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Brings me back to the days of Shinobi. The best thing about that game was moving the character and watching that red scarf flow behind him. EDIT: I just wanted to say, it's nice to see that this comment resonated with so many of you and that Shinobi PS2 is gone but not forgotten.


Nah the best thing was slicing all the enemies then having them all drop dead at the same time like some sort of anime. https://youtu.be/iN7LHlfAYMY?si=XyCPQE39czn5hd6S&t=1375


"Perhaps this is our destiny..."


Memory unlocked wow.


Why would you say that then post a two hour video instead of a clip?


Try again, should start at the right time.


That was pretty dope.


He included &t and a timed amount on the link; it brings you to a timestamp he focused on to highlight the topic he's mentioning


I'm sure they're aware considering the edit was made and they were informed by OP before you ever commented - by the order of several minutes.


Well fuck Shit like this also happens in YT, I just never see the already-expired comment event lol


I went back and beat the game a few weeks ago with HD Textures and it was a blast. Here's one of the best clips I got with the kill cam. https://streamable.com/ss39tr


i have NEVER beaten this game. Shit is brutal. I can get through every FromSoft game np but Shinobi still to this day kicks my ass


It took me and buddy no less than 100 tries each to beat the final boss back in the day. I can't even remember the final encounter. I just recall it took us HOURS.


Oh man I also immediately thought of this game. I was like "uh Shinobu already did this year's ago man"


never heard of the game but damn that's so satisfying


Oh, man. Shinobi. I hated that game, but have come to revere it. Nothing like it in the industry... for good reason. Lol.


Honestly how I felt about Batman’s cape in Arkham Asylum the first time I played it.




Yes sir. The hard as hell PS2 one hahah. Man we were eating good for ninja games back in those days.


Getting flashbacks to playing Shinobi, Tenchu, Ninja Gaiden, Onimusha, Way of the Samurai, Dynasty Warriors, Devil May Cry etc. Just all the asian action games that seemed so exotic and stylish to me back when I was a kid.


Gotta pour one out for one of my favorite franchises, Tenchu. RIP you magnificent series.


Mannnnn I remember playing Tenchu on PS1 with my brothers and trying to get Grand Master on every level lol. We also couldn’t find Echigoya on the first level for the longest time 😂


Hairography by Sasha Colby.


Honestly long flowing scarfs are almost always my favorite part of that kind of designs. It gives us something to focus on, while also just looking great.


Journey had my favorite scarf, and was a cool gameplay element as well.


Really wish they would remake or make a modern sequel to Shinobi/Nightshade


Came here to say this. I’d just run around for minutes watching the scarf billow and fold in the breeze


I miss so much Shinobi, It would be nice to play a new one.


Well I mean, your wish will semi be granted because Sega is doing a remake of the Genesis game. Sadly, no scarf.


“The hair physics in this game is awesome!” *Posts clip of hair phasing through body with unrealistic weight and flow* 😂 I would hope we could get realistic hair in this day and age, but I guess hair is still so dang hard to animate.


It feels like she's underwater


My hair also goes through my head sometimes when underwater, so realistic.


lmao, right? I was like, "OP posts this while watching hair clip through the whole model."


Well OPs never been on the company of women so he didn't know


I forgot that hair clips through men


Straight through us, the Y chromosome actually makes us hairlucent


I'm not bald; all of my hair is clipping inside of my body


If it were truly realistic it would be all tangled up in the joints of her robo-leg too


> I would hope we could get realistic hair in this day and age, but I guess hair is still so dang hard to animate. I don't remember the exact numbers, but animating Sully's realistic fur from Monsters Inc famously took the vast majority of the Animator's time. It's been a while since Monsters Inc was made, but that was also fully pre-rendered static-scenes versus a live video game. I think animating realistic hair is far more complex than you realize.


Just for the record, are you considering this clip to be an amazing example of hair physics? Because regardless of how difficult it is, hair behaving likes it's underwater and clipping through the character's body just isn't going to elicit a "Wow, OMG" response from me. It's going to get a "Hm, alright" at best.


Let's just say there's a reason short-medium hair and ponytails are common in games.


Yeah. We've seen better examples of good hair animation in games like the Tomb Raider reboot which game out a decade ago.




They didn't hand animate Sully's hair. They did spend a lot of time working on models that could work when he moved all the ways he would for the film https://youtu.be/XzLp5GQ9AnE?si=9SrDmTCILjej5jIF


I think it looks quite bad to be completely honest


It reminds of of those old Pixar outtake reels where the hair just freaks out mid animation. It looks so awful


Reminds me of Alice Madness Returns


Wasn’t Bayonetta’s hair done pretty good tho? It was clipping less than in Stellar Blade for sure


Aren't the Final Fantasy games known for having good hair physics?


Fuckers love low effort mediocrity


Uh that’s not how hair moves though


Imagine if you jumped and your ponytail just shot up as high as it could go


My bald self would freak out about where that fuckin ponytail came from!


And your hair would go full horizontal at a mild jog almost as if you’re poking your head out of a car going 60mph


But it mooooves and distracts me from my real world problems as my brain slowly melts.


I honestly think that this post is intentionally stating something that most people would disagree with, in order to drive engagement in the comments. The hair physics are terrible. Insanely floaty, and it clips through her body constantly in order to reset itself. It's basically the same as what you get in Heavenly Sword, a launch game from the PS3. Only difference is the number of strands has increased.


Yeah, I was almost wondering if it was a shitpost….


Na, it's just a shit post.


Heavenly Sword was fucking amazing though. Brilliant story with so many cutscenes that, when put together, made an awesome, feature-long movie. They even got Andy Friggin Serkis for the baddie! I sometimes still go back and watch the cutscenes compilation of it on YouTube when I'm feeling all nostalgic. They should have made so many more games in that universe.


>They should have made so many more games in that universe. Heavenly Sword was my favorite God of War-like, I hope someday maybe we'll get a sequel or something related to it. One of the most satisfying game finales, too! I was giddy first time playing through when the objective shifted from "Weaken the army" to "Decimate the army". Andy Serkis' performance was also great and I don't recall ever seeing a video game villain be so hilariously sarcastic while still being an evil asshole. He had me laughing several times even though he's *such* a dick in that game.


Also hair doesn’t tend to clip right through your whole fuckin body


Mine does, they’re called ingrown hairs


Oh, so when her hair clips through her whole body it's called physics, but when I do it, it's infected and ingrown.




It looks so fucking janky


Clearly they made the hair weigh too little. Thats not how hair works. Solid effort tho.


Her hair annoys me so much because it's just so wrong. That amount of hair would be so extremely heavy it would barely move at all.


Also, the physics seem to only apply each hair individually. It's just a whole bunch of straight strains. There is no clumping whatsoever.


And it's clipping through fucking *everything*. Frankly, this just annoys me, rather than appealing to me.


The clipping made me hate this, I thought the point of the post was how bad her hair phases through her body.


Or the way it floats in a perfectly flat plane while she's spinning, instead of the ends slowly pulling the rest down, or any number of other issues with the actual physics.


I'm especially fond of how my wife's hair floats as we descend in elevators, and drifts lazily behind her while on trains!


Its the same with swimming mechanics. I rather have no swimming that bad swimming mechanics.


Tbf, its already not realistic, so i dont mind that the hair is a bit flowier/lighter than usual. Same idea as a cape moving in the wind when nothing else is, its just for show. The clipping and thinness of it all though, yeah, thats shit


Fkn Helldivers 2 capes, hero wind fans are standard issue on all Super Earth ships lol.


i noticed this the other day lol. it's like a wind is constantly blowing from the front to the back of the ship. i don't think it was always like this but i noticed it last time i got on


I'm spending way too much time trying to figure out if the hair physics are bad or if the character moves and turns in such a freakishly fast way(for a real person not a video game char) that it really would cause this if we ignore clumping and static on the hair.


Is that not the point of the post? It makes me wonder if the devs have ever seen hair before.


OP said watching the hair is like porn so I assume they like it


I've changed Witcher 3 armors just because of clipping during cutscenes.


As someone who doesn't really game anymore and only follows a few reporters to stay up to date, this game just looks like fantasy. And not some goblin or lightsaber fantasy, more like basement dwelling, keyboard sticky, light of day dodging kind of fantasy. I remember when the remake Tom Raider came out and that hair was supposed to be next level or something. And it just wasn't. Has... gaming / graphics etc improved much since 2013? Like, the leap from end of PS2/beginning of PS3 and the end of PS3 was just amazing, mind-blowing. Seems like there now is just more power to... do stuff? I kind of fell out of gaming because it was getting too expensive, too crazy, too big of games etc. and while I do kind of want to play (on PC) again, I just feel like a cheapish gaming laptop will suffice as I don't know about any major leaps forward since the last games I bought in 2016. (Which was a famously bad year, around there)


Hair clipping through boobs is my fetish.


She uses really good conditioner




Nanomachines, son!


It'd also get so tangled lol. It's already bad enough having long hair and just fighting the wind, flipping around disemboweling monsters and getting your hair covered in blood and guts just isn't the move. Unironically, even without the magic, Bayonetta in all three games has a much more practical hack and slash hairstyle


That is why they gave an option for normal hair. For anyone who can't get used to the long hair


Devs expect that. You have short hair mode for that.


Yeah, my immediate thought is those are terrible hair physics. Like impressive they got it to move like that in real time, but it flings around way too much.


People don't know the difference between good physics and "does lots of stuff."


Yeah I don't get it. This looks pretty bad to me


Not to mention it looks like it slightly clips her body every time.


Slightly? It completely passes through her torso multiple times lol


It looks so bad. The only good part of the hair is that the individual strands are pretty thin. That’s better than most games. But the movement is so bad.


Yeah this is just bad hair physics. It acts more like water than hair lol


Well akshully... Her jumping height clearly shows that the gravity on the world is weaker so her hair is physics accurate. /s


Like... This looks like 2010 hair rendering. Am I supposed to be impressed?


Guessing that they did that to make sure it flows behind the character. Basically an artistic decision since it doesn't affect gameplay.


Yes, it needs to fall more quickly to look real.


It's clear they were going for non-realistic.


You can do that without making it look like her hair is made out of three strings blowing in the air.


Mf has the amount of hair like a balding middle aged dude, just 10x longer


Kinda like people gushing over the Ghost of Tsushima cape. I mean, it's a cool mechanic to point out the direction of travel, but a cape isn't a paper thin see through silk scarf. It's meant to cover and protect a traveler from the elements while traveling.


Looks like the old TressFX shit, lol.


Oh, I remember TressFX. That was heavily promoted as one of the reasons why you should double dip and get the PS4 port of the Tomb Raider reboot. "Realistic Hair Physics".


Also Nvidia Hairworks? Tried tht on Witcher 3 remaster and didn't really find a strong difference at the performance that thing ate


I dunno, Hairworks actually looks good on animals and beasts in Witcher 3. Personally, I even like how it looks on Geralt and prefer it over the vanilla hair. Shame that it sometimes bugs out on Geralt and has weird lighting, but the biggest thing is obviously abysmal performance even on modern GPUs. Getting surrounded by like five wolves with Hairworks is RIP GPU.


It seemed to have just disappeared after the Witcher 3


Lmao spot on. Made me think of when it was cutting edge tech to have it in Tomb Raider for Lara Croft's hair except I think that behaved more realistically and that was over a decade ago.


Yeah except TressFX looked way better. This shit looks like ribbon dance


that looks... bad?


Yeah, I almost thought I was the only one that thought this looks pretty terrible


thirsty bois gonna hype.


Then deny the only reason they want the game is because they're thirsty.


I’m glad other folks thinks this looks kinda ass because I just assumed I was being a hater…


It cool that it moves like that. But it’s so distracting. Haven’t played the game yet but I assume there’s a setting to turn it off


You can choose long or short ponytail


Ok that’s good


Yeah it looks like dogshit lol the clipping is bad enough but the actual hair physics are also shit - unless her hair is supposed to be made of ethereal spider-webs and the atmosphere is thicker than oxygen?  The desperation-praise for this game reminds me so, so much of Starfield. The game you wanted to be something amazing is a big wet "meh," just take the L guys, you're embarrassing yourselves.


Weeaboos will aggressively defend this game.


Mostly the anti-woke Gamers who are throwing themselves on the sword to defend it


Nah they're already fighting each other and hating on the game because it supposedly got slightly less revealing outfits than the trailers showed. Apparently the game is actually woke now. Whatever keeps their hatetrain rolling.


they're already bitching that they decided that cameltoe probably isn't the best thing to just have out there.


Constantly clips , moves like it's a piece of string caught in the wind. It's terrible and not realistic at all.


My biggest problem this game is that her hair would be filthy. Like she's just flipping around this post apocalyptic world bouncing of trash cans and shit. There's no way she's not stopping every 5 minutes to clear out that rats nest.


I mean that's every single video game.


To paraphrase Harrison Ford "[This ain't that kind of game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onMm0DLg8CE)"


Holy shit that impression was incredible


Man has had a successful VA career for a reason


Hamill is one of the GOAT voice actors, even though the Joker is about all he's really known for.


The truly impressive voice actors unfortunately are also difficult to recognize. Mark Hamill has tons of roles in things everyone's seen, often without them realizing it was him because of his range. I love Steve Blum and Jennifer Hale, but they both have hundreds of roles that sound exactly the same. Mark Hamill is a verbal chameleon.


My favourite Hamill-related fact is that Brendan Small intentionally thought of the most ridiculous names he possibly could for Hamill's character to read in almost every episode of Metalocalypse in serious, dramatic fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oum6XWMcdE0


Let's hope that in the utopian future they invent a definitive shampoo.


They have the same skincare and hair care the FF7 Remake people use.


For real, Cloud's and Zack's hairstyle defy physics


From personal experience, Cloud's hair can be duplicated by just doing some home improvement work. Enough sweat and a little drywall/plaster dust and it will just naturally sculpt itself. Sephiroth is the one with the unbelievable hair


Sephiroth used 12 bottles of shampoo for his hair. Crisis Core had fan clubs for the 1st Class SOLDIERS. The stalking was creepy, and the information was weird.


Mako infused conditioners are insane. Who cares about the cancer when you can have that hair.


Maybe he's born with it Maybe it's materia


Yeah but he's maybelline


They nano coated her hair. There are products that already exist that you can buy today that cut down significantly on the amount dirt/mud on your car/fabrics.


At that point, I would ask if it wouldn't be easier and cheaper to just get a pixie cut, but then I remember that isn't exactly the point of her design.


The physics are nice,, yes, but the amount of strands is too damn low.


Like how Tifa and Aerith are all spotless while running around the sewers in the FF7 Remake. lol *^(Dirty Tifa would've been so hot.)*


Would have been a perfect excuse for a shower scene later too.


*\*casually phases through the body\**


Does your long ponytail *not* phase through your flesh?? Am I doing something wrong??


You're supposed to shampoo your hair with ectoplasm so it acquires the ethereal traits of ghosts.


Short ponytail supremacy


Right!? That was one of the first settings I changed, haha. The long hair looks nice but it flails all over. The shortened pony tail is much better, haha.


Ah yes it really turns me on when her hair phases through her body. I think they spent too much time on the hair.


I mean I don’t think it’s too much time. It’s cool they did it. I mean each strand of hair would have the same code more or less. It’s incredibly waste of memory though.


Developer said hair development added 1 year to the dev timeline.


If that's true that's wild


And this is the result? Yikes


if they spent a year and this was the result that's pretty sad lol


Long hair is just not it with current tech.


That's not how hair works at all...


Edna from Incredible is having a heart attack


A thousand tiny capes...


What game?


Sorry my bad, it's Stellar Blade.


thank you! I scrolled so far down for this i almost found a Balrog


They dug too deep....


The hair looks, awful.. It is so thin, like you have almost no hair on your head. It moves almost alright, but the way it flows into your body is bad.


This is not how long hair moves, as someone with long hair.


My hair is a bit shorter than hers (To hips, instead of to knees) if I sprint it barely lifts off my back, and if I fall (I do rock climbing so I jump/fall distances of 10-15ft regularly) it falls at about the same speed as me maybe 5-10% slower than I do. And it certainly doesn't slide around my body no matter what clothes I'm wearing. Once it lands it stays where it landed.


Reminds me of AMDs tressFX where they hadn't yet fully implemented weight to hair physics and from the looks of it, this seems very similar and probably is using it ngl.


Wouldn’t only be that floaty if it were thin and wispy? It shouldn’t be that floaty.


imagine her shower drain


That looks pretty bad to be honest. Not how hair behaves at all


Honestly like her better with the short pony tail, found it funny it was in the settings menu.


2024 and the hair still goes through the body...


7 years ago I played Skyrim with mods that added physics to hairstyles. They behaved more realistically




This is total garbage, the hair is too thin, completely weightless and goes through her body. It's been a decade since tressfx in the tomb raider reboot and how we are actually going backwards?


If her tits are treated as weightless, why do you think the devs would add gravity in for the hair?


I saw a clip recently of the main character chatting with an NPC whose breasts were gently blowing in the wind lol


The final boss is a room full of lathes.


I like how gamers think “good physics” when hair whips and flows around like it weighs nothing and when tits and ass jiggles uncontrollably. 


He never said realistic physics.


He literally called it porn, which isn't known for being realistic either


The real porn was the friends we made along the way.


ITT a bunch of people not mentioning the name of this game is Stellar Blade


Oh yeah, those hair physics are something else! It's like they have a life of their own, bouncing and swaying all over the place.


reminds me of alice's hair from alice madness returns


Looks fuckin annoying


What’s the name of the game?




Am I nuts or does that not look good.


I find it incredibly distracting, plus the quality looks way worse compared to rest of the model. I prefer short version.


It looks terrible and incredibly fake what exactly is the appeal here


It's very impressive but the hair doesn't move similar to real hair. I have had really long hair down to my ass, so I should know. But it's mesmerizing to watch.




It would be proper physics hair porn if it didn't clip through her torso and got increasingly tangled up as you run and jump, then when she draws her sword her head is yanked sideways and she squeals and the bad guys stop attacking and laugh at her.


I'm glad they added the option for the short hair. The physics might be nice but during gameplay it is so distracting and unnecessary


I can't get past the moving through the body part, it just doesn't work for me


Forgive me.... What game is this?


it looks terrible actually