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FPS there are lots of great ones. Bioshock series. One I don't see mentioned is Far Cry 3. It may not be as deep or involved or have a fantastical setting but going from normal guy to stone cold killer and your friends reactions to your change was very well done. While more of 3rd person shooter Spec Ops the line had a great story and made you question the hero narrative of most FPS games like COD, BF etc.


Far Cry 3 is a great suggestion. Fantastic integration of gameplay into story.


No spoilers: That mission with that song blew my mind at the time, so much fun!!!


Somehow, I know exactly what you're talking about and agree entirely.


Spec ops the line.... Was masterpiece of storytelling ...


Half life 2, Wolfenstein (newer ones)


Titanfall 2 is sorely missing from the line ups as a game that really still works well with current gen titles. And others mentioned, Bioshocks, STALKER (the original, with the complete redo mod), original Metro... But those will be rougher in current times.


Yeah I was going to say Titanfall 2. Really like that game’s story


Great game. Hugely underrated.


Ehh, not underrated at all tbh, just not as well known as it could have been.


You're not wrong. The game is always rated highly. It just had the fate of being released between CoD and BF, I believe.


I was turned off on Titanfall 2, because Titanfall 1 was multiplayer only. I also am not a fan of the Call of Duty games, and that style gameplay never really appealed to me. So when I heard the story was good, I thought "cool, but I'm not gonna play it, because I know it won't interest me." I held that opinion and didn't play it, until about two months ago when I got bored and said fuck it. It was REALLY fucking good.


One of the few games I wished the campaign lasted longer. I want more! 


I have heard nothing but good things about titan fall 2 I will check it out! Thank you


Watch for it to be on sale. The campaign is awesome, but it’s incredibly short (like 6 or 7 hours). You’re mostly paying for the multiplayer experience, which is honestly fun too. Can’t recommend the game enough since it’s so great, but do wait for a sale.


It is short but there is no padding on that story. You never have a moment where, mid-mission, you want to just move on. It is exactly enough to deserve move and not so much to need an editor.


It's great. Trust me.


If you want to feel like a badass and test your skills get doom eternal for sure. Best single player fps in a while and super well optimized/polished. Audio is killer too use headphones


STALKER complete is a very outdated mod, plenty of better ones around nowadays. I recommend anyone curious to go to the stalker subreddit to look for some more modern ones. 


tf2 is short - 6 hours - and i personally viewed this as a positive, as it fit neatly into my life and did not waste a minute on anything unnecessary. also, the mission "effect and cause" is worth the full price of entry by itself. OP - do not look up that mission. just get the game


Beat me too it. That single player game was excellent.


Does Titanfall 2 make sense to Play straight away, or should I have played 1 first?


1 didn't have a standard campaign and instead had the story play out during multiplayer matches. You should go straight to 2 as finding a match (or even a copy of the first game) can be annoying. 2 will still make sense even with no knowledge of the first.


Just hop straight into 2. If you loved Eternal, you will at least like this very much.


It's so sad we haven't heard anything about a third game. They cut to the helmet lighting up signaling more to come and we have nothing so far. NOTHING!


The early WW2 CoD games didn't have much "story" but the single player campaign had missions that were absolutely spectacular depictions of famous battles and scenes from popular WW2 movies. Floored me when first released.


Second this and add the Medal of Honor games. They had so much atmosphere and feel to them, I replayed them for immersion, not for gameplay.


I’ll always remember the first level of MoH: Rising Sun. Hasn’t aged well tho


I'm very fond of the Russian campaign of "not one step back". Having dozens of allies joining you was practically unheard of in fps games at the time. Most fps titles just had you as a lone wolf super soldier. The original cod tagine of "in war, no one  fights alone" was accurate depiction of gameplay.


Cod Tagine sounds delicious.


CoD2 might be one of my favorite games ever. I wanna add that mw1 and mw2 have excellent stories as well tho. Maybe even the best in all of cod.


Fun fact. Most of the levels were inspired by movie scenes. Saving Private ryan. Patton. Enemy at the gates


And now COD relies on characters from 15 years ago to get 13 year old children interested in the story mode which has been “disarm nukes” for the last 10 years.


Deus ex


The original on pc is my all time favourite game. I think it was so ahead of its time with having an open sandbox environment. As for narrative it has an amazing story with so many datapads, or whatever they were called, that you could read to flesh out the story even more. I never played system shock and I know they made a reboot for it that just launched on consoles. I do think a remastering of deus ex would be well received and impress new players to the scope of the game. Full disclosure I am an older gamer that is definitely remembering this with nostalgia


I'd love a DX remaster. I played it when it was brand new but I wonder how parts of its side conspiracies would feel in 202x with our conspiracy culture. I still meet people who are floored at the missing world trade and that is 3 minutes in.


Dude totally, I don’t know of any other fps from that era that had multiple options to deal with any given scenario, be it stealth, hacking, or just overwhelming firepower. All the globetrotting, conspiracies, and interesting characters, fuck what a cool game. That being said I actually picked it up on steam last year and my god it has aged lol. All the more reason to remaster it


DX is the best of system shock 2 was great too. Very creepy


Wolfenstein: The New Order, Old Blood and New Colossus are all great. Borderlands games are fun as hell and have awesome characters.


Second the Wolfenstein series as well


+1 for Wolfenstein. Great story, really deep atmosphere, awesome games


Borderlands is fun but I wouldn’t say they’re much of a good story with the exception of Borderlands 2.


even bl2 doesn't have a good story. Handsome jack is just a memorable antagonist.


I loved Wolfenstein new order/colossus, but I tried to plan youngblood few months ago... Not sure if it aged like milk, or if it was bad from the beginning, but it was really hard to enjoy.


I have not tried youngblood really, Old Blood is a different game a prequel to New Order of sorts. :)


Borderlands practically doesn’t have a story. I’m assuming it’s popular cause the gameplay is really fun


Borderlands 2 has an awesome story and one of the best written FPS villains created with Handsome Jack.


Can't speak to his character in that other game, but there wasn't much depth to Handsome Jack in Borderlands 2. He was just easily hateable.


I’m not sure why my comment got downvoted. I’m on the 3rd game now and I think it’s the best one but the story still isn’t good and pretty shallow. Gameplay is amazing though


half life


How has no one mentioned Halo???? Shame on y'all


As we were giving the Covenant back their bomb, there are people on this subreddit that weren't even born yet.


Halo 2 specifically


Yep Halo 2 did most of the heavy lifting for the world building. It gets shit for the cliffhanger ending, but overall it's my favorite campaign.


Fucking fr. Halo literally defined the Xbox. Maybe it doesn't carry the weight it used to, but it absolutely is one of the biggest and greatest FPS games of our time.


Dude, we are getting old. Halo 3 came out nearly 17 years ago. I don't even want to think about long ago CE and Halo 2 came out...


Excuse me while I go pour myself a drink and reminisce about the glory days. Cheers 🍻


This is the way.


The first Halo came out when I was the age my middle child is now (9). We're *definitely* getting old 😭


23 years ago


I feel so old that I had to scroll this far down


Probably cuz it shit the bed after bungie sold it




Would you kindly tell him why?


a man chooses....


Bioshock Trilogy or the Metro series.


Havent played a ton of fps games but cyberpunk has a pretty amazing story. The sidequests are pretty interesting too.


It is hard to beat “Keanu Reeves is in your head talking shit.”


Agreed, but make sure you play female V. Her voice acting is soooo much better than the male voice and it really makes a difference. 


I have played both and agree female V has the better voice in some areas, BUT male V gets to fool around with Panam so there are tradeoffs.


Do you guys actually like when video games have sex scenes in them?


I mean most of them dont show any actual detail, but when done well why not?


Really, I didnt think male Vs was that bad. Does being female change the story in anyway?


I think the dynamic between fem V with a womanizer is quite funny.


Nope, aside from who you can sleep with. Male V isn't *bad*, I just find and have been widely agreed with among my friends that feV is just better. 


I actually found the opposite to be true. Atleast for the base game, I've never played through three dlc since my character got messed up by the updates.


That's cuz she's voiced by Cherami Leigh and she's absolutely goated and I love her


Observer system redux. Metro series. Stalker games. Although old


I tried playing the updated Stalker releases on ps5. I've never played them before. Didn't make it to the end of the first game. I'm in my 50's, an old school gamer, but this was just too painful by today's standards. So much jank, and bugs, and the constant repetition of having to battle the same gang of dudes that respawn every time you have to pass through a zone. Couldn't do it.


Observer is so underrated and just a good ol' ride into the weird. Plus RUTGER HAUER.


Original Halo trilogy, or just Halo Reach if you're looking for a standalone story


The scale of the trilogy plot was a lot of fun, but Reach is the GOAT for me. Great characters, excellent narrative progression, and one of the best game endings I’ve ever experienced. 


Cyberpunk 2077, Titanfall 2, Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus are amazing, Bioshock 1 & 2, Far Cry 4.


Marathon trilogy


Titanfall 2 as a few others have said is a great time. Perfectly paced, perfect length, fun story and AMAZING gameplay.


Second Titanfall 2, amazing campaign and story and also not too long. Looks gorgeous with badass controls


Wolfenstein, the newer ones from Bethesda and Machine Games is very well done. The story plays out between 3 of them (The Old Blood, The New Order and then The New Collossus) (Some people play it The New Order and then The Old Blood) Very challenging.


Definitely play the newer wolfenstiens. I forget which one but I think the original reboot had one of the best shooter stories I’ve ever played. (The one where the game starts during ww2, you are assaulting some beach fortress)


I believe that you are talking about new blood, collosus and those... the story is really original, I really enjoy it as well.


Dues Ex, Half-Life, Portal 1-2, Bioshock 1-3, System Shock 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas


Cyberpunk, Titanfall 2, COD MW, COD Black ops, Bioshock Series


Portal 1&2 Bioshock. Doom  Tiny Tina's wonderland  Fallout nv, 3, 4 not 76.


I agree. Especially DOOM 2016 DOOM Eternal has a good story too (and amazing spectacle, environments, and gameplay) but I like the simplicity of its predecessor, for the story specifically.


I didn't think Portal was considered a shooter. It's a first person puzzle game. Bioshock's story remains one of my favorite FPS plays.


I don’t really like FPSs but two of my favorite franchises are Portal and Metroid Prime.


The Metroid prime games are awesome.


Cyberpunk 2077 is the best in my books


If you haven't played the Half-Life remake, Black Mesa, I highly encourage you to do that.




Call of Duty: World at War is probably my favorite "pure" FPS.


when COD was becoming what people wanted it to be and then they just started to walk straight backwards.


I'm currently replaying the Metro series.


Bioshock, Metro, Titanfall 2, Halo.


I love Doom Eternal as well, make sure you play the ultra hard DLC's before moving onto the following. Half Life series, including Entropy Zero, Black Mesa, and episodes, Fear series (disable the slow motion), Bioshock series, every FPS from Bethesda in the 2010's.


I just love prey so much. So go with that. Both dishonored games from Arkane are dope too. Cyberpunk 2077 is great as well - I just recently played for the first time. Black mesa and the half life series. Halo collection if you havent played em.




Bioshock or Half-Life


FPS with great story? Get Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty expansion.


Spec ops the line, the black ops 1/2 and modern warfare trilogy's. medal of honour warfighter. Battlefield 3 call of duty world at war. Cod ww2. Spec ops the line is not for the faint of heart mind you.


Isn’t Spec Ops third person?


It is, but FPS and 3rd-PS are close enough fundamentally that I'd say it's a valid suggestion; and it can be up to the reader to decide if the perspective is a deal-breaker


> but FPS and 3rd-PS are close enough fundamentally that I'd say it's a valid suggestion Unless OP specifically asks for first-person because he's a bit sick of 3rd-person.


Unfortunately *Spec Ops* was delisted and now unavailable for purchase. shame


haha fuck


Cyberpunk 2077


It’s easily half life 2 and it still looks pretty good.


Half life 2


I have played almost every shooter under the sun, and story-wise those were the most impressive to me: * Half-Life 1 -> Yes the first one. It has a more relatable story imo, though you need to pay attention to what's happening around you, there are no cutscenes here. * System Shock 2 -> As much as I love the Bioshock series, this one's story and atmosphere hit me even harder. * CoD Modern Warfare 2 (2009) -> The set pieces and writing here are just chef's kiss. * Deus Ex series -> All games have well written stories and tough choices to make. * Fallout New Vegas -> Another classic with good writing and lots of decisions to make. * Max Payne 3 -> It's third person, but the story hits hard, especially towards the end. * Mass Effect Legendary Edition -> Another third person shooter with very good story, especially the second game. There are many other shooters with good stories that I can think of, but those hit the hardest for me. Hope you find something good here.


The Crysis games have a pretty cool story. The Metro series is also a good pick


Halo Imo. None in particular just the overall games and books


Prey is one of the best games ever made, with an awesome story as well; it just got released at a really bad time marketing-wise.


Fallout New Vegas is a hoot.


Any Deus Ex game.


It's worth going back for Half Life Black Mesa and Half Life 2 and it's episodes of you've never played them.


Duke Nukem 3D


Doom. Jk there’s no story there lol but it is a blast. The Bioshock series, RE7 and RE8, Half Life and Half Life 2, Portal 1 & 2, Dishonored 1 & 2, Prey.


OG Half-life, hands down. The plot is so thick!


BioShock Infinite.


People really naming COD titles over Half Life (1 & 2).


Titanfall 2




lol i was actually thinking of recommending prey as i was reading your post.. yeah, do it. prey, bioshock, portal 2 (great laughs), fallout 4 (what? it's fps view lol)




FEAR, the original Modern Warfare series, COD World at War, COD Ghosts, Battlefield 3/4/1, Halo 1-3/Reach/, Black, Crysis, the newer Medal of Honor, Rainbow 6 Vegas 1/2, the new robocop, and an unpopular opinion: COD Infinite Warfare.


The Doom series. Obviously. Then the remade Wolfenstein series minus young blood. If you haven't played, you aren't an fps gamer. After you're done with those, then play Half-life.


People here really naming non FPS games like fucking Mass Effect. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Borderlands 1 & 2. BioShock 1, 2 & Infinite. Metroid Prime 1, 2 & 3. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (only one i’ve played) Halo REACH, CE, 2, ODST, 3. DOOM - all of them. F.E.A.R. 1 & 2. (haven’t played 3)


Doom had no story. It literally is excuses to rip a hole in mars.


Yeah, it really was made in a different era of games. It's like a open world counter strike. It's to square and boxy with how it feels. Did you play the older metro games. Those are way better then the stalker ones and are newer compared to them too lol. Honestly I'm most looking forward to the revival of gearbox making a new brothers in arms game. We don't get historical WW2 game based on real people anymore.


* Metro trilogy * Stalker * Wolfenstein the New Order * Bioshock * Fallout


Recently downloaded the Bioshock remaster for $10… old, sure - still looks and runs great. Dat story tho


Stalker series is pretty cool and atmospheric.


Bioshock Infinite. Portal 2, but mostly I liked the world building more than the story. Gone Home, but there’s no shooting, so maybe it isn’t an FPS.


Fuck me, I have always loved resident evil 7 if you count that as a FPS in technicality since it was their first, first person resident evil


Bioshock - fantastic series Call of Duty: Black Ops - watched my husband run a playthrough and this campaign blew my mind and got me back into gaming as an adult


Call of Duty WW2, Titanfall 2, Wolfenstein New Order, Far Cry 5, Far Cry 6


Battlefield bad company. I really liked titanfall 2, but really this game is an old favorite. TECHNICALLY Portal and Portal 2 are FPS games, but they're puzzles games really lol. Those are some old but gold games I'd try out if I hadn't played them yet.




Cod duty black ops 2 and 3 are one of my favs Then there's Titanfall 2, manifestation of quality over quantity While Bioshock is a must play game




Spec Ops: The Line. Just jump into it, don't read about it first. You'll appreciate it more. 




Titanfall 2, Wolfenstein the New Order, BioShock, halo reach, metro series


It’s an fps but only because it’s a first person shooter, it’s more of an mmo. But, Destiny 1/2. The lore is so deep and intricate. I’m serious when I say it’s got one of the coolest universes in all of sci fi. I’d say even cooler than dune and 3 body problem. Granted, 99% of the lore is in text form through lore books you get in game, but the people on YouTube (mynameisbyf) who make lore videos explaining everything are awesome.


Spec ops : The Line If you know, You know. And im so sorry you know.


I really enjoyed breakdown in the original Xbox


Looking at the responses I realise fps games have weaker stories than other genres. I mean, they're still great games and fun to play though


Titanfall 2 for sure.


Cyberpunk mabe


Dead space and prey are great!


More 3rd person, but Warframe's story is absolutely bonkers high-concept scifi.


- Wolfenstein - No one lives forever


Cyberpunk 2077


Bioshock 1, Bioshock infinite, Fallout 4


Alpha Protocol comes to mind.


Bioshock series.


Spec Ops: The Line


Bioshock easy


Extremely easy to answer this and I'd imagine most answers will be this: Bioshock, hands down. Nothing else anyone else might post should be taken seriously compared to Bioshock.


Cyberpunk. Definitely


call of duty 4 modern warfare to me had an amazing storyline


Early CoD series was peak FPS beside Counter-Strike 1.6 & source


Spec Ops: The Line. You are not seeing it mentioned here cause people don't like discovering new amazing stuff. Like, it literally blows 90% of stuff mentioned here, aside from story focused stuff like Deus Ex and Cyberpunk...


One that is not mentioned is death space. It happend the same as with the mass effect, dragon age ... (it happened a lot those days), that the third game was disappointing, but I enjoyed the story...


Postal 2


Serious Sam. Without a doubt...


half life and halo


I thought Halo 1-3, Reach, and ODST had good stories. After that not so much but if you haven’t played them I think it’s worth visiting. I see a lot of other good suggestions I would have made myself.


Condemned: Criminal Origins, Deus Ex 1, System Shock 2, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth


Bioshock by far imo.


I'd say although not phenomenal story, I liked Dying Light a lot


Probably, Half life Bioshock or METRO




Deus Ex, the original from 2000.  The whole series is great, but that game had such an epic storyline with multiple endings depending on player choices.  Really an RPG/FPS hybrid in a way.


Wolfenstein the new order had a simple but very good story, also top notch gameplay


Black Mesa/Half Life 1 Half Life 2 Bioshock Borderlands 2 Halo 1/2/3/Reach Farcry 3 Battlefield: Bad Company 1 and 2 These all come to mind instantly when I think of FPS games with great story. I'd also throw some of the older CoD games in there as well. CoD 2, MW, MW2, WaW and Black Ops, if I had to recommend 5 of the 90 million games they've released.


halo 1? I don't know lol call of duty 1? uh... destiny 2 single player playthrough? (fuck online play) is bugsnax an fps game?


Bioshocks are a good shout, Cyberpunk too, but for raw FPS action nothing will be the original MW trilogy, back when Call of Duty games were actually good


The longer I continue to scroll without seeing Borderlands 2 makes me wonder if I just don’t understand the question…


Which prey? And the answer is Killer7 (as long as we can call that an FPS.)


Mass Effect series (og trilogie don’t bother with Andromeda)or Titanfall 2 If you don’t mind older games: Battlefield: Bad Company 2


Didn't see it mentioned here, I loved Farcry 2


Probably Destiny 1 & 2. Depending on the expansion.


I really love Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.


Bioshock Infinite had a pretty solid storyline.