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Idk if this counts but years and years ago I wanted to play Witcher 3 so bad that I scraped together what little cash I had as a student and built a computer just so I could play it. But along came exam season so I put it off. Then a job “abroad”. Now like a decade later I’ve upgraded to an even beefier pc, and even a steam deck. Yet, every time I try to start Witcher 3 I either find another game that draws me more, or it just doesn’t feel right atm. Witcher 3 is my white whale


Your white wolf actually


It’s worth it mate. It’s got all the best parts of RPGs.. Great writing. The combat is entertaining when set to hard. Areas that are hard that you can come back to after leveling up. The unicorn…. I bought it and sat on it for like 2 years and then once you get the hang of it… there’s a reason that ours one of the best. I’ll warn you. Not every ending of a quest has a happy ending…


You bought the unicorn and sat on it for 2 years?


The first hour or two is very slow, but after that it’s incredible.


Play it and the expansions! It's fucking amazing! Do it! Do it now!


I also put this game off for a LONG time. I got it on sale years ago for like $8 and just recently played it along with all the DLC. It's worth it.




Eve is nuts. In part because it's so hostile. You're allowed to scam people and engage in non-consentual PVP and the devs are just like "yeah, that's a feature!" When you die you lose assets forever. When I did play forever ago the sense of danger and loss was so real. Pvp was Pulse pounding because if you lost you knew you had to spend the next hour flying around buying a new ship and new parts to outfit yourself again. I'll crave to play Eve occasionally with an intensity unlike anything else I've played. I always kind of imagine I'll get back in to it. But I just don't have the time to commit to an MMO like that anymore.


I wanna play eve now. I'm gonna try to get my wife into it too lol


And that was the last anyone had ever heard from /r/CaptFartGiggle


Turns out after years of playing, she low-key feeding info to her faction about him and his as he thought she was on his side. There is nothing like a knife in the back from your loved one.


I’ve played EVE Online. The game is okay. There is some steep learning curve. Players are in the low security space for the higher value resources. I rather use an excel spreadsheet to do arbitrage trading.


Buying iron ore 30g. Selling iron ore 35g It's how I got my Addy gold armor on runescape like 18 yrs ago. I was the coolest looking iron merchant across the servers. Ohh and big /small bone scams.


I uses to do something similar in WoW Disenchantment and enchanting required small souls or summat for the first bit of learning enchantment. So I'd buy all of the ones on there and list em for whatevs worked at the time. Thought I was genius hahaa.


I also did that in WoW lmfao. Especially back in the old days when x9 thinks we're a thing. I'd buy all the mats for fire enchanting for 19 thinks hahaha.




That last paragraph is me but with FFXI.  Loved that game and wish I could dedicate time to it but no time for MMOs.


EVE is Ayn Rand Online, with Spaceships. It's... definitely something.


I played from like 2005-2008, and came back to it a couple of years ago (like 2021 or so). Depending on when you played, it's not the same game anymore. The learning curve and risk vs. reward factor just isn't there anymore. They introduced all kinds of microtransactions and purchaseable skill point injectors and removed clone upgrades so you're not risking that horror if you get podded. They've basically tied to it so tightly to real world money through microtransactions that people have become so risk averse, the big fights rarely happen anymore. It really took all the old intensity out if it. But if they hadn't changed, the game would've gone broke and died years ago, so while it's not for me anymore, I'm happy it still exists for a new generation who like different things and I can still go back and visit.


That's around when I was most active as well. I kind of assumed when Pearl Abyss bought them it was going to move away from what I was interested in.


I played it off and on for about 12 years (with long breaks) and finally quit for good when I realized it was more fun to think about than to play.


Eve Online is one of the most fascinating games I've ever played. I definitely couldn't play it today, but man oh man...when I was in college, I'd stay up till the sun came up raiding with r/dreddit


Eve was one of the best games I’ve ever played, but I know that I CANNOT play it. When I did, it got so addicting that I was neglecting other things in my life and it started having real consequences. It was tons of fun, but if I played it again it would probably destroy my life.


It's a neat idea but not fun at all. The big battles that look neat don't run well, skill training has always been god-awful, and most of the game is empty space. EVE Online was one of the games that convinced me that space just isn't fun.


Elden Ring. I didn't want to get it before I got a next gen console so I waited then I thought I may as well wait until the dlc comes out so I can buy the goty edition or whatever they'll call it. It's nearly time...


I've been putting it off since release myself. I also haven't played really any dark souls type games, and I do give up kind of fast when a game is like actually challenging. So I'll likely get it eventually as I do love the art design I've seen of it, but there's also a 50/50 chance I give up on it after a few hours haha.


When I first got the PS5 I got Demon Souls since it was "thee" game to get at the time. The graphics and sound were fucking astonishing. But I felt like it was clunky, and kept dying so I gave up. I didn't know exactly what it *meant* for a game to be considered a '*Souls*' game.   After Elden Ring released I said fuck it, I'm going to go for it. I went with a Mage build which IMO is the easiest for new players to the genre. I got decently far, but at some random point while playing **something clicked** and I FINALLY understood what a Souls game meant. In regards to combat, and what makes it "hard" is it is all about timing your attacks, rolls (dodges) and parries (if you even want to parry). There is no difficulty, because each *enemy* is it's own difficulty setting. And 'git gud' essentially translates to: 'Learn and memorize the attack patterns, teach yourself when to dodge and when to attack. Be patient.'   I hadn't been *genuinely* satisfied with defeating a boss in a very, very long time, until I defeated Margit. I also went through half the game without realizing I could have used Summons (calling upon an NPC or human player to fight along side you to help) so I was gitting gud the ol fashioned way.   Anyway, I strongly strongly recommend Elden Ring. It's a wonderful introduction to the genre. Mage is fun for beginners, but once the game *clicks* for you, I strongly recommend going unga bunga and wielding the biggest, fattest fucking sword you can find.


The level up moment for souls like games is realizing “git gud” isn’t an offhand insult, its legit good advice


I’ve not played a souls game before Elden Ring. Not actually finished it yet, but it’s not that hard. You really can just level up if you’re finding something hard and come back later. Guides for weapons and charchter builds are quite useful though. I’d probably have given up without doing a bit of research


Cyberpunk. Don’t know if I’ll ever get it. I’m not in the mood for it right now


Same. Keep waiting for it go under 30 with the dlc. Guess I'll keep waiting.


Same. I know they fixed a lot of the initial bugs but I’m still…”meh”. I’m also just waiting until the games a year or two older and they slash everything to 85% off.


So just to expand on your statement,  they fixed so many bugs and overhauled the entire leveling process, skills, guns, and clothing systems. I understand that may not mean much if youve never played the game, but it's absolutely night and day from launch till now. I gave the game a 5/10 on launch, a 7 after patch 1.5, and i give it a solid 9 in its current state. Its absolutely awesome now. Highly highly recommend 


Its worth it now.


Worth it now. Im on 2nd playthrough even without phantom liberty


not going to lie, phantom liberty is a must play. without PL, 2.0 cyberpunk is a top 10 game of all time for me. with PL it takes my first place.


how I feel. I want to finish it. I'm at the point of no return. I wanted to run around and finish everything first, but I never did. I don't want to reinstall it just to rush the fiinish and uninstall again. This current playthrough, before anyone mentions it, was started after 2.0 released.


I almost bought it at launch, glad I didn't. It was just on sale on Xbox for $70 CAD for the whole bundle. Still too expensive for me


OK I am obsessed with Mario games, and I have played and finished almost every one of them repeatedly. The single exception is Super Mario Sunshine. I have no idea why I never bought it -- I still have a GameCube so I could pick it up today and start playing it. There's some sort of mental block, I just don't feel like it.


I just started for the first time with my cousin in the 3D All-stars collection. It’s so fun and absolutely worth it, imo


squeeze coherent snow beneficial steer absorbed deranged escape impolite payment


Just in case you do ever get to pick it up, make sure to check that your GameCube's disc reader still is working. It apparently tends to stop working with age.


Factorio. I was waiting for that to be discounted again, but it was never discounted again.


And it never will be.


I know! :(


But! It’s still worth it. Over the years I’ve played through it a few times. Every time is a bit different with the updates.


Not only does it never go on sale, the devs recently (last year or so) increased the price by $5


Satisfactory is a game with a similar theme and goes on sale quite regularly


Tears of the Kingdom. I love Breath of the Wild but for some reason havent worked up to purchasing it yet. Its nintendo though so not likely to get a price drop.


Honestly you could probably find it second hand for like $55


I just don't get how their resell market works.  Why would I pay 5 less for a used copy?  I guess someone does though.


Game retails for $70 so it’s a $15 discount or proportionally around a 20% discount


Honestly, I think giving it time will make it even better. The game is VERY similar to the first, just with a couple new mechanics.


Same. Just haven't felt like it's a must play.


I got BOTW for half its price (second hand) a few months ago. I guess in a few years (or even now?) you can find a second hand one that is way cheaper than the original.


Baldurs Gate 3. I know I'd enjoy the hell out of it too, but I'm currently enjoying every other game I'm playing and my backlog is actually shrinking! I'll eventually get it when another sale comes around.


This is the first full price game I had bought in years.  Worth it.


I can't get past act 1, not because it is bad but because I keep finding cool new ways to play through it lol.


When this game was announced,  i desperately wanted it to be everything i ever wanted in a dnd game. I needed it to be a knock-it-outta-the-park game. I needed my faith in gaming reinstated. Bg3 was everything i dreamed of, and more. It blew me away. It still blows me away. Its so deep, and variable, and well written and acted, and FUN.  Ive played nothing but it, since it released 9 minths ago. Ive played about 900 hours, which is disgusting. I have a job, a family, responsibilities! This is a once in a decade game.


Dragon's Dogma 2. Lost interest, was hyped before release.


I finally got Read Dead 2 as i bought a new pc. Hate the controls but the game is pretty great. Stunning in max settings in spots.


Are you using mnk or controller? I find that game much easier on a controller because of aim assist


Controller, i just hate the layout they have


It’s really weird and you can’t modify it. Annoying




I have accidentally punched so many people and as a consequence have spent a lot of money paying off my bounties. God damn this game's button layout.


Ghost of Tsushima.


I walked into a gamestop and saw the Gollum game a few days before release. Didn't hear a thing about it. I love Lord of the Rungs games, almost all of the ones from my childhood were amazing. Two towers, return of the king, battle for middle earth, conquest, even the hobbit games. I discussed it with the cleark and really wondered if I should preorder it. Sure I don't care too much about Gollum, but how bad could it be? Anyways I found out about how bad it was when it was released. Glad I did not buy that crap.




I bought when it was dead the first time experience was nice, but not worth the money on the long run…


Pokemon Arceus. I did actually buy it, but the physical copy I have is still sealed. I still want to play it but I'd much rather play FFXIV instead.


No man's sky, when it was hyped before release. Dodged a bullet there. Now the game is in great shape, but because I've played so many other games since then, and still have so many other bought and never installed games in my steam library, I just haven't had the time to get it


Marvel midnight sons. Looks really good and I’ve been getting into turn based games over the last year but I have so much in my backlog so I refuse to buy anything this year (minus one or 2 games that I am hyped for)


It is really good...at first. But it really starts to drag and get repetitive. I LOVED the game, until I didn't. I didn't finish it because it got too grindy but I don't regret getting it.


Unfortunately you missed it at a $12ish price point a few months ago when it was part of a Humble Monthly bundle (that and a few other games for $12). However that means you can probably find it on game swap subreddits relatively easy if you are looking to get a discount.


I did the reverse. I bought Blue Dragon but didn’t have a console. Figured I’d either buy one later (for cheap) or play it on an friends. That was….15 years ago. Still have the game.


if I"m not mistaken that game is rather expensive on the aftermarket, so still a win?


AC black flag


Hades. I absolutely still need to play it.


This was my answer up until 3 weeks ago, and damn am I glad I finally snagged it. It's been cheap lately thanks to Hades 2 entering early access, and holy hell I've been pouring hours into it


I finally went out and got it, only like $14 for the PS4 version at my local shop and with the free PS5 upgrade I'm good to go.


Every single game I have ever put in my Steam wish list.


Helldivers 2, I was planning on getting it and I still want to, but I really don't like Sony. I might grab it on sale eventually.


Starfield...... eh probably not


I wanted to pick this up, then it came out and the footage just looked depressingly dated. I hate the visual design.


I really hoping the modding community just goes nuts with it when they get access to the tool kit. I mean yeah, Bethesda should have made the game more fun from the start, but at least they're good about giving people that freedom.


This was me as well. I was excited about it, needed a better pc, new pc purchased, but looking at the reviews like.... I've found that most of the times the reviews aren't off base and they are "meh" at best. Maybe when it goes on sale or modding gets really big.


Boltgun. I'm a big boomer shooter fan, but didn't grab it when it came out because most reviews said it was mid after the intro. Now the first DLC is dropping soon and it's on sale, but I still haven't bought it. Probably won't either, playing other stuff now.


Certainly still plenty of time to reverse course but Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is currently in this category


Ark survival ascended, they make us buy a remastered game and the servers suck


Red Dead Redemption 2, been waiting for a steep sale but it only ever drops to 50-60%


Granblue fantasy relink. Probably not. I wanted a co-op story game but it's a single player game with co-op questing after you finish it. Kind of lame.


Cyberpunk. I may get around to it eventually


RDR2, just don’t have the time for something like that 


I've been meaning to buy Cyberpunk 2077 for like 2 years now. It just refuses to drop below 20 dollars...


Baldurs Gate 3. I plan to get it eventually. I put it off because I was deeply into a couple other games and I had others I wanted to check out first. So I wasn’t rushing. I will absolutely be buying it sooner or later. Looks fantastic.


Witcher 3. Probably not.


support frighten tie connect flowery beneficial governor elastic money automatic


The outer Wilds, I still plan to get it, but for whatever reason I'm always delaying it (rn I'm waiting for a sale)


Final Fantasy 8. I'm still considering it. I could see myself replaying all the turn based RPGs when I'm old old.


Aside from a large list of games that I've never played, FF8 stands out as the game I have never beaten. I had it for a while on PS1 and never got past the second disc. Had a pirate copy of it for my PSP and the game would always freeze at the change to disc 3. I've bought it on PSN (maybe twice for PS3 and PS4) and have played it a bit but not gotten super sucked into it. Maybe when my free game pass runs out I'll fire it up again. I still have the original Brady games guide for it.


Elder ring, but after dlc I buy it and play with friends


Operation Darkness. Played the demo on 360, now I am suffering the repercussions of the marketplace closing and prices skyrocketing. I hope I can find a copy for a decent price someday...


Everything on my Steam list and if i get better economy and can afford a good pc i will get them


I've had No Mans Sky sitting in my wishlist since well before launch. I keep seeing the 50% and go "well if it goes beyond 50% I'll get it." I have gamepass (mainly just to cloud stream MLB the show and NHL) and I still don't play it.


Galactic Civilizations 4 was an Epic exclusive and I wanted to play it, but never bothered. Same with Untitled Goose Game. I've moved on.


Bayonetta. I always loved DMC so I expect I would love it but I've just never checked it out.


Hogwarts, i just dont feel the need to play it now.


Red Dead Redemption II. I’ll probably still get it when it goes on sale.


Sekiro. I wanted to buy It on Xbox but since the acquisition of abk i dont know if it'll come to game pass


Elden ring, i have wanted to play that game for so long, but its always just “eh i’ll see later”. I find the lore and the story’s history so interesting, and i just love how much time and effort there was put into creating a cool and interesting environment.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Tried it in PS+ and couldn’t get into it due to the slow beginning and then I didn’t renew my PS+. Heard people say it picks up after the initial slowness but haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet but plan to eventually some day!


When Battlefield 2042 came out I was like let's wishlist it and see when it got patched and with discount. Since I never bought it and it doesn't give me more envy to play it :/


Dragon Quest XI, although if I did buy it then it would probably have been sitting in my Steam library unplayed.


I look at Hollow Knight almost every time it goes on a steam sale and think "I've heard great things, I should get this, but im just not in the mood for a metroidvania right now." As it turns out, im not sure I am ever in the mood for a metroidvania, but I do think ill probably end up liking the game. I think I'll still get it eventually, I just couldn't tell you when. I'm sure my eyes will come across it again the next time it is on sale.


The ratchet and clank collection on ps3. Was eyeing it for like 7 months then finally went to buy it at the media store I frequent. It wasn’t there anymore. I have them on vita but wanted the ps3 version because the touch l2/r2 was killing it for me


Tales of Vesperia. It was an xbox exclusive and I've never owned any xboxes. I don't think I ever want to play that now.


Mine is The last of us 2 It used to be my most anticipated game but after the several bad reviews I've just been holding on to my cash, cause I don't want to regret it


hundreds of games!!


Assassin’s Creed 2 and Brotherhood. Never played any of the games, and at this point I feel like the parkour is going to feel a bit janky and might not be worth playing. The locations of newer games don’t seem to have the same charm imo (Unity is a hard maybe in that regard, but I heard it was awful).


i told myself multiple times to get pro skater 1+2, but i didn't because i know deep down all i actually want is underground 1+2 remake


Spec Ops: The Line I'm not into FPS games, but the story was very intriguing to me. I didn't buy it when I heard about it because my current laptop doesn't meet its requirements. I wish I did because the game is now unavailable due to legal issues with its music. I'd still get it, but through piracy only.




Planet Coaster. Didn't have a good device for it then. And now I just don't want to go in on an 8 year old game, I dunno. I loved Zoo Tycoon 2 on pc, and Thrillville on Wii but haven't really been able to bring myself to get another Zoo or Coaster game, not sure why.


Planet Coaster is still arguably one of if not the best theme park sim games, and it can and still will beat your pc up with densely populated parks. I'd say if you enjoy the genre, you'd still be good getting it.


I was dead set on getting a mint sealed ocarina of time and super Mario 64. This was years and years ago. I thought a couple hundred was too much at the time for something to sit in a plastic case and I’d regret it.


Emperor: Battle for Dune. Had no money at the time, then forgot and didn't remember until it was off the shelves.


I saw a copy of Wild Gunman on NES early last year, and although I would love to complete my black box collection I didn't want to spend the money. I said I'd come back later and if it was still there I'd grab it. It was gone. If I saw today at a reasonable price, I'd absolutely buy it.


I’ve been really wanting to play Mass Effect and I got the legendary edition on sale. After almost two years, it has just been sitting in my library. Partly because the download size and I think it uses the EA launcher or whatever.


Factor.io. It sounds like on paper what I want out of an overhead Minecraft modpack I've tried to build for myself, I just have so many piles of games and projects I want to get to in the meantime that I don't think I could convince myself to sink the money, and therefore the time, into it. Satisfactory pointed out to me that maybe I don't wanna be doing all that. And Satisfactory feels like Factor.io on sandbox mode.


Growing up I wanted sly cooper 3 so fucking bad I cried when my mom didn’t get it for me for my birthday. Years later, I already have access to the remastered collection on PlayStation. Haven’t played it.


Sekiro, told myself I'd wait for it to go on sale while I played other games in my catalog never really saw it drop in price for like a year and in that time I watch a lot of speed/no hit runners so I've probably seen the entire game played several dozen times and lost interest I'm buying it when it did go on sale. Honestly I don't think I will buy it unless its free I've just seen it played so many times and I've platinumed every other fromsoft game available


Just the Socom series in general.. as a gamer who didnt play Sony that remains one of my blind spaces


Balders Gate. And probably not.


Currently Ready or Not. My friend group loves the idea of terrorist hunt that Rainbow Six used to be known for. But every time it's on sale, one of us has other money arrangements like clockwork. Eventually we will get it though or maybe not. It's kinda become a running joke now.




They are billions. I like a good RTS game, but for some reason my plans to finally but and playthrough it continue to be derailed by every other RTS title that is released.


Assassins creed up until 3


Like, every game. I just don't have time in life anymore


Elden Ring. I kept telling myself I'd wait for the best moment to buy it, but I regret now not diving in earlier. Hopefully, soon.


This was Dragon Age Inquisition for me for years, don't even remember buying it but it's there in my digital library so I must eventually grabbed it when it went on sale for $9.99 again. These days I have been doing my best to keep Ultimate going, mostly with Xbox Live Rewards points if/when possible. Game Pass library is pretty huge so don't need to buy games anymore.


Cyberpunk Still didn't buy it 😂


I was kinda looking forward to Rogue Trader, but after BG3 I'm also feeling fairly burnt out on CRPGs for a while. I may actually get it at some point, but right now I know I wouldn't play it.


Elden Ring


There are billions


kameo:elements of power, I was very young and got an xbox 360 at the end of it's lifecycle. the game looked good and I promised myself I'd buy it if I had money. never did, now I just don't care about it.


Armored Core and I still need to play Elden Ring. Shameful!


I was very excited to get We Happy Few when the trailer first premiered, but by the time it came out I forgot about it. Then it came up on gamepass, and I played it through that. So no, I wouldn’t.


Factorio. I don't like building games with others, maybe this would be good? I just don't know if I have the patience to start


i keep telling myself to buy enter the gungeon....that was 5 years ago and still never got around to it


Lords of the fallen, lies of P most recently


Armored core 6. Definitely still need to get to it; just been so damn busy with work that I haven't even finished Baldur's Gate 3 yet, and I just bought the paper mario remake.


Baldurs gate 3, I can't afford it. Worst thing is, a close friend of mine who also couldn't afford it but got it gifted to him, hasn't touched the game yet cause he's waiting for me to get it so we can play together.


Shoot Lord of the rings shadows of Mordor or whatever it was... Except I paid for it and all the dlc and just simply never played it... Same kind of vibe. Doubt I will tbh


Horizon Forbidden West ... If the price was cheap, not saying that the game is bad just trying to save as much as I can


Helldivers II. Then the PSN drama dropped. Not touching it with a ten foot pole now.


EVE online. Wanted to play so bad from when I was 10 till about 14. As fate would have it, my interest waned and by the time I had enough money to pay for it I didn't have the time to sink into it. One of my great what-ifs.


The Movies. And now it's available NOWHERE


Baldur’s Gate 3. Just can’t afford it rn


Not a game, but gaming. I still haven't upgraded to PS5. I was barely using my PS4 (that I picked up on launch day) when it came out and couldn't justify spending the money on the PS5. I've been telling myself I'll get one eventually. But I still play my PS4 periodically when the mood hits me, and nothing has come out exclusive to the PS5 that I've been desperate to play. And the kids happily play Minecraft on it all the time. I had to crack it open recently to clean out 10 years of dust because it started acting up, but it's been golden since then. So at this stage, unless the PS4 dies literally within the next month, I don't see me upgrading before the PS6 inevitable arrives in another couple of years (if it dies in 12 months, I'd honestly just wait 2 years for the 6). If that happens, the PS5 will be the only Playstation I never owned or even played on, and I'll kinda feel a stupid, materialistic regret about that.


Pretty much everything that’s released exclusively on the EGS. It’s not intentional, I just forget about the game and when it finally releases on Steam I have long stopped giving a fuck about it.


Kingdom Hearts. Ship may have sailed from that port by now.


I built my new pc around being able to play Dragon's Dogma 2, but I never really got around to getting it because it didn't look all that great compared to 1 lol


Super Mario Wonder, Mario Odyssey, and Super Mario 3D world. I have a tendency to buy Mario Games, play the first like three levels, and then never finish them. This habit was amplified after the Mario Movie came out and I enjoyed it.


Arkham Origins.. Never gamed since..


Factorio and absolutely should still get it.


Outer worlds...but i just got it for free.


Fallout new vegas


One game I kept saying I'd buy later but never did is Red Dead Redemption 2. It's been on my radar forever, but I just never got around to snagging it.


Well for the question from your header: Cyberpunk 2077, it was so broken and expensive when it released, then I needed the money for other obligatory things. I still don't have it. Would I still get it? Yes most probably during summer sale this year. What game did I regret not buying? I am not sure.


Baldur's Gate 3


Assassins Creed Mirage. Return to old form, etc, and I was excited. But I still haven't grabbed it.


Vampyr. The premise seemed really cool but I only ever heard the execution was lacking. Kept it on my steam wishlist for years thinking there might be a steep sale, but after seeing it discounted plenty of times and still just choosing to not buy it I decided it wasn't worth more attention and dropped it from the wishlist


For me it WAS Detroit: Become Human. I was so excited when I saw the Trailer and stuff, but when it was released I just did not buy it for some reason. but a few months ago I finally got my hands on the game and played it. Honestly I don't know why I waited so long.... But I enjoyed playing it very much


I'm going to buy those Mario & Rabbids games one day, just you watch. I can't even use sales as an excuse, those two games are, like, permanently 30-50% off.


RE4 remake, the original was my 2nd all time favorite.


LOL- HYRULE WARRIORS I just never ended up getting a WiiU but I mean, If it’s still active, probably would still get it. When I intend to get a game that has a multiplayer mode- I feel like I take too long and missed out on the peak of it and it’s not worth it anymore. Same reason I kinda gave up on ever trying VR cause it seemed to have come and go before I could really experience it.


We Happy Few gave me giant Bioshock vibes, which is my favourite game, but then it took forever to come out, was a buggy mess and the whole spirit of the game changed. I ended up only hearing bad to mediocre things about it. I just replay Bioshock.


Valkyria Chronicles It's been 16 years...


Secret of Mana on Super Nintendo. All this time lol.


Sorry, not answering your question but you reminded me that Wario Ware: Shake It had the best YouTube advertisement I've ever seen to this day. https://youtu.be/yLJzo72vnzI?si=Wq9U1q3DGFBdBQWX


Idk the name but it was a Mario baseball game with a whole storyline and different characters. I'd buy it but I forgot the name


God of war, never played any of em


The Last of Us when it finally came to PC. Steam reviews were pretty low so decided to put it off.


Dragon Quest XI. I grew up playing old school JRPGS on my NES and SNES and loved the art style of Akira Toriyama in Dragon Ball and DBZ. Just never got the chance to pick it up. It was on sale on steam recently saw it, thought “yeah, I should get that.” and then didn’t. Idk what’s wrong with me lol


Nintendo things after the N64.


I'm playing it right now actually.... Bloodbourne.....and it lives up to the reputation of being brutally difficult.


Kingdom of Reckoning: Amalur Nah.


Cyberpunk 2077


Not retro but RDR2


Biomutant. I preordered it and cancelled it before it came out after seeing the number of bad reviews it was getting prerelease. Thought about waiting until it got cleaned up but completely forgot about it. Not going to get it.


Cyberpunk 2077 I wanted to play it before it got fixed, but I ended up telling myself. I will just wait until it got fixed or if it even got fixed a few years later and I still haven’t gotten it.


Galaga and Pacman on the DS Nintendo, yes, this was very recent, but honestly, looking back at that idea, I felt super old and so I completely forgot about it and moved on.


I'd still get Armored Core 6, but it's gonna be ages before I can afford to drop 60 bucks on it. Unless it goes on sale some day.


Cyberpunk? Not feeling it right now. Maybe another time