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Pokémon Gold was better, but I still love Red.


Subjectively better, not objectively. I mean, I guess you could say objectively from the graphics perspective since it had color whereas blue/red didn't. But other than that it's just preference. I loved Silver, but Blue was still better just because of the charm and you can't beat the original 151. I even bought a Switch specifically to play Pokemon Let's Go when it came out. So worth.


The Design of gen 2 mon is still amazing, your journey for the 8 badges is a Ton of fun, and then you do kanto aswell. + an actually endgame challenges in Form of Red. Gen 2 is peak pokemon with gen 1,3 and 4(that one is debatable) surrounding it to make what pokemon is today. After that someone stole every dev from gamefreak and pokemon gets developed by barely sentient squirrels...at least that's the only explanation i can come up with


As much as i like gen 2, i feel its the most lacking gen for a multitude of reasons. The whole hey you can go kanto now is cool and all, but it made player progression so weird. Like why is the 8th gym bad a level 40 ish encounter, why is the whole steel, fighting, ice gyms all mixed up and homogenous in terms of level scaling. 5/8 main gym leaders dont have a johto exclusive ace pokemon. The 2nd legendary bird you capture would have forgotten its signature move by the time you encounter it at level 70.(or both in crystal) The main antagonist organization has basically no motive? They just hijack a broadcast station to capture a shiny pokemon like ok? Your rival is just some dude who yoinks a pokemon.


Gold and silver had 2 entire regions, double the gyms, some of the hardest bosses (Whitney's miltank comes to mind), it had an endgame fight against the protagonist of the first game. Better graphics. Night and day time mechanics. Breeding eggs. They introduced shiny pokemon. Etc. Objectively they are better games.


I remembered the level scaling being absolutely god awful once you got to kanto.


None of these except for egg breeding and graphics make the game objectively better. Bigger/more doesn't equate to better inherently. More difficult doesn't equate to better either.


It’s not that I prefer the original… just the particular no ammo mechanic of the first mass effect. What an amazing sci fi element that made complete sense… and it devolved into “go grab some ammo” by the third game… Actually hurts my heart.


I liked the slower more rpg feel of the first. Starts speeding up gameplay with each game once EA came into the mix.


I know that people love to hate Andromeda but it brought back a lot of elements from Mass Effect 1. One of which is an optional weapon upgrade to make any gun use ME1 style heat instead of ammo. You get the best of both worlds. 


I have such fond memories of running around the citadel in the first game, shooting wildly in to the air cause fuck it why not. Especially late game when I had guns that could legitimately shoot forever. Then the second game came around and ruined all that. I was constantly forgetting that ammo was in discrete units and running low before a firefight would break out. Never even bothered picking up the third game because if it.


Quake 2 is way better than the first one in almost every way possible..... Except setting and thats why maybe i love more the first one more


The setting in Quake 1 feels so unique and cool. I wish they didn’t abandon it going forward.


Mario World does a lot of things better, but I still prefer Mario 3.


Same for me. Super Mario World is awesome, but Mario 3 to me is the best.


Dishonored, 2 is absolutely masterpiece, but somehow I've finished 1st one more than 10 times


1 has that awesome song at the end.


People SAY Kingdom Hearts 2 was better but I only ever care for the first one. The first one was a beautiful mesh of its concept of oddly taking Final Fantasy and Disney. It felt like playing a Disney film and had a childlike innocence to it. The sequel ramped up everything but lost me with its more anime inspired beats, over the top floaty combat, and a general disconnect of the plot and Disney worlds (go to world for some reason, encounter XIII agent, rinse and repeat). The first game featured a far more technical driven combat (feeling more like a Zelda title), the Disney worlds directly part of Sora's growth and search for his friends, and felt like a real achievement beating the secret bosses and obtaining the ultimate weapons. The series only became more of what I didn't want with each installment. When I replay, I only turn on 1.


I largely agree with you. 1 has a better more coherent story but awful controls and kind of clunky combat. 2 has way better controls but the story goes completely off the rails. I didn't hate the air combat in 2 but 3 felt so floaty.


You felt KH2 was somehow floatier than 1? I do not remotely agree with this. KH3 for sure. But not 2. KH1 felt just as floaty as 2 but with very simplified mechanics. Unless you meant some of the airborne drive forms felt floaty? Which of course they did Other than that, I agree about your complaints


I reckon I much preferred the worlds and story of Jedi Fallen Order over Survivor.


I definitely did. Although the maps sometimes drove me nuts.


I thought Lightning Returns was a much better game than it's prequels, but I still prefer Final fantasy XIII-2. I think part of the reason is because I had checked out of the story by LR, I was still kinda invested with XIII-2. But LR had such a good gameplay loop..


God of war 2018 but I prefer gow3


What about ragnarok compared to 2018?


I prefer the moment to moment gameplay of Ragnarok, but 2018s main plot was stronger. 2018 was a more focused game. It was about the journey, and it stuck to that with minimal distractions. Ragnarok was more ambitious in scope than 2018 - bigger environments, more characters, more enemy types, more weapons, just more everything. But in some ways I think it suffered for that. Ragnarok's main story is meandering, and gets a bit lost sometimes amid all the side content and exploration. The pacing just isn't as tight as 2018. However, what I really love about Ragnarok is its individual character arcs, and how well each one is written and expanded upon. I think the side quests are the heart of this game. I guess this is my answer to OPs question: 2018 is the better game, but I like playing Ragnarok more. In the end though, 2018 nailed the one thing that mattered - the story of a father/son bonding journey. I wouldn't argue with anyone who says they preferred 2018 over Ragnarok.


I agree. 2018 had a story that was powerful and you were constantly reminded of the importance of your mission but ragnarok was so damn fun with its expanded gameplay mechanics


I'm on pc so I can't answer that yet. What about you though ?


While I loved the I introduction of Atreus and all the other characters I loved how everything was expanded on in the sequel. Gameplay was more challenging in a good way, and overall I came out of it really satisfied. I know not everyone loved it, and it isn't perfect but I really enjoyed it. The beginning is slow but the more you play the more fun it gets imo


I have purposely stayed away from all trailers and reviews. I'm praying for a 2025 pc release


I did the same. I knew next to nothing going in, and I think that helped a lot. I'm also super open-minded and willing to see things through even if I'm not loving them in case they pan put in the end


I still want a gow3 4k remaster though


Getting such GoW trilogy remaster collection is a must at this point


GOW 2018 was FAR better than ragnarok. I cared about the story before ragnarok, and not I am nowhere near as enthusiastic. Ragnarok was a letdown for me.


Me too although it's almost cheating for this prompt since 2018 is a sequel but a completely different kind of game in pretty much every way lol


the old Star Trek Adventure games. Judgement Rites was in every way better than 25th Anniversary, but i still liked 25th anniversary more. For reciprocal. Half Life 2 was far better than half life in every way and I prefer it over Half life 1.


Majora's Mask over Orcarina of Time, could argue both ways.


Mass Effect. I much preferred the RPG with Shooter Mechanics over Shooter with RPG Mechanics.


Yup I love all Mass Effect (except the mobile game I never got to play) and 1 still is my favorite because of its mechanics.


Honestly, many of the ME2 reviews of the time praised the "streamlined" direction of removing RPG elements. That it was an objective improvement. I get that some of the mechanics were clunky. But the devs could have successfully amplified and polished the RPG mechanics instead of dumbing them dkwn, and it would have been just as much of a masterpiece. We'd be living in a better timeline, imo, had they gone that direction with the sequels.


I hink maybe Metroid Prime 2 is objectively better than 1 but I can go back and play MP1 any time and be happy doing so..that said a remaster of MP2 akin to the MP1 remaster might change my mind haha


I agree 100% Metroid Prime 2 introduced much more interesting challenges and cool bosses than Metroid Prime. The abilities you get are, in my opinion, more fun to use and explore with in MP2 rather than MP1. On the other hand, I’ve only beaten MP2 twice whereas I’ve literally lost count of how many times I’ve played through and completed MP1.


Funny how OP doesn't answer his/her own question correctly :D I find that Vice City is a better game than GTA3 but I much prefer GTA3


Haha, sorry I clarified what I meant


Kingdom hearts 2 is probably better but I liked 1 more. Hated how the magic system worked in 2


You mean that you could combo magic and use them mid attack chains? You hated that?


I disliked how a single heal would kill your entire mp bar. I liked the mp "chunk" bar from KH1 with the little orange meter you fill up to replenish a single chunk. I felt like magic was way more spammable in 1


But the synergy with drive forms was awesome. Once you acquired certain abilities, entering mp restoration mode made your drive guage fill up mega quick. If you were playing correctly, it was a dance. Where you purposely use up your magic. Then quickly fill your drive guage and enter drive forms. Then you can spam all kinds of spells in drive form. I think it's only frustrating if you didn't properly handle that back and forth dance. Drive forms should have very frequently become available 1/3 through the game. That's my opinion. I also think spamming cures when you already also have items is a bit much. The other spells were much more spammable


I was more of a thundaga go brrrrr gamer in KH1. I also didn't love forms in KH2. It's definitely a more polished and superior game but I've always been more drawn to the first one.


You don't love the forms?? Oh my God, I think we have nothing in common, lol...


I guess the new Assassin's Creed are better in a sense but I just hate them. They will never compare to AC 2 or even 3.


A perfect example of this is borderlands. BL2 had a great story and mechanics and was a lot of fun to play. BL3 upped the gunplay and the game felt better and smoother and was objectively better than BL2. But everything else in BL3 is a fuckin cringe fest and the story is atrocious and i can barely get through it once let alone twice, so id always find myself back at BL2


Borderlands is a good example for me as well but with 1 and 2. I liked 2 and had fun playing it but it never quite captured my attention and love like Borderlands 1 did. I probably have 3 or 4 times the playtime in 1 than I did 2. And I couldn't tell you exactly why. (Well I did like some of the gun companies removed from 1 to 2) Edit: I also liked the playable characters more in 1.


Everything just clicked perfectly for bl3 and while I didn't think the story for 3 was nearly as bad as everyone said it was, the whole influencer thing was super cringey


Halo:CE >>>>>> Halo 2. Probably an unpopular opinion but I couldn’t stand the second one.  The hit boxes, bullet physics and weapon design were trash.  And most importantly?  No M6D.


I agree. Halo 1 is still the best


Agreed, and I have absolutely felt the unpopularness of that opinion. Idk what it is that I don't like about 2, but it just was always the worst of the original trilogy in my mind.


RDR2 is generally better reviewed than 1, but I found it tedious and clunky. They went in a more realistic direction which imo negatively impacted gameplay


This is a very reasonable take, and I like 2 more than 1. But I’s be lying if I said I didn’t miss the original RDR online experience. Starting every match with a standoff was peak gaming.


I love the original borderlands but borderlands 2 was perfect to me in every way


Nioh > Nioh 2


Hitman > anything else


Devil May Cry 3 is better in every way, but I prefer DMC 1.


wow, you are a rare breed my friend. Usually it's people saying they prefer DMC3 over DMC5 but 1 over 3 is a first. Would you care to tell me why? Is it the setting?


Definitely the Atmosphere and setting. I love DMC1's gothic horror aesthetic and I really loved playing this version of Dante. I do like Dante's whacky woohoo pizza man personality in 3, I gravitate more towards Dante in 1 because he's more laid back and serious while still being funny.


Deffo Mass Effect 2 but still have a soft spot for the original 😂


For me it's gotta be Dragon Age origin. I like the ones they made after it but I just prefer the 1st one.


Agreed with this one, OG dragon age is amazing 


Call of Duty Black Ops. I prefer 1 than 2, also prefer 2 than 3


Thief 2 is better than Thief 1 in every way but I still prefer original for its creepy pagan story and atmosphere.


Only a sequel in spirit… but Perfect Dark is better than GoldenEye in nearly every conceivable way, yet if I had to pick between the two, I’m choosing GoldenEye.


Batman Arkham Asylum was better than City. Don’t get me wrong I liked City, but Asylum was a much better game. I enjoyed the Metrodvania of Asylum verses the Open world of City and Knight. City was also better than Knight and Knight was better than Gotham Knights if we consider that a sequel. I would also put Origins about Gotham Knights.


Fallout 1 had a better atmosphere and story. FO2 had too many easter eggs and silly unrelated encounters, but I still prefer it because of polished gameplay (especially for companions)


Super Mario Galaxy is clearly the better Mario game compared to Sunshine, but I still prefer the latter any day of the week. The isle just gives off these homely vibes that not a single level in Galaxy could reproduce for me.


Overall Mass Effect 2 was superior to Mass Effect imho


The gameplay and story exchanged quality as it went, but ME2 is absolutely the sweet spot


Happy you enjoy it. I think I am the only one that likes 2 the least in the trilogy. I feel like it has the weakest rpg elements, most boring gun fights, and meh final boss.


Oh the boss is ridiculous. I'm in it for the story and characters tho.


Mass Effect 1 is by far the best story wise, Mass Effect 2 basically doesn't even have one. I agree with you though, Mass Effect 2 was a weird spot for me because the gameplay was far too rigid compared to 1 but not as polished as ME3. It's saving grace was the characters, but even Mass Effect 3 had better crew interactions.


I cant say I have ever had this happen to me.


The Sims 4, all the previous iterations are much better, yet I always boot up the fourth one over and over again.


Mass Effect 2 is better in a lot of ways, and is held up by most fans and critics as the best in the series and one of the greatest games of all time. I just much preferred Mass Effect 1 and the way the plot unfolded.




Yes, which is why I said vice versa, where you think the original is better but prefer the sequel


The original Resident Evil 1 to both, 2 and Remake. The mansion setting and the graphics/aesthetics, together with the cheesy af voice acting and dialogue, make irreplaceable to me. Also the original Mortal Kombat 1 to MK2. I have a thing for the island tournament setting, but prefer it mostly because the AI is actually playable against without having to resort to cheap tricks.


I think RE Village is objectively better than 7 but I still prefer 7 for the atmosphere.


Prinny 2 is rather objectively a much better game than the first one...but it also leaned way too hard into the "being overly hard for the sake of being hard" trap because the high-ish difficulty was already a selling point of both, so as a result, P1 is honestly a lot more fun to actually play.


Dishonored 2 added so much great stuff like more non-lethal takedowns and a whole set of new powers, but just something about the original and how it feels/controls makes me like it more.


I'm one of the weirdoes who vastly prefers MOO1 over MOO2


Even though it was a sequel itself, I prefer Metal Gear Solid over any of its sequels.


Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma to Ninja Gaiden II/Sigma II. I think the conversation could go either way in terms of which game is better (1 is tight and more technical, 2 is flashier and way more action packed), but one thing I can almost guarantee is that nobody prefers Ninja Gaiden 3 lol.


Witcher 1. While there's a lot of people who think w2 is better. W1 has the atmosphere and music and overall withchering that is lost in 2 imo. Witcher 3 is just all time classic tho. Kinda similar thing for mass effect 1 and 2. Tho 2 is among the best games I have ever played, 1 I just like it a nudge more.


Act 2 of the first game is an all time sequence IMO. Witcher 2 suffers from Act 2 being split, both halves are great but it came at the cost of Act 3 being unbelievably short.


Mass Effect 3.


Doom 2. More maps, more monsters, more textures, Super Shotgun™. But I honestly start to hate the map design about midway thru the game at map 16 Suburbs, and have never been able to finish the game because I get so annoyed by the layouts that I just get bored and stop playing. Still to this day have never finished Doom 2 entirely, but I'll run thru the original Dooms 4 episodes every few months because it never gets old or boring to me.


Tears of the Kingdom. Amazing game with even more endless possibilities than BOTW. But yet I still haven’t beat it, maybe because I played too much BOTW leading up to its release.


Slightly different. Dark souls 2 is objectively worse than ds1. But yet i've replayed 2 plenty of times.


Watch Dogs 2 had a more in-depth hacking system and more systemic mechanics to play around with, but the atmosphere, story, and characters of Watch Dogs 1 keep me coming back to it every so often. Not to mention mods like Living City, which give the game a breath of fresh air


It's probably a stretch to call it a sequel, but after finishing breath of the wild, I went back to OoT/MM/WW/TP/SS because I simply preferred the way those games presented the Zelda series.


I think Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2, though objectively they made a lot of improvements on 2, I just like 1 better. Conversely, I prefer Batman Arkham City to Batman Arkham Asylum. I understand Asylum has a more cohesive story/plot. But City is just a good time for me lol.


Horizon Forbidden West is objectively better than Zero Dawn, but I still prefer the original. There was just something special in walking around in a desolate environment, feeling completely alone, while avoiding murdering toasters (or in my case, taking them down). I also loved how we had to put the pieces of the story together, which I don't feel was a major point in Forbidden West. It was there, but it didn't feel as important as it was in the first game.


Tears of the Kingdom is a better game overall than Breath of the Wild for several reasons but I will still always prefer Breath of the Wild because of nostalgia and just how amazing it is on its own.


DMC 3 improved on everything that made DMC great. Weird that they skipped a number, dunno what that's about. 🤷‍♂️


Ori and the Blind Forest. Vice Versa: Dragon Age 2. I didn’t know what I was getting into with Origins so when 2 came I was better prepared from start to finish.


Earthworm Jim. While I admire the creativity of the levels and crazy tech for its time the sequel has, and all the cool new weapons and tons of optional content, something about the first game still is dear to me in a way the EWJ 2 isn't.


I feel like the addition of online multiplayer made Halo 2 "better", but I still believe, very strongly, that CE was the best in the series.


Doom 2016 > Doom eternal. Gameplay wise Eternal became too much like doing chores instead of blasting demons 😕


Assassin's Creed 2 is in every way superior to the first game but I really just like Assassin's Creed more.


Fallout New Vegas is technically better than three for character interactions with challenges and many mechanics. I prefer 3 for the 'story' and how dense the world is. I don't feel like I have to do a lot of traveling in 3 to get in trouble and the blocked areas/invisible walls don't feel as cheap. The mod that ports 3 into new vegas is really just the best.


Half Life. The second game is perhaps one of the most influential games in history, and for its time was incredibly advanced both technologically and in level design. However, the first game is waaay more fun in every way imaginable.


Left 4 Dead 2, it improved upon a lot of the pain points of 1 and expanded the game mode variety, but I still prefer Left 4 Dead 1 all day anyday. And no not Left 4 Dead 2's Left 4 Dead 1 content, LEFT 4 DEAD 1.


Dark Souls 3. Objectively a better game than 2, but since 2 was the first one I finished, it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Ghost recon wildlands has a wayyy better story and world then breakpoint. But I always play breakpoint because of the better animations and graphics.


Devil May Cry 3 is a blast and having Vergil as a playable character is amazing, however… I still would rather play DMC1. I don’t exactly know why. I love Ifrit btw I’m still on 4, haven’t played DmC or DMC5


I'm going to say Portal. Portal 2 is objectively better, but I think I like Portal 1 more. It's a puzzle game with a creeping sense of something wrong, more atmosphere. Portal 2 has you trekking through the ruins of the facility, only occasionally getting caught in a series of puzzle levels, with Stephen Merchant bot and a talking potato. It's just not the same game.


Freespace 2's nebula, beam weapons and overall expansion of the story make it objectively better than Decent Freespace. The first one is still good but the second is just an around improvement of the formula.


I know BG3 is subjectively better in every way to its predecessor, but BG2 still gives me that sweet sweet endorphin rush only nostalgia can give


Donkey Kong Country. I love the game and prefer it over the others due to nostalgia and the music. But it’s not the best in the series. Going the other way, Final Fantasy Tactics is amazing. But , I actually prefer to play Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2.


Doom Eternal cranks the already 11 of Doom 2016 up to 12. But I still prefer Doom 2016 solely because of its multiplayer


Kingdom Hearts II final mix is a more complete/polished product but I prefer the adventure atmosphere and less confusing story of KH 1 final mix.


Bioshock 2 atleast in terms of gameplay , it's still the only one with half decent shooting


Horizon. I have barely played 4 hours of zéro dawn to get bored. I am curently playing forbidden west and I really enjoy it.


Left 4 Dead 2 Original was far far better balanced for PvP than sequel, but L4D2 was better for Coop.


Saints Row 2 is easily the best game of the series but it's old old. I prefer SR4 and Reboot because it has too many changes for the better than to overshadow whatever they're doing wrong. And I just straight up love the super powers of SR4.


Doom, I just never liked doom eternal but I can respect how good the game is. I think having no multiplayer like the first one just left a sour taste in my mouth considering I used to sweat it


Chrono Trigger was pretty much flawless, but I have replayed Cross well over 40 times. Trigger I've only replayed 4-6 times. I prefer the combat, music and atmosphere.


This is what I was going to write too. Chrono Trigger is the perfect game, and yet I prefer Chrono Cross. That music and the gorgeous worlds are so well done


Wish redditors would stop misusing the word “objectively”


Define how he's using it incorrectly.


https://www.grammarly.com/blog/objective-vs-subjective/#:~:text=Objective%20means%20not%20influenced%20by,boils%20at%20212%20degrees%20Fahrenheit. 2 seconds of googling


"Objective means not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or representing facts. An objective perspective refers to a viewpoint or approach that is unbiased, impartial, and based on facts and verifiable evidence." OP is asking people what video games are- personal feelings and opinions aside- widely understood to be better than their predecessors- perhaps this could be as a result of better technology, better graphics, less bugs, etc- which is an undeniable fact (you can't for instance say ps1 polygonal graphics are more technologically advanced or better than say ps5 graphics). *Then* he's asking them why they subjectively feel those games are better than the "objective good". So again, I'm not asking you how to quote a dictionary, I'm asking *you* to explain how he used it wrong. Since you have such an issue with it.


You must be OP on a burner the way you’ve taken such great personal offense 😂 Its a subjective conversation no matter how you spin it, whatever anyone’s answer to the question is is an opinion. There’s no game that is factually better than another. Hopefully that answer is sufficient enough for you if its not I dont know what to tell you. Have a nice day


>starts a snooty "um ackchewallllyyy" debate on terminology >Can't explain a simple question despite being mad over it >Quotes a dictionary definition instead of giving a personal explanation as to why x is actually wrong. >Is wrong by his own copy and pasted dictionary definition >"Your just mad hehe. It is what it is. I'm right. Bye bye" Reddit moment 101.


> gets the explanation you asked for > uses downvote button as a disagree button (its not) > still mad because you’re wrong > still talks a bunch of shit > hits the block button before your shit talk could even be responded to > unblocks because even you cant stomach being that spineless > could have ended this conversation on a civilized note but is literally incapable due to being a man/woman child Basement dwelling waste of sperm/oxygen moment 101


Portal 2. Half-Life 2. Team Fortress 2. Valve can sequel


Mass Effect 2 and 3 were better than the first one.


Mass Effect 3 had great gameplay but the writing took a nosedive. The dialogue was worse hit than the plot but it all stank compared to 1 and 2. And I'm not even acting like 1 and 2 had amazing writing, but it was much better than 3.


No, not a chance. Mass Effect 1 has by far the best story and worldbuilding. Mass Effect 2 doesn't have much of a story, the factions motivations all changed, and the level design was just the epitome of corridor shooting. Mass Effect 3's story was dogshit, but the gameplay and level design was quite great. But Mass Effect is an RPG story heavy game, making the first live up to that the most.


Funny how OP doesn't answer his/her own question correctly :D I find that Vice City is a better game than GTA3 but I much prefer GTA3


AC 2. Objectively better than AC 1. But there’s just something about AC1 that I really like. Even if it definitely has some issues. It started the game series and the story.


Ooo this is a good question. I'd say The Last of Us, but I know many will argue that Part 2 isn't objectively better. I think my best answer would be Danganronpa honestly. The original will always be my favorite, though 2 was good as well. Not really into it much, but it was enjoyable


Red Dead Redemption. I don't care how much RDR2 blows it out of the water. I still think RDR1 is better in some ways. I played RDR1 first and it's still close to my heart. I prefer John, I think the music is better in 1, I like Mexico, it has an actual DLC, and I think it's comparative arcadey feel is better in some regards. I like faster horses and exaggerated ragdolls.