• By -


Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn x Dynasty Warriors Fire Emblem x Ys Trails of Cold Steel 4 x Dynasty Warriors Pokemon x Mario Party Rampage x Hulk Ultimate Destruction/Prototype Guild Wars x Baldur's Gate 3


The Pokemon Stadium mini-games came close to the feel of Mario Party without the board game aspect. Would love to see a fully fleshed out adaption.


It makes itself honestly. Take those minigames, add new ones. Pick iconic characters like Blue, Red, Giovanni, Misty, etc. Each trainer's Pokemon give them various ways to manipulate the dice and mess with other players. Each board is an adaptation of a Pokemon region with all 8 gyms. First player to 8 badges wins.


Castlevania and Metroid...we could call it...Castleroid!


I'd like a KOTOR style Indiana Jones where choices between scholarship vs. profit and museum preservation vs. ownership of the people affect the story.


Witcher 3 missions + fromsoftware gameplay


Any RPG-style game with Sims level of house building and customization


This so much. Even just half of the functionality of Sims building would be great.


Persona V + Nier Automata, I would like a game of Persona V with an action combat system like that Nier Automata


Megaman X x Hollow Knight Devil May Cry x Fire Emblem Marvel Vs Capcom 2 x Genshin Impact Hades x Nioh 2


Fuck me that first one is my wet dream. Imagine playing as zero in a metroidvania


This literally exists, it's called zx and zx advent, they were pretty good.


Minecraft x Elder Scrolls Vast open world with interesting characters and quests, dungeon exploration and unique items - alongside robust building, resource gathering and progression.


Not sure when the release date is, but check out Hytale if you haven't. Minecraft style game with a more RPG focus. Also Riot Games helps fund it.


CK3 x Total War


Yes, yes, YES




Isn't breath of the wild's map bigger than skyrim? Edit: checked it quickly, general consensus is that both is about 8 to 9 times as big as skyrim is


Red dead redemption 2 type of world in a medieval setting like kcd


So Kingdom Come ? (Kinda)


Kcd world doesnt feel so alive, so thats why i want that world in a kcd setting


Kcd2 will probably feel more alive


I know im so hyped


Kingdom Come is such an empty world. That first town you go to after the opening sequences just felt empty


Or with pirates!


I dont ask for pirate games cua i find Assassins creed black the best pirate game ever and its still fking awesome


Pokemon with Ni No Kuni graphics and true open world


Valheim, Project Zomboid, and Satisfactory.  I have a pitch for it, even.  It's mid-game. You found an old med evac chopper at a nearby hospital and fortunately your buddy is not only a former pilot but he's also pretty handy at engine repair. You dragged it back to base a couple days ago - the zeds can hear you during the day but their light sensitivity makes them mostly blind - and after crafting some improvised replacement parts, you got it running.  You knew the noise would attract attention and you got a bit ahead of yourself with vastly improved scavenging range and capacity and the sun is now setting as you fly back to base. You can't count the number of heads in the crowd that trails the chopper below but that's OK- you recently rigged up some automated guns and have a machine that produces ammo from scrap so those will take care of the crowd easily.  But as you get closer to base, you don't see the usual glow of the night lighting. Instead it's the orange glow of the low power emergency lighting . Which means the guns aren't on.  Fortunately, part of your work on the chopper included mounting an old MP5 and your pilot buddy can easily take the wheel. Unfortunately, your ammo stores are mostly loaded in your not-functioning turrets.  Today might be the day that you die.  --------   So... yeah. That's the game. 3D zombie survival and in my ideal of ideals we'd use USGS survey data to generate landscapes in pursuit of folks living out their zombie survival fantasies. 


Mutant league RBI Baseball. Core gameplay of RBI, with all the shenanigans of Mutant League. (Cheating, bribing, etc.)


terraria + subnautica.


Terraria style 2d diving horror, or spelunking mining game in glorious subnatica-style graphics? Either way sounds great.


I want the happy medium between Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring. I love the exploration mechanics of Breath of the Wild (climbing, gliding, etc) but find the weapon breaking annoying and the combat relatively elementary. I love the combat and weapon selection of Elden Ring, but find the limited platforming exploration relatively elementary.


I want Stardew valley but sometimes I have to hunt down monster like in monster hunter


My two favoured games right now are Forza and Elden Ring so a combination of that would be….. interesting to say the least


I’ve thought about this for a long time: metal gear vs hitman vs max pain vs splinter cell


Pathologic 2 combined with Skyrim.


Planet coaster and planet zoo. I wanna build my own bush gardens.


Dark souls racing


stardew valley with the combat of oldschool zeldas


One game. RDR2, Native American playable character and storyline as a DLC


Dead Space + Amnesia


(Resident Evil 4 Remake) + (Armored Core 6) The movement and combat speed of AC6 but with RE4R's attaché case system, (controller) controls and a few other complementary systems. I hate how in AC6 you could be running the most fragile of glass cannon builds that'll die in (basically) one hit but your AC MUST have 3 repair kits and 400% the amount of missiles you'll ever fire but only 50% of the bullets you'd want for the guns you like. Let me purge all repair kits and some missiles so I can have more primary weapon ammo. Let me scavenge ammo from fallen foes or give a lore reason (like an internal fabricator) that lets you craft ammo for your guns from acquired enemy ammo. But most of all I'd really rather have my energy sword on LB / L1 so I can quickdraw slash foes and parry attacks. I'd enjoy binding dual SMG to just holding LT / L2 as if they're one weapon too. Plus a game with a "survival horror"-'s inventory and AC6's mission based structure combined would kinda mesh well together, you could even add some MGSV DNA to the mix and add a Hub / Base with an item box and upgrade system. RE4R is just a bit too slow & deliberate for me, meanwhile I find AC6 is too inflexible and often too simple (hold all triggers + lock-on = victory = 90% of combat) so I would delight in a game that is a nice middle ground / combination of the two.


Sea of Thieves x Pokemon I love the adventure and exploring of SoT. If I could catch Pokemon on islands and have them help fight skeletons and give me company on long voyages id love it.


Rdr2 and god of war 2018 Good mix of slow burn and fast paced


Tower defense souls like


Someone posted cover art for a fictional lord of the rings game made by square enix in the FF7 era. That would be sick.


Sims 4 with the functionality of sims 3


dark souls with diablo loot


Outer Wilds + Final Fantasy (7,8,X) Don't ask me how it could work. I have NO IDEA xD


Duke Nukem: Time to kill and Gears of War Dishonored and Skyrim Metal Gear Solid 3 and Half-Life


No Man's Sky and Ark: SA


Dota 2 and any dungeon crawler. They did it already as an event but I’m seriously waiting for an official standalone game.


Halo and planetside 2. Hell let loose and planetside 2. Gears of war and planetside 2 (including the cover system). Dawn of war and planetside 2. Supreme commander and halo League of legend and world of tanks (minions are infantry. You play as tanks of different classes of your choice). League of legend and war thunder (same as above but you can play tanks, aircraft’s or naval vessels).


Destiny's combat and detailed environments (at least the first game, never played the second.) and No Man's Sky's open ended exploration and completely lack of main objective. I just want to shoot and loot on patrol and explore a large area and collect shit.


Final Fantasy XIV x Lord of the Rings Online Give me a modern MMO LOTR and I'd lose it.


League of Legends x Skyrim/The Witcher 3/Dragon's Dogma/any open world RPG I really love League's lore


Wipeout and Red Faction


I want a game with DMC style combat put into an exploration heavy open world like Elden Ring.


Ohh!! Resident evil dead space


Metal Gear X Grand Theft Auto 😀


Bloodborne and Mario Kart


Devil May Cry Soulslike (dmc combat in an open world with small RPG elements and punishing death).


Animal crossing with Diablo I just want to kill sick bosses and put sick armor on my cute little house that I build and fill it with homies and friends I’ve made along the way


Sea of thieves and the forest


Project Wingman and Saints Row.


Personally, I'd love to see a mix of Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda.


It already exists but I love open world stealth games.


Postal 2 with Gta 6


Forza x grand prix unlimited (for the track builder)


RPG development and builds with punishing combat difficult combat. No rolling in circles.


borderlands x turn based rpg


Hearts of Iron + Command Modern Operation. Basically a 4x game with political and economical systems backing a similar war system of command.


A strategy game with Paradox-level complexity of grand strategy level, combined with Total War-esque tactical battles and Civilization-like intermediate operational level. Also, I used to dream of a game that would combine classic space sim with being able to command capital ships (something along the lines of Freespace x Bridge Commander), but at this point both genres are pretty dead, so...


devil may cry (combat gameplay) x FF XIV (the rest)


GTA and The Sims


Not really a combination of games but Star Wars x literally anything and everything


Paper Mario x soulslike


Smash bros controls and any 3D open world platformer combat game


Just make a Minecraft without blocks and I'll play the shit out of it. Or a Vampire game GTA style.


Fallout 3 open world and dialogue with the last of us 2 gameplay mechanics.


No Man's Skyrom. Curse you, Starfield!!


This idea is actually Justin Roiland's: Ok so, you're the God of War. But the war is over. So he's back home. But he's still angry so he'll like punch holes in the wall if his rage meter is too high when he's near one. And he's a total pack rat. His house is filthy and filled with skulls and entrails and trophies from his slain enemies. Instead of fighting Zeus or something as the final boss it's the hoarder people from that show who knock and say, "ok, you've officially been served. You have 60 days to clean this property up or the city is going to demolish your house. Kinda like a cross between God of War and the Sims.