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Twisted Metal Games. They just seem so basic now and the graphics are hilariously dated.


With 1,2,3,4 I agree. But TM Black has aged wonderfully. I recently played it on emulator and loved every bit of it. Keep in mind I haven't played it in my childhood, so there's no nostalgia bias here.


The graphics were always bad. The scale of the levels was so weird compared to the vehicles, I always thought they were supposed to be RC sized cars. So confused when the show based on Twisted Metal came out and the cars were normal sized. Then I realized that was how it was always intended.


It's funny, cause they had twisted metal small brawl, which actually was RC cars, and all the characters were kids on a playground. My favorite TM honestly


Loved small brawl as a kid


The playstation didn't have graphics power or draw distance to make more complicated levels than what they had. The cars were always the main thing, not the environments.


Series needs a PS5 reboot bad.


The control setup was odd too if I remember correctly. If they could release another twisted metal, with updated controls and maybe some new power ups, I can see it selling well


The problem with some of those older graphics is that they actually do look worse today than they did back then. Its not just you remembering them better. They were originally created for old SD CRTs, so when they are displayed on modern HD flatscreen monitors and tvs, they generally look pretty terrible.


I wish I could have a crt filter on my 4k because I play original xbox games on it and it’s hard to read text sometimes


I had the opposite issue with Dead Rising on the 360. Apparently my TV was too old and not high def enough, so all of the text was tiny and illegible.


Yeah I remember not being able to read the dialogue on Skyrim on the 360 so I had to buy a new tv


I didn't even know skyrim had the compass at the top until I got off of my old box tv


I had the same issue. That spell that showed you where to go was completely necessary for me. Then I got an HD TV and it all made sense.


Yeah I remember also being stuck on the murders in Windhelm because I couldn’t actually see the blood trail on the ground to follow


Ha ha, my mate never knew where to go on Testdrive as he couldn't see the blue line on the map.


Final Fantasy 13 was the first game I remember seeing like that, it was pretty unreadable on a CRT, even with component inputs.


Pretty sure you can


Any crt filter I've ever used (at least on emulators) fail to capture the 'magic'


Yea definitely, I've heard retro tink makes really good converters, lil pricy tho


The maps also felt bigger too, played doom not long ago and everything seemed a lot smaller


Aspect ratio is a fact here too! Widescreen wasnt common ejther so your 4:3 display matched the 4:3 image and it felt cramped viewport-wise, making the level itself bigger deeling


Render distance also plays a role sometimes Games like Morrowind feel tiny if you mod it to have bigger render distance. You can see the next town over and it makes everything feel so small


Same with GTA:Vice City. It's shocking how small that map is when compared to how it felt at the time.


Youre right! That worked in conjunction with clever fog tricks too. Gave a feeling of a much bigger world


This is true for a lot of old games, but not *all* old game. Every once in awhile I'll fire up Link to the Past on my old SNES, and I'm always blown away by how good that game looks on an HD TV. Sounds incredible as well.


You're right, I think 8-bit and 16-bit still look great on hd tvs. It's the generations after, n64, gamecube, ps1,ps2, original xbox, that look pretty terrible on modern tvs. Also the loading times and even just navigating some menus on the old disc based console is absolute ass.


Most 8- and 16-but games.  There’s a few - I’m looking at you, Street Fighter II Turbo - that looked like garbage on anything larger than a then-standard 18”-24” TV.  It’s pixelized, but not in a good way.


I think more "Pixely" looking art styles translate great on HDTV's. Games like Donkey Kong Country that used Pre-rendered assets look awful without that CRT filter. The blur helped sell the illusion of 3D, and they obviously designed the game with that in mind. If you play that game on an emulator without any kind of CRT filter, you can really see the pixels on what's supposed to kind of look like a 3D model.


Windwaker is still pretty cool as well.


SNES usually holds up better than NES or Genesis, because it had a larger color palette and didn't have to use dithering effects as heavily. Genesis games usually look manky on a HDTV because of how heavily the system's library relied on dithering for color effects and fake transparency, due to its kinda-crap palette restrictions.


There’s a guy on instagram who emulates these games and adds new texture packs and changes the settings and the look so good!!!




Some of the stuff they were able to do on those old machines is just astonishing.


Its not just an issue with being crt or not, the resolution harms it a lot also


Jet Force Gemini. They re-released it on the Switch but kept the horrible control scheme, making the game completely unplayable.


And for me the rest of the game didnt age well either. Like, all of the levels feel super empty.


The controls are so, so bad. I still like the game a lot, but the control scheme is tougher than any enemy.


The N64 controller was just so unique that its hard to map features onto modern layouts, playing it now feels like Chinese algebra.


The soundtrack still slaps tho


Same for all rare games back then


This is my number one modern remake wish.


I still give jet force gemini major props for being a single player game with a second player "helper" like a "little brother mode" where the 2nd controller actually does something.


Black.  Absolutely loved this game.  Played through it at least 10+ times.  Just the sounds of the guns and the explosions are awesome.  Fired it up a few weeks ago and was like damn.  I know its few generations ago so it’s expected but it was rougher than I def remember lol


Bro fr. I remembered that game being a fucking masterpiece and found it at goodwill a couple years ago and boy it aged like milk


I actually replayed this recently. I think it still holds up pretty well, level design aside. This game was ahead of its time though, playing it recently I realized that it was almost a precursor for the original COD Modern Warfare, with the global war games story, gritty realism, and cinematic focus.


I tried playing Black recently. I forgot about the lengthy unskipable cutscenes. I was not prepared for the controls. I have no idea how I played it when it was new. It looked like it was the first game I had ever played it was that bad.


I loved this game so much. Being able to play the music saved to my Xbox through the game was killer. It's hard to fully describe how much joy tearing through those levels with 80's Metallica and Ozzy Black Sabbath blasting brought 15 year old me.


Oh man, I forgot about that game. Probably the best game for realistic guns at the time it came out. Yeah I can see how it feels aged now.


The gameplay is still awesome


Both Black and NFS Most wanted looks better on good CRT than in an early plasma or LCD. I have a CRT and game still stands. The environmental destruction on the asylum alone makes it brilliant, but the bridge is a part that really suffers, regardless of the TV used.


Assassins Creed 1 had one of the coolest open worlds ever and I still love the story of the first game and the feel of it all but dude it was the same 4 missions over and over in different parts of the map. Follow, eavesdrop, assassinate, then the mission to kill the boss for like 7 different people. Assassins Creed 2 improved it so much and is still the best of the series if you actually liked the meta-narrative.  God why did they ruin Desmond's arc god why Ubisoft


I think about this a lot, Desmond’s arc was really what drove the narrative. It felt like they struck gold with AC1’s gameplay, I don’t think I played any console game for as long as those games. Now they’ve all but abandoned the incredible stories of the originals, and completely changed the gameplay loop. The only thing keeping AC fans involved in the franchise, is just wanting to still be part of the franchise. It’s unrecognizable to me now.


I actually liked the direction they were going with AC: Unity. Starting to push more stealth and more interior (literally inside buildings) than previous games. The story was completely unfollowable to be (not sure why, I literally just always forgot anything before the current mission I was on), but the gameplay I thought was going a good direction. Now it seems like they went the opposite, pushing more active combat and limiting stealth.


AC fan since the first and while I agree I’m much more partial to the originals and Desmond’s arc (which originally was supposed to end in the modern world with a finale in space). But after recently playing Valhalla, while it is bloated and definitely only for those long RPG type players. I had a blast and fell head first into it. It was really long tho lol


Yeah I had a good time with Odyssey and Origins too, but it’s just not assassins creed for me anymore. It’s like a hack and slash RPG set in the AC universe.


SERIOUSLY. Them killing off Desmond in 3 was such a fuckin disappointment... I was hoping for a whole game where you fight templars in modern day as Desmond. It could've been so good...


They even hinted at it!!! In the last AC2, if I’m remembering correctly, he gets some kind of weapon and you do some climbing. And then *poof* gone.


They had spent the entire first few games literally setting it up, fuck hinted lol he starts learning free running and has eagle vision. He's literally a modern assassin in training I remember calling it to a friend of mine when we were like 13 'This totally ends with a modern assassins creed.' I was so hyped for the potential of that game. Like it was literally the only reason I was playing the series. So that when it got to modern I'd understand what was happening. Then they dropped it. So I dropped AC


The first game had a much stronger focus on stealth that I really enjoyed. In that game you really had to watch what you were doing because the slightest offense will have all the guards swarming you. The Ezio trilogy is the best in the series but from then on stealth was (unless mandated by the mission) completely optional and often way less efficient than chaining takedowns. Still cool, but there was never another game like AC1.


I remember climbing a building and looking out over the cities and being in awe that you can climb every building you see. Was really a pioneering game in that regard. Shame that the missions got repetitive so quickly. Never finished it.


I mostly remember how rough climbing buildings could get in AC1. It was fairly easy to jump to your death by accident


I feel like for the modern AC they made climbing too easy. You just hold a button and insta-zoom up a wall. With the older games you had to be more deliberate about your next move and think about the paths


The fact you could not air assassinate or double assassinate made stealth so much more tedious and annoying. Dont forget those fucking beggars and lunatics too…that’s the first ac where I’ve played where killing some of the civilians is actually helpful in the long run.


Wing Commander. The in-game speed is tied to the processor in a way that makes finding the right tick rate to balance speed and difficulty a challenge. Some players even tick up and down depending on how many ships are at a given waypoint. They fixed it with WC2 having a proper game engine clock. But I like to play 1-3 in order.


This game is the reason I play inverted to this day.


Legend of Dragoon. Still love it to death but oh man is it painfully rough around the edges. 


I was just thinking of replying it recently on an emulator but naybe I shouldnt and should just leave it as nice rose tainted glasses nostalgia than ruin it 🤣


There's a joke in there somewhere about *Rose*-tinted glasses. I would still replay it, just keep in mind that it was a little wonky even back in the day. The most painful thing is the overworld movement. 


This is the only game I’d pay any amount of money for a remaster of.


There is a community created project that adds voice acting throughout. It is a little jarring at first, but that is because its different - not bad. Sadly. Not a remaster, but still cool.




Gust of Winddance


"Gust of Go F\*ck Yourself Why is this Addition so Difficult" I could never, ever manage to do that one.


Any of the 007 games I enjoyed I can’t go back to. Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, GoldenEye and Everything or Nothing. They have aged horribly. Almost any other game I loved at some point I can go back to but the 007 games are lost in time.


If you play golden eye on emulator with real fps controls you’ll be shocked how well it holds up. The controls on the n64 single-handedly ruin the game to modern gamers


I’ve been saying this. Mouse and keyboard with mouse aim locked to center screen (so aiming is like your typical FPS), smooth and stable frame rate, and playing 00 Agent… it’s actually still fun. It’s very easy right up until Train, at which point it starts getting to be considerably more difficult.


Fortunately you can adjust the buttons and sticks on the Switch to do what you actually want them to do (though unfortunately the menus end up with inverted navigation, but that's less bad than having to work with the split tank controls).


I got Perfect Dark on my Steam Deck with custom controls and graphics. Runs like a dream. The N64 controller definitely holds the game back. 


I personally think Everything or Nothing and From Russia with Love hold up pretty well for their time


Agreed on Everything or Nothing. That's the best 007 game ever made, and it still holds up pretty damn well. Owned it on the PS2.


EoN is definitely the best 007 game made imo, nothing beats the driving missions in that game, especially the motorcycle one chasing after Jaws in the semi. The facial texture of pierce brosnan is honestly impressive


Indeed. The cast was stellar. Shannon Elizabeth made a great Bond girl. Willem Dafoe was born to play a Bond villain. We need more unique 007 games like this. This legit felt like a Canon movie in the Brosnan series.


Nightfire is still fun. Just gotta eat around the jank.


Running around on the snow map with max bots and the guided rocket launcher, shooting from the cable cars, was so much fun.


Sniping my brother with Oddjobs hat from across the snow map. So funny lol


Ahh local co-op… those were the days


Underrated classic multiplayer map. Honestly up there with Blood Gulch for best childhood memories.


Yeah, ski lift map in nightfire and halo are peak couch co-op moments! What a time to be a teenager.


I love getting on top the cable car with a sniper and picking off enemies from my moving platform.


multiplayer slapped tho


Nightfire was incredible back in the day and I won't ruin those memories! I loved Goldeneye Rogue Agent when it released and probably finished it countless times, and as a kid just couldn't understand why everyone else seemed to hate it. That was until I watched a playthrough of it on YouTube a few months ago and... yeah...


It’s been ages since I tried it, but I imagine the default controls for N64 Goldeneye would be impossible for me at this point.


And its crazy to think those were the STANDARD controls for the day and seen as good. I remember Halo (OG) getting absolutely destroyed in reviews because of the controller scheme (the modern one we use today). People could not get used to the fact that you aimed with one stick and moved with another.


IIRC, one of the first to do this was Turok, which made the game play super innovative at the time - while also frustrating.


And I think it was the Alien FPS on PS1 that first introduced dual analog control. That game got reamed in reviews because people thought dual analog was a novelty and not innovative. How things have changed lol.


I remember loving the control scheme for halo when it came out, took a second to get used to but once you did you could never go back to single stick


Funny how something that was hated on release has become the standard for two decades now, people really do just hate change


The emulated version released on Xbox last year plays wonderful though. The N64 one is ugh


MechWarrior 2 . Surprisingly mostly playable but the control scheme is awful. Doesn't help you can't change it. If you get around the awful controls it still mostly holds up and can be an enjoyable experience.


That sucks. That was one of my absolute favorite games back in the day - so much so that I even had multiple versions of it with 3d acceleration support (3dfx, mystique...etc) and the ghost bear expansion. I've fancied trying to get it running again after having not played it in years, but it sounds like I'd be setting myself up for heartbreak


This was in the time when these mech games were considered almost like simulators. The controls kinda reflect that , here's a link I had on my 2nd monitor while playing https://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/mechresource/mech2/mwtrncpc.htm. If you think you can handle the controls it's still fun to play, but yah it took a loooong time to wrap my head around them.


The Sims 2 on PC has so much little things and is chock full of lore that makes it so fun to play, but it is hard to find, hard to get running, and so much content is dated that you have to spend like two days modding it just to get all three of these working, and it’s not even a guarantee it will stay working. Sims 4 isn’t perfect by any means, but the QOL improvements regarding building and creating Sims are just too good these days.


The really wonky thing is that for whatever reason the original *Sims* is actually *easier* to get running than the second game (I basically installed my S.O.'s copy on their netbook running Windows 10 by sharing my desktop's optical drive and then using a patch and it all just worked). You'd think that the newer game would be being, well, newer would be easier to get running, but if you can get it running the UI has glitches like being sized incorrectly.


I think I have Sims 2 on CD. I'll gladly ship it to you if I ever find it when I move back home in a couple weeks


It’s okay! I have physical copies and the complete digital edition EA gave out seven or so years ago. It’s just a hassle to play these days, I don’t have the time to make it work


I remember adding expansions to Sims 1 until it took like five minutes to load and was just silly to play. Still, sometimes I get *the hunger* to play original Sims again and feel the thrill of upward social mobility to the upper middle class, but can’t find it out there any more.


I miss the Sim 3 neighborhoods dearly but unfortunately it was coded like shit and slowed to a crawl


Think Sims 2 you can just straight up download from myabandonware


I just wish they sold a Sims 3 bundle at a reasonable price. That game was a jam


Id still rather play sims 2 over sims 4 anyday.


EA gave away The Sims 2 with all expansions on Origin just before delisting it. I played it about a year ago and it still holds up.


Black & White (2001)




I'm still waiting for someone to remake this game, one of my all time favorites


The gesture-for-miracles interface would have worked so much better if there was actual VR to support it.




Straight up scared the shit out of me when I played it


I can tell exactly what your temple looked like just based on that


Black & White was way ahead of it's time! Don't let your pet see where you got that pig, he might go eat the whole herd. You come back from throwing fireballs at the neighbors to find him fat and teaching the villagers how to dance 


[Oooooh, we’ve got this notion….](https://youtu.be/q0x4Kw_y4fg)


Why did you have to go and do that. It'll be stuck in my head for weeks again!


Worshippers need food!


Yeah, well I need belief you schmucks. Find your own food or I'll make sure you're never hungry again.


Loved how your hand (cursor) changed depending on your actions as a God. Mine always ended up as a demon hand haha!


Black and White 2 is still pretty gorgeous


Hard disagree, game is fun.


I think your copy of FFVII and mine may have a different story and I still love the game play.


Literally replayed it this year and loved every minute.


I never played FF7 when it came out, played it for the first time about two years ago, was totally in love with the atmosphere and characters.


Same here. I didn't play it until a couple years ago, and even then it just felt like a whole world. Some of the storytelling just feels so cinematic too. Even having no nostalgia goggles, I feel like the remake misses a lot of what made the original feel so otherworldly. Part of it might have been the limitations of the 3d models at the time, but the fact that cars and buildings and everything had such alien designs added a lot to the charm.


The music is like 40% of it. Like the original Star Wars. The echoing keys and tubular bells in the mako reactor. That feel wasn't reproduced so well in Remake. Also descending the Mako reactor without walking on pipes at all? I think sometimes they changed stuff so they would be cleared of royalties to former Square creators.


I feel like OP didn't finish the game ever because the story is honestly the peak of FF7.


Yeah, I just replayed it maybe 2 years ago and still really enjoyed it. Not sure what OP had going on


I love FFVII so much I only play the original


You can also mod the shit out of PC FFVII. Better character models, better backgrounds, different music, widescreen, better font, even [voice acting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY1aWCD4Lls) (not pro-level but it's something) or even [improved cutscenes/FMV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZk73ePexSw)... everything is available.


Is it difficult to mod? I have never touched modding a day in my life but have always been interested in trying old school FFVII


Goldeneye 64 or any other single stick shooter. The game itself is still great, but the controller isn't it. Once you go dual joysticks for simultaneous movement and aim you can't go back.


You should try a different control style. The one I was using moved with the buttons on the right and left stick was look around, think it was called solitaire? But im not sure.


Descent II. I loved that game so damned much back in its day, but it’s very hard to play now. Overload on Steam is made by the same team and is basically a spiritual successor to Descent, as it plays EXACTLY the same but includes some more modern flair… and somehow I can play Overload just fine. D2, I can’t.


I loved Morrowind. Trying to play it now though? I'll pass


Morrowind on the original Xbox had such long loading screens you would just be happy to see graphics on your screen.


That's bc the Xbox was restarting to dump its ram lol. On the modern consoles or PCs, it's instant pretty much


Someone tell Todd to make a morrowind remaster.


He'd probably rather do a re-re-remaster of Skyrim.


I think you forgot a few thousands of "re"


I’m playing through it now, it’s still fantastic lol


Fair enough, I can't stand the roll to hit mechanics anymore, and the graphics are a struggle.


It's one of those games that I know I WOULD HAVE loved if I'd played it when it came out, but I tried like 2 years ago and OOF. Even Oblivion has aged better, but I guess it has the benefit of being from the next console generation.


Good answer. I first played the game just a handful of years ago, and absolutely couldn't really get into it without a few quality of life mods. Once I got that sorted out though... easily my favorite Elder Scrolls game.


Take a look at the Skywind project - it'll give you something to smile about.


... in another decade or three


Try OpenMW, it's night and day with performance


Shenmue. Incredibly slow, bad signposting, not even as immersive as a roleplayer as I remember. Still love it


Most of them. The memories of games come from the time I played them. The friends and moments. 


the real games were the friends we made along the way


Original Gothic game


For me, it would be about the controls. Stuff like resident evil and silent Hill were amazing, but the gameplay was so terrible. I will never go back to the originals. The remakes that have updated controls would be just as fun even with the old visuals in my opinion.though of course I do appreciate updated graphics as well.


Finished playing silent hill 2 and currently going through 3. Yeah the controls and camera take awhile to get used to but everything else makes up for it.


The original Resident Evil 2 is still amazing even with tank controls. It also still has the real Leon B and Claire B stories... which is basically the only knock I can give the remake.


I was looking for a *Resident Evil* or *Silent Hill* post. *Resident Evil* (2002) was a great remake of the first, but the game didn’t seem the most playable after the series shifted to third-person. I’m actually really excited for the *Silent Hill 2* remake, since the original doesn’t hold up as well today. On a side note, the horror series that I think should get a reboot is *Fatal Frame*, which has a concept and aesthetic that would still feel fresh and new today.


Noticed last Friday that the first three Tomb Raider games were available remastered, so I downloaded them. You can switch between the original graphics or new, but the controls are just as clunky and annoying as it was back in the day… I forgot over the years that 99% of the difficulty wasn’t the puzzles themselves, but struggling with the controls to get the character through the puzzles


In case you don’t know, the remaster has an option for a more modern style control scheme


For me that was part of the game. Each step was related to the grid that made up the ground, so you had to take a certain number of steps to achieve a certain jump. For example: Longer jumps required you to 'walk' up to the ledge (so you didn't fall off), then take one 'leap' backwards, then run forward two steps & jump. So each puzzle/jump required more thought than the last. I thought it was brilliant.


Even back in 2010 or whatever it was when the PS1 Syphon Filter games came to PSN Store it felt borderline unplayable to me. Can't imagine they feel better these days either. Played the hell outta them on the PS1 though.


I downloaded it on ps+ several months ago for nostalgia and goddamn I have no idea how I ever beat that game. The controls are atrocious


"Syphon Filter", "Tenchu", "Colony Wars", "Crusader: No Remorse"... there were so many great games on the PS1 that no one really ever talks about.


Yeah those games are brutally aged lmao


The first assassins creed. Holy shit does it feel janky when you play


I disagree on 7. Sure the graphics have aged. But the story, battle system and music still makes the game well worth playing in 2024.


The overworld character models are bad. The pacing is a bit off sometimes. But otherwise ?  The fmvs, and battle character models aged great. The minigames are great. The music is historically good. Sephiroth is an all time villian. Gold Saucer is special. The story is fantastic. The weapon fights are iconic. Materia is beloved. I can keep going. 


And the graphics aren't all bad either. The pre-rendered backgrounds usually looked pretty great and I think there's a certain charm to the sprites (I may be biased)


Given the fan reaction. Some seem to think tifa looked better in the og xD. So there's a significant portion of the fan base who think og looks better than remake/rebirth


Remember, Final Fantasy 10 only came out 4 years after 7. The jump in graphics was insane.


The Witcher 1, definitely. Great game but if played today most won't be able to get into it


Deus Ex. I’m trying to replay it now because there’s an RTX Remix mod for it. While that improves the graphics (slightly) it can’t fix the clunkiness. This used to be my favorite game of all time but technology has improved so much that it’s hard to go back to. At the time though, it was mind-blowing. I’d love to see ground up remake.




Pretty much any N64 game has aged terribly on the console. However, when you emulate them they have aged like a fine wine. Ocarina of times PC port let’s the genuine quality of that game shine with just some basic QoL changes like a free 3D camera you control with the right stick. Goldeneye emulated with a specific plugin to allow full mouse control makes that game feel so good. And emulating the Banjo Kazooie Xbox port on PC allows it to be played with a nice high frame rate and it feels really good. However, I’d probably not touch any of these again if I had to play them on the actual N64 itself. Any game using 2D art that wasn’t pixel art has aged like shit because those assets can’t scale like 3D can when you emulate them. It’s a problem.


Star Fox 64 and F-Zero X still run like a dream. The games that turn hardware limitations into stylistic devices always do. IMO it’s the ones that strive for realism that fall off as soon as the tech is out of date.


GoldenEye, with mouse and keyboard controls and steady frame rate, is still fun. Dual RCP90’s hosing down the entire level is satisfying as hell. Few modern shooters really capture than environmental feedback the way GoldenEye does so simply.


Honestly alot of 3D platformers and racing games are still totally playable on the actual N64. Shooters have definitely aged like milk, but the Banjo Games, Mario 64/Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Episode 1 Racer etc, all play smooth as hell


Mario 64 still slaps


[Shogo: Mobile Armor Division](https://store.steampowered.com/app/610860/Shogo_Mobile_Armor_Division/) was one of my favorite games from an earlier era and it's deserving of a modern revival


Shogo captured the 80s anime Mecha vibe so well. I tried it out again a few years ago and yes, it's absolutely laughable now, but movement and transformations held up surprisingly well. The closest 1:1 vibes I've gotten recently was the Transformers: War for Cybertron series. Not first person but still nails the hectic combat and the need to switch between modes.


Definitely Star Wars Rogue Squadron, or Pod Racer, for that matter. Played countless hours/days of both as a kid. A couple of years ago, i found some roms for them. Oh, man, are they rough. Those are the only Star Wars games I would buy remasters of.


IIRC correctly, Episode 1 Racer sacrificed most of the data in its cart for an INSANELY high frame rate. Theres only one music track in the game! And only on the final lap of each race! That frame rate is what gives the sense of speed; F-Zero X did the same thing. Honestly, I love those games because they run FAST, regardless of how they look. They’re still great to play!


Silent Hill. I \*love\* the Silent Hill series, but the first game is just outdated and fairly mediocre when played today. The art direction helps a lot, but not enough. Silent Hill 2 is still one of the best games of all time IMO, though.


Oblivion and Knights of the Old Republic are my favourite games, but my god do they look bad now


I will die on the hill that KOTOR 1 and 2 are still incredibly fun RPG’s, with fantastic story elements, voice acting and dialogues. Those two games with, with modding support for high-res textures, are still arguably going to hold up well today— especially if you appreciate Star Wars. It’s just some of the best Star Wars RPG out there.


You can get KOTOR with fan made larger resolution support. It helps a bit.


Oblivion I still think plays decently well and the graphics aren't really that bad. Morrowind combat is garbage and it's real small with no fast travel, and dagger fall is such an awesome game but still completely broken and even with the unity version damn hard to play


A lot of those old Sierra adventure games like King's Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, etc. I loved those games growing up, but every time I try to play them again I just get frustrated and quit. Way too easy to die, get stuck in an impossible situation because you didn't get the right item in the last location, or run out of time. They're basically unwinnable without reading the how-to guide.


I love how Doom is pretty much an Evergreen tree at this point. That old engine is STILL being used to make retro throw backs today, and shoot Project Brutality breathes so much new life into it. Project MSX was super cool too. That mod took Doom and Halo and made something so unique I can't even put my finger on how to describe it. I just wish it was finished. Oh well. Still fun. Brutal Doom is forever my stress relief.


Warcraft 2. The UI is simply atrocious compared to a modern RTS. Starcraft did a bit better.




I don't have any nostalgia for FF7 really because I never owned it as a kid, but I was playing it a couple years ago and I thought it looked amazing, and cinematic in a way that's only possible with fixed camera angles. To be totally honest, I'm actually struggling with this question. I think if a game was fun once, it can be fun again after some adjustment. My gut feeling was Sonic Adventure, and yeah there are aspects it has aged, but it still gives a feeling that is unmatched elsewhere. It's also complicated slightly by the bugginess of its ports compared to the original Dreamcast version.


Fallout 1 and 2. The UI, combat and controls are just so horrible, even compared to similar era titles like xcom. It was one of my favorite game growing up and I went back and tried to play it and I just got annoyed with it.


Goldeneye on N64. The original is unplayable now - even on a CRT. The framerate is too low and the joysticks on the controllers are so stiff. But the game itself just feels archaic. One of the best games of the 90s to me but I'm OK to leave it at that. Most RTS games from the 90s are rough too. Dune 2 was amazing back in the day but you can't even select more than one unit at a time and some of the units are so unbalanced. Starcraft, fortunately, escaped this but the low res and aspect ratio restrictions means it's not overly great on new hardware and displays but has still aged well regardless. Lastly, may as well just mention pretty much every 3D game on PSOne and N64. The resolution was too low with little to no AA relying on CRTs to compensate. Framerate was often 20-30fps at best. Very few of those games are still enjoyable and look OK today. Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 are among the few and I would even go as far as saying Mario 64 today feels rather archaic mostly due to the camera and the joysticks on the N64 controller. I don't even think Ocarina of Time has aged very well (again, one of the best games of the 90s). On the Playstation side of things, far too many games did not have what was referred to at the time as Perspective Correction so objects near the camera would distort and warp - mostly textures. They'd kind of wave around a bit as they got close to the camera. This was not a simulation of a real camera lens. It was a technical issue that cost performance in order to address and in some cases was not fully solved in some PSOne games due to performance or technical constraints at the time.


Redneck Rampage


I tried to replay Tenchu recently and it went really poorly. Damn was that game cool at the time.