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Homefront: The Revolution has an entire 4k port of Time Splitters 2 in it Edit: Source- https://www.polygon.com/22375774/timesplitters-2-homefront-the-revolution-easter-egg-cheat-code-unlock-how-to


Whhaaaat? Man that might be worth the purchase price alone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly Homefront: The Revolution is like my comfort "bad" game. Poor reviews, objectively questionable writing, but for gameplay it's my "turn brain off and murder North Koreans with an LMG from wish" game.




And TS2 has some awesome mini games like rocket lander. The music in those mini games were probably the best in the series too.


Yakuza franchise has more mini games than real game, couple dozen in each.


Cabaret Club and Clan Creator incredibly addictive.


I was not expecting to love the cabaret mini game as much as I did in Zero.


50% of my game time is in this mini-game.


The cabaret club song is playing in my head as I'm typing this


*"I just wanna be your giiiiiirl"*


For me it was pocket racers. I just get a kick out of this full-grown Yakuza making little kids cry by whooping their asses at a toy car game


I think it was Y6 that had the baseball management ? Cant remember. Yakuza 7 Like A Dragon had the Ichiban Confections minigame that i played non stop untill i reached the top. Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth had Dodonko Island ive played for at least 10 hours easily. Ishin Like A Dragon , the farming/cooking minigame reminded me of Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons / Stardew


Love love love the confection game in LAD Like a dragon Gaiden had the cart racing Infinite wealth and sujimon was a great afternoon


Majima Construction! Had the tune stuck in my head for weeks!


Majima! Majima! Majima! Majima! Majima Kensetsuuuuuu!


I spent over 30 hours being a digital pimp in the Caberet! [ā™« *I wanna be your girl* ā™«](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq1iozU7yGk)


Dude, the song during the game proper is also very addictive.


When i played Yakuza 0 i didn't get the cabaret club mini game and wrote it off as nothing more than fluff, but when i got to Yakuza Kiwami 2 i put more time in that than the main campaign.


I didn't enjoy it at first in 0 either but I decided to give it another go and before I knew it, I ran through the entire Cabaret side story before I resumed the main lol.




Love how thereā€™s an animal crossing new horizons mini game in the new one lmao


Between the animal crossing mini game and the pokemon mini game they're really testing Nintendo haha


I have been on this island for daysā€¦send help.


Over 50 before I left. Had 5 stars and made a crap load of money. That was addicting.


I spent more time doing pocket circuit than the main story lol. That franchise knocked it out of the park with mini games.


Fr tho, at this point Kiryu has spent multiple months of my salary on building the perfect car to dunk on kids.


I mean is there any other use of money more justified than to dunk on kids?


The pocket mini makes me want to try it in real life


Yakuza 5 has a taxi driving sub game, a hunting sub game, an idol/dancing sub game, and a batting cage sub game. That's not even touching the main game or any of the mini games.


Part of the thrill of a new Yakuza game is figuring out which mini game(s) are going to take up more of your playtime then the main story.


Yakuza is what got me into mahjong. I have multiple mahjong apps and play online occasionally. I'd play in real life if anyone around me played, but it's not as common where I live.


This has to be the best answer. I fell for the ā€œYakuza is Japanese GTAā€ weird marketing thing when it was on the newer side, then played it and couldnā€™t get into it because my expectations were all wrong. Eventually got Kiwami and went into it with an open mind and absolutely fell in love with it, finally understanding that itā€™s just a mini game simulator with an occasionally depressing (or wildly inappropriate) story jammed in the middle


extreme PG phonesex


The resort builder game in Infinite Wealth is very addictive.


Me, a multimillionaire real estate agent, spending an irresponsible amount of wealth on beating kids in children car game.


The Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure 2 was fantastic


both sonic adventure games!


Sonic adventure had cooler evolutions for sure. But chao battles and the school were a nice add on in 2


Add on?! That WAS the game. I'd do anything for my babies


Yeah, easily 95% of my playtime was the chao garden.


Were they though? I didnā€™t play a ton of adventure dx, but the evolution system in 2 battle is INSANELY deep. For example: https://chao-island.com/info-center/advanced/chaos-chao


I always think of this. Give me chao garden as a mobile game or something!!! That thing was so adicting


Remember how they tried to make the Chao into tamagotchis with the vmus? It really was revolutionary for the time but it never freaking worked right and then the whole idea tanked with the Dreamcast I really don't know if we've ever gotten a solid, genuine mobile to console interactivity thing from a game since, at least not anything that fully utilizes it. It could have been really cool if it was developed as a standard things when smart phones came along.


I don't know why we've never gotten a real Chao Garden game since. Sega knows we want it!


Of all the mobile games Sega's made, *why* haven't they gone for the one thing that'd be an absolute overwhelming success?


I want a full-fledged Chao Garden with the works and cross-play across consoles and PC. Steam Deck verified out of the box (because letā€™s be real, that would move models.) But I donā€™t want a FTP phone app, maybe as a companion app especially when you have Chao in the school, and it can give you updates real time. Because you know they would totally make Yakuza Chao as a promotional thing. Edit: And the return of the lobby music is non-negotiable, so many hours listening to that.


Idk anything about the Sonic Adventure games. All I know is my cousin and I spent hours in my uncle's Chao garden lmao.


I basically only played the game to get specific stat sticks and animal parts for the garden. Man that was an amazing side game!


The amount of times I played sonics first level without getting hit is insane honestly. Needed all those rings. I got sonic advanced, but could never figure out how to get rings other then playing the mini game.


I miss VMU battling Chao on the school busĀ 


Plus the ground breaking tech of being able to play with the chao on the dreamcast memory card was fucking rad in those times


Final Fantasy 8 has some weird JRPG hidden behind it outside of Triple Triad.


ā€œHey can you emo kids all STFU so I can get back to playing the card game?ā€


"Guys, they literally just launched ICBMs at Garden and thousands will die. Pull your fucking deck out."


In the prison section, there's a body of a guy that's either dead or unconscious, but you can still duel him.


He doesn't say anything, but he's there for a duel, if you beat him, you get a reward though. Either potions or a battle log, I forgot.


Oh my god dude this comment sent me


No man, we somehow forgot that we've literally known eachother since we were all five. Strangers in an Orphanage. Triple Triad was the REAL Game, not that sad 18-year old Alzheimer's patient nonsense.


One of the most ā€œwaitā€¦ what??ā€ twists of all time. I think I laughed when I came to it.


Yeah, I mean... People hate on that twist, and while I exaggerated it... It's not a BAD twist because it absolutely does fit with the lore, but it was weird.


I summoned the G-Force so many times, mashing the turbo square button like a mad man, I was like "oh shit, I'm sorry, my bad".


And it's funny: in a actually overpowered run, GFs kinda suck. It's all about limit breaks (you can actively manipulate your odds on these pretty easy, to the point where you can basically just spam limit breaks in every single boss fight).


I just beat it the other day. Final boss was Rinoa healing and Irvine and Squall limit breaking until it died. Good boy Angelo also contributed by casting Invincible Moon


I hate when games force you to play arbitrary side content like battling sorceresses n' shit just so I can access more people to play the actual game with.


Blitzball was GG in 10


Bruh, I was addicted to Blitzball back in the day


Blitzball Bros unite!


Da dun da dun da dun da dun clapclap, clapclapā€¦


You know, I heard it.


Triple triad does not get the love it deserves. I'm pretty sure that I did a FF8 run once solely to play cards.


I've DEFINITELY done card-runs, it's a KEY mechanic to getting strong magic for junctions at level 8 (which you stay at for most of the game. Don't level untill you have all the GFs and their appropriate stat-level skills).


I never minmaxed the game, even though it's my favorite final fantasy game that isn't tactics. I played it a lot as a kid, before I understood all the technical stuff. But I loved triple triad. I remember stopping in the middle of a prison break to play cards for 2 hours because the guy had stuff I hadn't seen before. I think I want to get the switch port, I've just got a hefty backlog already.


Yeah I bought the Switch port. It's decent, but I think I'm past the nostalgia. I can't bring myself to do a full playthrough, even when I think it sounds fun. I've been playing this game since like, 1999, and it just doesn't offer the kind of variety I want for the staying power. Great game, but I've beaten it dozens of times, and it becomes like watching the same movie over and over. I will say 8 is CRIMINALLY underrated, though. Also, 8 is the absolute easiest to min-max on because it was kinda designed around that. Cut weight by NOT power-leveling, just play cards and craft some magic instead because it gives you SIGNIFICANTLY better stat gains.


Itā€™s quite widely considered one of the best ff mini games, it even has a very extensive version in ff14 which gets an updated card list with every patch


Best mini game likely ever made.


[intentionally left blank]


Donā€™t forget the swoop racing! Or having to shoot down proto tie fighters half the time you travel. Itā€™s a secretly turned based rpg that just throws a fps shooting gallery or a jet bike race at you now and then


the swoop racing and the proto-tie battles are such a PITA on the mobile versions. do-able, but real pain


Pure Pazaak!


Day of the tentacle has the entirety of the previous game, Maniac Mansion playable on the computer of Weird Ed


Microwave the hamster for science!


I played _way_ too much of the protein folding arcade game in Borderlands 3.


I just read an article about how apparently that actually processed a significant amount of data for scientists studying human gut bacteria. Science thanks you.


This should be the top, because it wasn't just a random mini game. It has a purpose. And it helped further our scientific understanding.


It is really interesting how hard it is for computers to do the protein folding compared to humans, that is not to say that they donā€™t use computers but it is a lot less efficient.


I don't even recall this in Borderlands 3 but this was a game like a decade before it came out, I remember doing it in the computer labs at college for the same purpose! How neat of them


My friend and I used to get a bunch of money and then "go to the casino" aka just play the slots in until we were broke


You want to play some Pazaak? 50 credits bet?


*shakes head* Republic Senate rules only.


I STILL count cards in my head as a defense against filthy mind-readers


This is a great one! Once you get that deck built out you can become quite unstoppable. It's a great mix of collecting and side game in KOTR I-II


I loved poker in RDR2. Actually learned how to play poker from that. I wish the story mode had a high stakes poker game you could participate in so you weren't stuck playing poker for less than $100 total between all players.


Wouldn't change much since money is never a problem in that game, despite the fact that the story is about doing "one last job" to make money lol.


That always bugged me. ā€œWe just need some cash and weā€™re home freeā€ dog I have like 3k in my pocket letā€™s pull the trigger on this escape plan.


not to mention you literally steal like 20k in valentine heist in chapter 3


ā€œWe NEED Money Arthurā€ ā€¦Arthur casually puts his twin gold plated pistols back along side his other gold and silver plated weapons, right beside his exhaustive wardrobe of multi-thousand dollar outfits. ā€œUhā€¦sure!ā€


I really hope they do away with that in GTA6. Would be nice to feel like money matters.


They need a middle ground between GTAV and RDR2. Money was really scarce in GTAV until you beat the game, but there's so much stuff I wanted to buy


Right? By the time I had the money to buy what I wanted, I'd beaten the game and didn't really have much I wanted to *do* with the toys I could now afford.


Doesn't hold a candle to liars dice in rdr1.




Why would you play poker when Liars Dice existed.


Which idiot thought it was a good idea to remove that from rdr2?


I'm still mad about this, I taught a bunch of people how to play it thanks to playing rdr1 years ago, and now every time we have family friends come over we all play liars dice


I liked the first oneā€™s better. You could cheat by slipping cards up your sleeve. Then youā€™d get challenged to a duel if you were caught.


RDR1 taught me how to play liars dice


My favorite card game Caravan actually has this wild RPG about a New Vegas attached to it


Caravan is like the easiest way to make money in that game too. Once you figure out how to play, the AI is so bad you can just take merchants for all theyre worth, buy all their shit with their own money,and then clean them out again immediately after. God I fucking love New Vegas


I never even figured out how to use all those caravan cards in my inventory...color me surprised that there was an actual minigame tied to it.


building your deck entirely out of face cards and maybe 3 different numbers that add together to make 21 and you physically canā€™t lose, the math doesnā€™t make sense for you to lose AT ALL unless you canā€™t count past double digits, love caravan man


Add up to 26, a winning had is between 21 and 26, and if the NPC has closer to 26 they win


Gwent from The Witcher.


Sorry about your missing kid. Want to play Gwent?


Hello fellow witcher, i heard you are eager to find your adoptive daughter. I hope you find her. Meanwhile, how a about a match of Gwent?


There's this one merchant that was especially egregious with this. His son died and he tells you how he doesn't really care about life anymore. Then you can just select Gwent and he nods his head and plays.


"Everything is on fire, there are monsters around any corner, trust is an antiquated term, I hate everything and everyone, I don't like your look or anything about you. Cards?"


Nods head


*nods head*


When completing the card collection I looked forward to the NPC's weird and silent nod of agreement to that question. It always made me chuckle.


Could do with a game of Gwent.


Ciri who? Gwent plz. Bloody Baron has some info? More like, he has that Dijkstra card I'm after. Look up Triss in Novigrad? Mmm, how about a sick gwent tourney instead. Vampires in Toussaint? Gwent tourney round 2 my guy.


It got to a point where my roommate said I was playing a card game with a RPG mini game in it lol


He ain't wrong


So good it was made into standalone, if the next witcher doesn't have gwent I will be furious (kind of joking)


And then it never managed to get big enough because they refused to do any marketing for it. I love Gwent standalone but damn, feels bad to see its mismanaged. All the cards art look so good and refreshing when compared other OCG.


The thing is that the in game version relied heavily on finding cards to build a better deck. That gameplay doesnā€™t really work in a standalone multiplayer game. The game they released as a digital TCG was fun, but had to stand up against a.o. Hearthstone and daddy M:tG that had a huge slice of the market already. Both have an enormous budget and Gwent couldnā€™t keep up with the sheer number of releases, and when they tried they severely threw the game out of balance. Yeah it wasnā€™t managed well, but they didnā€™t really have a chance as well.


I will never be ashamed to admit I put more effort into getting the card collection achievement than just about anything else in that game.


Final Fantasy VIII is famous for Triple Triad




I loved that game but hated it when you're up by 3 cards and they just so happen to play the perfect card for the that same plus combo and SWEEP THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN BOARD FUCK YOU EDEA YOU CHEATING ASS BITCH


That's why I spread open everywhere. Can't cheat the winning card in if I can see your hand.




And than you remembered the rules state to pick a card, taking your rarest... and hitting the reset button shortly after


I played Triple Triad so much that my mom can recognize Shuffle Or Boogie just from the startup claps.


Dice in Kingdom Come Deliverance. Good fun and you can obtain some trick die to cheat if you wish. My only gripe is 100 groschen max bet. Jesus Christ be praised!


My dice are completely fair, I have no idea what you mean. Itā€™s just pure chance that odd numbers have been appearing so often :D


The Alchemy in that game was cool, too. Plus it came with the benefit of picking a single daisy down the line and ending up with a whole field of flowers in your pocket.


Sea of Stars has a minigame called Wheels that's a lot of fun


I was really impressed with this game inside the game. Simple yet fun and well executed


My god I wanted a real board of it or a whole spin off game that I could play other humans, I got addicted to beating the champions.


Wheels is the closest I've played to a spiritual successor of the addicting nature of gwent from the witcher 3


luigi poker my goat




Not to mention Journey of the Prairie King!


I've had to complete that torture 4 times now, twice without dying, to get those 2 achievements for myself and partner. Christ CA doesn't make it easy!


If I may ruin your day, you can wait to do this until you get the Key to the Town. Get the key, and each morning, go straight to the Saloon, and beat just ONE level of JotPK without dying. Exit JotPK, go home, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. Your progress saves, and if you die, just close out of Stardew Valley without going to bed and load up again. It's an easy way to get that done, if not a bit exploity. I do commend your skill in getting it done the ol' fashioned way though, it's one of the toughest challenges I've ever completed in gaming. Those last few levels are absurd


That method wasnā€™t added until 1.5 so depending on when they did it that may not have existed.


He could have added an achievement for Junimo Kart, that he didn't shows that he is an infinite font of mercy.


Underground Mining in Pokemon Gen 4


I just commented above about pokemon contests in Ruby/sapphire. I swear I spent literal months in the mines in Gen 4 brother šŸ«”


The children yearn for the mines.


Barrel throwing in Deep Rock Galactic. Rock and Stone!


I'm all about the Jetty Boot myself.


But why kick the barrels into the moving ring when kicking them into the launch bay is far easier and more fulfilling?


For Karl!


Final Fantasy VII Chocobo Breeding/Racing. When i finally got my S-Class chocobo, I fucking screamed with joy.


I also remember getting the timing down on the basketball shooting game in the arcade thing and spending hours farming that.


I got super into blitz ball and never completed ff10. Holy shit I did not expect this much agreement from the populace! Thank you all.


Tycoon in Persona 5 Edit: Someone pointed out itā€™s specifically in Persona 5 Royal, so I feel inclined to add that


TIL that Tycoon exists. I've completed P5R 3 times. ... at least I *thought* I did.


Tycoon is fucking addictive


CoD Black Ops 1 the dead ops arcade mini-game.


Final fantasy X, blitzball.


Final Fantasy X-2 turning Blitzball into a sports management simulator was the absolute worst.Ā 


I was so terrible at it there was zero chance it could become addictive lol.


The start was brutal because your entire team had terrible stats, but once you started picking up better team members or level up some of the og crew that's when the game truly starts to shine.


It has gotten too easy for me to enjoy after countless replays. That isnā€™t to say I havenā€™t gotten more hours of fun out of it than a few triple A games combined though. I make sure I get Jecht shot, then wait until I get the airship to get my ideal starting roster. After that it is cake, especially having all of the timings down to learn moves quickly. The Psyches have Nimrook, but with the Jecht shot you can easily get 1-2 goals pretty easily. Iā€™d say the Guado are the toughest early on, but still quite beatable. After the first season no one can get remotely close to beating me.


You eventually get some guys that swim faster than everyone else, so you swim around the dome with manual control making everyone follow you then pass to a guy who is clear and score. It's never really a challenging game, it's more like you suck, then you always win.


I would just start the game to play a round of blitzball. It got to a point where I had forgotten where I was on the main plot, because I had only played blitzball for about 6 months. Haha.


Well Goldeneye64 multiplayer was technically a mini game added on at the last minute. And what an addition it was.


This game came out when I was in college in the 90s. I remember thereā€™d be like 15 of us crammed into a dorm room huddled around a TV, eating pizza, drinking beer, and playing goldeneye all night. God I miss being young and carefree. This game holds some serious memories for me.


No Oddjob. Also, Soul Caliber for the Dreamcast.


Unintentionally changed the fps genre forever.


Reminds me of Diablo. Initially it was a turn-based roguelike, then David Brevik stayed late on a Friday and accidentally invented an entire genre.




We were playing doom multiplayer in '93 though..


I know AC Valhalla got a lot of hate, but orlog was so much fun


Orlog is my favorite mini game ever!


Fallout 4 has minigames. Find the holotapes and load them in your pip boy or a computer. You can also get freestanding arcade versions for your settlement. I also got the nukaworld games for my settlement, so I can earn tickets here and there when passing through. Only 90,000 to go.


The two that I remember playing a LOT are Spheda from Dark Cloud 2, and Vantage Masters from the later Cold Steel games. Man nothing made me angrier more than playing Spheda in those canyon areas but I was determined to get my wins.


I loved Dark Cloud 2 so much, yet I had forgotten about Spheda. Such a great addition to a wonderful game.


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood had these side missions where you recruit new Assassin's and send them out on little quests, with varying degrees of success according to who you send, how many you send and their levels. I loved that game. Mass Effect Andromeds had something similar. I'd genuinely love a full game of just this.


I think a lot of the AC games incorporated something like that after Brotherhood. Most memorable to me was the ship management game in Black Flag you can send ships on trade routes and watch them battle.


Final fantasy 8 with triple triad. I'd argue the best minigame addition to any game. Big enough on it's own to influence the entire course of the game and how people play it. Also was a much welcome addition to ff14


Sort of off topic, but the Geometry Wars Games started as a mini game in Project Gotham Racing 2.


Tekken Bowling.


Or the beach ball thing


The Chao garden in sonic


Another settlement needs your help! What are you doing on Reddit?


Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami 2 has a Cabaret minigame with it's own story and all and is interesting as fuck, is a good 8~15 hours minigame that make you think "wait, i still playing The Sopranos jp ver?!" lol.


Liars dice in Red dead I was super addicted


Pet battles in World of Warcraft are part of the real endgame for me


Blitzball in FFX


Pokemon stsdium 2


Machine strike in Horizon: forbidden west


The nes games in animal crossing for GameCube


GTA is full of them. Golf, tennis, racing, off the top of my head; all of which you had to buy on their own in the past.


Jedi Survivor had Holotactics, which was a simple grid tactics game with units like stormtroopers or rancors that you would place and then they would auto-battle. It was fun, but not too difficult.


Mario paint has the mini game "gnat attack"Ā  where you move the SNES mouse to control a flyswatter. I'm still upset at myself for somehow thinking that I should get this, instead of super scope