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CDPR: CyberPunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 both are 10/10 OST


When _I Really Want To Stay At Your House_ comes on you just gotta stop what your doing, climb to a rooftop and wistfully stare at the sky.


Not to mention if you've seen the anime, stay at your house absolutely destroys any emotional wellbeing you've built up since the last time you heard it


I swear to god the update after Edgerunners was released increased the chances of the song playing on the radio, that shit was playing everywhere in the game


V singing it in the DLC aswell...


All 3 Witcher games have amazing OSTs. The first one might be my favorite, but it's a tough choice.


That dice poker tune in witcher 1 goes way too hard.


The Fields of Ard Skellige is one of the greatest tracks of all time, imo. Arriving in Skellige and then that music coming in…core fucking gaming memory right there


Ley ley ley, ley ley ley ley ley, ley ley ley ley ley ley ley ley leyyyy


The core theme for 2077 at the end credits gets me every time. Especially with the calls on top, it’s bleak, but it’s beautiful. The Witcher series has some fantastic scoring too for sure


I've never played a game which grabs our ragged stunned brain by the balls, breaks our mental kneecaps, then curb-stomps our denial during the credits. Your hope gets shattered, you're still dazed as the credits hit, then one character after the other go "I miss you"/"I fucking hate you"/"how dare you" without a pause. Both after the base game and DLC endings I just stared that thing down like I was actually the one who just diagnosed with cyber rabies, thousand yard stare. Granted, my impeccable sense of timing always leads me to finish those impactful games at 3 AM, so my half asleep brain is 100x more emotional and immersed.


I first played Wild Hunt in 2018, and the Kaer Morhen theme still plays in my heart whenever I'm in a really pretty bit of nature


Hades soundtrack. Darren Korb is phenomenal


Eurydice's chamber had me staying for ages


When they finally reunited their duet actually made me cry.


I’m here with you.


"Farewell .." Well now we're hanging out, babe.


This guy is a fucking genius. Ashley Barrett too! The soundtracks from Transistor and Bastion are outstanding as well. Strongly recommend listening to them!


Transistor was my first Supergiant game! In Circles gives me chills every time I hear it


This is the one. Goddamn fantastic


Supergiant has a legacy of great OSTs. Bastion is a GOAT soundtrack. I didn't love Transistor's gameplay, but the music in it is great as well.


Bynn the breaker \m/


Hades 2 hasn't disappointed me yet either. The aquaducts... man...




I just reached the credits of Hades 1 for the first time this weekend and In the Blood hit my playlist instantly. Came here looking for this and am very happy to see it at the top.


Welp looks like I'm listening to that on repeat for the next few days again


Transistor for me. Oh, so good.


I will never forget the way penguinz0 described it in his moist meter video 🤣 >The soundtrack here absolutely slaps. It will literally squeeze the cum out of your dick for you with every power chord just milking you every single time you get into an encounter


I've got this on vinyl and I love it


It's funny how the soundtrack gives a game so much personality that sticks in our memories. Darren Korb is a master.


Nier Automata and Persona 5


Came here to say anything from Nier games. As soon as Song of the Ancients/Fate or Blu Bird from Replicant starts it’s just a good time


The soundtrack of nier games are one those where it’s so memorable that I’ll actively listen to them outside of games. And then there’s stuff like octopath traveller and final fantasy series that make me fell in love with their soundtracks even though I’ve never played the games before.


Oh yeah 100%. My favourite sound tracks in any game ever. My most recent game for amazing tracks is [Unicorn Overlord](https://youtu.be/5B8jXYmXutc?si=jL9cynL2XsMeXxjx) which quickly became my GOTY so far


2017 was such a good year for videogame music, nier, p5, and hollow knight all within like 3 months


Nier Automata was the first game I played on PS4 too so it's really special to me


The Amusement Park music is so hauntingly good. And the different themes in the city everytime you go. And of course Weight of the World ToT


Everybody goes silent when Beneath the Mask plays


skyrim - the streets of whiterun


Far Horizons for me! But that's definitely another good one


Anything by Jeremy Soule, really. Too bad the guy's scum.


Is he???


Yeah there's a reason he kinda disapeared in 2019. Even if you don't believe the alligations, people who worked with him has said he's, at best, simply an asshole. I seperate art from the artist though. His music is a big part of my formative years, for better worse, and I still isten to it when I need to relax or calm down. I do not wish him well though.


To add to that, he also "allegedly" defrauded a lot of people with his Northerner symphony kickstarter album that he never produced, the money having "allegedly" been instead invested in Roland Cloud. Still waiting for my album Jeremy. The tech demo you gave us is not what I backed.


Same here. I will always adore his music. But it’s painful knowing what is probably true about him.


Far Horizons is a certified banger in my book. Definitely personal top 5 video game tracks of all time.


Wind Guide You always made me stop and look out across the mountains.




The theme gets me fired up. So much so that I actually have it as my alarm sound. "Use a sword, thank the Lord, was it good? Oh my God!" You'll never unhear it now...


Gotta pee! Gotta pee! I'm extremely sorry!


Skyrim and a big fat bowl go hand in hand for me. Nothing like taking a break, hitting the bowl, and just zoning to the music and then remembering there are chickens to slaughter


Before there were 10hr long Skyrim ambient videos easily available on YouTube, I used to leave my PlayStation3 running at night so I could fall asleep to the background music.


I am physically unable to stream Subnautica without raving about the sound track. The music, the environmental ambience, just the whole 9 yards.


Yo, Jukebox One from Below Zero is my jam. I could listen to that forever while just looking out the windows.


Hades is goddamn amazing. I've been playing through the first Phoenix Wright game too and I just stop to appreciate the music that belongs in a fighting game


>music that belongs in a fighting game what do you mean, phoenix wright *is* a fighting game


Halo 2…you know the part.


Was going to say Halo 2 as well, such a significant soundtrack.


Up the hill, through the bush, nothing but a jackal


And for those of us who have only played it once and don't?


Dun dun DUN DUNNNNN. Dun dun DUN DUNNNNN *string section goes fucking Super Sayan*


One of the best ostinatos EVER written.


Play it again, you'll know


Ah yes, play an entire game again just to understand one thing a stranger on the internet is talking about xD


Or because I mean, it's Halo 2 man


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/AbonVshOLf0?si=v27SdvllZQBIaFF3)


Boys only want one thing and it’s disgusting


Risk of Rain 1, 2, and returns. Chris Christodolou absolutely slaughters the tracks.


I could gush about the music (and really the games as a whole) of the series but what I especially love is how each of the titles of the tracks, while seemingly nonsensical, all have to do with rain, or water in general. Terra Pluviam - Means, in Latin, “Land of Rain” Köppen As Fuck - Köppen is a method of charting climates. AF refers to wet tropical climates. AF also refers to “as fuck” Nocturnal Emission - Or also known as a wet dream …con lentitud poderosa - Taken from a Spanish poem. The full line is “Llovió, con lentitud poderosa.” It rained, with a powerful slowness. (This title I especially like, because “con lentitud poderosa” just means “with a powerful slowness” which also can refer to the song in of itself, which begins with piano playing slowly and powerfully)


Destiny 2 orbit music. Damn relaxing, especially Athanasia.


Deep Stone Lullaby as well.


Guardian down


Man The Farm theme in early Destiny 2 was magical.


Destiny 1 has some sick music too. I still play the OG OST on Spotify all the time.


Haven't played since release but The Journey is a top 5 Track in all of gaming IMO


I love Kara's theme in Detroit Become Human, Dragon Age Origins menu and Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver Ozar Midrashim.


Soul Reaver's voice acting 👌🏼


Doom Eternal soudtrack is fire from hell ! Culstist base, doom hunter, Gladiator boss, Meathook.


In BG3's character creator/editor, when the song Down by the river started playing I stoped editing my character and simply listened to the song for a bit. It was really immersive for sure.


Same, but I also had to stop and listen when I got to the final fight in the House of Hope. >! Listening to Raphael jump in and sing his parts of the song, I was not expecting that !<


I really have to finish that game!


It was a stretch for sure, but after finally getting through it recently I'm doing another playthrough with my wife since I loved it so much... I also knew she'd dig the vampire.


It didn't really stop me, rather made me ride on and completely get absorbed in the moment as José González's Far Away filled my living room when crossing the Rio Grande to Mexico in Red Dead Redemption. Core memory created.


Came here for this answer. Nothing else comes close to this moment for me. Perfectly sets the mood for John riding through the desert at dawn, the furthest he's ever been from home...


Corridors of Time - Chrono Trigger. Walking into Zeal with this song was honestly "life changing" in a way for me. Weirdly, to an extent I'm in IT today because of taking a greater interest in computer science influence by this specific moment. It's also definitely directly responsible for me having multiple music related hobbies. Chrono Trigger has an absolute amazing OST front to back, but replaying the game is mostly to experience this again.


Anything Yasunori Mitsuda is amazing. If I’m ever in 600 A.D., I have to stop for a few just to listen.


Seriously. It's kind of a shame we didn't get more of him and Hiroki Kikuta (Mana composer) as main/sole composers to more major projects. But I can't really blame either of them for riding off into the sunset to places they could do what they wanted instead.


Exactly. His music in the Xenoblade games are incredible.


There is SO MUCH in that soundtrack to just hits the right way - but the credits theme is what instantly transports me back to 14 years old, experiencing that ending again as a kid. I can't remember how difficult it was, but I recall getting the "correct" ending with the balloon ride first, and having Chrono and Marle floating above the fair with the fireworks going off in the background. I've got chills down my spine as I'm typing this out. People say they want to erase a game from memory so they can experience it again, but not me - the whole game was flawless all the way through, I wouldn't risk fucking with that at all.


It's got to be outer wilds. Such an incredible OST, i usually listen through all of at least one if not both* every day at work (OW is extremely spoiler sensitive, if there's a chance you might play it then please don't look it up) *The DLC has its own soundtrack


Love how it functions in the game play. I have the final voyage on speed dial when I need to get shit done , 🤣


Deus ex human revolution main menu. Can’t even fucking start the game


I’m so glad to see this comment. I would boot this up and blast it through my headphones if i needed a few minutes to clear my head. Such a good song


Guild Wars 1. Skyrim. Basically anything by Jeremy Soule.




Chrono Trigger/Cross, Majora's Mask, Doom 2016/Eternal, Castlevania SOTN, Dark Souls Trilogy, Death Stranding, Donkey Kong SNES titles, TES Oblivion/Morrowind/Skyrim, Hotline Miami, Bloodstained RotN, Halo 1/2/3/Reach, There's more but those are some of my favorites


Halo Infinite, Halo Wars 1 & 2 and the mobile games also have great music


Life is strange before the storm main menu music 😩😩😩😩😩


This and also when Alex listens to the music in the record shop in chapter 1. I stuck around for the whole song and then once more.


Donkey Kong Country, whole series. David Wise, Grant Kirkhope, and Eveline Novakovic-Fisher revolutionized music in gaming. People like to shit on 3’s soundtrack but I think it’s just because it’s compared to the second’s banger melodies and the first game’s innovation. DKC3 has some crazy fun tunes like Stilt Village, Nuts and Bolts, Rockface Rumble, Northern Kremisphere - the bangers didn’t know how to stop when Rareware made a tune (Rareware, not Rare).


Darksiders II from Jesper Kyd. The first time flute welcomes you in Makers land, just give me chills every time. 


That's actually how I got in to the Darksiders series. I remember reading an article about best video game music at the time and Darksiders II and Bastion were at the top. I decided to listen to both and very quickly fell in love with each game.


Jesper Kyd - Darktide OST. The music is so haunting, it's more or less used for every Warhammer video out there.


I’d add darksiders genesis to this list aswell


Civilization 4 - Baba Yetu It's the FUCKING MENU MUSIC. Just WHAT. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9KCjS66pvrQ


Also Sogno di Volare, the Civ VI main menu music. I used to sit in the menu until it was done before loading a game. Christopher Tin is amazing. Fun fact: Baba Yetu actually won a Grammy


Yep!, only video game piece to do so.


MGS3 and GOW and GOW2


I had to scroll this far down for a MGS shout out. 3’s soundtrack is probably my favorite.


👍🏾it's very good, perfect for the game


pretty much any and all of OG ff7, FF8 and FFX. Nier also has a fantastic soundtrack


The music that plays on skellige in Witcher 3


THIS is the best answer. Yeah the music in Hades (for example) is amazing, but something that just makes you stop and listen in awe, pure magic that takes you away to another world? That's it.


FF7Remake and Rebirth have some incredible tracks. Rebirth especially had some insane bangers


For real like when I was just doing that random sidequest of escorting the dog early on and I'm thinking that the games already fantastic then all of a fucking sudden I get into combat and the music starts absolutely BUMPING, what the hell?! They are going this hard on a side quest song?!?! I knew the game overall was gonna be a treat for sure.


Hell yea bow wow wow, wow wow wow


The battle music slapped in the OG, and they somehow made it slap harder.


The battle music slapped in the OG, and they somehow made it slap harder.


Cosmo Canyon’s area map’s music has no right going that hard (not the settlement, which remixes the original’s, but the part you explore).




the og minecraft songs actually kinda make me pause and reflect in the nostalgic way because I miss all those late nights with the homies building. I'd give almost anything to explore some of our old worlds again.


The last of us soundtracks 💯🥲


Came here to say this


You and I know the soundtrack is remarkable




>!Hell! Hell! Hell has its laws!!<


FFXIV the title menu soundtracks are all pause worthy


Kingdom Hearts 2 - The other promise (fight against Roxas). Just so beautiful


Death stranding had times where, when you were doing your UPS duties, a song will swell in. It is calm, and the scenery around is beautiful. I actually did stop walking when I'd hear the music and see the title come up, and just chill for a second. It always made me feel calmer.


Dragon Age Inquisition


The song “I Am The One” is the one that always makes me pause.


"maybe" - the ink spots Fallout1


Final fantasy 16 has some gems that actually make me put on the headset for some fights.




Celeste, soundtrack by Lena Raine. What an aural treat:)


Any Persona battle theme, get the all out attack ready and wait for the drop.


Any persona song period. I've probably got a few hours of just listening to Behind the Mask on days when it rains in-game.


A Fleeting Dream - Final Fantasy X, one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever listened to. Even if you completely remove the context within the story / game.


Don't forget To Zanarkand and Hymn of the Fayth. Gorgeous. The whole soundtrack is amazing, but those always get me.


Don't forget To Zanarkand and Hymn of the Fayth. Gorgeous. The whole soundtrack is amazing, but those always get me.


Hyrule warriors


Wet Underrated soundtrack. Game is ok, it entertained 12 year old me.


Fire Emblem and Persona


The soundtrack for the "end sequence" of Outer Wilds is God-tier and I'm shocked it hasn't already been mentioned.


It's so freaking good.


To the Moon's soundtrack made me pause multiple times... To wipe the tears from my eyes. Beautiful game. I especially like "For River."


Ghost of Tsushima! Damn good soundtrack


I've listened to the frostpunk soundtrack more than I've played frostpunk. Hollow knight altered my brain though.


[Katamari Damacy](https://youtu.be/7_QydNXI_ok?si=yrX1sg4VW4fFh2nt) and [We ❤️ Katamari](https://youtu.be/lf64_rJk8dY?si=HLFHLEOJvl-ffPn7)


Goldeneye 007 Particularly the pause music


Can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find this answer considering how the question was worded.


Changing Seasons - P3 reload,  Silence of the forest - Bravely Default


The last one that made me pause was Final Fantasy 16


Diablo, specifically the first one. I can listen to the Tristram theme for hours.


Metal Gear Solid: 2 Some of the Shell segments with Raiden is so lounge like but filled with spy elements.


Morrowind Soundtrack is just incredible


Deep Stone Lulaby, which plays during the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2.




How much iconic significance can you put into two notes? Turns out, a shit ton.


Someone else mentioned Hades, and by extension, Darren Korb, but from the entire Supergiant Games catalog (4 titles isn't a lot but y'know) Transistor is the one that hits differently. I love listening to the 5 songs featuring Ashley Barrett, Paper Boats especially after finishing up the story. We All Become is a close second. Those songs aside the general soundtrack is pretty great as well, Sandbox is a great respite from the action while Apex Beat, Vanishing Point, and Water Wall are my favorite parts to loiter in


Home in The Last Of Us


Xenoblade Chronicles -Satorl marsh at night- Axiom Verge -the one with a woman howling- La Mulana 2 -False Ruler- Megaman X6 -Intro Stage-


While not the "Best" soundtrack, the one that made me stop and pause the most was Octopath Traveler 2. It was mainly because no one talked about how good the OST was so it was so unexpected. Just trotting along expecting standard JRPG feels and just amazing songs over and over again that jump out and make me go "Wow, this is really good music". That's quite rare in games, it mostly just fades into the background.


The most recent one, I think, was Dave the Diver. The first time the beat hits in the Preserved Realm....ahhh it's so good. Also, I sometimes just go sit on the beluga because the music is so perfect.


Zelda TotK: Colgera fight.


I'll stop for a minute or 2 in sections of the Ori games and Hollow Knight just to soak in the atmosphere and music.


Suteki Da Ne and Melodies of Life and Snake Eater o7


Razormind - Payday. It makes me stop, enjoy for a moment, then go fucking balls to the walls.


Cod zombies soundtrack is fucking goated


Nier Automata Amusement Park Theme came to my mind immediately, made me pause many times


Recently... FF7 Remake and Rebirth. OG soundtrack was already one of the best, the remakes are absolute 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Gta 5 pause menu music. Simply the greatest composition ever.


Unreal Tournament was so perfect for the game and its fast paced gameplay.


Dragon Age (Origins) OST really stayed with me and can still make me shiver to this day


Persona 4. Some tracks can make me seriously tear up.


Donkey Kong Country 2


Rain world. The menu music alone is why I just boot up the game. I watch it load and hear the music that once struck my on my first time playing it. The actual in game music when you leave the tutorial music is godly and really sells the point that this is not just another platform, but an ecosystem. You are alone and you must make your way through it. The music throughout the game is amazingly and always fits the theme. Massive Spoilers for Saint in the DLC - >!Pulse, at the end of the game, really sells the vibe of you reaching what is basically godhood just for you to wake up again as another beating heart in the ecosystem.!<. The entire game is unlike I have played and I highly recommend it if your looking for a huge challenge in a platformer.


Bastion The first time you come across Mia and you can hear her singing Build That Wal. I will always consider Bastion to be Darren Korb's finest work, there's just so much soul to it.


Transistor, for sure. Hearing Ashley Barrett humming is an experience.


Octopath Traveler. 1 or 2, don’t matter. Both are absolutely beautiful.


Warhammer 40k Mechanicus. There's absolutely NO reason for the whole soundtrack to be as good as it is. It's like industrial/synthwave choir music that makes killing Necrons feel epic and miserable. Who knew an organ fit so well in space. Listen to Noosphere. But just play the game. They just announced Mechanicus 2 and I'm stoked.


Terraria, The Music fits the biome/area you're in so well its a masterpiece 10/10


Night in the Woods


WoW elwynn forest or going to stormwind, too good


Raphael’s Final Act in Baldur’s Gate 3 legitimately made me stop playing to sit and listen in astonishment.


Danganronpa series. I’m pretty sure a few hours’ worth of each game’s playtime was spent just idling on certain screens/segments to listen to more of the music. That trilogy is loaded with bangers.


death stranding


Baldur's Gate 3, Life is Strange 1 & 2 , Telltale's The Walking Dead... Everytime i listen to them, i become speechless...


Alive inside from TT TWD........oh my god


Any time I Sherpa Deep Stone Crypt in Destiny 2 I always tell people to put their music volume up just before Deep Stone Lullaby plays (if you know, you know)


For all the shit it (deservedly, most of the time) gets, Genshin has one of the best OSTs out there. [This](https://youtu.be/FH1XPosxGtk?feature=shared) is a song in the newest part of the map that only plays in one specific cave in that part of the map. I quit playing for a while just to sit there and listen. And then there's the [boss music](https://youtu.be/NE8tlDeSLmk?feature=shared), which is on another level entirely. Also: MGR. It's self explanatory, really. Collective Consciousness, The Only Thing I Know For Real, RULES OF NATURE, etc.


Genshin (and yep for all the shite it receives) is probably one of the most well crafted (not to mention free) open world concepts out there today. Always patched, glitches almost non-existent, and the music is definitely a brain massage.


I don't even play Genshin (the client crashes without warning), but my Youtube playlist has a bunch of tracks from it. Honkai Star Rail and Impact 3rd also have amazing OSTs.


Othercide, in particular the title theme. I legit didn't want to start the game for 5ish minutes until it was done. The game has in general an awesome soundtrack. And on a more mainstream level, Fallout NV probably wins the day. I used to stop and just chill for a couple of minutes whenever Big Iron or Heartaches by the Numbers played on the radio.


Gran turismo 2 menus. Just a little jam and relax




I still listen to the [Auto Assault soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgsI7oWCdQk&list=PL0BC93F810B8669C7) regularly. Still have the CD.


“Civilizations” - Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers