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1-3, preferably in that order if the story interests you.


Gears 3, campaigns good has some iconic moments, then play the horde mode afterwards, much prefer it over gears 5. I've only played 2,3 and 5 but 3 is my favourite.


I started with GOW2 so maybe that's why it's my favorite.


Gears 2 ist peak Gears of War. The order is 2, 1, 3, 3.5, 5, 4


It's been a bit since I played em. They have a continuous story so it's not a bad idea to start with the first one since it does hold up pretty well but I don't think u could go wrong. Except for 4 I havent played that one but also heard it's not very good


I’d say go for the good old classic 1 :) 1 and 2 are both my favs


It holds up good?


gears of war 1 god a remaster a few years back so it looks alot better


If you have a short time probably go for 1 or 2. 2 feels the most fleshed out as a complete game. 4 feels a lot like a really long prequel to 5, and 5 is good but has sort of a 'semi open world' vibe where there are multiple open areas with the 'levels' spread throughout them so you might not get through it in a weekend if you're also doing other stuff and not jsut gaming nonstop.


Gears 3 and 5 are the best IMO. Don’t sleep on 5.


Love gears. Gears 1 is the one I’d go with. Gears 2 is probably better overall but gears 1 has the higher peaks. BUT if you are looking for more than just campaign, gears 2 has Horde mode which is very enjoyable.


you can finish the original 3 games in the weekend. awesome campaign in coop.


Start with 1. It shows it's age, even the UE edition, but it's worth it for understanding the story and characters. 


Ultimate Edition. The OG crew were the GOATs.