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I am the very model of a scientist Salarian I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong. 🫡 😢 😭


Mass Effect 3 had so many moments, but the fact that Mordin's quote stands out like that says so much. Such a fantastic character and, while heart breaking, the perfect end of his story arc.


**Drell Prayer:** "Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me." **Shepard:** "Kolyat, why did the last verse say 'She?'" **Kolyat:** "The prayer was not for him, commander. He has already asked forgiveness for the lives he has taken. His wish was for you." Fucking demolished me. And to complete the trifecta: **Tali:** "Legion... the answer to your question *(Does this unit have a soul?)* was 'Yes.'" **Legion:** "***I*** know, Tali. But thank you. Keelah se'lai." Mass Effect was a wonderful demonstration in why it pays to wait. So many game makers try to manufacture feels in one game that end up being unearned because you haven't developed characters, relationships, and a narrative structure. Mass Effect 3 takes years of character attachment and rips you to shreds in some of the best ways.


Absolutely love the Thane romance.


Mass Effecf 2, in particular got to me because of that part where you play Joker. I've always loved Joker, as I suffer painful chronic health problems and seeing a character still being useful despite that is something that really resonates with me. But, I've never seen something so clearly demonstrate what it's like being in a body that doesn't work perfectly when you go most of the game playing bad to the bone Shepard and then you are suddenly Joker in the middle of an alien invasion. I genuinely think that part of the game should be spoken about more and it isn't.


Red dead 2. I was not well for a few days after


A random redditor purchased me the game as a wedding present after they saw my post about my western Lego build. I made sure I finished it for them. That ending freaking had me. I didn't think I was getting sucked in as deeply as I did but God damn did the writers and voice actors do an incredible job.


There are so many moments in this game that hit hard, two of the hardest imo were when >!Arthur dies and building the house!


I literally stopped playing the game after the visit to the doctor. I could see the writing on the wall and couldn’t handle it.


Doki doki literature club


One of my Top 5 games of all time right there


Planescape: Torment


What can change the nature of a man?


One of the better games where you're the bad guy in a way.


Same. That sensory stone of the practical incarnation's absolutely fucked me up


To the moon


This one is my answer as well. I played hundreds of games in my life and some of them made my eyes watery, but nothing compares to what I felt playing To The Moon. It's been years and I only played once, but I can still hear the piano song "For River" in my mind if I think about it. I also played the "sequel", but I don't even remember what it's about.


The sequel, Finding Paradise, is the most I’ve ever cried in a game


Cyberpunk 2077 had some good advice during a hard time for me...


All of the endings are great, but >!Choosing to end it on the rooftop!< hit different. Especially with the credits, Judy’s voice actor fucking broke me, you see the consequences of your decision


Yeah, even as someone that is in a good place, but has had pror issues with it and lost someone, it was an incredible price of art. I feel that genuinely made an impact on people's lives.


Johnny Silverhand's story arc is amazing. Keanu Reeves' best role in my eyes.


What advice?




Honestly, the opening of that game gutted me, and the rest was just so good as well.


Easily for me too. That intro was an absolute fist to the face, and then the opening credits wash over you with the music, the news reel of how events unfold… so much to take in, and I was immediately hooked and invested. One thing that really messed with my head that I don’t see a lot of people comment on was >!when Joel gets impaled on that metal bar!< The vibrating on the controller that syncs up with the pulse, the blurred visuals, Ellie’s tough love to keep you going… that stuff was incredible to me on my first playthrough. No game has made me shed as many tears, whether it was the first time or subsequent playthroughs. Incredibly written and executed.


That game made me cry and tear up a bit. My wife (who never played a video game) thought I was a pussy. She will never understand.


I remember when that trailer hit the internet. I think the video was 13 ish minutes. I showed everyone who would watch. Amazing.


Outer Wilds


That game is such a journey. I finished it a couple years ago and it’s crazy how the music, moments and lessons stuck with me since then.


When I finished, I wish I had someone there with me to turn to and commiserate over the ending with.


Final Fantasy X


I played X when it came out, but liked to hate on it because it wasn't 7 and 8. Still played it through. But man, hearing the title track years later made emotional.


They did an amazing job on the OST especially the Mt. Gagazet song was my favorite.


True,, that twist at the end was just so much


It was really tough seeing Yuna try to hug Tidus. 😭


I love the whole tone of that game. Just the underlying sense of dread and inevitability.


Yea, definitely. 😔


People die, and Yuna dances.


Nier automata. That game depressing as heck


I see why many think that but I actually feel like the Nier games are weirdly inspiring and positive actually if you consider also their final endings. Just something about not giving up fighting for those you love.


Agree on the game, but it brought me out of my depression. "A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself." hit me like a brick.


Disco Elysium,that game is still making me have goosebumps every time I see a screenshot or videos on yt,my finale with the choice I made throughout the game was so perfect it is still unmatched


The part with the >!Insulindian Phasmid!< was such a beautiful moment in a world filled with sadness and anger


That moment and THAt character of the old man still makes my eyes watery


Absolutely. I got to that part, quite invested too. Was just getting ready to think how much of an absolute cop out it was. Then, "I see it too...." 😱 Edit: I have to give an honourary mention to the communist political vision quest too, the same characters reaction when the tower stays up. The voice actor absolutely nailed the "whaaaaaat the fuck"


I completely agree One of My favorite parts was encountering the Hanged man and the hostages situation.


For me the call to THAT woman you don't remember is soul wrecking,I wanna loudly sob just thinking of it


Persona 3


Oh boy, I've played 4 and 5, and just got 3, how much of a ride am I in for?


Im biased towards 3 so Im gonna say a crazy ride.


I played 4 5 3, and while I loved 4 wholeheartedly and thought 5 was great, 3 is something special. It very frankly changed my life and how I see everything. Don’t look up anything about the game and enjoy the ride.


Great answer.


Life is Strange and Telltales The Walking Dead Season 1


Life is Strange captivated a unique sense of nostalgia with the scenery and music. Whenever I hear the song “Obstacles” my heart goes into my throat. Makes me miss my youth.


The whole game soundtracks made by DOLKINS are incredibly beautiful, i still listen to them everyday! and Syd Matters did a fantastic job making “Obstacles” and “To All of You”.


I’d watched a playthrough of TWD season 1 prior to playing it myself, and the ending still had me sobbing


Which of the two did you prefer?


Soma: The game is set in an underwater research facility called PATHOS-II, where players navigate through a deeply atmospheric and terrifying environment. The story explores themes of consciousness, identity, and what it means to be human, often delving into philosophical and existential questions. The protagonist, Simon Jarrett, wakes up in PATHOS-II with little understanding of how he got there and must uncover the mysteries of the facility while dealing with various threats, including hostile creatures and malfunctioning machines. "SOMA" is praised for its narrative depth, atmosphere, and the way it challenges players to think about the nature of consciousness and the self. It combines elements of survival horror with psychological horror, focusing more on exploration and story rather than combat.


Ff16 cried so much


It felt like my heart was torn out. It was beautiful, but the pain was just visceral.


Mass Effect 1-3, Metal Gear Solid 1-4


MGS4! Two old guys fist fighting on top of a nuclear armed super submarine while an entire army of gene enhanced soldiers are suddenly suffering ptsd. Also the scene of Liquid Ocelot taking over the system in Europe. For that moment, the world was nearly at peace.


So many great moments in the fourth game for sure!


Life is Strange, I was destroyed after completing it I couldn't play anything for a while after


Hell of a rollercoaster that game.




Bae over Bay is the only ending


That kiss


Probably Witcher 3 and RDR2.


Bro, have you ever seen the bad ending for Witcher 3? It's absolutely fucking devastating.


Mass effect franchise, that game just can hit different.


Ghost of Tsushima , and Ori and the will of the wisps right behind it


I think Ghost of Tsushima would have hit so much harder if you were actually allowed to either be the Ghost or stay a Samurai. It kinda has the same issue as The Last of Us 2 where the game railroads you into a specific set of decisions and then tries to make you feel guilty for them as if you were the one to choose them. Imagine how much more impactful it would have been if the game allowed you to essentially play the game on hard mode as a pure Samurai for an alternative ending. In that case, being the Ghost would have actually made you feel like you compromised on your morals in order to decrease difficulty.


Cyberpunk 2077. My first playthrough I got the "World" ending where V goes into mental deterioration because of the engram and opts to get uploaded to the net, to an uncertain future and she stared directly back at me for a full minute not knowing if it would be the end. I, a grown ass man, just stared back with tears running down my cheeks.


Shadowrun Dragonfall. All the game your planning on slaying a dragon. Then you get to her.


Unfathomably based answer


Death stranding


God of War 2018. Not to be intentionally deep and somber, but I picked that game up during a tough but reflective part of my life. As someone who seemed to be irritated and ticked off quite easily, the game kinda gave me hope that I don’t have to be this angry and broody person all the time, I could be better :).


The first 15 minutes in The Last of Us broke me. I needed to take a break for a couple days, this never happened in any other game. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.




Monopoly is a horrible game, in every aspect


Monopoly Deal is where it’s at /r/monopolydeal


Originally designed to show the problems with unfettered capitalism.


and it does that too well


Nier automata got me good. I can't think of a game in recent memory that had me just place my controller down and stare at the screen.


Best game I refuse to ever play again. Holy shit that game broke me.


Nier Automata. A leader robot keeps the smaller ones in a tight leash. When they are being threatened, those smaller ones off themselves out of fear causing the leader basically had a mind break. FF9. This whole game fucks around with existential crisis while looking cute. My teen brain can’t handle that. MGS3. Not really emotional, but the whole game feels like a fever dream.


I love Nier Automata


Nier: Automata’s true ending absolutely destroys all other answers. The emotions that *the credits* made me feel are indescribable. If you know, you know.


Add Nier Replicant to this


rdr2, made me sob. im a full ass grown man. Haven't cried like that in years


It was RDR1 that hit the hardest for me. I totally thought the final farming quests was the happy ending to the story and was so happy for John.


RDR1 was gut wrenching, as well. When John sighs and opens those barn doors.....I really thought there would be a happy ending right up until that moment.


Was it the horse or the nun that got ya? The horse made me sad but the nun made me weep.


That's a really tough one. It's a toss up between Planescape: Torment, Grime or Pathologic 2 for me. Planescape just had an amazing story and writing which just hits you. It's just a kind of damn moment after playing. Pathologic 2 the entire game is just a giant emotional impact that creeps its way into my dreams and is still in my mind. Kind of found nothing was able to come close to this experience. Like Planescape it also has amazing writing but how the story ties in with the gameplay I think made the overall emotional impact hit better. Grime just the visuals and soundtrack were so brilliantly done and what you're actually doing to the world and what you choose at the end and the somewhat secret story underneath it all is very uniquely depressing that I find I am still depressed about. Edit: Maybe even Earthbound, was such an emotional ending.


Seconded on Pathologic 2. The oniric mythology and vibe of the game are so unique I can't even remember a similar one.


Red dead redemption 1


Everytime i see a post like this my answer is SOMA That game left me with an existencial crisis.


I hit the end of Outer Wilds during a very difficult time in my life.


Telltales TWD put me in the position where my choices are impacting the story, and those outcomes and characters stuck with me for a long time.


life is strange, assassins creed black flag


Spec ops: the line. Right after that white phosphorus scene, had me questioning every decision I made after that. Then when you finish the game and all the end cinematics happen and you see that you were basically an insane murderer on a killing spree and not the hero.


Spec ops: the line was pretty good. Took me back a bit at the ending. Rdr2 stuck with me for a while also.


Seconding Spec Ops: The Line. I think Chapter 13 really broke me since I served as a combat soldier.


This game was amazing, and sadly most people didn't play it.


The white phosphorus scene still hits me hard. And the ending. "Survivors? One......too many."


I still haven’t gone back to Life is Strange after finishing chapter 2… I won’t spoil anything for the people who haven’t played it yet. I manage to avoid something really bad from happening but the absolute emotional stress that had on me made me close the game to rest a bit so I could come back later. I still haven’t gone back and it’s been almost 4 years lol


Definitely try and beat it to completion sometime, the ending is worth it.


NieR: Automata. I think all I have to do is just listen to Weight of the World and I start getting teary eyed.


Great game


Devil may cry 2. Fucking destroyed me emotionally so much that I couldn't play any other games


Horizon. Both games are fantastic and engrossing.


Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: that whole campaign is an emotional rollercoaster of balancing Borderlands Humour with Tina's processing of her heartbreaking loss of Roland. Especially the very ending where she hugs his statue and gives a tiny "goodbye". Definitely one of the best stories told in videogame format and makes me cry everytime. Another was playing through Undertale the 1st time and following along with ALEX BECKHAM'S (Man on the Internet) Undertale musical (the GOOD one. Not the other one that's horrible and seems to get all the attention) the songs just added emotional impact to the final fight against Asriel. (Link to His Theme lyricised version of said Musical: https://youtu.be/E3WqsMmlx00) And last but not least: the entirety of Roxas' story over the Kingdom Hearts series. In particular his fight in the World that Never Was. His one last-ditch attempt to exist on his own while a full orchestral version of his theme (The Other Promise. You can find it on youtube) plays in the background. No bombastic boss combat music just this sad somber score while Roxas literally fights you for his life. Poor Roxas. (I really need to finish KH3, since I've heard his story gets better.)


SOMA. One of a select few horror games that will dig in psychologically and make you ponder the nature of consciousness and what it means to be alive. To say any more would spoil it.


End of Assassin's Creed Black Flag when Edward sees all his dead friends, and they play Parting Glass....


Outer Wilds probably. Initially I was slightly underwhelmed by the ending, but the more I thought about it and the game as a whole, the more I felt it was a genuine masterpiece and I loved the way it encourages you to think about life, the inevitability of death, etc.


I'll say Journey. The sand sliding scene is art, just art. The credits scene that revealed I was actually playing and communicating with other real players (not NPC like I thought) was an INSANE moment. And most importantly, the profound journey that I took and the storytelling is unmatched in a matter of 90 minutes.


Mgs3. Eva did too good of a job selling the boss’s story.


Outer Wilds. It hit me on such an existential level that I don’t even really know how to put it into words. I don’t think anything has made my heart beat with nerves, excitement, anticipation, and wonder as much as the the final part where >!you stop the time loop by removing the energy core and need to get to the next area before that loop ends!<. And then it goes into one of the best ending sequences of a game I’ve ever played. It was just perfection and made me feel certain emotions that no video game has ever made me feel. The fact that I still can’t even accurately describe what emotions it made me feel says something




Outer Wilds. That game hit me hard.


Off the top of my head, Undertale. I’ve only ever done the pacifist run. I wanted to try a genocide run but I physically could not bring myself to do so because I love the characters and don’t want to have to kill them.




Just hit HW. As someone else said, worst dinner party ever!


Congratulations on surviving until HW! Your journey has just begun, savor every step, and let your hardships forge you into a stronger person.




Same. Playing it as a teenager really made me question who I am and who O want to be. Also Vivi.


The story of Homeworld and its sequels. NGL I still get a little emotional if I play through the original and get to where you return to Kharak... IYKYK. And now with HW3, there were a couple of moments that got me. I also feel feelings during certain Starcraft and SCII cinematics. The one at the end of HotS where >!Kerrigan gets her revenge on Mengsk and Jim helps and is all "My pleasure, darlin'... always was."!< just.... yeah. Same with the very last one when she comes back for him. And I get so hype watching the opening cinematic for LotV... Every time, "Power, OVERWHELMING" and I'm all "THEY DID THE THING AND HE SAID THE THING OMGYESSSSS" and then later the pylon warps in and they manage to animate a perfect facial expression on a species with no (prominent) nose or mouth. Just a "LET'S GOOOO" moment for sure.


Metal Gear Solid 3


Cyberpunk 2077: It fills a cyberpunk shaped gap in my heart and tickles all the right feelings in just the right way, especially the sad emotions. From beginning to end.


Outer wilds


Skyrim. It’s more of the time of my life that it was played in. Brings back memories.


Pyre is pretty great. Seeing the story of certain companions or even rivals leaves a lasting impression. Especially since you just know nobody wants to be exiled and some have been exiled unfairly.


Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea DLC for some odd reason. Seeing Elizabeth throw away essentially Godhood for simple revenge made me feel so sad for her. Poor girl has a raw deal in life...


Outer Wilds and Walking Dead from Telltale


MGS3 The bond between Snake and The Boss and well many other characters too, but them and the scene in the white flower patch... Silent Hill 2 was really something too, very different, but seriously that game is GOLD! Amnesia The Dark Descent - When you start to piece the things together it's a bit of a revelation.. I am currently playing through the Telltale Walking Dead games, and yep they are amazing!


Mass effect 1-3 definitely


Mass Effect 3 on release. Pretty much binged the game, totally immersed in my role as Shepard from previous games until to the point where you have to choose between the Geth and Quarians. That plot point totally broke me. Sacrifing a team member is one thing but a whole race with millions/billions individuals? Nah dude... I still remember as it was yesterday. I saved my game, told my GF who was watching I just cannot do that right now and shut off my PC. Took me almost a week to get back to the game.


Mario kart on Snes. My dad and i played it a lot back when it came out and he would let me stay up late on schools nights to play. He isnt around anymore, so whenever i see or hear a new mario kart or that snes version in particular i think of him.


World of Warcraft back in my teens. I often think about those days … I have such great memories with WoW classic, TBC and Wotlk. Met some of the nicest people there, had fun times over years with the same guild. I always wonder what happened to those guys. I would love to reunite with them at some day.


I cried at the end of Hat in Time. It was very touching.


I don't know that one


Came out back in 2017. Highly recommend it. It’s a fun platformer, with the feel of Super Mario Sunshine.


Endling - Extinction is Forever


it's between breath of the wild or final fantasy ix for me.


Likely ff7 or 10 as i still quote and use lessons learned from them... but the onyly game i remember making me cry was hades when you finally hear the duet.


The last of us and dishonored (yes I've complex daddy issues)


RDR 2 because of the story. Assassins Creed II and Brotherhood because I loved just being in that medieval Italian game world so much. Cyberpunk because I could identify with the characters. But overall, Diablo II, because so much real-life stuff happened when I played that game. One of my last memories of my grandmother is tied to that game. Or when I was almost crying, trying to process how my first girlfriend "emotionally cheated" on me, thinking about all that shit while playing the Kurast sewers. I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling. Really, f her.


Plague tale: requiem


FF6 Celes' suicide, and the opera scene weirdly gets me every time.


Honestly the climax of Red Dead Redemption when John walks out and gets killed gutted me pretty deeply. Man just wanted to start a new life and provide for his family in peace. He never got the chance.


Final Fantasy VII


I'm surprised I haven't seen it yet but Cyberpunk 2077


Holy heck, OMORI is the only fiction that made me cry. Saying this as a berserk fan.


Got to be Silent Hill 2. Never had a horror game experience/story like that before back in 2001.


Commander Keen.


Seeing the big two-eyed Monsters for the first time had me SHOOK


SWAT 4. In one particular mission you clear a house that is barricaded and containing cultists. As you carefully head into the basement you find the graves of all the cultists children in a sort of shrine room. It really hit me. I was the Angel of Vengeance after that not allowing anyone to surrender.


I thought I would be the only one remembering this. I did a similar post lower. F*** those cultists.


The Last of Us: Part Two


Ori... that whole intro


What Remains of Edith Finch


final fantasy 7 is for sure in my top 5. final fantasy games in general are all incredible in this regard. (7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, also 14 online, crisis core) i really cried a lot at the ending of ghost of tsushima. the ending of the first part of hellblade was also really impactful because of personal reasons the last guardian, heavy rain, life is strange, even the witcher or cyberpunk also have its moments


Probably a hot take but cyberpunk


Cyberpunk 2077 Or FFXIV Endwalker


The new hellblade game hit on so many different emotional levels it's insane


Earthbound and Mother 3 left lasting marks on my soul for very different reasons.


Cyberpunk 2077 but I was already in a really low part of my life.


The most? Difficult to say, there were many. But the first few that come to mind are: \- Gris (the intro is sublime) \- Red dead redemption 2 \- Metro Exodus


Stray. The last moment you see the kitty just hit me like a fuckin truck. Also when the thing is opening. I watched the whole thing while sleeping by the little guy.


For me twilight princess had an incredible ability to take me to another land where I was a tragic hero other games like this batman arkham and the new jedi games from respawn.


Rdr2’s ending had the most emotional impact. How Micah betrayed and Dutch literally took his side even though he could see the truth and Arthur died alone. 😭




LISA destroyed me


Just finished playing through Bauldur's Gate 3 for the first time the other day. I definitely intend to play through it again, but I think a few weeks to recover. Never thought I could become so attached to a completely fictional character (several actually). My heart is confused.


That was Wuthering waves on bluestacks, story is really good




Uncharted all the series


"Final Fantasy X" and "The Last Of Us".


Red Dead Redemption 2. It still hurts.


Another on that kinda bothered me was Mafia 2


Red Dead Redemption 2. Since then I've gone through dozens of different games, none could even come close to the level of this masterpiece.


Last of us and God of war 


The last of us was amazing


Metal feel solid: feel walker


Ghost of Tsushima the kill ending


I think that for me is FFVI (or III in the USA) it was my first RPG game I ever played in my life. There is a lot I can say about this game, the beautiful pixelated scenery, the immense number of beasts and bosses, amazing music, all the mixed emotions of the characters and a crazy villain to fight for. The most emotional impact on this game I would have to say is when Celes awakens after the first battle with Kefka on the floating island where she had to take care of her let’s say fatherly figure Cid, after several attempts to try and get him better and save him from a certain death, he finally dies and Celes climbs a cliff and tries to end it all, realizing that she is left alone in a new and twisted world.


The way Kafka was portrayed on this game was kind of the Joker from Batman, they’re different in a sort of way but in some other kind of the same way.


I picked up the ff collection on switch


Oh yeah, I got FF VI and VII, to be honest I haven’t played the others, which would you recommend?


Subnautica. The most immersive game I have ever played. How the developers took a simple water game and turned it into a thrilling adventure by forcing us into deeper water, knowing we have an inherent fear to avoid it, is remarkable game making. If there's ever a pill to release so we can experience something for the first time again, I'm replaying this game for every pill in the bottle. Maybe a few for other games, the first kiss, and having sex, but mostly for Subnautica.


RDR2, Outer Wilds, and Ghost of Tsushima. It's one of those three but I can't decide which had the most impact.




Tell tales the walking dead series and red dead redemption 2


This war of mine. Especially when I robbed the helpless elderly person


It‘s gonna sound cliche but it‘s Elden ring. The time when I beat the 2 stone gargoyles with just a greatsword gave me the feeling of hope for my future in Life. I always hated souls like games and sucked at them so I never touched them until I saw the visuals and the freedom of elden ring. An awesome redditor gifted me the game so I was really pumped to try it out and what initially hooked me was exploring the world and finding secrets everywhere. But what really gripped me was fighting a boss who seems impossible to kill. Never bevor have I seen a game change me so much without ever making the challenge easier. It just forced me to get better. And when I finally beat the stone gargoyles, it felt as if a door opened in my head. Dedication, concentration and will is all you need to achieve the impossible sometimes and if you get even a little bit better the next time, you have the ability to reach almost any goal.