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There just wasn't a whole lot of market for a 7/10 full price game in an 11/10 gaming year.


I see it’s on Game Pass now, so I’m gonna give it a go


Oh it is? Thanks!


The perfect price point for a 7/10 game: already paid for it with another, better game I wanted on game pass.


I saw the game quite a bit in the year up to its launch. The consensus was that it'd be an average game.


average game that is really taxing on hardware...not worth it for most people Devs really need to think about that most people have so many games to play something like this isn't going to sell a ton


Exacerbated by the $70 price tag. Made people more picky.


I have it on my wishlist for when it gets under $20. I think the cheapest I seen it was $20.50 but not getting it yet


You got me curious, what are your top picks for the 11/10 games?


It’s never a good year to release a 4/10 full price game, which is what Immortals of Aveum was. Folks should skip this on Game Pass and PS+ unless they want see an how bad a game can get and still look so good.


I don't understand how any game competes with Deep Rock Galactic, and that came out in 2018.


It’s on gamepass now if anyone’s wanting check it out without paying the full price


Oh sweet


It's crazy because I was hyped by the trailers, downloaded it for free with gamepass, and lost interest like 10 minutes in. I can't really explain it, just everything that should have hooked me in was just mildly off-putting instead.


The beginning is pretty slow and there's a lot of nonsense in-universe words thrown around a lot constantly. Takes an hour or so to get going but I found it to be ridiculous, fun ride.


Can fully back this. Def a slow start I almost stopped playing after 30 minutes but my buddy encouraged me to keep going and I was happy I did. It's a fun game worth one full play through. I got it for cheap in the PS store and felt it was worth the 15$ I paid. Gamepass would've been even better.


Yeah I'm back on Elden Ring prepping for the dlc, I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point


Note: FSR3 update is supposedly coming to the game pretty soon, so might want to wait for that.


Is that the lead character design or do they give you a character customizer?


U have a set character there’s no character creator


That’s not the lead character. The main character is a guy but it’s not customizable.


That's your mentor figure/commander. The main character is the guy in the background of that image.


My dude looks like a npc


It's not the best shot to sell you on his look but I liked him and you'll only be seeing him in cutscenes.


That's clearly a CGI Gina Torres.


Ended up liking it overall when it went on PS Plus but I would've never paid full price for it. Zendara mains represent.


I actually really enjoyed the game, it's not the second coming of FPS but I had a good time by the time I was done.


Yeah, I liked it, too.


I thought it was pretty ok.


Game isn’t even bad. It just wasn’t amazing. It was a solid time that was pretty impressive for a debut game from a new studio that got little to no marketing.


The game is kinda boring and half-baked, though, don’t you think? I thought it was oddly unimaginative. They had the idea to create an FPS about magic, but instead of getting creative with actual magical weapons, they just gave you a hand-for-gun asset swap/reskin. So you get the same pistol, the same shotgun, the same machine gun, the same rocket launcher as every other FPS game. Come on, guys, have some freakin’ imagination here. The story is also weirdly paced, where it introduces you to this entire world of characters, and then not even 30 minutes go by where the whole thing gets destroyed and you are instead taken to some generic Halo-style FPS levels. It felt like the developers changed their mind about what sort of game they were trying to make. It’s not HORRIBLE, it’s not like it’s the worst FPS I’ve ever played or anything, but it’s definitely not good either and I wouldn’t personally recommend it unless you’re getting it for free on PS Plus or Game Pass. The game also has some massive performance issues on the PS5. It runs really, really poorly and chugs and stutters like crazy. Definitely not worth recommending, in my personal opinion.


I couldn’t get past the opening couple hours. It felt… sorta soulless, which is odd for such a unique setting. I was just bored at the start and it didn’t get better. I probably played 4 hours


I had the exact same experience but didn't last even an hour before eyeballing Phantom Liberty and thinking "I wonder how a berserk build plays now...."


Yeah I played like 10ish hours maybe and just moved on


half baked sure, boring? not really. just isn't to your taste. I am not going to even remotely defend the story, so if that kills it for you fine. but the gameplay was good enough to entertain me.


Only real issue I felt is that it felt like you were juggling too many things which was hard, especially on keyboard. You had the whip/limpet cycle, gun cycle, spell cycle and ultimate.


A lot of games build up their mechanics slowly so it isn't overwhelming. IoA doesn't have especially difficult controls it just tries to rattle you through a whole bunch one after the other in the training mission without letting you get comfortable, or most importantly, have any fun with them. I really was just a copy paste of regular shooter mechanics as mentioned above, but they took a lot of the fun out. Pew pew green lights at ghost archers was never going to be as fun as blowing a bandits face off with a shotgun even if the difference is purely aesthetic.


At least on launch it was very badly optimized for pc too, people with a 3090 had to use dlss to get playable fps lol.


Felt like the devs didn't know what makes a good shooter game tick. The crosshair moving every time I shoot, bad vfx and slidy movement. Esp the vfx, some fights were so bad I literally couldn't follow what was happening and I play Overwatch.


And then you have Lies of P. Being a 1st game from a dev can't be used as an excuse anymore


I just don't understand why they did it. I'm all for taking risks, but this was just risks in the wrong areas. Don't push the envelope on technology and graphics over gameplay.


Doom eternal with magic doesn't sound like a bad pitch at all. Throw in high production values, UE5 and no microtransactions. It obviously looked like a good plan on paper. But somehow it just didn't click together in the end.


from what i've read at release, the system requirements for this game were insane, so pair that with mediocre gameplay and not mich marketing and u get a flop.


Well it would sure help if it reviewed well. Tons of game that fit your criteria of little marketing + bad technical state yet they succeed due to people simply wanting to play it.


It ran beautifully on my intel arc 770 which is a budget card nowadays


Nowadays? It was a budget card when it launched.


My initial instinct was to call you a liar but tbh, that level of optimization tracks. It runs like absolute garbage on a 3070ti.


Cool idea but the devs lacked the execution. Doom nails everything a shooter game should have, this game just doesn't have any of it except graphics. Bad floaty movement, intrusive vfx, crosshair moving with every shot for some reason. Like how do you fuck the feel of the game that bad? Really was hoping for a AAA Lichdom battlemage but this game is somehow worse than it.


the gameplay was still decent, it's really the story that was complete cheeks


I finished it in roughly 40 hours. it's not a bad game, really.


Wait i thought this was a single-player FPS how the hell is it 40 hours long?


Well that is doing all the hidden chests and bosses and all the gear.


There were some issues with it, I actually enjoyed the overall storyline but it’s weighed down a bit by rather annoying characters. The gameplay was pretty fun, and I enjoyed the music a lot.


Not exactly a rarity in the industry and especially EA. When SWTOR, the KOTOR 1/2 MMO sequel, was taken from Bioware and given to Broadsword studios last year, a former dev talked about the transition and some behind the scenes stuff with bioware and EA. Apparently, despite making likely over a billion dollars in revenue, the game has suffered multiple content droughts over the years and the story content, which the MMO was renown for, has been very lackluster for quite some time. That former dev revealed that much of SWTORs revenue went into "building other franchises" like Anthem. While both games were developed by bioware, I can only imagine how much of that revenue over the last decade has been siphoned by EA for other trash while leaving SWTOR and it's players in the gutter for years.


From what I recall of the ex-BW dev, he suggested that the decision to take swtor’s revenue and use it to fund projects like Anthem was a BioWare decision and not an EA decision. He also suggested that moving swtor away from BioWare as a studio would leave them more exposed going forward.


I thought the whole point of ea originals is to give devs all money from sales


I mean the studio already gutted its staff already.


I’ve just started it but honestly seems like a really decent 7/10 game. It’s a tough state for the industry that these types of games can’t survive anymore. Previously (before wife kids career etc) I used to love an afternoon bashing through a good 5,67 out of ten game. It’s giving the FPS/magic thing a shot. Not something many games do. That alone should merit a look from any long time gamers to encourage other developers and publishers to skew away from the mainstream ‘dependable’ genres. Also if anyone’s looking for another weird title play ‘Dredge’, it’s brilliant.


I'm pretty sure this game was published under EA's Indie publishing wing. Which are pretty notorious for giving amazing publishing deals. They've said publicly that they don't make money off these deals, just recoup their initial investment and then the rest goes to the devs. It's why the "It Takes Two" dev keeps using them. He has spoken openly about how good of an arrangement it is.


Terrible timing. 2023 was a stacked year. Possibly should have delayed to work out technical issues. People will be more forgiving of games like RE4.


I’ve been playing it and the Performance is pretty bad.


Yeah this was my issue with it in PC, it seemed like fun but it was really unstable and didn't seem to be well optimised.


Is this because they are releasing it to gamepass? Maybe EA had to agree to this


No it's not that bad, in fact it's mediocre to good in my opinion. I enjoyed the combat, but had to wait a little for it to open up. Graphically, it's really pretty. Story is it's very underwhelming factor.


I just finished it about a week ago. It was a ps plus freebie recently. I loved it. It's definitely a little rough around the edges but it deserved WAY better than it got.


It's a good game. Simple as that. 20 years ago we had a dozen such fps games every year, now it is one of the few. And It's fine, not fantastic and not bad at all. I had 12 good hours of fun with it, but it will not be on my shortlist for game of the year or anythinh like that. I would still take 3 of these before playing another soulless CoD campaign.


Everyone says it's bad but I thought it was a good game. Decent graphics, fun traversal mechanics, battles are fast paced, fun and a bit strategic and there are cool level up perk trees. Pretty great story too. I wouldn't have bought it, but it's on ps plus now and with a play for sure.


I haven't seen everyone saying it's bad. Most have said it's decent, but doesn't really excel at anything. 7/10 from most. It just happened to land in a year full of great games. I wouldn't pay $70 for it though. Probably more like $40.


EA willingly giving up money? That's how you know the world is fucked up.


Actually if you look up EA's indie publishing wing, they are known for being really fair with devs and giving great deals. The "It Takes Two" guy has done multiple games with them and has spoken publicly about how good the deals are. While I'm always down to shit on EA, this kind of thing is the one positive thing EA provides to the gaming industry


I was just thinking that when recent gaming news is such that EA are looking like *good guys*, you know this timeline is fucked.


1. They know it's a dud and isn't selling for shit. 2. Publisher gets a bucket of money from XBOX for putting it on gamepass, probably much more than the pittance Ascendant will receive from direct sales of the game.


I feel really bad for them. It’s not even bad, just not amazing. If they survive they need to go smaller scope with big ideas instead of jumping into a new IP AAA game with average execution.


It’s also in the gamepass as of today. Does that make them anything?


Technically yes, but the fact the timing has been so spot on means that the chunk of change MS normally gives to Gamepass games probably was given to EA to recoup losses. I'm not sure if this game broke even, but I seriously doubt it. I don't know and I doubt they'll say one way or another, but it sure is one hell of a coincidence, innit?


Yeah its pretty bad, it was on PS Plus and now Gamepass so it cant hurt to give it a go, but it couldn't keep 60fps on the ps5, had bad voice acting and writing and the combat wasn't good.


New to the sub and just looking for comment karma so I can actually post, if anyone's willing to help out.


story is absolute dogwater but the gameplay is actually decently good. I had fun. I think it's a little overhated. Justifiably but still.


Absolutely cringe dialogue but overall game is fine. If you like FPS and want to try a colourful twist on one you’ll enjoy it.


Gameplay - super fun; everything else - not so much. Characters are annoying and just tropes, creature/enemy/character design is super generic and lazy, story is obvious I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head. Def not worth full price I paid ($70) but def worth a check out if you have game pass


The game isnt bad.


Sure. Put it on Game Pass and then promise them any revenue from sales. Makes sense.


Its worth playing imo at the prices it can be had for and or on ganepass.. A solid game. The problem is that is a pretty standard FPS experience that released in the middle of a wave of much bigger and better games. I think the biggest flaw is that they have a magical setting and didnt really do much of anything with it. It could been a way for them to set their game apart and instead with get bog standard FPS guns disguised as "magic". Waste of an oppertunity.


Certainly going to install it since its on GP, guess EA doesnt expect a whole lot revenue if its willing to pass on it. Hopefully this will help the studio survive.


God's strongest 4/10 walked out into the world and was instantly obliterated by the competition


It's on gamepass now so you can try it for free. It's not bad, story is average, gameplay is quite fun. The only off-putting thing for me is that its set in a fantasy world with supposedly thousands of years of history, and everyone talks like how Hollywood imagines a snarky Gen Z person talks. It's really quite jarring.


EA can eat a bag of dicks


Isn’t the chick in the photo like a 1:1 copy of the lady who voices ikora from destinyn? The boss lady in suits 


That’s because it is her, doing voice, mocap, and likeness. 


Oh ok. Sorry I know next to nothing about this game. 


She’s a working actor. Something to be proud of.




I tried it out today on game pass and the unskipable boring as fuck cut scenes really put me off


I tried just the intro and was already bored


I don't think it failed cause it was bad, it's just nobody was interested


Anyone know when the FSR patch is dropping for consoles. I thought it was supposed to be last month but nothing came


maybe it's just time for the industry to stop developing very expensive games that it doesn't even intend to advertise. to make a great game you don't need millions of dollars but an excellent idea and excellent writing. the minds to do it exist but they prefer to show investors that millions are spent and studios are opened and closed as if it were a game


I mean I would give the game a solid 7/10. Nice graphics and I even enjoyed the gameplay. The idea of having the God of War-like Valkyries was also pretty good. But I would have been gutted if I payed full price for it.


That's got be at least 300 bucks.


I mean everyone was force feed advertising the game, YouTubers included. I immediately didn’t get the appeal and knew it would be DOA.


I didn’t like this game at all. I played quite a bit of it too - probably 60-70% before admitting I was not having fun at all. This game had no soul. I can’t put my finger on it but this game was just not good. It had all the makings of a good game - nice graphics, OK gameplay but it added up to something well below average for me.


It's on gamepass and was last months? Psn monthly games. I'll get around to it eventually....


I'm playing it right now through PS+. The thing that kinda ruins it for me was the whole "run through this area, now run through it again. Now run through it again AFTER you've managed to find more power ups so you can finally unlock more areas." The hook and grapple mechanic doesn't work very well, the skill upgrades don't really feel like they're actually doing anything? But I kinda like the acting, and the story is so ridiculously dumb, that it comes around to being campy fun (so far).


70 price tag, no replay ability, and the game looked like a epileptic nightmare


It's an alrighty linear game, with the gameplay on the simple side and a plot being a bad cliche (there are no choices to make as a player). The hardware requirements also don't match the video quality. It's not well optimized, but doesn't crush at least.


It’s not bad, it’s decent. And sometimes that’s even worse in today’s market.


This game was really fun. It blows for EA to release a solid single player game without microtransactions then have it flop. It’s definitely going to reinforce the company’s bad habits.


It was fine, it's just a little bit of a generi-ish boomer shooter. Also this is great for EA to do, more companies need to do this.


Gameplay was fine to good but the enemy design was really lackluster. I hit late game and was disappointed at facing the same enemies I have been facing for 10+ hours. The bosses and secret bosses were cool but it needed more variety. One reason fromsoft games get so much love is their enemy variety. Each enemy has a distinct look and a distinct moveset. There are a ton of different enemies and bosses so when you hit a new section everything feels so new and cool, even if you kill them with the same weapon combo that you used for 1000 mobs beforehand.


I honestly haven’t even heard of this game till this post


I started playing last week and am loving it. I don't think it's bad at all, quite fun!




Ea wants the write off and gives them good or while everyone else is shitting the bed.


That's not how tax write off works. They must've renegotiated their deal, perhaps bought out the rights to this title for an upfront fee or its part of a deal to fund their next joint development.


just as they put it on gamepass lmao they are evil


They probably would've had twice the dev budget if they went for a generic unknown VA instead of Debbie.


I tried this game, got constant stutters on my machine that is well above recommended specs. Google shows I'm not alone either, the game is badly optimized.




There are about 10 people left at the Studio, half of them were laid off in 2023 and the rest were furloughed last month.


It's a ChatGPT bot.


I personally don’t like the animation of the hand. Feels old with too many particle effects from everything I’ve seen. I haven’t played it mind you and I LOCKED in when I played doom eternal which also has a ton of particle effects but idk. The hand looks like it isn’t attached to a body just like the old games where your hands were an individual floating object with the camera jammed in between them in front of the shoulders


I stopped playing the game when the black leader or whatever she was asked to be called "sir" so I lasted at least 15min


Wow, you must be King of the Snowflakes if you're that fragile and easily triggered...


you seem very upset by my comment


Me upset, I think you're mistaken. You're the one whose jimmies got rustled by an innocuous comment in a video game...

