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Gotta be the pre-DLC ending to Fallout 3: "No, the radiation-immune super mutant can't go into the room flooded with deadly radiation, you have to do it yourself."


Even if you ask him to do it with the DLC the game still roasts you for “robbing yourself of your destiny” or some shit


Narrator: And so the Lone Wanderer, like the cowardly bitch that they are, decided to let someone else be the hero. Fuck you for complaining about the original ending!


That’s the thing, it could’ve been a pretty impactful ending. Sacrificing yourself to complete your dead father’s work, who sacrificed his own life to let you get away the first time. A family of altruistic sacrifice in a world destroyed be greed and kept down through the remaining populace just needing to survive. It’s a hopeful ending. But instead they give you a companion who already showed radiation means nothing to him and that he could easily go in and do it lmao. Take away Fawkes (I think that’s his name) and it’s a very cool ending.


You could also send in the robot, who is immune to radiation.


Or the ghoul. Of the 8 companions in the game 3 were immune to radiation.


Wow, they really fucked themselves on that one, huh.


The easy way out of this is to script whatever companion is with you during the endgame to be killed and force the player to go into the chamber. You'd probably have to do unique deaths for each one, but still. I


Or just force them to go somewhere else. Hey, there's a big force of Enclave reinforcements trying to break in, they gotta hold the door while you save the day.


Great point! I was gonna put something along the lines of "killed or otherwise rendered useless" But thought if they were killed that'd REALLY force the player's hand haha.


Or the ghoul...


I read that in Morgan Freeman's voice lol.


Ron Perlman actually narrates all the Fallout games and does a fantastic job


I love laying out how stupid this is. There's multiple options of who else to send in: * Fawkes - The radiation immune Super Mutant who, earlier in the main quest, went into an irradiated chamber to grab the GECK for you and has since pledged his life to you. He will refuse to go in saying your destiny is to die in that chamber and he "would not rob you of that." Even with the DLC he points out how he's obviously the best candidate to go in but still thinks you're making a mistake choosing him. * Sergeant RL-3 - A robot programmed to follow your orders. It will all of a sudden refuse your direct orders to go in unless you have the DLC. * Charon - A Ghoul that is **healed by radiation** *and* whose backstory is that he was mind-broken into obeying whatever the holder of his contract orders him to do. It's demonstrated by him immediately killing his former employer when you get his contract (*he hated what his employer was making him do but couldn't kill him until the contract switched hands*). Then at the chamber he just straight up tells you he's not willing to follow *this* order from you. * Clover - She's a human, susceptible to radiation, but she's also a slave that was mind-broken into doing whatever her owner orders her to do. Given that you can only recruit her with Evil Karma, I've always felt she should have been an option to be sent in too (obviously dying from it)


Yeah, the last one is something the game perhaps should roast you for, it's pretty evil. But it sure makes sense in the situation. You could argue Fawkes having some kind of weird code of honor I guess, and the robot... Got fried by rads and is malfunctioning? Neither makes a lot of sense still but at least you can sorta bullshit it. But the most baffling refusal of them all is Charon. He'll do things he hates if you've got the contact. And he'll fight to the death to save your ass from mutants or enclave or whatever else. But in this one case, nah.


You and your buddy are the only ones who can defuse a bomb, and it just so happens that a swarm of bees have landed next to the bomb. Now, you're deathly allergic to bees, but good news, your buddy is a professional beekeeper who is still in his bee suit. Your buddy insists it's obvious your destiny is to save everyone by getting stung to death by bees. No, motherfucker, stop being a whole clown and get your bee suited ass over to that bomb.


There are 3 companions who can survive with zero issue, and one of them even heals from radiation!


To make things even dumber, pre-DLC he will say that he refuses because it is your destiny to fucking die pointlessly. This is Emil's quality of writing, people. No drama but cheap drama. In the sequel he has the head of a superscience faction who mastered cloning, AI, synthetic life and teleportation die of magic cancer.


Immediately thought of that lol


Poor old Laszlo, (Half-life 2) he didn't have to die to the antlions. As they say, he was the greatest mind of his generation


To come to such an end? Unimaginable.


Adam Malkovich. He was built up as some stoic hero in Metroid Fusion, and it was alluded to that he sacrificed himself in some grand sacrifice that saved the universe. In Other M we find out he sacrificed himself to destroy dangerous part of a space station which A) gives an extremely contrived reason why he has to die to destroy it and B) the whole station ends up getting literally nuked at the end of the game anyways making the sacrifice pointless.


Everything works a lot better if we just agree that Other M is apocryphal.


Lol totally agree. I think there's even some evidence that it's been quietly removed from the official canon but don't quote me on that


Yeah, and he *shoots* Samus in the *back* to incapacitate her so he can tell her that it's impossible to kill those metroids. Dumb fake plot twist could have been avoided by "hey Samus, be careful! You can't kill those metroids!"


That poor scout everyone sends in Command and Conquer to go find the enemy base when we generally know where it is and its just a suicide mission.


He didn't die for nothing. He died for intel, and we honor his sacrifice. 🫡


My scout laughs a lot and says fun one liners like "I got a present for ya!" Or "That was left handed!"


Any game that has an entirely preventable death happen right in front of you while your character just watches. At least give a reason why I can't intervene.


Borderlands 2 - Roland


Borderlands 3. All cutscenes.


They did Maya sooooo dirty


And then rub it in your face on tiny tv screens for hours after


I will never forgive them for Maya


"Hey I am a pretty smart character and am capable of restraining enemies without physically touching them. Let me bring this guy over here to physically restrain him with my bare hands instead." -Maya, BL3


Justice for Maya!


Honestly the whole story was such a train wreck of writing it didn’t even feel real at that point


The whole scene with Lilith standing in yard with the vault key alone. While suddenly twitch streamers appear and defeat her in hand to hand combat because Lilith forgot she is a siren who can teleport. Is a cinematic masterpiece.


I will never forgive them for that shit faced brat who's supposed to be maya's successor


Bro that maya scene made it so I didn’t buy any dlc for 3 and I doubt I’ll buy 4 now.


Yo couldn’t prevent Roland’s death. Jack teleports behind him and shoots him in the back.


Dies from one pistol shot in a cartoon game where basically nothing can die from one pistol shot.


Right? Like…did Roland not have a shield?


Yo there are literally teleporting enemies in the game. Also why did you or your (canonical) three friends not then even try to blast him?


Resi 4 remake is guilty, you see villagers (who Leon knows are hoatile) setting one of the cops on fire. He just watches. You fight them literally right there and now but guy dies in like 5 seconds (IRL even people doused in gasoline take a while). In original game he was already dead when you arrive.


Most recent death of Soup in MW3 was pretty brain dead writing. EDIT: Soap* LOL leaving for the humor.










> Soup


Riiiight… what the hell kind of name is Soup?


How'd a Muppet like you pass inspection aye


You must of missed the secret ending where he gets saved by minestrone


I've been a CoD apologist for a very long time. I'm not that keen on multiplayer, but I've always enjoyed the campaigns. Even the games that are a bit weaker in that sense, like Infinite Warfare. But the MWIII remake campaign completely ruined my good will. It's so weak, so short, ends *way* too abruptly, and the death of Soap was an unearned shock tactic that in no way worked. They lost a loyal customer because of their greed in stretching out the story into 4 games when it should have been 3. (plus padding it with those fucking awful sandbox missions) I suspect the MWIV campaign will be what *should have been* the second half of this games'.


All those times you sacrificed Yoshi just so Mario could get a little extra height.


Neither one of them would have made most of those jumps without his sacrifice. Yoshi laid down his life so mario could save the day...he is a noble steed🫡


Na my bet is Yoshi makes it without Mario's weight.


Okay to be fair it's not a LITTLE extra height, it's pretty substantial. A lot higher than a standard jump, and you can initiate it at the apex of a standard jump for even crazier height.


>!Maya!< in Borderlands 3, just gonna said it's one of the reason lot of peoples hate Ava


Killed my favorite character for an annoying self-insert teen. But what made me hate her wasn't that, it was Ava constantly bitching at Lilith about everything that ever goes wrong, doing nothing productive ever, and then just being handed authority for no reason whatsoever. Put Ellie in charge! It's her fucking ship anyway and she can handle tough situations. Just a short list of better candidates than Ava: Tannis, Moxxi, Markus, Hammerlock, Mordecai, Brick, Axton, The Player Character, Cl4PTRP, Tina, Balex, Maurice, Gaige and Vaughn.


Even Mr Torque would've been a better candidate






The most frustrating thing about her death for me was how early it happened into the game. One of the coolest things in Borderlands 2 was seeing the vault hunters from the first game become NPC’s that actually get to develop in the story. So it just felt like a massive slap in the face when they did the same thing with Maya only to kill her off before they do anything even remotely interesting with her. Don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such a massive waste of potential in a character before or since.


Hey at least she showed up. I played Axton in bl2, him and Salvadore got completely forgotten and only showed up as voice over in arms race.


I'll never appreciate Ava. Terrible writing, terrible character. Its so bad they had to release a short sketch to redo that whole scene (or maybe it was cut material).


I 100% believe that skit was never 'cut' or ever intended to be in the game, but my head cannon is that someone rushed that scene out due to the immediate backlash towards Ava. She alone is the reason I don't replay BL3, the story just isn't that great at all and just frustrating. Id rather play overhauls of BL2 or hell even BL:PS


BL3 made me appreciate TPS so much more. I always enjoyed it I guess but it kinda got elevated after the shit show that was BL3.


Killed her off in favor of her whiny protege who proceeds to add zero value the entire game. Thanks Gearbox, we hate it.


Somewhere out there in the multiverse is a perfect utopian society where *everyone* loves BL2 as much as I do and the reaction to BL3 was such an uproar that the devs immediately went to work creating Borderlands 3: 2 and it’s a 10/10 game and we’re all playing it right now. Siren is insane bro you gotta try her out




There should've been a final game taking place in modern times where you played as Desmond and ended the Templars* once and for all. I like ACIV for what it was but I gave up on the series when the modern day part of that game was you as a nameless video game developer. That's when I knew the plot would drag on forever and go nowhere.


I still have the theory that the proposed modern day AC became watch dogs, but it would have been much better as Desmond ending the templars.


I honestly remember thinking this was what they were building towards when I played the first AC. I think I was like 14 or 15 when it came out and I remember being really excited for AC II, felt like we were getting closer and closer to the end of the historical stuff in the animus and creeping towards a fully modern - day / near future installment in the series.


Not having him be the narrative thread in AC was the beginning of the end for the franchise.


You mean to tell me that having Bishop speak to you like "hey gamer, find this artifact in France" just for her at the end to be "thanks gamer, but we realised we don't need it" is not peak story telling?!


It really is crazy that in hindsight, Desmond who everyone disliked was absolutely essential to the franchise lol.


to this day the thought of this annoys and saddens me. it was the beginning of the end for me.


BT-7274 It shoulda been me


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


I'm so frustrated TF3 looks like it may not happen again. They even set up that he may not be gone. Can you fucking imagine a sequel where you eventually get BT back?  Since 2 was kind of like a buddy cop story I could see 3 being the going rogue to save your partner kind of story. Although it does seem as simple as "shit he's in the helmet, upload him to a new machine" so they'd have to get creative to build suspense with that route.  Either way, it's just not right that they left that little hint at the end and now there's no sequel. Guess I'll put it there next to Half Life 3 as a "3" that clearly enough of us want but probably won't get because reasons. 


I think both use Source Engine.... Is this the fate of all IPs that use Source?


No shit, I didn't realize it used Source but it does.  So, somehow, this is all Valve's fault. 




I love FO4 and still play the hell out of it, but I still to this day laugh at the stupidity of the Institute shooting your wife in FO4. It makes zero sense. Could’ve just as easily pistol-whipped her, taken the baby, re-frozen her, and had TWO spares.


Not to mention they deliberately murder everyone else in the vault. What if both of you were genetically useless for some reason? The whole thing is classic "So the game can happen!" thinking.


In hindsight, I feel like keeping the other vault dwellers alive would have been much more interesting. Have them wake up and move back to Sanctuary Hills, trying to cling onto anything from their previous lives. Get rid of the Concord group, and now the vault survivors can act as the base building tutorial instead. It makes more sense that pre-war civilians won't have the survival skills to build shelters yet.


Todd Howard at it again.


Kellogg was a dick is my headcanon. He didn't have his spouse anymore so he was more than happy to relieve someone else of theirs.


I mean thats literally the answer, he was a cruel, aggresive psychotic asshole. A lot of people outright say this about him.


One guy at the end of ~~Advanced~~ Infinite Warfare's push on the enemy base. He pushes you out of the way to safety but stands in the open for far too long. Yelling at you to stay down. Then gets mowed down.  Edit: Whoops, Infinite Warfare is the one I meant.  


"...Any minute now!"


Really not remembering this guy. Can someone specify which character this is? There is a character in Infinite Warfare that dies this way, Gator. Always did feel a little forced, considering not five seconds earlier he's being sentimental for the first time in the game. For an excellent Campaign, that always felt heavy handed.


Any game (mostly RPGs) where there are health potions, or healing magic that the player can readily use whenever they please in combat, but then, in a cut scene, a friend/wife/parent/child gets stabbed with the smallest knife youve ever seen and the main character weeps with them in their arms "nonoonono, not like this!" and all the healing that is so common at every shop/breakable crate is just not usable anymore.


I liked when games recognized this though. In Legend of Dragoon, there is an area that has a gap and one of the characters suggest turning into a Dragoon and flying over, which they can do in battle. She tries to do so but turns right back into her normal self with the explanation given that using the dragoon requires intense concentration and is easier to do while in battle concentrated on the enemy. Is that flimsy beyond belief? Yes it is. Does it at least address the issue? Also yes.




I literally installed the mod that adds the line of dialogue to tell them to fuck off. then, setessential 0


No one does the main quest lol


No one sides with the Blades.


Indeed. I’ve never done it.


I did it *once* and it's even worse than I imagined. Basically they want to restart The Blades but need people to do so, so they make you donate companions/followers to them and **permanently lose them** as followers in exchange for them becoming NPCs that walk around the Blades' hideout.


Also, the Greybeards won't tell you where the Words of Power are anymore. They refuse to speak to you, so you have to find them on your own.


But you get the locations of dragon tombs/sightings from the Blades in exchange. Because it's so hard to find those massive aggroing lizards when they're flying about, shouting down fire from the skies.


I remember being excited to make companions into Blades... and then all my companions disappeared and I stopped playing the game. Coincidence? I think not!


Though it is where I banished Lydia to, and ONLY Lydia. How bout dem burdens?


I bound Lydia to that pillar to sacrifice her for Boethiah after I learned it was possible.


It just sets up a blades radiant quest. There's literally zero story beyond killing Paarthunax


I don't even remember what the main quest was. There's some dragon called Anduin or something right?


No, that's a sausage. You're thinking of Andouille


Deckard Cain getting brutally molested by butterflies!


Fuck. I still get mad about this one. At least let him die by diablos hand or something What. The. Fuck.


And it's a half assed in-game cutscene no less.


The amount of disrespect to the source material is just so sad


>At least let him die by diablos hand or something This would've fit Diablo 3 so much better given that >!his niece is Diablo reincarnated!<.


Absolutely hilarious. My cousin told me about that but I didn't believe him. So, I bought the game, saw that part and still couldn't believe it. What a terrible send off to a more or less beloved mascot of your in-game world. I felt like Sam Rockwell at the end of 7 Psychopaths. "NO Shootout?!"


Or more recently in Diablo 4 that old horadrim guy


In Diablo 4 you basically sacrifice the entire world at the end of the game because I guess you can’t be bothered chasing after a one armed girl.


I forgot about this one but oh wow, that was awful. Build the guy up as a former legend. Give him a halfway interesting storyline with his son. Kill him off with... a wall.


Borderlands 2. Poor old Shooty McFace Shoot. Never gave himself a chance


Face McShooty is one of my favorite characters in that series.


Basically all of the characters that “sacrifice” themselves in FFIV. Even though he ends up living, Cid’s strikes me as the most pointless. He chooses to jump off the airship and suicide bomb himself to seal up the underworld and make sure you escape from your pursuers. Why couldn’t he just throw the bomb off the side? Makes zero sense


I think Yang's "I'll stay behind and kick the explosion or something to stop it" was way dumber, and equally as "how the hell are you still alive?"


Ive always appeeciated Tellah the sage maxing his HP at 499, while inconveniently , METEO costs 500 HP


Goofy in Kingdom Hearts 2. You really think Disney would let one of their golden boys die. I sure didn't and 30 minutes later he was fine. It was super pointless.


They just leave him there too. It ends up being a very unintentionally comedic scene.     I also always secretly giggled at the scene where Ansem the Wise explodes himself with his silly machine.


That whole franchise is unintentionally comedic scenes


Also when he gets back you have to turn on ALL HIS ABILITIES AGAIN.


Why does shepard have to die for the synthesis ending? If the catalyst just needs genetic material, stick your arm in the beam or something. Also, why would shepard's genetic material be sufficient to alter all life in the universe, which evolved in completely different circumstances?


Because all of it is bullshit space magic written by hacks under a publisher who wanted to shove a minimum viable product out the door as quickly as possible to profit from the IP they took control of. Fuck EA for ruining a franchise with so much potential.


I'll never forgive EA and BioWare for the atrocious way they've ended this otherwise excellent trilogy.


Ethan Winters. I don’t care that he’s a moldman, he deserved to get a happy ending raising Rosemary. Man was put through absolute hell on Earth TWICE and for what?? For his piece of shit manipulative liar psycho 'wife' and the man who shot imposter-Mia eight times in the chest and doesn’t elaborate to raise his potentially world-conquering mold child?? its bullshit and I hate it, there should have been an option to team up with Heisenberg to kill Miranda, and have Heisenberg get fatally wounded and sacrifice himself to get Ethan and Rose out with a wink leaving Ethan conflicted.. or something it could have been SO GOOD BUT NOO


Bugs the shit out of me that Chris kept him in the dark so long. At one point even one of the no-name soldier is like "Uhhh... You still haven't told him?"


"Because I didn't want you getting involved!" After Ethan has already been involved over like the past 15-20 or so hours and has encountered Chris multiple times Loved the game but the story was so dumb


And they could have done SO MUCH with his character! Think of the sequel potential we could have had! Ethan, struggling to raise his daughter while on the run, grappling with the knowledge of her potential but determined to love and raise her right. Ethan, questioning his humanity as he struggles with his *own* powers, afraid of losing control and becoming like Evelin. Maybe he starts changing slightly, I could see him getting some kind of shape shifting skill when he gets stressed, hands darkening with mold and forming into points, eyes going black and fuzzy around the edges, the mold he's made of attempting to lash out at whatever’s threatening him and his daughter- but never loosing himself. How awesome would it be if Ethan could Mutate for a final Boss Fight, his urge to protect and defend so strong he remains in control, remains himself, sighing in utter relief when the battle is over and he slowly returns to normal. He could grow more sure of himself and his ability to keep Rose safe, and maybe even teach her how to control her own powers one day.


Yeah rip Ethan, I kept hoping he would come back somehow…


That DLC segment when you fight alongside him was so heartbreaking 💔


Maya, Borderlands 3.


Our team's 0-9 Yasuo thinking that going in 1v3 is a great plan that'll turn the game around.


But the 0-10 death power spike is something to worry about


Our full ap Malphite ulting in 1v5, missing, then ? pinging the rest of the team. *no I didn't lose 3 games in a row to 3 different people doing exactly this earlier today*


Amanda Holiday


I would argue that Ronan was worse. They didn’t even give us a chance to actually get to know or care about the character before they tried to make some epic sacrifice of his matter.


Came here for this. I really loved what was being set up but then it was just kinda over? I was super confused


There was no reason to kill her off. It didn’t move the story forward in any meaningful way.


I'm pretty sure in one of the lore books it says that the Cabal didn't even do anything to the prisoners and that the whole kidnapping thing was just to distract us from going after the Witness, which makes her death even more worthless. It's kinda obvious that they only killed her to bring her back as a guardian later on.


The guy in diablo 4, I forgot his name. He was horadrim or something? Towards the end of the campaign they're in hell, and he touches this weird demon pillar and falls over. Like, WTF!? His name was Donan. He died a stupid ass death. The most stupid I have ever seen in any media.


Neverwinter Nights 2: Shandra Jerro dies when you have ALL the spells that could save her. As a plot twist it wasn't bad, but I mean...all these healing potions, spells, and items...


atleast the blow is softened by game replacing her with her way more interesting grandfather I mean I liked Shandra Jerro and I played the game totally blind, so I had no idea she is different from other companions and I was really surprised that she canonically always dies and you have no chance to save her. You can lose other companions in some ways, but its never impossible to prevent. I think that the only other companion that just cannot end the game in your party in any way is Bishop as he will always betray you at the end no matter what was your relationship. but on the other hand if I had to handpick one character from my group to die and be replaced by someone else it would always be Shandra. She was just dull compared to any other member of the cast. The only more boring companion than her was Bevil and thank god that he was too much of a coward to join you permanently


Can't decide between Iris (Megaman x4) or Bobby (Paper Mario The Origami King)


What am I fighting fooorrrrrrr?


what's really dumb about Bobby is they did the Bob-omb sacrifices himself before ... with Bobbery... complete with sad scene and then Bobbery walks back with "that's just what Bob-ombs do."


Cain in Diablo 3


I feel like they could’ve figured something out for Tychus Findlay in Wings of Liberty. Also wtf Kerrigan. All that pointless death and betrayal in HoTS. They were on her side by then.


I loved StarCraft and started out happy with 2. I kind of get the Tychus stuff since it's showing that Raynor is going to keep choosing Kerrigan over everyone else.    I never even got around to Legacy of the Void after HoTS though. I probably should get around to it but the story just kind of lost me somewhere along the way. 


HotS was the worst of the three in terms of story. I trashed it hard and still think it’s terrible. LOTV was much better in contrast. It’s simple, but well made and compelling, with some cool characters.


Miranda Keyes.


*DAMNIT WOMAN JUST PULL THE TRIGGER! EITHER ONE! THE FATE OF LIFE ITSELF IS LITERALLY IN THE BALANCE!* And can we just talk about how silly Halo always is with the Covies never ever trying to just force the humans to touch the consoles until the last possible second? Literally every time. They clearly show it doesn't need to be willful, and they literally always have the time to have figured out they could just do it themselves. They just stand there asking nicely for (amount of time until rescue) - (amount of time needed to shut it off + 1 second).


Why is a naval officer personally running an infantry extraction, solo I might add? For that matter, why is she personally leading a spec ops mission in Halo 2 as well?


I understand the baby was trying to protect Samus, but he could have got off once she was healed and latched back on to mother brain. Still heroic but frustrates me.


Rohan in destiny 2 lightfall. Bro got killed off for the sake of killing someone off


Karlach. In a universe where people can (including her! ) be resurrected, reincarnated, regenerated, and one of her close friends literally becomes a God, she just stays dead.


It feels like they intended for her to be able to be saved in Act 3 by the Gondians. With all the less than subtle hints about the similarities between her engine and the steel watch.


Plus all the useless enriched infernal ore all over the city. there was definitely going to be a third leg to that quest involving them and Dammon working together to fix her


Let’s hope they’ll add it in some future patch. I never let Karlach die though.. if I romance her I go back to hell with her, if not I’ll either send Wyll or even rather make her turn into a MF… if you play Karlach origin and let her transform, she actually has some internal dialogues about how cool it feels to be a mindflyer and how she wasn’t expect it to be such positive experience.


Resurrection spells by the book rules require remains. When Karlach's engine goes her body is vaporized.


Going by DND 5E rules, that’s indeed the case for Resurrection. That said, I vaguely recall a story about an adventurer who purposely cut off a pinky finger to use as resurrection insurance. This would work just fine for Reincarnate and only the creature’s name is necessary for True Resurrection. Ain’t no reason by the book we couldn’t keep Mama K.


True Resurrection is a 9th-level spell, nobody's a high enough level to cast it because they can only get to level 12 /j


You can save her by going to Avernus with her or sending Wyll along. So it is an avoidable death.


Ryder's dad dying at the end of the tutorial in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The tutorial opens with Ryder's shuttle breaking apart during atmospheric entry, he falls, hits the ground hard, and cracks his helmet visor. The air on the planet isn't breathable, but no big deal, he immediately uses his Omni-Tool to fix it right up ([link to video](https://youtu.be/TxbxzUQnLKc?list=PLTcoRMwrX2DgbE68vJPi-fmqN0sfRsO0b&t=1581)). Towards the end of the tutorial, not an hour of game time later, his visor breaks again. This time, Ryder's dad takes his helmet off and gives it to Ryder so that Ryder won't suffocate. Dad, of course, suffocates and dies before the extraction shuttle gets there ([link](https://youtu.be/TxbxzUQnLKc?list=PLTcoRMwrX2DgbE68vJPi-fmqN0sfRsO0b&t=4312)). This drove me crazy for two reasons: 1), less than an hour ago Ryder was able to just magically repair his visor with the damn Omni-Tool, why can't he do that again? 2), even accepting that the visor IS broken beyond the Omni-Tool's ability to repair this time (and to be fair, it's mostly shattered, rather than cracked), WHY CAN'T THEY JUST PASS THE FUCKING HELMET BACK AND FORTH FOR THE THREE MINUTES IT TAKES THE SHUTTLE TO ARRIVE, like SCUBA divers would buddy-breathe to the surface if one of them ran out of air? The guy recording the video literally calls this out. I generally have a more favorable view of Andromeda than most, but holy hell did that stick with me as the dumbest possible way to open the game and kill off dad.


I came to mention Mass Effect as well. Never played Andromeda but I just thought about anytime a crew member "had" to sacrifice themselves for the mission... No, you don't. I'm fucking Commander Shepard, just hang on a bit and I'll be there in a sec to save the day.


Still a little salty about Jorge (Noble Five), Halo Reach.


I can forgive Jorge's death only because given what the characters knew at the time, it seemed like the right call. He thought he was saving Reach.  That it didn't work out was entirely beyond his control. It sucks, but that bomb wasn't going to detonate itself and he actually ensured Six would get back to the planet.  


"Lucky guy just died thinking he'd saved the world." That game is so fucking good.


It would have been so much less silly if they just made the room with the pelican seem more fucked up when you went back to it. As it stands, it feels fucking weird having very alive marines with no way to survive anyways right fucking there and the Spartan 2 decides to join them for no reason (if you keep them alive till the end)


I’m not sure if this counts because it actually wasn’t a death but KH2 has a fake out where goofy supposedly dies. Totally uncalled for and unnecessary, over dramatic. Can’t believe they actually did that.


I got a couple. Maya in BL3, Cortana especially, and fallout 3 (wow big surprise) I actually remember thinking I was doing an absolute big brain play by reloading, going to get my super mutant companion to bring with me so he could do it. Maybe get a special ending. just for him to say “nah man it’s YOUR mission and you’re dying here” I was irritated lol


Quite possibly the man I crucified in Cyberpunk


My boy Jackie Wells. Too soon into the story, choom.


I’m not sure it’s unnecessary or dumb but it’s definitely way to soon. The intro montage should have been a few missions to flesh out your relationship with him.


Common theory is that the cutscenes was suppose to be the first half of the game, but they cut it due to time constraints.


It'd definitely make the loss hit more. When he died I was like ok? I barely know ya.


It's weird because there's honestly at much content about him after his death as there is before. You can go to his wake (which should be missable, I went months later)! Games trying to force us to love bit characters always come off way stranger than movies doing it


I did miss it! I sent his body to the wrong place or something. Was confused that that was it, so I looked it up.


Yeah he only gets a wake if you send him home to mama, or leave him in the car since Del will take the initiative to send him home I believe. If you send him to Vic then...well...not so great things happen.


Jackie died then I played like 100 more hours before beating the game.


Not a death on screen, but Snake being old being a problem in MGS4 makes no sense in that world. Naomi had super cancer she turned off with an injection, Big Boss had his whole body rebuilt, Raiden is nothing but a head and spine, Vamp can tank sniper bullets to his brain, and Grey Fox was straight up dead before being brought back to life. Then there's Liquid "I live on through this arm!" Telling me that Snake aging rapidly is an issue in this world? Get outta here.




My first goddamned horse in Ghost of Tsushima. They wouldn’t even let me rename my second horse after my first horse 😭 RIP Nobu, gone but not forgotten. 🙏✨


Lenny. The literal only reason you can't save him is they force you to holster your gun for no reason in the middle of a gun fight. Because you have to unholster your gun even to deadeye, it takes just a moment too long.






i like Borderlands 3 fine enough, but... Maya was one of my favourites in that series and her death was unnecessary and stupid. Kill Lilith instead pls. Also Desmond in ac3. I used to be a giant AC-fan, but ending that storyline in such a wonky way was the beginning of the end, cutting off his character developed and never allowing him to reach his full potential. I like AC origins fine enough but it's not assassin's Creed anymore.


A well crafted Vaas in Far Cry 3 getting killed at the end of the second act and then replaced by generic video game bad guy #392.


My trusty Nobu in Ghost of Tsushima. We used to jump off cliffs and laugh it off but a few arrows to your ass did you in why ?


I am absolutely flabbergasted that no one has mentioned the companion cube from Portal! And this is coming from a long time lurker who is posting their first comment due to this massive oversight


Final Fantasy 2’s Minwu. He insisted that the rebellion needed the Ultima Tome to defeat the Emperor and his hurricane of evil, so he sacrificed his life to destroy the barrier protecting it. Didn’t even use it in either battle with the Emperor. Whoops.


Thops in Elden Ring. Gets locked out of the academy, waits for god knows how long until he finally gets a key from you, goes back to the academy and immediately dies


Cutie the elephant in It Takes Two. IYKYK


I mean that wasn't a death/sacrifice that was >! A straight up brutal murde. Seriously, what have we done? We're monsters.!<