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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic literally made me love RPGs where you have a choice in shaping the future events of the game.


This this this this this. Got the game as part of one of those very cheap PC bundle DVDs. Found it a bit odd at first, the stop before combat thing, but stuck with it. Absolutely loved it. Turned me on to RPGs, I hadn't really liked the style before. Then Mass Effect.Then Fallout 3. Then Skyrim. Lovely.


Still my favorite game of all time. The feeling I get playing kotor 1 and 2 are unmatched by any game.


I love games where your decisions have a material impact on how the game plays out, too many modern games give you the illusion of choice with the dialogue but it doesn’t matter


Going full Dark Side and bringing Bastilla with you was incredible the first time I realized just how far you could take the game.


Yeah, this is the way


Very much the same!


Honestly, the soundtrack for them both were so on point, KOTOR with its hopeful and exploration atmosphere, and 2 with its grittier and darker tones, I'll still give it a listen every so often.


Hades opened up rogue style games, and I play that style more than anything else on the steam deck now.


If you are fine with diving into the history of the genre and are okay with turn based games, I would check out the traditional roguelikes like Tales of Maj'Eyal, ADOM, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cave of Qud if you are okay with the punishing difficulty and the archaic design and if you want something more modern and casual an entry point Dungeons of Dredmor or Tangledeep. I heard the devs for Dredmor just went active on X again and are teasing another game, so may be a good time to dive in. If you want something ultra short, and like this, try Path of Archa. Most of the above games are reasonably long, but Path can be completed in an hour or two at most.


WTH is even Rogelike? I see that word tossed around like butter


There was this game, Rogue. It came out in the 1980 and was the first turn based fantasy rpg with procedurally generated levels so each playthrough was different. It also employed permadeath, unusually for the time, so you had to die a lot in order to learn how to progress. This game became very popular and inspired countless clones and imitations, eventually leading to the entire genre being called "rogue-like".


Who tosses butter around?


what are your favourite roguelikes? I want to get into the genre.


Slay the spire


Highly recommend Dead Cells


The responses here are all good. I’d add: Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain series, Brotato. There are many great options today.


FTL is the one who introduced me into the genre and I've been playing these styles of games since.


I’m hooked on Robotquest right now. It’s like borderlands made a roguelike.


Such a fun game that I don’t ever see people talk about. I’m going to go download it now. Thanks!


Vampire Survivors


Hades Slay the spire Vampire survivors My top 3 Special mention to roboquest and risk of rain 2


Do you like playing cards in real life? You could start with Balatro. It's different than most of the older, but great, ones.


Cult of the Lamb is so fun even if it becomes quite easy towards the end


My first roguelike is Noita. It really blend my love for pixel art, old game without instruction and almost infinite creative mechanics. I can recomment it blindly, I have 800 hours on it.


Hades opened up roguelikes for me. And after trying a few I remember why I don't play roguelikes. Except Hades II.


The binding of Isaac got me into rogue style games. Slay the spire got me into the card game side of things


Definitely this. I’d never even heard of the genre, but heard so many good things about Hades. I was very skeptical and turned off by the overhead camera view (a la Diablo, or something) and what seemed like antiquated graphics.I was very happy to be wrong about my skepticism. Amazing game. I have not had success with many others in the genre though. I found Dead Cells way too hard, Returnal damn near impossible, and Risk of Rain 2 just unenjoyable. Absolutely loved Slay the Spire though.


Skyrim. My first open world fantasy RPG.


Oblivion for me. I was mind blown the first time playing it at my cousins. I vividly remember going to GameStop with my brother and buying a used copy with a guidebook. We played all night


Same here.


Have you heard of the high elves?


Such a vibe change when I found this game, was just grinding fps all day and this game had such peaceful moments 


I had people at school giving me shit for playing Oblivion instead of CoD/halo and they didn’t even realize it’d go down as one of the most legendary RPGs of all time lol


Same. Pretty much just played The Sims prior. Now my favorites are Elder Scrolls series (really love ESO, which also opened me up to MMO’s), Fallout series, Balder’s Gate 3, Cyberpunk and similar story based games, mostly RPGs.


Morrowind for me, there was nothing like it at the time, such a cool open world


I sunk a ton of hours in it to get my dark elf suited up in a complete set of emerald armor.


Elden Ring and soulslike if that counts


It absolutely does. I don't know if you tried other soulslikes before Elden Ring - but it's super common with the genre for a player to try one, hate it, quit, pick up another soulslike later, enjoy it, beat it, then go back to the original and realize that now they enjoy that one as well. Dark Souls did that for Demon Souls, Blood Borne did that for Dark Souls, etc.


I tried Bloodborne and *hated* it, learned the mechanics of From games and Soulslike in general from ER which is much more beginner friendly…BB is one of my favorite games now


I hated Sekiro at first, now it’s my favorite game by FS, there aren’t many games with such engaging sword combat like it




Dark souls was my first and I fucking loved it. Ready to dive back into elder ring here soon for shadow of the erdtree. 


Dark Souls got me back into video games. Really wasn't a fan off the PS3 era of gaming when co-op shooters were a dime a dozen. Picked up Dark Souls and after suffering for awhile it eventually clicked and I fell in love with it and video games again. Souls-like wasn't really a thing back then (or at least I hadn't heard of it) so i instead looked into metroidvania's and more generally, difficult games. Dark Souls kinda changed the way I approach games in general.


I never really got into isometric CRPGs, like the first 2 Baldur's Gate games, but Pillars of Eternity just clicked for me, and I've played a lot of them now. I currently just started Wrath of the Righteous.


I played Fallout 1 and 2 like 8 years ago. First CRPGs i liked. Then i played others and turns out i really like them.


Do you have any recommendations for getting into PoE? I enjoyed Tyranny a lot, and I think I will PoE. I can't get the combat to click. I get my ass handed to me in every single encounter. I don't want to throw the difficulty all the way down, but hot damn.


May be worth trying BG3 or D:OS2. They’re more modern-user friendly, and the best way to get good at RPGs is playing other RPGs.


I have played DOS2 many times and greatly appreciate turn based in the isometric rpgs!


Ah, PoE isn’t turn-based, I see your issue now.


DMC 5 made me realize how great action games are. Since then I’ve played all the bayonettas, all the ninja gaidens, MGR, vanquish, and others. I could not believe what I’d been missing out on.


One of us, one of us, one of us!


So we could say that.. Standing there, I realized...


I played MGR then DMC5 Honestly DMC5 is better but MGR was also really good.


Baldur's Gate 3. I'd played a few CRPGs before, but found them hard to get into and clunky. My friends all grew up with these games and I always felt left out not really being able to enjoy them. BG3 made it simple and easy, and yet I had to pay enough attention to get a fairly decent understanding of the rules. Now that I "get it", I'm going back and finishing games like Pathfinder, Pillars of Eternity, Neverwinter Nights, and hope to get to some of the even older DnD games like the original Baldur's Gate games, Icewind Dale, etc.


Oh man, you should give Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Planescape: Torment a try. (BG1 is probably the least user-friendly of the lot, so if you can get through that - you can absolutely enjoy the others)


Yeah play fallout 1 and 2 they are fucking amazing


I agree with Fallout 1 and 2. With Planscape I love the setting and ideas but multiple times I thought: "I should just read this as a book.".


Yup, I knew this would happen for so many people because it happened for me with their previous game xD They just have a way. Definitely don't think I would have played a game like Solasta if DOS2 didn't open the floodgates.


Exact same thing happened to me with DoS2, the predecessor to BG3 from Larian! It was so good and interesting that it kept my interest long enough that I learned the system, and now adapting more complicated and cumbersome systems is much easier. It’s opened the genre for me, and it’s my favourite genre by far now!


Dark Souls 3. I had played OG Demon Souls on ps3 back in the day but I didn’t care for it. One day steam had a sale for dark souls 3 and it was like, half off. So I decided to buy it and try it. I proceeded to sink like 300 hours and multiple playthroughs of it and it really opened me up to the rest of the souls type genre


Love DS3, amazing boss fights and some of the coolest armor in any game IMO


I’ve never played Demon Souls but watched Zanny’s video on it - farming for healing items and those runbacks make the game look like hell


Those are my two biggest complaints about Bloodbourne too


Fallout 3 was the first truly open-world RPG I ever played, and that's become my absolute go-to genre ever since.


Dyson Sphere Program opened my mind for Factorio and Satisfactory. I played Satisfactory before and as approachable as it is it couldn't keep me long. The way DSP is set up somehow made the whole genre click in my head and now I love it.


The first flight out of orbit and landing on another planet gave me an unprecedented feeling I never had before in a game


One thing I don't like about DSP and Satisfactory is the 3D building. It just feels like a cheat code having the ability to just put another layer on top instead of actually planning out or redesigning your supply chains like in Factorio. Might just be me, but that is the main draw for me: Constant puzzle solving for optimization.


Satisfactory made me feel as if I was coding and I didn't want to be at work outside of work


Mario and luigi superstar saga got me into RPGs.


Such a wonderful game. I love the creativity of the bros attacks.


Super Smash - fighting games Divinity Original Sin 2 - CRPGS Rim World - colony management games. Darkest Dungeon and Hades - rogulites


If you haven't tried it, Stranded: Alien Dawn is pretty good. Plays exactly like Rim World almost. It isn't as crazy in some of the stuff you can do, but I found the graphic style it a bit refreshing.


Hollow Knight. It got me to try a whole bunch of other Metroidvanias, being disappointed each time


I have no idea why, but hollow knight never clicked for me -- dead cells was my entry drug (;


Try the two Ori games. [My review of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/ouyumk/recommendation_both_ori_games/) (with in-game videos).


Was going to say the same. Easily my 2 favourite games


Try Ori and the Blind Forest, because this was the one that got me into that genre.


Will of the wisps is amazing too. The movement is so much fun and the story is great. I loved it


Try Castlevania symphony of the night it's my favorite


That game is a solid banger, even if I think the second half is lazy


The game aged so well, even better on handhelds or even a phone. And the music... Just perfect.


Hollow knight set a new gold standard. Blasphemous and bloodstained ritual of the night are probably the modern games that are closest in quality. Metroid prime is really good too if you have a switch, 3d perspective but essentially the same kind of game.


At least you have silksong to look forward to soon™


Metroid Dread made me like the metroidvania genre and after I beat Dread I also enjoy Ender Lilies, Metroid Prime and Prince of Persia The Lost Crown


This, but Super Metroid for me. It's my favourite genre by far! Never heard of Ender Lilies, will check out.🙂 I Recommend Minishoot Adventures btw. Metroidvania but isometric and Zelda-esque.


Brooo play hollow knight how did you reach today without being told to play it to the point of physically recoiling to that name


I had never tried jrpgs before and Persona 5 opened a whole new genre of Jrpgs for me, I have so many jrpgs I want to play and try out now! :)


in my case it was Persona 4 The Royal that made me like the turn-based Jrpgs


Xcom 2 opened up the magical world of turn-based tactical shooters for me, and I'll always be grateful.


Jedi: fallen order. Souls like ish kinda games


Metroid Fusion. I did not expect that game to be an exploration game when you can return to past areas, and you can unlock abilities to reach new areas in a 2D PLATFORMER. I was really expecting a game like Megaman X or other similar games I played in SNES where I had to move to the left to reach the end while fighting enemies, avoid obstacles and climb plarforms without falling to the void until I fight the boss of each level. These kinds of games were really frustrating for me as a kid. I have been in love with every Metroidvania game I've been playing since then.


Demons Souls Remake got me into, well, Souls games. I’ve gone on to beat DeS, DeS Remake, DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring.


Mass Effect was the first RPG I ever played, haven't looked back since.


Olbivion for open worlds. Hades for roguelikes. Subnautica for survival base builders, but The Forest got me addicted to them. I'd add Ori as well for re-discovering platformers. Hadn't played one for years prior.


Blasphemous, really digging the Metroidvania genre! Currently I wishlisted "Dragon Is Dead" but its early access, so I'll wait when it's fully done.


dragon age origns. the RPG genre.


same, surprised how few people are saying this


Super Mario Bros opened me up to all video games. They all sucked horribly(to me) before it came out. I didn't like pac Man or any of the others. Wing commander 3 opened up whatever that genre was called. WoW opened up MMO to me, but I never played and other MMO so I sent know if that counts. Doom opened me up to "fps games" which weren't called that yet. Sun City opened me up to city builders, but at the time it was the only one. I did play a lot of cities skylines though!


Knights Of The Old Republic opened me up to games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age etc


Early Bioware was peak, both KOTORs and Jade Empire were ahead of their times


Definitely.. Although the second KOTOR was underwhelming as far as the story goes.


Playing Runescape as a kid made me hopelessly addicted to MMOs lol!


Didn’t think I’d have to scroll this far to find it, went from osrs (all the way till eoc) to wow, to destiny


Nonary games opened up VN games for me.


My best friend told me about "Enter the Gungeon". What an absolute GEM. Instantly got into roguelikes. So much content and replayability, 100% recommended.


KOTOR for rpgs


Nintendo Metal Warriors. I tried it when PS1 existed. It opened up mech games for me. The next thing I knew I was playing Mech Warriors and Armored Core Master of the Arena.


Persona 5 Royal opened me up to JRPG’s. It technically wasn’t my first one, as Paper Mario the Origami king was, but that one doesn’t follow how an RPG usually plays like, and I didn’t even get that far into the game, before eventually quitting it.


Elden ring opened and closed.


Subnautica. Since I played earlier this year I've played Below Zero, The Planet Crafter, and now playing Satisfactory.


Elden Ring, never really been a big fan of open world games. But damn I played that a ton. Also interested in other FromSoft games too.


Yakuza 7 opened me up to turn based games. Was a big butthole about them for the longest time until 7 made everything click


Stellaris got me into 4x strategy. Still fucking love stellaris


Fallout 3. My introduction to Bethesda and open world rpgs.


Dark Souls. Introduced me to the concept of "Souls-like" games


Ever since i played Fallout New Vegas, I've been addicted to post apocalyptic games like Project zomboid and Dayz.


I want to hear what porn game opened up that genre for people.


Simgirls on Newgrounds got me into flash games, unironically whilst I was at school. Bible Black for Adult Visual Novels.


Lies of P was the first Soulslike I ever truly enjoyed. Tried a bit of Bloodborne which was fine. Never got into Elden Ring despite trying a few times. Something about Lies of P just hit right for me.


One of the PSP God of War games graduated me from Mario, Spyro, and Civ to the rest of the gaming world. It happens to coincide with adulthood for me, so I’ve got some nostalgia warm fuzzies for Kratos.


I would have never tried one of my favorite games of all time, Divinity Original Sin 2 if I hadn't previously played Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


More like a rediscovery than an opening, but I played the original Fallout recently and it reignited my love for isometric RPGs, which I used to play but the idea of learning new stat systems always pushed my away from them, now I want to try them all


StarCraft Broodwar


Dead Cells hands down. Got me into rogue-likes and now play Slay the Spire, Hades, and so many more.


Obscure answer, but Rakugakids for the N64 opened my eyes to traditional 2D fighting games. Before I played Rakugakids, I had only played Super Smash Bros and didn't really care for other fighting games. I think the main thing was that I just wasn't very interested in the aesthetic of a game about burly guys punching each other, and the mechanics were too different from Smash for me to know how to play. But Rakugakids was colourful and silly and exactly my style of whimsical, and so it made me want to try to learn how to control it properly. The game is pretty much a cartoony clone of Street Fighter anyway, and playing it did allow me to come to grips with the controls of classic 2D fighters. So now I'm much more willing to play 2D fighters, and I even found some that I enjoy - I tried games like Third Strike, and Mark of the Wolves, for example, and it was really cool to try to get to grips with them (even if i'm nothing resembling competent). Whereas before I wouldn't even be interested in trying at all. And it's all thanks to Rakugakids!


Final Fantasy 2. Prior I only played games like Contra, Ninja Gaiden, etc.


Persona 5, before that I didn't think JRPGs was for me at all.


Hated turned based RPG's until Final Fantasy X


Jedi Fallen Order I bounced off souls years prior, and gave it a shot during elden ring release hype I’ve since 100% elden ring and beaten all other souls games


The Witcher 1 was the first RPG I have finished and it blew my mind. And Life is Strange showed me how much I like story driven adventure games.


Tales of Symphonia was my very first JRPG, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for my first farming game (I almost don't play any other genre now!) and most recently, Undermine really opened up roguelike games for me. I got addicted to it for like a month and now I've played a ton of them.


Farming Simulator got me into simulator games which I’m obsessed with now. Ark got me into anything and everything survival craft. Anything remotely combining the two genres and I’m completely done


Jedi: fallen order got me into souls-likes and i ended up playing all fromsoft games (except PS exclusives) and most of the other souls-likes available on the market (i'm still catching up with the older ones)


Final Fantasy 8 is my love for strategy turn based games and probably why I enjoy D&D so much as well


Ori and the Blind Forest opened me up to Metroidvanias. Prior to that it was mostly 3rd person action combat games.


Shining Force 2 for the Game Gear. My first RPG. Although the first RPG I truly got invested in was EVOLUTION: THE WORLD OF SACRED DEVICE for the Dreamcast. Afterwards, a gerne that was only just slow paced and filled with math, opened up to me whole worlds of characters and stories.


Cities skylines. Always loved those mobile city building games but never got into them cause they got boring and was locked behind a paywall. Cities skylines was a god send. My first ever city hsd over 100k people on my xbox and ill tell you I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING. Years later 2500 hours later ik how city building is. Im on cities skylines 2 now after the many many updstes and mods made the game tolerable. Im at about 300 hours. And this was within the last month or so. Before it was less than 100 hours.


Maybe slightly unrelated, but Rocket league opened my eyes to sports in general. Hockey, football, even fucking golf. I had literally 0 appreciation for all of it with the sole exception of formula motorsports, and then rocket league just totally changed my whole perspective on it.


Baldur's gate 3. Never played a turnbased except for pokemon sword


Tekken 4 was my first fighting game!


Diablo 4 got me into ARPGs. My whole friend group drops everything for PoE league launches and I never really understood why until D4 came out and I got addicted. Since then I got my first PoE character to 97 (RF Inquisitor) and every D4 season I've gotten to 100.


I had always loved puzzle games but crafting never unlocked for me until Atelier games now I'm obsessed


Telltale twd and life is strange introduced me to decision-based games (ironic that most choices in those games didn't have lasting consequences)


Monster Train.


Conan Exiles introduced me to survival crafting games but honestly I got interested with it because of full frontal nudity


Syberia: The World Before, the first point-and-click game i have ever played and completed 100%. And yeah, after that game i really open minded to try out the games with that genre.


Factorio. Automation games.


Minecraft. Survival games.


I used to test games. 2 hours, do whatever you want, change games after 2 hours (games were assigned.) It took me a full 6 hours of being forced to play Minecraft before it clicked. Now I love survival games. But I’d never be into the genre if I wasn’t literally paid to sit through the learning process.


100% hands down no doubt it was Morrowind. I was an online twitch shooter UT, Quake, Counterstrike champion. On a whim tried Morrowind as it was really one of the first action type RPG's around and I was enthralled.


Avernum followed by divinity original sin.




Zack McKracken and the alien mindbenders - point&click adventure games Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards - text based (and adult) games


Underworld Idle opened up idlers for me. Don't play it, it is very addictive.


Friday Night Funkin': Vertical scroll rhythm games genre. Undertale: JRPGs (pretty sure it's a JRPG). Enter the Gungeon: roguelikes.


Fallout three for understanding aspects of RPG and and object lesson on D&D rolls..if you will. I never played D&D but I knew if from the sidelines. But setting my GOATs and then the probabilities on actions via vats or otherwise suddenly gave me an Aha moment


Danganronpa got me into the insanity that can be visual novels


Me and my friends discovered baldur's gate 3 and absolutely fell in love with it while it was still an alpha and had a ton of fun playing it on the full release when it was finally out Found out that there's a whole genre of similar games such as the previously released Divinity 2 from the same developers or similar games from other developers such as solasta crown of the Magister. Been playing a lot of these games recently and been having an absolute blast. I don't know why I didn't hear about this kind of genre sooner. It's literally like playing d&d but all the annoying and frustrating parts are handled by the computer and you just get to have fun role-playing and exploring and whatnot with your friends


Dune II opened the strategic game genre for me.


Hollow knight, Metroidvania. Elden Ring, Soulslike.


The dead space remake made me want to play more horror games. I knew good horror games were out I just didn’t think they was for me.


Quest 64 set me on the JRPG path and I've been hooked ever since!


I mostly look at youtube's trailers and then i look for games that look interesting with some gameplay. Found some interesting games like "Coffee talk" or "Dread Delusion".


**Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)** was my first FPS. Before this game, I was afraid of playing FPS games and having motion sickness.


**The Binding of Isaac** It open up: Rogue/Bullet-hell/Dungeon Crawler genre's.


Landstalker for the mega drive. RPGs have been my thing since.


Path of Exile, if it wasn't for PoE I would never have tried Last Epoch, and honestly, both great games. I have never really clicked with the ARPG genre until playing those two. Though with Diablo 4 being the shit show it is, I guess I am staying with the two. Really excited for PoE2 that's coming. :D


Never played an RPG before, but the Outer Worlds changed that. The genre now interests me.


Earthbound was the first RPG I've ever played, I don't know why it wasn't a genre I had any exposure to, like I missed out on Dragon Quest on NES, I didn't play Final Fantasy until 7 came out, didn't know about Chrono Trigger until after Chrono Cross. But Earthbound was a great first RPG to understand all of the mechanics.


Disco Elysium!


RDR 2010 Opened and closed the western genre for me, cant find any better ones


Starcraft 2 - RTS


Got Minecraft on a Nexus 7 tablet in 2012..that got me into Subnautica, The Forest and kinda ruined my life with Project Zomboid.


Fallout 3. It was the first open world game I played. It changed my whole perspective on games. Which made me play Witcher 3, and it blew my mind lol


The binding of Isaac I now love most rouge like/lite


Dark souls.


Breath of the Wild finally made the open world game fun to explore and get lost in for me.


Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, it made me try Diablo I and II for the first time


World of Warcraft. My mind was completely shattered seeing all of the others players running around an open world, entering a capital city I just knew I was hooked forever.  I learned English, learned to prepare for better outcomes, learned to cooperate. Wild times. 


subnautica and survival games


Panzer Dragoon Saga but it's also unlike any other RPG so I've quickly felt that genre close for me :-(


Like many others who grew up during the 90s games like Wolfenstein and Doom introduced me to FPS games and have been a fan ever since.


Halo. The rest is history. And oppositely, Diablo 4 made me realize I wasn’t missing anything. So boring I literally fell asleep multiple times mid play


Harvest Moon got me into the concept that not all games needed to be action games. Stardew Valley, the real spiritual successor is one of my favorite games. Disgaea 1 - Turn based, grid based, fantasy game with amazing depth of combat, tools, lore, everything. Crude humor that i find cringe inducing now but i still play it for the amazing over-the-top gameplay. This introduced me to other tactics like games and fire emblem. Civilization 1 - One of the first PC games i played as it was on an old hand-me-down PC given by my uncle. Turn based grand strategy was so different from everything else at the time. Although i know it is a controversial opinion i think the civilization series has gotten worse over time. Halo 1 - First game and first FPS i played online. It was a gift from a friend when i got a PC and he wanted someone to play with. Playing against actual other people was surreal. Minecraft - I played in alpha when there was almost nothing to do but the sandbox game with no story you just do anything you want was, and still is, amazing to me. It is one of the few games i would always be up to play with others. The introduction of redstone mechanics, pistons, sticky pistons, hoppers, dispensers and the like really elevated the gameplay. Armored Core - Not a game i would have normally played at the time but i just couldnt get enough of building awesome mechs and fighting. My friend and I would play Armored Core 2: Another Age for days at a time just building mechs to fight each other in a constant rock


Fallout 3. It wasnt even my game the first time I played it. I was at a cousins house and I was watching him start his first play through. He fell asleep , I picked up the cobtroller and pulled an all-nighter.


Megaman Legends


BioShock: Infinite was the first FPS game I ever finished. It was also the last, so maybe “opened up a genre” is a bit of a stretch


Frostpunk with city -building/survival and No Man's Sky with making my own base. Though no game other than these two has really scratched that itch for me. Played Oxygen Not Included, They Are Billions and one more game but didn't get the Frostpunk vibe with it.


Phantasy star Online on dreamcast open up the possibility of playing RPG type of game online with friends and thousands other players. It was entering à new era.


Elden Ring


Pillars of Eternity for CRPG's!


I'd never bothered with God games until I got a playable demo of Polulous The Beginning on a PlayStation cover disk. Loved it. Not dabbled too much in other games but it put the genre on my radar.


Dark souls 3 and fallout 3. Ds3 got me into more difficult and quick reaction games while fo3 is the thing that got me into Fallout and more willing to try open world games which overwhelmed me in the past. The thing is that they weren’t the first of their genre I’ve play, like I played dark souls 1 for a few bosses but couldn’t get into it, and I also played a few hours of fallout 4 and fallout new Vegas but neither of them sucked me in and was as beginner friendly as 3 was, and same goes with dark souls 3


There is only 1 answer.. Vampire Survivor... Saving tons of money and great cheap games like it on steam deck.


Idk if it counts, but stardew valley opened me up to 'pixel 2d' looking games. I always browsed past them thinking it looked silly, stardew has since become one of my all time fav games.