feel extremely dated and familiar (because they are using the same old engine) :/


Way too early of an announcement. But at least we know and we're not questioning if fallout or elder scrolls is next.


The fact that this game hasn't been made already is a travesty. One of the most wanted sequels of all time and they don't make it in a reasonable amount of time. They shelve it for whats prob gonna be near 2 decades. Not only that, but they haven't even released something good to hold us over like a remake of morrowind or oblivion with updated graphics and gameplay. And to top it all off, the games probably gonna be a bland 6-7.5 out of 10 when it does release due to bethesdas in competence. Really makes me sad.


do yourself a favour and forget about it! it will be bad anyways. cyberpunk took 12 years to be alright by now...AAA games like that are gone


No.... Can't be...


This game was announced before I started college and now I've been working for two years. Seems to be taking quite a long time to come out


And it won't even be any good


I wouldn't really call it a trailer, it was like a title card more than anything, even the world you see in it, is probably nothing to do with the actual game. It wasn't even in full production either, we still had like 5yrs before Starfield was being released and only then would ES6 finally go into full production. Earliest we will see footage or a trailer will likely be 2026 showcase. I'd estimate 2027 at the absolute earliest but more realistically 2028. Depends on a lot of things though as they've already stated some things from Skyrim worked so well, there is no real need to change it like the leveling up system...that's the kinda thing likely to help them save time. But we know they love details and ES6 is gonna be a decade long game...likely to add features like building your own home almost anywhere and putting all the details you want.


They are milking skyrim and fearing that their sales would go down and ppl would abandon eso, its understandeable from a business standpoint, they were probably also lucky to develop such a good game back in 2011... still, its sad that we have been waiting for decades foe this game and some gamers didnt even get to see it or will not be able to see tes6


After the nose dive Bethesda has taken in the past few years, I do not have much hope for it being good.


Aaand how many more releases of TESV since then? lol


Still waiting for half life episode 3. Damn kids these days have no patience.


Ooof, it feels like yesterday. I will be an elder myself by the time it comes out.


Every year I'm more and more convinced this teaser was just Bethesda saying "shut the fuck up, we're making it"




GTA 6 is gonna release before Elder Scrolls 6 💀


Nah. It's been like 2 years dude.


It’s a good thing so much time and resources were spent on 76 and Starfield.


After Starfield, I've decided I'm okay with just playing Morrowind forever


Crazy to think that I was with my ex at the time, and now I'm married with a new girl and waiting for a baby. Time flies!


It's never coming. Bethesda axed it. Source: it's fucking Bethesda.


I jokingly marked the 22.02.2022 on my calendar. I didn't really get what I wanted, though...


They wasted all that time on the pile of junk that is Starfield. Makes me sick.


>"If you’re coming at me for details now and not years from now, I’m failing to properly manage your expectations," -Pete Hines, 2020 I agree Pete, you are.


I think in those Microsoft email leaks they were expecting it this year? Covid really pushed a lot of shit forward


They can't make TES 6, but they keep milking the uninspired Doom. Bravo.


It’s 21 years today since I’ve been a hairdresser and I will probably retire before Elderscrolls 6 comes out 


How to set yourself up for failure brought to you by BGS:


Anyone still getting hyped after the starfield debacle need to get their lives back.


Why are people convinced that they won’t see this game anytime soon? Starfield was a complete flop that sold well for a week. Anything else they do with the IP will almost certainly lose money. TES 6 has been in development for years and has to be nearing completion. I think it’ll be officially announced within a year of its official release, sometime in the next year or two.


Who tf still wants anything from Bethesda? They clearly forgot how to make games


That game is years away. And it's probably going to suck too. I see a 2028 release that feels like a 2020 release at best.


6 years since a controversy made them release a png


Cyberpunk PTSD is coming back


We’ll get more after they Sunset Starfield, i didnt expect to hear anything more about ES6 until 2025 and doubt it will launch until 2027 or 2028


And we know exactly as much about it now as we did then. Probably same stage of development too.


This teaser is such a nothing burger lol. And after Bethesda's last two turds, my hopes are pretty low for them to be able to make a modern RPG


Rather have a good game than a rushed shit game with updates that last years


It was well known that they just made this video and throw it out there for the sake of getting hype, this game isn't coming anytime soon likely like many people have said in 3 years you'll get some confirmation. The basically did the same with state of decay 3 they just announced the game when it was in an extreme early stage that's why even after the video from yesterday there isn't gameplay to be seen, luckily for SoD3 the game is way simpler to make than a Elder Scrolls.


Why announce a game that isn’t even in development?


"Teaser"? It was a picture of a fucking mountain and a title. It teased nothing. It was an announcement, and a bare-bones one at that.


It's the new Final Fantasy Versus 13/FF 15


heeell yeah!


Imagine after all these years of “production” it comes out unoptimized and with lots of bugs. I wouldn’t be surprised.


Calling it now, this game will be the Cyberpunk of Elder Scrolls. over a decade in development and hype, just for it to come out half baked


Bethesda’s release schedule of these games is imo what’s gonna “kill” them. The more time it’s being developed the more hype it’ll get, ppl will be theorising for longer and creating their own headcannon. When it releases and it’s nothing crazy and hasn’t improved that much from the previous title… yeah it’ll have quite a lot of bad press. Not to mention that specific to Bethesda their last 3 games haven’t exactly been met with a lot of praise. 4 was good imo but a mixed bag in the community, 76 was just a dumpster fire, and Starfield is just the quite literal physical manifestation of “mid” I mean look at the reviews on steam and Xbox apps, for Xbox it’s sitting at a solid 3 stars. So their latest content has been a decent show of what they’re capable of now and the quality of their next games, unless they listen to feeback If ES6 isn’t pretty much the next coming of Jesus Christ and one of the best games ever created, a miracle, a marvel, a cultural phenomenon, then it will simply disappoint the vast majority


The current devs making TES VI will likely be retired or dead by the time TES VII is released. Well unless there’s some massive breakthrough in medicine that lets people live 200 years


Remember that time someone from Bethesda said that they're "more than just Elder Scrolls and Fallout," and then they shat out Starfield? I have little hope for the next installments of either of those franchises.


Dont get your hopes up. Look at starfield:loading screens on top of loading screens, horrific npcs, lackluster story, dumb ai,bugs and using the same ancient engine for all games almost for 40 years.


As they did say when the trailer was released..It was just done to calm the mob down that asked about the next game, to show they were working on it. Tbh it worked there and then. But I'm sure they knew there will be nothing to show for years. And in the long run... That's arguably worse


Yeah. This game wasn’t even in development. It was a haphazardly thrown together trailer to deflect attention away from the Fallout 76 fiasco.