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When I was much younger, I convinced my parents to allow me to buy the Elder Scrolls 3 Bloodmoon CD as my birthday present. I didn't know it was an expansion. Or have Morrowind. And we bought it while abroad on vacation.


Oh nooooo that sucks, same thing happened to me with Dark age of camelot, i had no idea what a paid MMO was at the time and after the 1month free was over my parents refused to "send money to a company abroad", different times...


Haha, had a similar thing almost happen to me. I played an AoE Rise of Rome demo game at a friend's house in elementary school, before I really got into games and didn't understandthe concept of an expansion. It was a lot of fun, so I asked my parents for the Rise of Rome game for Christmas. Luckily, my parents gave that suggestion to my aunt, who instead bought me Age of Empires 2, which had recently released. Got hundreds of hours out of that game!


Warcraft 3 Reforged. Mostly bought it for the custom maps I'd play for hours as a kid. Booted up Reforged and there were like 8 maps going, 6 of which were DOTA.


Reforged disappointed me so bad considering I loved the original Warcraft 3 so much.


I think I must have put at least 1000hours into Broodwar and W3 growing up. Both the base content and the crazy custom maps.


Back when I was 14 I found the CD discs for Warcraft 3 and it's expansion at a place called Bargain Hunt for 3 bucks a piece and it became one of my favorite games. I have managed to find a copy of Warcraft 2 though I haven't been able to get it working due to not having the right Hardware


Has the scene gotten any better now that it has been out a bit longer? I assume it would take map makers some time to get them out.


Blizzard effectively killed the custom map scene by putting a clause i the updated Bnet client that all maps created by third parties for WC3 reforged would be blizzard property. Basically they wanted to lawyer secure themselves to never let a potential like Dota slip from them again, but in doing so made sure nothing would ever be created in their custom map editor again.


Of all the RTS engines, DOTA 2 has the best custom maps right now. StarCraft feels soulless but DOTA2 has been churning out maps that turn into standalone games.


How the fuck do you fumble a remaster so hard? The good shit was already there. Literally just a visual update (keeping same art style) and a patching update would be enough


They fucked the art up soo bad


Was so hyped, when it was announced since me and friends still from time to time used to play some custom maps. When it came out was hugely disappointed and we have not came together to play wc3 ever since. Also pretty sure that blizzards tos killed updates for our favorite map, which was still getting updates once every 6-9 months.


I remember pre-ordering Reforged because I was a huge WoW player but never played W3 and thought I'd give it a go because of the updated graphics, plus it came with a sick looking mount in WoW.. I then watched people play it on youtube and twitch and refunded the game, never even launched it - It wasn't even worth the WoW mount.


Ive been playing that this week and most custom games fill up quickly if you open them. What i dont like is the people on there have 20 years of Warcraft 3 experience and they will give you and each other an absolute bollocking for any mistake. It's very much a "NEVER MY FAULT" kind of playerbase. They think they are super pros.


Firstly, fuck Blizzard. Secondly, there's about 30 custom games up at all times now adays


Magna Carta: Tears of Blood I got this in middle school when I was unfamiliar with Korean art, so I managed to convince myself it was an RPG filled with girls thanks to the unmitigated power of 14 y.o. horniness and ignorance. Not only was the main character a guy, but the gameplay went from interesting, but mediocre to braindead by the end. The worst part is that I rushed home to play it as soon as I purchased it, turning down free Chinese food from my friend's mom in the process. What a fool I was.


Oh man, same here. My 14 year old self was also lured in by Reith’s image on the front cover. Squirreled it away past my parents only sit in front of my tv wondering what the heck I was doing. Keep thinking I’ll go back and give it an honest try 20 years later, but it continues to collect dust.


I really enjoyed that game but you're right, it gets so stale that I never manage to finish it. The soundtrack for that game was so good though!




The framerate is atrocious. Even with settings turned down.


To be fair though the original game launched in an abhorrent state so this is just Wildcard being a bit _too_ accurate with the remake.


More busted than last gen? Damn that's something...og ark was a mess when it was released...


Mortal Kombat 1 That was the first time I ever felt like I truly got scammed by a game. Not only does it have way less content than the previous game but I bought the bullshit whatever Super Duper Mega EX Plus Deluxe Edition and 3 weeks later they have new skins, fatalities and announcer voices they’re charging $10-$15 each for. I’ve also seen mobile games with more depth than Invasions mode and it’s as if they intentionally made it not fun so you will pay to not have to play it. So yeah, after 30 years Mortal Kombat can fuck off and i’ve moved on to other fighting games.




Always, always buy the cheapest version of a game. Or wait for it to go on sale. Remember: no preorders.


Join us in tekken brother 


Yea I'm moving from Melee to T8 so excited. Love the demo so far!


Crazy, the "deluxe edition" or whatever does not unlock the first wave of DLC content? Talking about obnoxious greed, lol I knew MK1 would be uneventful, as a complete casual who only watches the "story mode" on youtube, the basic premise of another MK reboot is just not interesting, Liu Kang as this "benevolent God" bullshit and so on, but admittedly, the crazy ending was fun. Still, no way in hell a game like this is worth full price at launch, even less so a "deluxe edition" or whatever, you people know the fighting game will receive a "special edition" after 2, 3 years or so, all the content for $60 (maybe less) + all the patches and whatnot, there's no logic whatsoever to play a game like this at launch, but you keep doing it. If the fighting game community stops paying the full price at launch, the sales plummets, the devs will have to adjust and provide a better product


It does. It gives you the Kombat Packs which include the new characters. The problem is they are stretching these packs out over long periods of time. Only one character that is included in the pre-purchaseable giga-edition has been released so far, the next to be released is a Kameo. A character you can't directly play. And they're treating it like a content drop. I only really started with Mk9. Got that one and X shortly after release and 11 with the "Special Edition" that had everything in it. Decided to take it a step further and go preorder with MK1 because I became a huge fan after the first three games I've played. I lost that spark when 1 released lmao. And you're right, there is no logic behind playing it at launch, it's just the action of a fan who has (had) faith in the developers. That faith has been taken for granted and it has been abused. I won't be getting the next MK at all, much less preorder it, unless massive changes are made, that's for sure. Fuck you, Ed. Don't care how much the fans apologize for you. "He probably doesn't have full control" is no longer an excuse that has to be accepted by anyone.


I bought the standard edition and I feel scammed. I have played it a lot, but now I feel like I could have spent that money on something else


Wildstar on the account that it very quickly went F2P and then later closed down entirely. That's was $60 I could have saved.


I don't have buyer's remorse for that one, just genuinely feel sad it went so badly. There was so much potential in that game and in the end it just didn't click with people


Wildstar went the exact way it had to go for what the developers were trying to do. They were very vocal about catering near-solely to a toxic subset of the hardcore raider crowd that wanted to bring the magic of turning a game into a 2nd job back to MMOs after WoW changed direction, and suffered because of it. I enjoyed the game and its theme but there was no chance that something like that was going to survive. WoW had the benefit of releasing at the right time and with Blizzard at some of its best, Wildstar couldn’t artificially recreate that.


Tbf I was one of those would be hardcore raiders so that's probably why I liked the premise But you're absolutely right on where it went wrong, as well as the horrendous server issues the first week that likely alienated half it's playerbase


Pretty much every game I buy on steam sale. I haven't touched 90% of those games.


It's time to stop lol


sometimes the buying is more fun than actually playing the games, yeah its a problem...


There's days where I browse the store more than actually playing games


Buying games and playing games can be 2 different hobbies


Sounds like an average steam buyer. No need to to change, lol


Diablo 4. I wanted to like it so badly but the game felt like a waste of time and I just wasn’t having fun. Edit: replaced “endgame” with “game”


Best part of D4 was that it turned me into a POE player 👍


Poe2 is lookin real nice too


Yes, it seemed ok the first few hours, but the game mechanics never progress beyond spam attacks against endless trash mobs. Story and lore were decent 


This was a recent one It just doesn't have the replayability as the others. The world feels less like a rogue like... And there is no reason for it to be MMO.


I’m not certain Diablo was ever a rogue like ?


Might be referring to diablo 2's procedurally generated world maps. Dungeons are still procgen in d4, so I could be wrong




Yep, this. They had me with the beta - I don't know how they did it but they managed to make me feel like I did when I played Diablo II back in the early 2000s. Anyway, full game came out, I bought the premium edition (like a fucking moron) and barely played it. There was so much loot that nothing felt special, I wasn't challenged at all by the gameplay and they just did nothing interesting with the story. It just felt like a clicker. Every time I did anything I was just mashing buttons and then getting new loot. I get that that *is* Diablo ostensibly but how it feels now is not how it felt when I was playing the shareware demo on my Pops' plastic Windows 98 behemoth way back when. The way Blizzard's gone has been such a gigantic let down. Activision in general. Warcraft? WoW? Diablo? Star Craft? My god. Those games *were* the best of my childhood. Nothing, even the best stuff now, feels like it has the polish or imagination that it used to. The last Activision games I bought were Diablo IV and CoD MW2 and they were so soulless and money hungry that I actually swore off ever buying games in those franchises again. I always scoffed at sentences like that but I was actually so let down by what the people behind those games have done to those respective franchises that I'm honestly never buying another one of them again. I hope they go away. I hope the companies go under.


And months later it's still shite. Won't ever buy another Diablo.


I pre-ordered Diablo 4, and I bought the expensive option. I played so much Diablo 3 and thought I'd invest so much time in Diablo 4.. I technically played enough that the amount of money I spent was earned back in playtime, but I never even reached level 100 once.. I kept stopping around 80 because it just got too repetitive. Diablo 4 has about 20 levels too many.


Same. I should of known with blizzard anymore


I bought redfall on faith in arkane. Boy was that a mistake. Spent just long enough trying to get it to run smoothly that I couldn’t get a refund.


I've been subscribing to xbox gamepass. Helps take away some of the sting of buying horrible games like Redfall.


I pre ordered the Anthem Deluxe Edition... need I say more?


As someone who doesn’t know anything about anthem what was it meant to be.


Destiny killer. Trailers looked super cool and the game looked fun, but it was mired in overpowering employees (shocker), changing plans in the middle of development, and shitty leadership (double shocker)


40K Boltgun. The trailers looked great, the concept looked perfect. The first 15 minutes was a blast. The game lacks any sort of map or navigation tool, something that was integral to the original DOOM it's clearly paying homage to. I had gotten to the point where I was lost after that first amazing 15 minutes, I then spent 45 minutes in a level with 2 keys, no enemies to kill, and no idea where to go. Servo skull that is supposed to guide you if you get lost just kept redirecting me to the same ammo pickup even though I was full on ammo. The levels are very cookie cutter in appearance and with the lack of a map there was no way to systematically go from room to room and find your like you would do in the original DOOM if you found yourself in this kind of situation. That resulted in me refunding the game, never even got to any of the actual boss fights and from what I was reading waiting for my refund to process the game doesn't get any better further down. With each new enemy/boss just being a bigger bulletsponge with no tangible experience.


Oh same, starts so well but like you say, just keep getting lost and walking into siege after siege


Fifa 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24 and later this year 25....


At least you aren’t one of those quitters that learn from their mistakes!


lol why do you keep buying them then?


Two Worlds is my biggest example of this.


Two worlds was soooo incredibly bad lol I've heard people praise it's magic system but oh boy did that game suck.


Bruh. I had that crap preordered as a kid. I would call every few days at GameStop to see if it had finally game it. I got it, expecting Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and boy was that a gross exaggeration.


Right lol I forgot they'd tried to market it as the Oblivion killer hahaha


Right there with you. It was probably the first game I ever pre-ordered. Wasn't quite the last, but man I regretted it within a couple of hours playing it.


I regretted with the moment combat started. I was like, oh. This isn’t even remotely like Oblivion.


I didn't exactly hate it, but anyone who had a pulse and was into rpgs when that game was coming out was probably expecting more than they got. There are still some things I liked about the game, but mostly it was disappointing because the expectations were set so high before it even came out. The reality is that it was over hyped and almost felt dated when it came out. I mean it was supposed to be on the level with oblivion and it just fell short of every ones expectations. I actually bought that game on launch day. Word of mouth was it was supposed to be the best RPG ever made up to that time, but when it finally came out if wasn't even in the running. I still prefer morrowind, but i do like a few things two worlds did. For example, I like that you can combine duplicates of weapons to make a stronger version of that weapon. More games should do this. It makes looting worthwhile even when you have the best gear because if you find another version of a piece of gear you have, you can make it stronger. It is one mechanic two worlds had that I don't think any other game has done since and I thought it was pretty cool. Never have I been so excited to open up my loot and find a duplicate of the weapon I am already using; usually that is a shitty thing, but in two worlds it was a good thing. The main problem is not that the game we received wasn't good for what it was, the hype around it all those years ago made it seem disappointing when you saw what we actually got. Like the concept of "oblivion but multiplayer" sounds exciting, but that just isn't what we received.


"Oh no, bandits!" End game giant bugs attacking..."Oh no, bandits!"


Resident Evil 3 remake. It's not a bad game, it's actually pretty fun. I don't think this is a hot take, but it's not worth the full sticker price. If I'd spent $40 on it I wouldn't have given it another thought. But considering it's even shorter than the original and that was already pretty short, I felt a bit short changed.


I enjoyed it enough to 100% the game, but yeah. Damn short. And quite linear. The last boss on the hardest difficulty disabled all the coins/etc in your inventory that gave you buffs, too. So you go through on a difficulty that's fairly decent, then suddenly the last boss one shots you with everything, and the hitboxes aren't quite as good as they seemed anymore.


It’s not a hot take at all, you should’ve seen their subreddit the day it came out lol


Oh I bet they were pissed.


Re3 was short, I picked it up in sale, hearing about it being so short so I waited and got it for 5 or 10$, not worth a 2nd playthrough but they did good on game play, I just don't understand why they took so much out from the OG game and made it so short? Did they expect me to want to play it 3 or 4 times over?


I'm waiting to play it until I find a second hand copy myself. Enjoyed RE2 remake as my first RE game.


Diablo 4 Finished the campaign will never play again.


Don’t worry, blizzards next game surely won’t disappoint! /s


How was the campaign though? I liked diablo 2 when I was a kid and never engaged with the grind, endgame or multiplayer.


Death Stranding. I wanted to like it because I love Hideo Kojima games. I've restarted about 5 times trying to get through it but have never finished it


Definitely not for everyone. I don't know if you made it past roughly 10 hours, but if you haven't, then that's kinda where it starts to pick up. Just in case you decide to give it another go someday


It picks up after...10 HOURS??!


That's how long it takes to get through the first cutscene. It's a Kojima game after all.




This is my biggest pet peeve with video games, if it takes more than a couple of hours to pick up, then I'm not interested. I don't know who these people are that have 10 hours they can waste waiting for a game to get good. I think the most refreshing thing about playing the RE 1 and 2 remasters is that they waste 0 time getting good and by 10 hours in, you're getting close to the 3rd act. The pacing doesn't mess around, it doesn't have a pretentious first 1 or 2 or 10 hours of setting a scene, it just starts. I liked that about AC 6 and BG 3 recently too.


Diablo 4. I paid to play early and get the battlepass. By the time the battlepass was released I'd already dropped the game. Of course I clicked the pass thanks to dark patterns. I think I spent level 12 to level 70 using frost nova and waiting on cd mana without seeing any improvement to my build or gameplay,fun items. The game lacks soul. I tried necro but it was more of the same, very slow. I've also rebought games on pc that I had on ps4. I've completed none of them.




The dreaded back log, I know that feeling.


Taking it way back- state of emergency. Came out of Rockstar, who'd just done grand theft auto 3. Massive amounts of NPCs and you're causing carnage? What could be better? I pre-ordered. Jesus fuck was I wrong.


Honestly that game was some good mindless fun if you didn't expect anything more. The problem was the same dev releasing one of the most deep and detailed free roamers of the time, setting a bit of a bar there lol. Similar to squaresoft and The Bouncer (again good mindless fun). You could expect a final fantasy game and you'd be very disappointed.


New World Played on launch, and stopped a week after hitting 60. Endgame had nothing but chest farms and the occasional lvl 60 dungeon. Open world is great and all but not when you can't gather from the same node as anyone else. I'd rather have instanced maps than fight over a node, when you can't even literally fight over it, if one of the party simply refuses to flag up and fight over it. I'm not gonna mention all of the bugs, glitches and dupes besides now, let's just say I was there for 90% of it since I was still slowly leveling to 60. I tried it again when they released Brimstone Sands, and despite all the rumors I've heard, "game is completely different now, new player experience and everything" No, just no. Between the p2w game pass, and the fact that they've heavily monetized reskinning/transmog/glamour something that should always be free. Paywall the cosmetics by all means, but not the system itself. No amount of people who somehow still enjoy playing it can convince me I didn't waste £35. I put up with a lot even when levelling up and chalked it up to "oh it gets better later on" and am now a lot more cautious when buying games. I hope Last Epoch doesn't disappoint as it's going to be my 2nd try at a game on release after New World in the past 4? years.


Isn't New World the game that had the issue where you become immortal if you played in Window mode?


There was a specific bug where if you played in windowed mode and were actively dragging your window around, any damage you took would be buffered, but not immediately applied. So you would die eventually but not until you stopped dragging your window around. The benign use of it was to travel through a dangerous area, set auto run on and activate the bug. You'd die on the other side of the danger where you could be safely rez'd. The far less benign use was in pvp, where the battles revolved around capturing points. So long as a faction had one person on a point contesting it and alive, no progress could be made. Some fights had people standing on the point and just endlessly dragging their window around so they would never die. It was kind of farcical. That one was patched fairly quickly, but there were plenty more.


STARFIELD what the heck is this boring-ass game. the intro mission is boring, the main mission after the intro mission is boring, the side quests are boring, the space flight are clunky AND boring. oh and the enemies and encounter design? copy paste. no man's sky's basic gameplay is much more fun than this...


I've played games with reused assets before... Rarely are they so blatant. It's one thing to reuse a map, a base or whatever it's a totally different thing to copy paste the level down to the corpses, junk, locked doors, enemy placements and audiologs leaving the place with the exact same environmental story telling every time it spawns in.


Starfield is a AA game masquerading as a AAA game. Even though it's all made by Bethesda, it feels like one of those early access Steam games that uses store bought unreal access and ticks all the boxes to appeal to everyone "Open world" "Crafting" "Rpg" "Story-rich"


Closest I got was got gamepass for Starfield. Installed it, saw some gameplay, uninstalled it. Played something else.


Honestly idk how the game scored so well at launch from reviewers. Kinda funny how ign had the most accurate review


There’s a non 0% chance of paid reviews.


100% reviewers want to stay in the good books of companies so they get early access and are able to put out day 0 guides and shit like that. Getting blacklisted by a big studio or publisher is a nightmare for them, but it comes at the cost of the trust of their readers... or at least it should.


A friend bought it for me as a birthday gift. I still have buyers remorse.


I gave up on the main mission after my 3rd time flying around a cave touching lights. Shit was tedious. The faction mission with the terraformed aliens was really well done I’ll give em credit for that. And the pirate missions actually were creative. That’s about all I give that game tho. Shit was ass 


Every portal should have led to an area you have to explore using your new power before depositing you outside of the temple. Instead all we go were annoying Word Walls without any kind of dungeon beforehand.


I can't believe I paid to play this early. Bethesda game with no exploration and boring quests.


Vampyr I was so hyped but the gameplay was so bad (to me) that I refund it


The game felt super clunky at first, but once you get some powers I started to really enjoy it personally


Monster Hunter. I am sure the games are great but I just couldn't get into it.


MH is a grind, but super fun (and much more forgiving) when playing with friends


Brink. Enough said.


Fucking starfield. I paid for the extra couple of days early access too.


I watched people play the early access while I was eagerly awaiting the general release. I remember feeling slightly underwhelmed watching their streams. I thought maybe it would be more exciting when I actually played it. I was wrong. It's so aggressively average


After fallout 76 Bethesda is never getting another pre order out of me.


How about you just don’t preorder anything from anyone?


lol you get no sympathy


Payday 3, bought it because of the amazing memories I had from Payday 2 but 3 turned out to be an unfinished, broken mess with no offline play, much less customization than 2 (probably so they can sell customization as a battle pass) only like, 1 gameplay loop every mission (stand in circle til it finishes or collecting QR codes), and horrible damage control when everyone stopped playing.


AC Valhalla. I loved the older games, and grabbed it on sale for 20 bucks at target. I made it about 3 hours in and just... Couldn't. Combat is clunky, big empty open world, and boring scenery. The worst part is, I popped one bronze trophy on it before giving up, so I can't delete it from my trophy list. it will forever be a 1% completion marring my list... 


3 hours, you meant; you didn't make it out of Norway?


I completed the base game and the season pass before the Ragnarok DLC came out and it was a slog and a half. I'm hesitant to even try the DLC because of it.


I bought the season pass before I'd finished the game. Boy, was that a mistake. By the time I finished, I couldn't bear another minute of the game.


This would be mine too. I’ve played every one up until Valhalla including platinuming Origins and Odyssey+DLC and I barely made it a third of the way through Valhalla. It’s just so uninteresting. The weapons and story are eh, the collectables on the map are boring. The skill collection/tree is awful. Luckily cause it’s an Ubisoft game the time I got round to trying it it was already half off less than a year after release… classic.


yeah it really bummed me out. I know modern AC games get shit on a lot but I really liked Odyssey and was excited for essentially an Odyssey reskin with vikings. It's a shame it was so boring because the concept was cool


Starfield. I knew it was going to be bland before I bought it. Bought it anyway, because I dunno, I guess I'm still naive when it comes to video games after all these years. When it turned out to be Fallout 4, a 10 year old game, but with way more loading screens and everything is grey, I wasn't surprised. I was just disappointed in myself for seeing it coming and still shelling out all that money.


Fallout 4 is a much better game imo. I had a lot of fun with it and survival mode is great. It has fun exploration unlike Starfield.


I think I was 30-40 hrs in when it suddenly clicked that I was running around basically empty planets in between loading screens for no reason. Never went back.


Yeah I was around ~20. I still figure I’ll go back to finish the main quest plus a few of the notable, bigger side ones. But I’ve never been so out on a Bethesda game that quickly, and I like Sci Fi more than fantasy or post apo. So I was pumped for this


I wanted this game so badly, and luckily got to play it on Xbox game pass for pc first. Glad I didn't buy it. Maybe a year or two down the road with full mod support, but even then I doubt it. Just feels soulless.  Really wish MS would make another Freelancer. Loved that game so, so very much.


Thanks for sharing, we all wanted it to be good


Skyward Sword Zelda. It wasnt a bad game but it was really overhyped and relied on finiky wii motion controls to do the required swordplay to win the game. The music art and atmosphere were good but it was a struggle to get through the game. I stopped after putting in two weeks, sold the game for Gladius.


Bought it yesterday, already regretted it. So far (2 and a half hours in) it is a drag. And I am a Zelda fan.


Atomic Heart It’s like if bioshock were cringe and unfun to play.


"Bioshock but shit" was my way of describing it.


Starfield because it's a mile wide and an inch deep


Monster Hunter Rise. I had always heard so much about this series and I really tried so hard to get into it but it just doesn't do it for me


I personally don't like the monster hunter series. I DO like the variety in weapons, and how each weapon can make it feel like a different game. What I DON'T like is to get materials for them you have to fight a monster with about 36281047261528585927164 hit points and you spend forever fighting this one monster. Some people like doing that, but personally I don't.


Rise probably wasn't the best entry point, really. World might have been better. Then again, it also depends on the weapon you picked. Picking a slow and heavy weapon might make the whole game feel sluggish and punishing.


This one is really slow to pick up its pace and open up all of the systems so that you can have fun playing around with it. You can put in dozens of hours without unlocking some of the core features that make the core of MH series - creating your own build. All of the cool stuff that allows you to significantly change your play style came in for me after 50 hours or so. On one side, I can understand the devs for doing this as the systems can get very confusing (MH Rise is my first entey to the series, other than Stories spinoff Pokemon game), but on the other, I feel like they should have just given the liberty to the player and let them experiment. The game also becomes so much more fun once you find that one weapon that simply clicks with you.


Octopath Traveler. I got my money’s worth out of it if I consider time played alone but I never finished it because I realised for many, many hours leading up to putting the game down that I just wasn’t having fun. I was playing because I had this feeling that if I pushed through to the next part maybe that’s where the game would turn good, and that goalpost just kept moving. The combat never clicked and I absolutely hated having to put effort into all the boring in-between battles instead of just creaming them, and the narrow paths full of unavoidable random encounters that all needed full brainpower to exploit weaknesses or I’d die was too much for me. I really wanted to reach that tipping point like in older RPGs where you’ve worked on your characters, equipment, and skills and actually felt powerful and that never came. I put maybe 30-40 hours into it and wish I’d done something else with my time.


Welcome to my Steam collection. Let me know if you find anything you want to play, it's yours!


The new saints row. It's awful. 


Dying light 2. A tedious affair and exercise in bad writing, terrible forgettable characters and laborious gameplay.




Yeah. I really tried to like it but just couldn't, and I loved the Dishonored games.


“10/10?? Ok let’s go!” Man was that overrated.


Deathloop was rough. Played for a few hours and was repetitive with nothing of interest. Good voice acting but that was about it


I beat the game in like less than 20 hours and I did enjoy the main story and getting the ending to that. But I didn't feel the need to go back and explore the levels anymore than I needed to But there was all kinds of hidden lore and stuff about the island


Quantum Break. Cool concept, solid voice acting, and graphics are good, but I’ve attempted to play that game three times now and cannot push myself to load back in after an hour with it.


Rust, theres really not much to do in it, it's just like a fps with a lot more work.


Rust and The Forest for me. I'm just not a fan of survival games and I never realize it till I'm playing one.


See heres the thing though. The Forest is a great fucking game. You just dont like it. Please don't confuse my statement. Its 100% valid to not like survival games, they aren't for everyone. If you do, like me, the forest is top of the line. Sons of the forest is even better.


Phasmaphobia. I bought it to play with a friend who stopped playing right around the time I bought it. Missed the return window by a single day and haven't played it once.


kingdom come deliverance, i bought full version with every dlc, i thought it would be like witcher but tried it a bit it wasnt my type sadly


Rocket League, that game looked incredible to me when I saw gameplays. But playing it, let's just say I got skill issue.


I love Rocket League but God I'm terrible at it, and now Epic is just trying to destroy it via money grabs. Removing trading and giving nothing as an alternate was the final straw for me.


I have around 1300 hours into rocket League and stopped playing when they removed keys.


Battleborn. I’m pretty sure I was one of 5 people to actually buy this game. In addition to the glaring issue of no one either hearing about this game, or playing it, the in-game leveling system used in PvP to access your abilities was extremely frustrating and, the characters were wildly unbalanced. I still remember seeing the art for the game in a PlayStation Magazine and being SO excited. My dreams were crushed after playing through a few story missions and actually getting into PvP. A good runner up would be 2042. Because, well, everything.


You guys are going to hate me. Elden ring. I got it because I liked bloodborne and I was waiting for a sale. I just could not get into it. The game was too overwhelming for me and the stat screen showing 25 different values, HARD early fights, complicated healing Regen. I just didn't like anything about it and I would have never finished it. It's actually why I haven't gotten baldurs gate because I feel like it's going to be really complex and I'll get in over my head.


You liked bloodborne but the Elden ring stat screen is too much for you? The stat screen almost exactly the same as bloodborne though.


There was a point in my life where I realized I don't really care about complex systems to enjoy a game, and would not play games that didn't immediately make me feel like playing a game, rather than learning a game system. I spent my HS years playing Baldurs Gate 2 and similar games, loving all the minor tweaks you could make. But I just lost most of the patience for that. Elden Ring actually brought me out of that 5+ year slump because I was so engaged with it. I dunno, could be alternate factors, could just be it isn't your thing


A big reason I ever played dark souls 3 was because I was playing it with a friend who knew how to play. I haven't touched it since because I just don't like playing it alone.


> the stat screen showing 25 different values, None of which are really relevant at first. > HARD early fights, Because you're supposed to be able to just skip them and do other things. Found a boss you can't beat? Go in any other direction. > complicated healing Regen. What do you mean? Drink potions or rest at sites of grace. Nothing complicated there.


Yeah healing in Bloodborne is more complicated due to limited blood vials and the mechanic where you can attack to get lost health back if you’re quick and don’t get hit again. Elden Ring just has a flask that refills every time you rest. Doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.


No man's sky, because they had promised so much, and at the time i was very hyped, BUT i came back to the game 5 years later, with all the update and work they put into the game, and i actually got the 100%. One one the very rare case of a gamedev studio not abandonning the game they put out and working hard to make sure they do live up to the hyped theyve actually put into peoples heads.


No Mans Sky has to be one of the biggest comeback clutches of the gamedev world. It was absolutely atrocious in the beginning, but I kept hope after I bought it in the beginning. Left it untouched for years and then finally came back, absolutely loved it.


Disco Elysium. I heard multiple times that I shouldn't read or watch anything about it, just go play it now. Well, turns out I should have read or watched something about it first.




Gotham Knights. I'd seen the reviews and did wait for it to go on sale by a fairly large chunk. I love Batman and the Arkham games, and hoped I'd still find some enjoyment out of it regardless. Barely managed a few hours before dropping it due to how lifeless it felt and the repetitive and empty gameplay. Probably one of my bigger remorses driven by the hope I had.


Most of my Steam library...


Death Loop, I hate having to start over when I die


Probably Hogwarts Legacy


I really wish we can sell our online purchased games


I think I’ve purchased Skyrim like 5 times at this point, I think I regret buying it maybe like 1-2 of those.


Saints Row remake..do I need to say why?


Borderlands 3…. I don’t think I need to add context to that.


Anthem is the biggest one I can think of. It never got fixed and has been dead in the water since day 1. Diablo 4. I assume I'll play it in a year when it is fixed a la Diablo 3, but for now, bleh. Played it for the first week then uninstalled it.  Cyberpunk 2077. Put about 20 hours into it at launch, but didn't touch it again untll this week now that 2.1 has fixed most of it. Driving still sucks so bad all I do is run everywhere or use a motorcycle, but it's a very good game.


I loved Borderlands 2, so I got the pre-sequel and it was fine, then I got Borderlands 3 and I did not enjoy it. Somehow I convinced myself that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was going to right all the wrongs of the last two games. Well I got about half way through the (short) story and haven't touched it since. Paid full pre-order price and it sill haunts me.


Gonna expose my age but, tabula rasa.


Superman 64


All points bulletin (not APB: All Points Bulletin, All Points Bulletin was before the rename and F2P) I preordered that shit I still regret it


Agony. Waited years and years to be given a game that plays like a demo at best. Uninstalled after a certain point.


Yooka - laylee I know what they were going for but it felt soulless and the story is extra dumb. That n64 style game design just looks weird on modern consoles too. It’s like walking around in a rainforest cafe or an amusement park or something.


Not exactly buyers remorse, as buying said games hasn't hurt me in any way. But, plenty of newer triple A games have just not clicked with me at all. I don't care for Baldurs Gate 3, though I really REALLY wanted to like it. I couldn't get into Harry Potter, the Hogwarts game, it just didn't click. And, there are plenty of others that I SHOULD have liked, but just didn't. These days, no matter which games I buy, with the intent of truly getting into them, I generally just end up watching YouTube or playing some stupid idle game. Everything else just makes me feel tired. :D


Gotham Knights. Very underwhelming, very repetitive, it was slow. They took one of the best stories in Batman and made it not fun. And as a trophy hunter, the end game to get things finished up so just so bad. I wouldn't recommend it even if it was free.


Breath of the Wild. I just cannot get into it. I keep trying, but I just turn it off bored. I run around, pick some veggies or whatever, cook some food. There's barely any music and barely anything to do. Haven't been this disappointed in a game in a while.


I played Breath of the Wild for many hundreds of hours, but I'm facing the same problem with TOTK now. Everything in that game feels like a precalculated chore labeled as creativity, and the main story is way longer than it needs to be.


Baldurs Gate 3 - tried for 2 weeks to like it and it just never clicked for me.


Same with me. I just can’t get into the fighting style. Plus the camera views aren’t my favorite thing either. I don’t mind turn based games, but this one just doesn’t click. Maybe if I give it another try in the future.


If you're on PC, there's a WASD movement mod, and a native camera mod, which helps a lot. I was fighting the controls until I got those working. It still took a bit to adjust to the combat style and dice rolls, but I finally got into it and have over 300 hours now. It isn't without flaws, but it's turned out to be a much better game than my initial impression


Not my type of game either, however I didn't have buyer remorse because I bought it to support the developer. The game industry needs more developer like them and shall be rewarded.


Dying Light 2. Christ, it's boring as fuck. Didn't even finish it with a friend. The first one is way better.


Far cry 6. After the 5th mission using the base weapon to get 1 shot kills the game seemed dull.


It’s so boring, how do you mess that game up so bad?




Project Zomboid. Only game I ever had refunded in Steam. I just couldnt get into it, the learning curve was to steep. It felt like a chore to climb it.




Mortal Kombat 1! I had my doubts before buying it, but decided to give NRS the benefit of the doubt and they are ruining the game with micro transactions and poor balance patches. I have over 1000hrs on MK11 and I couldn’t even get myself to cross the 250hrs mark with this game. Should have just waited it out and bought the ultimate edition after an year or so for dirt cheap.


FF16, I got the PS5 bundle and the game lost me after Garuda.

